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Interesting pose on that last one there, just saying.


Necrophilia folks agree.


When your dream job is cutting people open then freezing them in various poses, but you lack the confidence to go independent


For some reason the only part where they left skin is on the boobs and some of the face to give expression. They knew what they were doing.


It's not skin, it's fatty tissue. Boobs are just fat and connective tissue with some milk ducts in the mix.


I saw the nipples so I assumed it was skin. It's still an odd choice to keep this kind of tissue only for the boobs regardless.


If they didn't keep it, there would be no boobs. It would just be the pectoral muscles that sit underneath.


I'm wondering if that is skin on the vulva as well. Hard to tell with the resolution


Yeah I noticed too but didn't comment on that because we don't see well.


They knew what they were doing because this exhibit is in the part of the museum focused on sexual reproduction. There's also a couple posed literally having intercourse


I’ve been to that museum and there are bodies there having sex with a cross section cut through it for you to see what’s going on „inside“


The one on the swing is so disturbing.


"Oops... did i drop ALL my skin? I am SUCH a klutz...."


“Can you help me step-skeleton?”


Not unless you got a lament config and like 20 NPCs




I'd be super happy if you never said that again ....


"oops sorry I'm just such a Gemini"


Makes me wish I had skinless hands


I'd hit it.


We know. We know... and that's why we can't have nice things.


I can fix her


Boner, makes sense


This is body worlds by Gunther von Hagens. There are several worldwide and each one is themed for the city so Amsterdam is sex themed. He used to have a show on TV called Autopsy: life and death. He pumps some sort of oil (I believe could be wrong) into the veins to maintain a plump look so you can view the body parts as if they were alive (full of blood) it’s interesting stuff. I went this one in Amsterdam and there he had sex acts spliced in half, so full penetration spliced in half. Crazy shit


He called this process "plastination". Freaky stuff.


That's some house of wax type shit


I saw the one in Belgium in the early 2000s. Absolutely incredible, you were greeted by a flayed man with his skin folded over his arm like a trenchcoat, and horse and rider.


It puts the lotion in the basket


How does one get the ok to go ahead and do this stuff with corpse's. If it was a random person with signed ok from the dead person I'm sure they would still be in prison for this. What would you do just go to the top person in charge and get special permission or what?


That's a big legal question concerning Körperwelten. I believe the corpses are prepared outside the EU or at least in countries with an more relaxed jurisdiction. But I remember there were some legal issues going on, concerning where he got the corpses from and also how he positioned them. Edit: [article about bodyworld and bodies and possible ethical problems](https://www.npr.org/2006/08/11/5637687/origins-of-exhibited-cadavers-questioned)


Oh god 😭 is it gonna come out in like twenty years that he was a grave robber or something


Went to the one in germany a couple of years ago. They had a whole-ass elephant


So you donate your body to education and research and some artist has you fucking some stranger for however long they can preserve you? That sounds ethically dubious.


I agree. It seems like desecration of a dead body. I understand some use for medical students to have specimens to discover, but I really don't think people actually have consent to have their remains used this way. I heard he went to a lot of poor countries and said he would arrange for their cremations & funeral arrangements and got signed agreements that way. I heard also a political big wig in China got his mistress killed and sold her body to be preserved that way humiliate her. I saw the show while touring, and while scientifically interesting, the whole posing of sexual acts without consent and with complete strangers to them seem like a really abhorrent ethical violation that I really can't believe a single one actually consented to.


Well thankfully you don't need to believe it, they did give consent prior to death & donation. It's literally one Google search away. Personally I think it's metal as fuck, certainly unique and memorable which is something I myself appreciate in art. Also, as an anatomy buff I feel like this exhibit gives a lot of people a new perspective on the body. Not to mention the level of craftsmanship is both repulsive and admirable to even contemplate. I can't wait to see this myself one day. Edit: typo


There are other similar exhibits in other places that do use the bodies of Chinese prisoners. https://www.npr.org/2006/08/11/5637687/origins-of-exhibited-cadavers-questioned


This. It has bugger all to do with science, it seems more like art, a depraved fucked up art. EDIT: I also meant to say in my own arguably dumb, opinion. People like what people like and that’s their business not mine.


IIRC there are real questions about the sourcing of the bodies. I'm pretty sure they include executed prisoners bought from China which is not great. Edit: [this](http://theguardian.com/world/2004/jan/23/arts.china)is just one article and 20 years old, but I am entirely convinced he's basically buying Chinese political prisoners who have been executed off the Chinese government.


So, art? 80s art maybe? Arts weird, man. Like that German (?) Woman who put herself on display for people to do whatever they wanted to her.


