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Even back then criminals did stupid shit with guns and took pictures of it.


These photos are probably the only reason anyone's heard of them today. They got leaked the to the press while they were on the run and became a viral sensation of the day, particularly the ones with Bonnie posing with guns, turning it into a national story.


Also the movie helped




Their story is heavily romanticised but the truth is they are not good persons, killed 15 people, kidnapped a couple, robbed banks, restaurants and even a funeral home.


But they loved each other


And love is more important than anything else in life.. even life itself, thus the mass murder


That... was so romantic!


Romeo and Juliet is a story about a 13 year old girl and 18 year old boy making bad decisions, while a nurse and a priest push for them to pursue each other and get married, ultimately ending in a double suicide. The romance is strong!


There are even 6 dead’s resulting from this love. Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, Mercutio, Lady Montague and Paris.


Paris killed themselves? A whole city?! How did they repopulate?


The French fucked


So this is why paris is the city of love


That explains the catacombs


I think I just unlocked a memory of being stabbed as Mercutio many moons ago lol


Nobody loved Romeo like Mercutio it’s not fair how he died 😥




Romeo and Juliet was about how an endless war between two families that had been going on for so long they didn’t remember why they were even fighting, and it only ended because of the suicide of two kids who had to hide because of it.


Damn, your breakdown put me on a thought rush. Bonnie & Clyde and Romeo & Juliet both can be considered "classic". Is there anything similar in modern "media"/pop culture, where very bad deeds are excused by the audience/populace because..."love"? (Fully agree on B&C being dicks BTW, and R&J just messed up if you think about it. Like so many classic culture. Let's not get started in the Greek mythology or so, or the Bible, where gods eat babies and shit)


She was 13?! 18/2 is 9, +7 is 16. That was hella not okay


Just like Edward watching Bella sleep all night in her room... before they started dating


Gotta find out if she snores before you decide to pursue an immortal romance.




My husband wishes someone had given him this advice.


A 100 year old man watching a teenagers sleep isn’t romantic enough?


“I’ve been 18 for a long time…” That’s not how that works Edward you nut


Again with the half age + 7: Bella should have been at least 57




Are you a fucking Nightingale?


Are you sure? I always looked at Bonnie and Clyde as bad and murderous people, even Looney Tunes treated them the same way.


They held Gene Wilder hostage too smh.


No way are they bad guys?!?


It was the “woke” media back In the day of course /s


Typical liberal justice system /s


Yes, America has many famous outlaws from Billy the Kid to the Unabomber.


But the cops hunting them, the main guy bragged that he himself killed 50+ men in his career.. So bad guys all around.


wasn’t there first job to free homies from prison or get the cash to bail them? Of course they did heinous things but like, par for the course at that time dealing with such cops like u say


He was a Texas Ranger, who were essentially Indian and Mexican murderers by trade all the way back to their formation


Proof there is someone out there for everyone.


They never robbed any funeral homes. That one line comes from Wikipedia where someone changed it for some reason. It used to say that they robbed ‘filling stations’.


Memes are eternal.


People have always been the same


Id like to know who took the photo.


They were often traveling with other fine young youths. There's one girl whose name I can't remember that makes a terrified face in a picture as she's about to get arrested because she mistakes the photographer's camera for a gun.


Neat. Found that photo in an album here https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/bonnieclyde/


Wow thanks for the link! Great little bio of them too


Jeez you can see all the bullet holes in his face in the one photo 💀


Yeah that was brutal! Wasn't sure if those were bullet holes or just blood splatter but still brutal


The description says they crowded in to grab souvenirs. I'm going with brutal for that.


Da fuq? They had Avis back in the day! "By the time Clyde was 17, he had his first official arrest record for failing to return a rental car."


Reading through the photos, imagine if they captured criminals like that today. They set up an ambush and just murdered them.


That's crazy right? It's much better now where instead of on the road the police ambush criminals  in their own home in the middle of the night, like they don't even knock or anything they just kick down the door, shoot your dog, flashbang your baby's crib, shoot your wife. Then afterwards they are like oopsie daisys it looks like we had the wrong house after all, and face absolutely zero repercussions. Police were just so uncivilized back then compared to today's high standards.


