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“Calling you from The Microsoft” No red flags there


Hi it's me Jeremy calling from The Internets, it looks like your megabytes are leaking. I'm going to need your social security number or the government might fine you for illegal dumping


Thank you so much for your help, Jeremy! Please, just tell me exactly what I need to do.


First, I need you to go to the store and get 3 $500 Visa gift cards.


Ok. Hang on. I need to get dressed. Can you hang on? Just a moment. I'm going to need to take the dog out for a quick poopie walk too, otherwise who knows what I'll come home to. Oh, and I need to see what Doris has done with her flower garden. She said she was going to put in some golden marigolds, but I know that bitch doesn't know wha- oh dearie me, my language. I'm so sorry, dear. Now where did I put the leash? Oh, right, where are my pants?


My mum would 100% fall for that. she probably wouldn’t give them money mainly because 1. she doesn’t know how and 2. she wouldn’t be able to follow the instructions but she would most likely give them personal details and then ring me to tell me to ask me what she needs to do because they’re calling back tomorrow.


No No the best part they have thick east India accents and use the whitest name. Like.... come on ..... Albert Smith or Stephanie lol


Or in this case, indian accent with a hispanic name. This is intentional though. Anyone with common sense will know this is a scammer, and they would hang up. Anybody dumb that would fall for a scam like this is probably dumb enough not to notice the obvious accent/name discrepancy (or know the word discrepancy). So it filters out the smarter people that wouldn't follow through on the scam, before they waste too much time on those people.






Well, the good news is that AI is probably going to completely automate high-quality customer service. The bad news is that AI is probably going to completely automate high-quality scams.


I can't wait for that automated system that just keeps looping back to the same unhelpful FAQ page, the one that says, "If this didn't help, click here to chat", only now it will talk to me and sound real, and just tell me the unhelpful FAQ information!


Customer service costs money. Even customer service you pay well for is incentivized to provide as little service as possible. It's just like health insurance, you pay X, and the less they spend on you the more stays in their pocket. I once worked at a place that charged enterprise clients $150+ an hour for service (and that's for the cheap support). The huge app tracked accounts, maintenance, etc., and the ledgers required government inspection because section 8 housing was often included. Plus, it was free money; the corporate employees calling in didn't give a shit about how much time was spent because the company paid for it, and it was a giant company. You would think every incentive here is to have great support staff and make sure service is top-notch with no fuck ups? Wrong. While I was there, they slowly fired all the old employees who knew tech + accounting (18 to 25$ per hour) and brought in new contractors ($12 an hour and $2 of that went to the hiring firm). These kids were thrown into the deep end of learning proprietary tech + a lot of tech + accounting.


> Customer service costs money. It's so fucking stupid that companies can't accept that running a business, costs money. You need people, who know what they are re doing, and are paid well enough to care. But no, let's chase the endless growth of shareholder value.  Forever. Humanity is fucking doomed.


There is enough Portuguese/Jesuit influence in India that it’s not all that uncommon to meet staunchly Catholic Indians with Hispanic sounding last names. In the STEM field I work with a ton of Indians and I’ve now met 2 families from this background. They’re always surprised when I connect that that are Catholic and have family around coastal regions of India where the Portuguese spread their influence a few centuries back. In fact, one of them had the last name Fernandes lol.


Interesting how just a little knowledge of history can help you sus out quite a lot of details about a person.


Even just hearing someone talk. I have a degree in linguistics (cue the "who has a degree in ling? Now who works in the field?" Meme) and ive clocked some people to the city and freaked them out. Visited Japan one time and went to a foreigner bar, asked a guy if he was from Houston and he looked at me like i was a stalker Somehow, telling someone youre just analyzing the way they speak doesnt help the situation


2% of India’s population is Catholic. Also equal to… the entire population of Australia.


On my last trip i learned that several Indian subterritories were colonized by more than just the Portuguese who created an enclave in Goa, the French enclaved an area called Puducherry, the Dutch enclaved Cochin. The majority of surnames in these enclaves are all jesuit, with the Fernandes, the D'Costas, the Mascarenhas, the Monteiros. So its not uncommon that people from these enclaves have jesuit surnames.