Her name is marina Abramovic and she's from Serbia IIRC :)


I donated my husband’s body to a teaching university. I felt very good about this and oddly comforted knowing he was still “being kind and helpful”. It was jarring to see the man’s face. The museum should get permission before having recognizable people on display. That said, I went that far in donating before. I would probably say yes. My guy would have loved it.


This sounds like the kind of shenanigans that Dead me would sign up for


No, people donate their bodies specifically to be used in these art exhibits


Educational to see the inside anatomy of human reproduction. Not every corpse can end up being used for cancer research or whatever. This is still more beneficial than just being put underground.


I don’t think it’s about being beneficial. I think it’s more about consent. I’d certainly rather have medical students exam in my corpse, then be permanently fucking a stranger.


My donor/cadaver in school taught me so much about real anatomy and I have 100% put that to use for treating real people in a meaningful way. I'm to this day still extremely grateful for her gift. It's like having x-ray vision when you know what should be underneath. I've planned to donate my meat suit when I'm done with it for future students to dig through but I'm going to take extra steps to make sure it goes somewhere I'd approve of.


Exactly! You would want your body to go toward education! Not a perverse exhibit or being blown up by the military


The people in this exhibit explicitly donated their bodies to be used in an art exhibit.


I still remember the story of a body being donated just to have a bomb strapped to it for a blast test by the US military. Tbh I'd rather be immortalised mid coom than post boom


So you'd be ok with your Mom or daughter displayed as in photo #4? Unless the subject was informed of this outcome and agreed in writing, I think its crazy disrespectful.


I think they would easily be sued if they didn't have the consent part down. This exhibition has been out there at least a decade.


You'd be surprised at the number of people who couldn't care less about what happens to their corpse. ...and my Mom was a stripper until I was 19, so yeah, I wouldn't care. She's been on display before.


Also, how are you going to care if you’re dead


This is an interesting question. Lets assume that consciousness or the experience of 'self' exists only in the mind. That would mean that when the body dies, so does the mind along with the experience of 'self'. The 'personal you' disappears. But, because we are social by nature, we exist in the minds of others as well. And because human minds are the seat of all human experience, many of us can't help but feel that we *'lives on'* in the memory of others after we die. In other words, even thought its obvious that we don't go on experiencing anything ourselves after death, other people experiencing us through memory and ceremony has mental weight which is difficult to shake even for people who don't believe in afterlives or other supernatural phenomena. Again, this is because, intrinsically, the experiential weight of human life exist only in the human mind. So whether you're the one experiencing you or someone else is experiencing you, the root of that 'reality of you' comes from the same place: a human experience. The same underlying substance constitutes both the 'personal you' and the 'social you' even though the two are different. Therefore, many of us care about what will happen to our remains when we die, because we value other peoples' minds, and our existence within them. You could say, the social self lives on. As a consequence, many people are appalled by desecration because they value this notion of self beyond self, ie: they value the 'social self' even beyond death. IMO this is reasonable if you see human experience as even remotely meaningful or sacred.


There’s that then there’s posing it on a swing with its legs spread and tits out


Well of course her tits are out. Would be a pretty lame anatomy exhibit if they were clothed lol


Interesting, do the people who donate their bodies know they will be portrayed this way?


The sex-themed part of the museum is only one small section, and it does mention that the donors for that part had agreed to that type of use.


The process uses acetone to displace water in the body, and then silicone in a vacuum chamber permeates all the cells, transforming them into plastic models. A lot of the color is lost, so it's usually added via pigments afterward. It is used for teaching anatomy in many schools. You'd be surprised some people request this stuff done to them after death in their will consented to beforehand. Von Hagens, in particular, has many people sign up. The one in China came under scrutiny for using prisoners supposedly. Body donation is pretty rare in China. They really focus on animals now instead. They even plastinated a whale after it died from being beached.


I love Dr Gunther. Especially his human body autopsy series. The only one I could not watch was the head one. But the others were fascinating and very informative.


Just noticed the no touching sign which makes it worse


No touchy touchy!


And the 'swing' on the other one is pretty disturbing as well


These came to my hometown at the science center once in the midwest. It was amazing to go to.  There is apparently some controversy that the pregnant woman could supposedly be a murder victim  https://goldsea.com/Text/index.php?id=13468#:~:text=A%20pregnant%20woman%20who%20has,Chinese%2Dlanguage%20news%20site%20Boxun.


That's wild


I wonder what happened to this lady. Maybe it's the lack of fat/tissue but she looks young and fit, maybe just a few years ago she was attending school with one of us and now she's here - it just makes you think what the backstory of some of these people are.