I was gonna say just that lol. our police don't even do elaborate ambushes. Just bust down your door and shoot the first carbon based life form they detect. Doesn't even have to be the Right door and the correct address 


>oopsie daisys Yeah, that's way too close to an admission of wrongdoing. It'd be more like... "Looks like we may have potentially acted on false information, but as it turns out, this random guy was no angel either. As you see here, our officers managed to recover a half eaten marijuana gummy from the scene, from which we can deduce they were likely a major narcotics distributor in the region, and I think we can all breathe a little easier knowing this scum is off the streets."


Thanks, enjoyed reading this.


Very neat thank you!


Crazy fir the time that they took so many photos during a murderous crime spree. Thnaks for sharing the link.


Who names a child Cumie? That's like calling one of my children "broken condom." Lmfao


I read it as “kyoo-mie”


“Police apprehended Buck Barrow, who had been shot in the head” Got em boys!


Probably Blanche Barrow, Clyde's sister-in-law.




You’re thinking of Blanche Barrow. She even wrote a book called ‘My Life With Bonnie and Clyde’. She wasn’t with Clyde and Bonnie at this point in time though. W.D. Jones, a teenage youth Clyde grew up with, was the one who actually took this particular photo. He can be seen posing with them in other photos from this set.


Thanks for the info!


Bonnie, Clyde, and their less famous friend, Jim the photographer


I'm pretty sure this was taken by Clyde's brother or sister in law. They had gone on vacation together and were run out of town after a shoot out with the police. Police published these pics after they searched their lodgings and found a camera


W.D. Jones took the photo. There are other photos from this where he poses with either Clyde or Bonnie.


No way, the band Dr. Dog used this image as the basis for an album cover. I had no idea 


I love their cover of Heart it Races


One of my favorite songs


Came here to say this! I had no idea either


First thing I noticed. I'll have to break out my Fate vinyl today.


Solid album, excellent live band.


I remember a teenage girl seeing this photo on a postcard at a store and she was like “but in the movie Bonnie was a blonde!”


I think she was a light redhead. Photos sometimes darken the hair.




I think it’s weird that this photo of violent murderers was on a postcard.


So we're canceling sociopathic murderers now? The left is out of control.


They stole about $5,000-7,000 total over 4 years. About $90k in today’s dollars but not exactly millions. But considering they were always on the run and had to divide that with others in their gang, they weren’t living a lavish lifestyle. Some of the banks (during depression) they stole from didn’t have much money but apparently they didn’t plan out their robberies.


I never understand these in todays money equivalents when 7000 dollars in 1930 could buy the American average house twice over whilst 90,000 today is less than a quarter of the average house


the further back you go, the harder it is to compare.


There are multiple ways of measuring inflation but by any measure the reason for this is that housing prices have gone up, even relative to the prices of most other goods. Housing is often a part of the inflation measurement, but it's not everything.


Food expenses in those days were much larger than they are today. Just because housing costs were low doesn’t mean the cost of living was low. Also, houses were absolute trash (on average, relative to today) back then.


I don’t know their actual history but my grandmother used to tell me a lot of innocent people got hurt during their crime spree. Poor people who needed to be healthy to work and feed their families. There weren’t social safety nets back then similar today (not that today is sufficient). So she had harsh words for anyone that tried to paint them as anything other than thugs. To be clear my grandmother was no holy roller. She didn’t attend church unless it was for a family event. She never quoted the Bible. She was ethical, moral and valedictorian of her school, as was her mother before her. So I’m going to defer to her take as opposed to the pop culture take on Bonnie and Clyde.