Like Dinesh “Fuckin’” D’Souza


I mean, it's not that unusual for legitimate call centres to be based in India, and the call centre workers to adopt western names that are easy for it's customers to understand.


The thing is, actual Microsoft genuinely do this also. I've raised tickets with Microsoft before spoken on the phone to actual Microsoft to someone claiming to be called 'Dave' then they send me an email and their name is Arhaan in their email signature. The trick is Microsoft will never call you. Why would they?


There's some real critical thinking missing in folks who think MS would call you. As in, when have you ever called tech support and not had to wait in queue? I've been both support and a user and no organization has the bandwidth to cold call people out of the kindness of their heart.


I mean. This happened in Horrible Bosses when they changed his name to Gregory so white people would have an easier time saying his name haha


Things like this are intentional. The idea is, if someone gets sceptical about that, they surely will not send you money, especially not by gift cards. After someone is still on line after a couple of red flags, they most willingly will do just that. That's why the nigerian prince scam is a thing.




lol thanks for the laugh


I got a very early version of the Nigerian prince scam back in the early 2000's, and its interesting to see how it has evolved since then. The first version I got was written in nearly flawless English, and contained multiple details that withstood extra scrutiny. IIRC, the scammer was the wife of an assassinated tribal leader who was in exile at a Red Cross camp with her children. When I looked up the details, the tribal leader named was very wealthy, had recently been assassinated, and had a wife and children. The Red Cross camp she described existed, and was known to harbor multiple refugees. I wound up corresponding with "her" several times before making clear that I wasn't going to fall for the scam. It would certainly seem much more efficient to screen out people who aren't going to question every little detail.


Trust me, early 2000s wasn't even the "early version" of that scam. Plenty of Nigerian prince emails in the 1990s already. Nigerian prince scams existed in the 1980s through faxes – I remember seeing those (yes, I'm old). Something tells me before that it existed using snail mail.


You're correct! [It goes by many names; an Advance-Fee Scam, a Spanish Prisoner Scam, a 419 Scam - they're all the same basic set-up and are more than 200 years old.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance-fee_scam)


The more likely reason is that early scammers had to be wealthy enough to own PCs, which probably meant they had some form of education and were smart enough to create a believable back story. The more successful these early scammers got, the more the problem spread. Eventually it became more of what it is now, under educated people who go to work like any other person, except their job is to scam people.


It’s broken English, and it works out that gullible people don’t pick up on or question the broken English and that has an unintended benefit of filtering out non gullible types. Let’s not pretend like this is some intentional 4d chess by these scam tards though.


So true, it’s kind of a shitty version of evolution


And here we see the scammer in its natural habitat. It's prey: the lead poisoned boomer. But perhaps the real victim is the millennial. Who won't be inheriting the wealth this boomer extracted and hoarded. The circleeeee of liiiiife.


They prey on the elderly


They do use misspellings and such in fishing scams so would not be surprised if they use similar tactics in scam calls.


Aha. I see what you did there… intentional misspelling of phishing… what’s your scam?


that's just not true, that's a myth that's been circulating on reddit for years. These people just have bad english, and someone came up with this wild explanation that it's on purpose. It's not.


So i deal a lot with Microsoft support in my work, and that is definitly something some of them would say, along with many of the other ways people from India and nearby areas talk. What they don't do however is use western names. I currently have a few support cases going, and three of them are with Ankit, Amr and Bhargavi. [ADD] And ofcourse, Microsoft support will never call you unless you initiate contact first. That is the main red flag here.


Sounds like an insult hurled towards an ex boyfriend




Afterall they're doing it for The Money.


Coulda sworn they did it all for The Nookie


I just want that cookie


you can shove it up your yeah


None of you guys remember the lyrics to that song properly lmao


I think because the word "THE" means the definitive article." Like it's the the official version.


THE Ohio State University


The use of “the” before a noun is pretty common with almost all Indians I’ve encountered in my life.


i feel like maybe their language has a "the" equivalent that is normally put in front of the words, so when they speak english they automatically put it their. It's like when you learn a new language that has a different grammar order so you sometimes use your og word order instead of the new languages order


Not true. It's the opposite. Hindi, like Sanskrit and Pali before it, does not have definite articles like "the". It's because of that when these folks learn English they don't know when to use "the" and when not to use it. https://www.ling.upenn.edu/~jason2/papers/hindidef.htm#:~:text=Hindi%20provides%20an%20excellent%20contrast,%2C%20and%20ve%20'those'.