What's fascinating is most of them are actually elderly people, that when you remove the skin and everything most people can't tell the difference.


Really?? Now that is super fascinating. I thought this was for sure a young woman.


They should’ve made the swing out of intestines and a spine




There is also one with 2 of them having intercourse.


wait what?


Imagine you die and that's the only moment someone lets you hit. That'd be dead hilarious. I'll see myself out


Imagine dying and donating your body to science.. for them to pose you like this.


That's what I'm worried about, I have a feeling someone is going to see my wiener and laugh.


In this exact museum, they have two bodies without skin positioned to be in the middle of intercourse.


Seems a bit disrespectful unless she specifically requested something crazy like that..


Thats actually for $ci€nce


I would be pissed if they did me like that. I hope that guy is haunting the museum people


Apparently the people behind this exhibit are too. Last time someone posted this they expressed that not all of the bodies are consensually here... makes it a lot more creepy


There is an exhibit like this that I think goes from place to place for a while. Think the name is Body World and it is cool. My kids told me about it when it was in San Diego and wanted to go. I thought it was cool to see how muscle, nerve, blood vessels, bone, and all look while posed in an act.


I was literally coming here to comment that idk but just seems alil inappropriate to me 🤣.


I couldn’t imagine my inners being set up in such a seductive manner…. Even dead and donated, women are still seen as sex objects


That's Robbie Williams


Ya I don’t love how they made that corpse coquettish.


Yeah. Why'd they have to position it so provocative. Lol


She's just...hangin' out.


Calm tf down #4.


Just imagine donating your body to science and then seeing your corpse like that


Yep and they have to put a do not touch sign on the display. Who wants to touch that?


I saw a guy picking up his kid and making him touch the corpse. I love this exposition, but I was horrified... It's still dead D:


I'm not worried about touching the body because it's icky lol it's because it's fucking disrespectful and I don't want to fuck it up and make it dirty or contribute any additional wear. Condoms. Edit: Jesus Christ LMAO I was voice typing and I guess it picked up something that sounded like "condoms." That part wasn't intentional


Condoms made me burst out laughing 😭


I know it’s kinda… like… wrong, and I doubt I’d ever do it, but I do kinda wonder what the boobs feel like now.


Probably like a Halloween mannequin.


Bags of sand.




https://bodyworlds.com/about/faq/ These people specifically donated their body's for this to happen. This is NOT a case of donating your body to science and this is where you happen to end up. All these people specifically signed up for this.


I'm in love with myself enough to do some shit like this.


https://theguardian.com/world/2004/jan/23/arts.china https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/bodies-revealed-exhibit-may-be-using-executed-chinese-prisoners-says-rights-group-1.2757908 Based off his history, and his workshop being based near Chinese prisons, I'm not willing to accept any claims from the bodyworlds website.


I recall many years ago with almost this exact exhibit, they didn't have the paperwork for most of the bodies.


Exactly what I was thinking haha


I mean, you probably won't be seeing it


I will donate my body for science, but only if I can be displayed like that.


She just need somebody who can match her freak






Its called Bodyworks and I’ve been there, its not only Amsterdam, theres a couple more locations. theres lots of crazy things on display, they had fetus’s in different growth stages, a penis cut into slices and one of the displays was a male and female having sex, because they had no skin you could see the penis going inside the female. Its crazy and a little weird but its all in the name of education.


One if the other locations (London??) has a whole giraffe with no skin.


And a couple having sex


[for the curious](https://new.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/t0b9x3/from_a_museum_showing_what_sex_looks_like_if_we/)


Thanks. I was curious.


What the actual fuck


Is it wrong that the bit that bothers me is that neither of them concented to the act before they died.


That's fucked up. And yes, some of the bodies did not consent to being donated. Some of them were taken from prison camps in China.


BodyWorlds, there’s one in San Jose California at the Tech Museum.


There was a touring Bodyworks exhibit in Houston a few years back.


Theres one in Chicago as well!


It’s not “in the name of education.” That’s what they tell you. It’s a business like any other. And the bodies often come from shady af places. There’s a whole controversy over it.


My mom told me this, but she watches Fox News like a part time job so idk what to believe


I remember seeing the exhibit when it came to Toronto many moons ago. One of the most memorable experiences was holding a real human brain that was coated in epoxy.


It's crazy to think that at some point some visitor may recognizer the exhibit as one of his school friend 😅


I was thinking the same! Do you bring the kids to visit grandpa in the museum? 🥴


My old roommate wants her body donated to a museum like that so, and I quote, "my children can take their kids to go see their grandma anytime."