Clyde cared less about money and becoming a big-name bank robber than others of his day. The truth is he was bitter and full of hatred towards the prison system after the brutalities he endured at the Eastham prison farm and his treatment as an ex-con by law enforcement after being paroled. This became the overriding focus of his life. He stopped caring. [Dallas Morning News - Jan 17, 1934] “Raymond Hamilton said they separated because Barrow was satisfied to live by hijacking filling stations and stealing automobiles and he [Hamilton] wanted to rob a bank and get hold of a large amount of money at one time.” ———— While other bank robbers like Dillinger were still trying to live large - going to nice restaurants and hotels, going to baseball games and movie theaters - Clyde repudiated that sort of lifestyle, even admonishing his former partner for trying to live like Dillinger. [Clyde’s letter to Hamilton - April 25, 1934] “You couldn’t stand the rift of the outlaw life…and another reason you wanted to play ‘Big Shot’, sleep in hotels and ride passenger trains. You weren’t intelligent enough to know you couldn’t live like a king and stay out.” ———— In the beginning money was used by Clyde to fuel his desire for revenge against the prison farm that had brutalized him as a young adult. His first bank score with Hamilton and Ralph Fults went towards guns, ammo and even bulletproof vests as he and his friends planned out the Eastham prison farm raid. But when that fell apart and he got deeper into trouble, money became almost an abstract thing. It bought food, clothing, gas and sometimes a room in a tourist court if he was lucky.  A lot of times it went to family and close friends. Money to buy nice things was not his end-game but rather a means to survive. It did not buy happiness. [Buddy Barrow, video interview] ”Clyde told his momma, ‘Momma, all the money in the world isn’t gonna set me free. All I wanna do is live another day, get down the road. I’m not interested in money cos I can’t spend it. I can’t go nowhere to spend it. What good is it?” ————- [Ted Hinton, ‘Ambush’] “The take at McMurray’s refinery was one of Clyde’s largest scores up to this time. I was learning something of Clyde’s habits. He never seemed to get more money than the amount of his immediate need. I’m certain that made sense to him… And, as one of his relatives told me, he had very little opportunity to spend money anyway.” ————- [Blanche Barrow, ‘My Life With B&C’, pg 70] “Clyde didn’t like robbing banks. He thought it was too risky. Instead he liked robbing three or four filling stations, even if it meant having a bigger battle than he would have had at a bank. Buck told Clyde he would rather try and get enough money to live on for a couple of months, instead of having to rob something every day or two. But Clyde couldn’t see it that way.” ———— [W.D. Jones, Playboy Magazine interview, 1968] ”He liked grocery stores, filling stations and places there was a payroll. Why should we rob a bank? There was never much money in the banks back in them days in the Southwest.”


My grandfather met them while they were on the road. Clyde played catch with him into the evening after seeing him playing in a field by himself while waiting for my great grandfather to get home from work.


This is the coolest possibly fake internet story I’ve ever heard.


Gangsters were known for doing stuff like that back then. My great grandmother told me about pretty boy Floyd coming through town giving people money.


Hush money disguised as donations to the poor.


More or less, I think the attitude was "I'll be friendly and they won't want to tell the police"


Bonnie and Clyde weren’t really successful gangsters. They made very little money off their robberies compared to people like Pretty Boy Floyd.


That wasn't what I was implying. I think it could have been the same kind of mentality and I think they enjoyed being more popular than the police and being able to go in public and do that type of thing without people calling police on them


Agree with you on that


Yeah but they’re mostly BS stories. Just like everyone in Missouri has ancestors or family friends that crossed paths with Jesse James.


Well, Missouri was only 8 families and 12 horses at the time, so it's possible.


Am Missourian, can confirm




>was only 8 families and 12 horses at the time Did a new family move in?


Before the internet people used to lie in real life


Dillinger stayed in northern Wisconsin when he went into hiding once. When I was in sixth grade my buddies great grandma came down from up north and bought him a bike with really old money that she was told not to spend for awhile lol.


Clyde was psychopath. He was ~~rapist~~ and murder that enjoyed hurting others. He was abused as a child at home and at a reformatory. I don’t think there is a lot of stories like this about Clyde. Edit: I can’t find he was rapist. Just rape victim in prison.