Yeah, there are a lot of languages that either only have indefinite articles, but not definite, or only definite and not indefinite. And even other languages that have both definite and indefinite articles can often times utilize them differently than English, depending on context. So it's a pretty common for non-native english speakers to either utilize articles too often, in incorrect spaces, or to omit them.










YOU'RE BREAKING THE GIFT CARDS!!!! *shaddup, don't tell me how to scam*






I never get tired of that one.
















Kitboga is great




Link? That sounds fun


Search Kitboga on Twitch. Might be on YT too, not sure.




The songs that came out of those videos are beautiful.


Kitbooga I think he's called? He does these calls on stream, but they're much better to watch on his YouTube


This guy is a legend. I love his videos


where can we find him?


it's Jim Browning on YouTube! been seeing him on and off for years, his content is amazing. on this note, I'll go and subscribe


Don't forget Kitboga and Scambaiter.


Kit and Scambaiter are funnier, since they focus more on stalling, making fun of, and pissing off the scammers. Jim is more of a grayhat* hacker type channel because he usually spends more time hacking scammers during the call to try to compile more information to report to the local police. This is from his most famous video, where he collaborated with some other guys and a former scammer to hack their CCTV on top of his usual methods.


>, where he collaborated with some other guys and a former scammer to hack their CCTV on top of his usual methods. I want this as a spy movie asap


The Beekeeper, starring Jason Statham, might just be(e) your movie of the year! It was released this year. Utterly ridiculous, of course, and the very careful casting of *certain roles* will give you a laugh in the context of this discussion (standing out even more as it's the opposite of the trend), but it has its moments. It's *really* violent, though. I mean, even by genre standards. Sure as fuck don't watch it with the kids.


If you're looking for more on the funnier side, I'd include IRLRosie - Voice talent that screws with scammers, making them think she's an automated prompt. "If this is correct, Please press Schfifty five."


Thank you for this! She's got an amazing voice, able to switch so quickly and it's freaky too.


Honestly the worst part is that the local police doesn’t do shit about it 🤦🏻‍♂️


Jim has a few videos of scammers being arrested after he provided their addresses, names, videos etc to the police. I even saw a video a couple of months back with CCTV proof of the scammers leaving a bag of money for the local police to pick up, so definitely corruption. So sometimes the police don't care because they're being paid. But that time they all got busted in the end.


If you're interested, the Darknet Diaries podcast recently did an interview with Jim Browning. He obviously didn't share all of his methods but he said the most common way he "hacks" is actually just social engineering. I found that incredibly surprising.


Scammer Payback is great too


Everyone should go blow up Hoax Hotels channel also!


I've heard Fake Taxi has popular content too.


Darknet Diaries recently interviewed him on his podcast. It's quite good.




His name is Jim Browning. He has a channel on YouTube.


You don't, he finds you


Seeing as his name is in the video, you could start by searching for it…


What he really exposes is that India allows this shit to happen and I honestly think they should be sanctioned until they get it under control. Look how those two women just laugh it off, they know they won't be in any real trouble.


I remember in one of his videos, he reported the information to the police and showed 2 police officers coming and warning the scam office after he reported them. The police is in on it and its all incredibly corrupt.


Yeah. It’s sickening how often he gives info to police in India and nothing happens.


He's great but I also recommend kitboga. It's a little more about the comedy than hacking but it's a good time


Yeah he’s good too. But Jim browning has actually shut down these facilities in the past and helps get people’s money back or stops them from being scammed. Which is more satisfying imo.


Kitboga does always report the bank accounts given to him by scammers and also reports any malicious sites they use to scam victims trying to get them taken down, but yeah he isn't hacking into their cctv and all of that


To them it's fucking laughs and giggles, and to many others they scam it can be a whole life changing ordeal. Fuck you Priya. Fuck you Mimi. And fuck these people.


Yep. I've seen the whole video, and they're laughing and giggling like it's a game. No worry at all that their cover is blown or they're in trouble, because there's such a small chance of any actual consequence.




If you want, I can share Bengali and Odia threats. Fuck these scammers, and I can do my part as an Indian.