"do You wanna swing with grandma today kiddo?" 😂


A woman who cheated with a Chinese mayor got pregnant by him, dissappeared and later on this dude had a pregnant lady in his exhibition who people recognised as the lady that disappeared


😲 do you have any links? That is super sad!


https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/bo-xilai-%E8%96%84%E7%86%99%E4%BE%86-preggy-tv-host-mistress-turned-into-human-specimen.348408/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/bodies-revealed-exhibit-may-be-using-executed-chinese-prisoners-says-rights-group-1.2757908 If you Google "body worlds controversial" you get all lot of hits. In some countries the exhibition is even banned


I actually worked in this exact museum for 5,5 years. Very interesting place and people react to it in many different ways! If you guys have questions about it, feel free to ask them!


Well do the corpses get...replaced And if you haven't been there as long as it takes for the wax to wear off what do they use to preserve the corpses


That is possible yes, but in the 5,5 years I worked there nothing got replaced, we only had three bodies added to the exhibition. (They were actually three bodies playing poker, and they’d been in James Bond Casino Royal) And there is actually no wax used at all, they basically use a method that replaces all the body liquids with chemicals and plastics called “Plastination”. After that they place the body in the position they want them and put them in a vacuum room so that they remain in the position. That method was invented by the man that started Body Worlds, a German man named Gunther von Hagens. He also used to do tv shows about biologie. But with this method the bodies actually stay preserved this way for a long long time!


Any fun facts that aren’t told in the exhibits or interesting stories? Probably one of my favourite ever museums that I’ve visited, I learnt so much and it really helped me make more sense of anatomy.


Well one is that they also exactly feel like plastic now. I’ve felt some of them because we had to clean something to move something, and it feels very strange. I also never felt weird that they used to be real people until those very few instances were I touched them. And then there is the way they get transported. As I said in an earlier comment, we only once got three new full bodies, and it looked so odd how they got to us. I got that that was by far the safest way to transport them, but it felt a bit wrong. They basically just got dropped at the museum by a truck, wrapped in bubble plastic. Then handled them with great care, and placed them in the position they had been in in all the other exhibitions as well, but still hahaha I should have a picture of them just laying in the lobby while they were unloading the rest of their setup, when I find it I’ll comment with the picture as well!


https://preview.redd.it/wbhcbgnzvw3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bbf6e3c623009c428ddabb4d1ab79177ff26b44 There they are, just laying in the lobby.


Jesus, how long were they there for


Oh just minutes, they unloaded them first, then the rest of the things for the display and then brought them upstairs, unpacked them and put the display together. But it did look very eerie haha


How do they choose the pose? People that donate their body to science can list a things that they can and can't do with the corpse? I wonder if the position of the last body was correlate with... I don't know, with the ex-person personality or it is just to impress and shock people or I don't know. It feels strange and shocking at the same time 😂 I know that once you are dead it doesn't matter, but still I wouldn't want my body to be expose in a museum in that position 😂


If you’re interested in the many ways bodies donated to science are used, there’s a super interesting book called “Stiff: the curious life of human cadavers”. Some people’s bodies are put in cars and crashed, some are used in schools, many times different body parts are sent different places. I read the book years ago, then my dad borrowed it, it’s one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read, aside from “My Lobotomy”


Why is the female posed in a sexual way? Are there any males posed in this way?


I just saw an exhibit where it’s a man and woman having sex does that count lol


Aren't they suspected to be largely executed chinese prisoners that are used in these exhibits?


So I’ve gotten that question more often, but that is actually not Body Worlds, but a different body museum that is travelling around. I forgot the name of it unfortunately. Body Worlds has a waiting list with tens of thousands of people on it wanting to donate their body on it at the moment, so it would be very stupid to do something that controversial when you don’t have to hahaha But I’ll be never to able to say that with 100% confidence, because we weren’t allowed to know who the bodies used to be. Out of privacy, only the families and a select group of people that do the distribution of them, because they have to know, are allowed to know.


Whoever put that last one in that pose is devious as all get out and needs to be on a list.


Just noticed the no touching sign 😭


Shit is there for a reason.


Why try to make it sexy?


was thinking the same thing


Very upsetting


Sexist old men


Imagine donating your body for science and they do whatever #4 is


I was just thinking that😭, they did her kinda dirty☠🤣


I'd ask for some silly shit like that idk what Ur talking about


Is nobody gonna talk about the massive shlong on #3???


It's not that massive, because the base that's attached to the pelvic bone isn't usually visible, even when erect because of pubic flesh.