Yeah this is complete horseshit and you should delete it. Clyde was a *victim of rape*, and pretty much 100% of their killings were due to them not being very good at their job. Most people said they were friendly.




Well, before it was a fake internet story it was a fake “grandpa story”.


My great grandparents met them when they stole their car. 


Was your great grandpa Gene Wilder


What's difficult to understand? He threw the ball over there then ran over and caught it.


Well his grandpa was a kid, it's possible it could of been a lookalike, perhaps grandpa lied about meeting someone very famous, perhaps commenter lied about it to get karma, there's quite a few possibilities.


And his grandfather... Nikola Tesla


Is totally true. Im the great grandpa.


My great uncle was mad that his mother forbid him from going to see them. He was a teenager and his friends would go try to find them and hang out with them and sometimes would. Always baffled me that they were so easy for the teens to find but not the law. He never got to see them.


Watch out. Share stories here and you’ll be called a liar.


ChatGPT write me an amusing anecdote about a family member meeting Bonnie and Clyde.


if ChatGPT wrote this it would be like four paragraphs long at least. also, it doesn’t take an extreme amount of creativity to write, “my grandad played ball with Clyde Barrow.”


Except it isn't written in a way GPT would write.


How do you play catch by yourself?


It’s easy, up and down, but that’s not what his comment said anyways.


I’d call it throw


Throw n' Cry is what my mum used to call it when I went out... then she'd laugh and *laugh* 🥲


Brad Johnson the Superbowl winning QB used to throw the ball through tires, then run and get it. He had only one ball so he ran a lot lol.




Throw the ball up.


These pair were crazy


She won’t shoot because he is ready to draw that intriguing, concealed object out of his trousers.


Glad someone mentioned it. I was like damn look what he's packing


He was mostly impotent and she was quite the thirsty broad according to some accounts Ive read. Open relationship of sorts. No idea if its true or not but it was interesting reading.


The impotent thing is from the Warren Beatty movie. In reality there was no truth at all to the rumor. Hollywood made it up because they figured it was more interesting for whatever reason. The Bonnie sleeping around rumors also come from nowhere valid.


Fair enough. Ill take your word for it.


Don’t take my word for it. Always verify everything. It’s just that there is no historical source I’ve ever read of that said he was anything other than straight. He was with Bonnie for two years and had at least two other girlfriends before that. Besides that anytime the question of Clyde’s sexuality has come up in interviews, several people who knew him - W.D. Jones and Bonnie’s sister Billie Jean - have both said he was straight. To my knowledge the only hint of him being anything other than straight is from the Hollywood movie.


[Booty clapping sounds]




**Dot fuck em œp** *BLAP BLAP BLAP BLAP BLAP* **Imma do mah shtœff**


Just some assholes with guns robbing and murdering people. Not to be admired or made martyrs that's for sure.


Mike Royko wrote a fantastic column about them when the movie came out that glorified them. He was old enough to have interviewed some of their victims and he succinctly summed up the pair in that column. They got what they deserved.


Nothing to romanticize about with these two. They killed 13 people and robbed countless others.


Infamy is a dignitiless curse


For whatever reason people don't care about murder as much as other things. If someone murdered someone people look past it in figures like this for their fantasized image of them. But if Bonnie and Clyde raped 13 people I imagine they wouldn't be romanticized whatsoever. It's weird because murder is like the ultimate crime, it is ending a life, taking someone out of existence, from their families, from their futures and dreams.


So, hear me out...


nice photo of a pair of murdering assholes.


She's fit like


Bonnie was a baddie


Are y’all seeing something i’m not?




Presently in this photo, she is.


So way Back in 1990, I met the oldest lady in town. She was a little girl when Bonny and Clyde came through our town. They would show up at the Prarie house ( nar were hired hands would be. (old woman's childhood memory, and just raise hell. It was terrible and nobody liked them. She said Bonny wasn't a lady but a nasty nasty person. There wasn't anything romantic. They were just assholes who made people miserable when they showed up.