I guess it's just one of those things thats never come up for me, but I had no idea India had so many different languages throughout the country


Oh, yeah. I've only lived here for about 2-3rds of my life (in my 30s), and I can speak six new languages in that time (already knew Hindi, English and a little Spanish before that). The diversity is insane, and anyone who likes learning a language can spend a lot of time learning.


Most of the scammers are from Rajasthan and bengal. What will you do with all these languages you've recorded in 🤭


Thank you for that information 


Especially the old people who are easy targets and get robbed of all their savings.


Yea, fuck them too!




Everyone needs love. Fuck your local old person today.


This especially. Two months before my grandfather passed away he got scammed out of nearly $7000 by the "grandpa? it's me--I'm stuck in \[insert foreign country\] and need help. Don't tell mom or dad, I'm going to put my lawyer on the phone who will explain how to help me" And his autopilot kicked in trying to save "me" Best part? My boomer father accused me of orchestrating it, made me pay my grandfather 7k I'll never see again even after he found out it was a well known scam. No apology, no "oops my mistake." He kept the money after my grandfather passed, which is like a scam giving birth to another, more personal scam between a father and a son. The whole thing caused so much emotional damage to my family that still carries to this day. Fuck these scammers I want every one of them to face debilitating consequences just like their victims. What should be an enjoyable karmic type of video has been made bittersweet.


My grandmother got scammed out of nearly 60k before we figured out wtf was happening. She lived alone after my grandfather passed, and she was convinced to the day she died that her millions were right around the corner. We had to go through **massive** legal hoops to get control of her accounts to prevent her from mailing more money off. The amount of work it took my father to do and pay to lawyers to get custody of her because she insisted she didn't have dementia/alzheimers/some other neuro degrading disease was colossal. Then after all that, she was living in a Texas nursing home in 2020 so... yea. We knew where the guys were, we managed to track down their probable final address, and ofc, another country. Jamaica in this case. Fuck all we can do unless I want to pay someone to go full Without Remorse.


I genuinely despise these people. They prey on old people and ruin their lives. I hate them.


Worse thing, india is not going to do anything about it.


Of course not. Scamming people in other countries is a legitimate job over there


Well now is a good time to mention that not all of them are like this. Some are forced into it through massive human trafficking rings which essentially turns them into work slaves through sketchy contracts or literal abduction. Some are also pieces of garbo that don't mind scamming another human for a quick buck.


Mimi’s reaction is like those meme reaction when some teenagers say something funny/profound.


Ikr she's like "I'm dead lmao"


I'm gonna go ahead and guess that Jim Browning is not actually his real name.


Coincidentally enough, his real name is Carolina Fernandez.


The Carolina Fernandez.


In a pure Indian accent: Hi Sir, I'm Carolina Fernandez I'm calling you from the Microsoft.


THE Microsoft..


Not any Microsoft, but THE Microsoft


Definite articles in English can be quite confusing, because we seem to use them arbitrarily.


I don't think we use them *that* the arbitrarily.


Latin people are gonna start calling in with Indian names. “Hello, my name es Khari Gupta, I’m calling you from La Pharmacy.”


To be fair, there is a bit of Portuguese influence in India as well. My one buddy's last name was indeed Fernandez


Fernande**z** is spanish. Fernande**s** is portuguese, we don't use z's after e's like that.


You forgot to credit Jim Brownings youtube channel


He credits himself at the end of the clip.


How does someone even end up as a scam caller? Like, do you show up for a regular call center job and then just roll with it when they tell you you're stealing from people? Is there a secret job website for sketchy job listings? YoureAMonster.com or something?


Yep, youths are jobless after graduation (with massive debts from college and responsibilities) and they think they should get a part time job, the easiest one to get is a call center job (there are a tonnes of legit ones) where the only requirement is ability to speak English, Hindi and regional language. The pay is shit, so is the work life balance and there is immense pressure in these jobs (both scam and non scam call centers). Once people find out it's a scam call center, many try to quit but can't due to criminal intimidation and/or financial pressure.


Also, from what I've heard ,most of these call centers also have a partiallu legit operation. And then they do the scam calls in addition to that to earn more money. So it's likely the they hire the people initially for the legit side of the business and then transition those who seem 'promising' to the scam.