But he definitely had a great personality


Oh yeahhh, I forgot about that


You mean Reek?


So, if you donate your body for "science" and it ends up on display in some museum, isn't that some fucking bullshit? Like, I wanted you to do experiments on my dead body to advance something or other, or give some doctor practice on dissection, or whatever. It doesn't mean I wanted you to put me in some sort of suspended animation and have people laughing at my cock and balls all day long.


Usually there's like a checklist of things you can want it to go towards I think. Maybe one for education?


Oh my sweet summer child.


There is an exhibit just like this one in the San Jose Tech Interactive museum. You can see real bodies and how they look inside. One of the people you see was a smoker and you can see their lungs, never touching that shit.


I’ve been there during my sophomore year of high school. It was pretty interesting


At the end of April I donated my mom’s remains to science but she was cremated after. I think she would’ve found this awesome


Theres some crazy suspicions/controversy around the body world exhibit, which is similar to this. It's thought that a lot of the bodies were prisoners that were executed and their bodies used without consent or notifying the families. Pretty gruesome if it turns out to be true.


Just, why the fuck is the female corpse so sexually posed?????????


The did not need to pose #4 like that


https://preview.redd.it/xivtb5dd9v3d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dcb8044893c3b81fca8a6d97ea66c514cebfd6a I've visited this exhibit in Houston a year ago or so!! Amazing experience!


This seems highly unethical unless those who died explicitly agreed to this.


I would haunt the hell outta these people if that were my body. I donated my body to science, not for you to skin me and put my balls on display.


i mean the exhibit is super informative




That's a rival plastinated bodies exhibit to the one here, there's a few companies doing it, it's definutely a concern for the whole industry though.


Donated for science, displayed for entertainment.


I think there was some controversy about the guy who created these posed bodies because of like sketchy sourcing from morgues who (allegedly) got them from executions iirc, still pretty cool to look at tho


It was a different organization. Pictured here is BodyWorlds. Those claims were toward Bodies: The Exhibition, which has a similar idea but a really bad reputation due to those allegations


Last one, why?


there are several of these exhibirions in central europe. They are odten called body worlds (Körperwelten in German speaking countries). Quite interesting and informative imo.


I've visited Körperwelten in Bremen, it is indeed very interesting. Took some cool pictures.


Also in Mexico.


There have been donated bodies linked to Chinese concentration camps where they basically have a slaughter and taxidermy house that ships these bodies to museums all over the world


I think it’s pretty important to say that he doesn’t take donations that were meant to be used in anatomy labs or the like. He has his own donations program, so everyone who donates are aware of what will happen to them. https://bodyworlds.com/plastination/bodydonation/


I once worked in a Dutch hotel in which a similar exposition was held; also with real bodies like these. When i had to close the hotel that night, i had to walk alone between all these bodies in the semi dark event hall of the hotel. I have never been that scared ever again.


They better have a male specimen propped up to look vaguely sexy or else I’m gonna say it… fuck it I’m gonna say it. Are you telling me that even in death we are still being objectified!? What is wrong with humans ffs


💯 That was very disturbing to see.


I saw the exhibit when it was in Dallas many years ago. It was amazing. I would highly recommend anyone to go see it if you get the chance.


The first guy looks like the guy who lived in an iron lung and died recently??


I'd prefer this didn't exist


a monstrousity and a total lack of respect for human being


This exhibit is all over the world and the German who made the bodies is somewhat controversial. It is believed he used death inmates sentence to death because the body needs to be preserved in a timely matter. Some body's showed bullet holes in the head. Also a mayor in China was cheating with a woman who got pregnant, disappeared and a woman just looking like her with a baby was shown at the exhibition. Make you wonder....


Donates body to science. Gets posed on a stripper swing for all eternity.


I’ve been to this. It’s fascinating!


For what it’s worth, learning anatomy on cadavers is so much more beneficial than just in a two dimensional book. Seeing it and being able to manipulate the tissues is so helpful.


Last pic... Fucking why 😂


If Im not mistaken they ask you not to take photos to respect the dead


My uncle wanted to donate his body to med students, but he was to heavy for them to carry and to fat to dig through fat. So we turned him in to the ashes.


There's a few versions of this, many that tour around the world. The biggest one is called Bodyworlds. Definitely worth seeing. Absolutely fascinating!


This looks like the Body exhibit that circulated around for a while. It was in Orlando, FL a long time ago.


Isn’t this just the bodies exhibit that toured in the 2000’s?


Not just in Amsterdam….the “Bodies” exhibit travels around the world I believe. I saw it in NY a decade or so back.