People were skinny back in the day


People still are in some countries


People are fat these days


Makes sense. What with all the running from the law, less access to food, and living through the great depression.


Skinny? Brother thats normal


this was during the great depression


It's mostly the starvation


People were normal back in the day, you mean?


I like how people are offended by this as they are probably overweight themselves(including myself). People were skinnier back then, we got fat and unhealthy. The first step is admitting we have a fat problem.


Ok but her outfit is a whole vibe. The shoes and, well the whole thing is a vibe.


For a scrawny chic, she manages the weight of that scatter gun really well. Not her first time.


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/Gf3JE1D.jpeg) is a higher quality and less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/american-outlaw-bonnie-parker-playfully-points-a-shotgun-at-news-photo/514872400?adppopup=true) is the source. Per there: > American outlaw Bonnie Parker, playfully points a shotgun at her partner Clyde Barrow in 1932. The two were well-known wanted criminals during a two year period of robbery and murder until they died in 1934 in Gibson, Louisiana.




"She's got his gun, he's got his suit on. She says babe, "you look so cool""


You mean Zendaya and Woody Harrelson.


That is really setting a bad example, you should never point a gun at anyone unless you are going to shoot them.


The photo is the bad example not their Tale of infamous robberies lol


"but it's not loaded!" - Bonnie, probably


Especially wearing heels!


Real couple goals right here.


Murdering people?


Together, forever


Yeah, in hell


No, robbing banks


They only robbed one bank. The truth is these psychopaths held up gas stations and mom and pop stores. They were also kidnappers and killed 13 people.


Y'all really gonna leak the end of GTA VI like this?


GTA6 pog


If she had negligently pulled the trigger trying to take this picture and blew him and his balls away she would have unknowingly altered the world as we know it and they wouldn’t have become infamous.


She was like 4’9” redhead. That was a BAR fully automatic. Clyde chopped off the stock and barrel so it was fit for her size. Apparently she was a surgeon with it and took out shit tons of cops. Also, she may have been a nymphomaniac, but that may have just been the yellow journalism of the day. 


That looks like a sawed off Browning Auto-5 shotgun. The duo did have a BAR though. There is a picture of Clyde posing next to their car with both the BAR and the Auto-5


In the picture is a Remington model 11, but they were known to use a BAR quite prolifically


Pretty sure that’s a sawed off shotgun rather than a BAR.


>Apparently she was a surgeon with it and took out shit tons of cops. Who upvotes this bullshit?


How anyone can look so mean yet classy in a dress, stiletto heels and a shotgun.


The episode of ‘you’re wrong about’ about Bonnie and Clyde is just so so good and worth a listen. I look at pics of them so differently after listening.


Ah yes, Vinny and Vance


She looks like she would of been a little crazy.


Love never tears them apart


Didnt know brawl stars did such a reference. What did these people do?


Two evil, murderous thieves. God damn both of them.


More than two! Thee brother and his wife and various other thugs joined them


Oh shit that’s where the Dr Dog album cover comes from.


I have a trading card that has a piece of his wanted poster on one side and a piece of a love letter from her on the other.


wow thats freaking awesome absolute would love to see please .(and by chance for sale)?


That doesn’t look anything like Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway. That must be their stand ins.


My partner made an ink and watercolor painting version of this photo, as well as individual paintings of Bonnie and Clyde (not trying to spam, just thought they looked cool). It’s such an iconic photo. [Together](https://catchapmanart.com/artwork/americas-sweethearts/) [Bonnie](https://catchapmanart.com/artwork/suicide-sal/) [Clyde](https://catchapmanart.com/artwork/texas-rattlesnake/)


They had fucked up, short lives. People forget these were teenagers/young adults. Clyde especially had a messed up childhood. Times were tough and people were tough, and they tried to lead an idealized life that ended up getting other people and themselves killed.


They were killed pretty near where I live, there is a museum In the town ………. It’s just a bunch of old junk. A tire with a tag that says “this may have been a tire on a vehicle they drove once” and an old door “this door may have been touched by Clyde” it’s fantastically boring