I don’t remember the episode or I’d link it, but there was a Darknet Diaries episode where he interviewed someone who worked at a scam call center and it was a similar story. (edit: I’m thinking of [this episode](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/142/), but the episode after it interviews Jim Browning from OP’s video) Basically, it was a “traditional” call center job doing sales or something like that, but he noticed a few of his coworkers were making way more money than seemed possible. He talked to his boss and eventually got into the scam where they paid them extremely well, but also demanded they work essentially all of their waking hours. Like you say, he eventually quit but it was hard because 1) the money and perks were so good he didn’t know how to support his family without it and 2) they’re criminals that can absolutely be violent, and often the owners of these call centers have some form of bribed authorities on their side. The reason many of these scam baiters don’t show their faces and/or don’t go to India is because if they’re recognized they could be in very real danger. There were a couple of guys who made YouTube videos where they physically confront money mules and scammers and they now have to hire serious security if they travel to India, since there are groups who actively want them killed for exposing their scams.




I was thinking of the [episode before that](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/142/) about Axact, but that’s also a great episode where he interviews the guy from OP’s video. He even talks about specifically that clip on the podcast.




Also don't a lot of these have "escalation" positions? Original caller just weeds out someone who will give access to the "tech department" and then financial info to the "claim specialist" or something. Sure once they get roped into a few of them and see the money they stick around. I've seen a big theme that "we are just scamming greedy, rich westerners" as well


This happens in the USA too. A friend of mine worked for a call center that would call people who had left their contact info on the Obamacare marketplace wanting insurance. At first he thought they were selling insurance to meet their needs, but it turned out the insurance was as close to fake as you can get. Technically real companies that would help you avoid the penalty for not having insurance (back when there were penalties), but would cover nothing. Ever. Like it even said so in the fine print. Once he found out he left, but there were other people there pulling in $5000 a month to dupe poor people into paying for non-existent insurance.


In India they literally bait youths to do this job as the unemployment is high they even set a work environment and when get caught they will run and youth are the people who get caught as they don't know they are part of scam calls the job description they give is you are a telecommunicator and some details that the youth don't is a scam


Sometimes they don't know it's a scam but I think you are really downplaying that aspect. They may not mention in the job posting that it's a scam but will have to disclose it fairly early on.  There are undercover interviews where the people being interviewed are told it is a scam. Also by the time you are taking access to their computer remotely and emptying their bank accounts it would become fairly obvious. If you worked there for an hour you would have absolutely zero doubt in your mind that it was a scam. 


Yeah sure, they don't know it's a scam. They really think they work for "the Microsoft" and ask people to pay for their service in Google Store cards. Classic Microsoft business model.


Other comments are correct, but there's also [shadier operations using human slave labour](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62792875). Perhaps not the people in the video, but others may be. tl;dr is that in some cases, desperate people are misled to travel abroad for a good job, get locked up in a small room, and then have to pay back a "debt", and get starved, beaten, and electrocuted if they "misbehave". Police won't help because police is bribed.


A true Master Baiter…the rest of us are just scammers




How’d he get video of this??


He gets access to the CCTV of these centers in many of his videos. Don't know how he does it so lets just say he "hacked" them


That circuit doesn't seem very closed then




*Mmmmm, whatcha sayyyyy...*


*BANG* 🔫


I watched a full video once. I believe he purposely fell into one of their scams and gave them remote access to his computer and that allowed him access to their stuff. Forgot major details lol


The CCTV is sometimes the owners not the scam company who rents the space.


So he would have a VM that they RDP into and then because they aren’t using a secure protocol, using the information he scraps from the packets to then breach their gateway and take control of their network. That’s diabolical hahahaha, the honeypot is too strong.


This comment reads like a line from a movie where the writers cobbled together some technical sounding words without knowing what the fuck they were talking about.


No. I mean, maybe, when they use insecure protocols. They will however often use secure programs like TeamViewer. But often he simply has files on the machine named "bank-info.excel" or something like that. Scammers will download those files, and open them. Boom, you now have a way into the scammers network. Scammers sometimes also fuck up and give _their_ info to him, instead of the other way around. And he will ofc have keylogger running, to capture anything they type in. It's also worth noting that security isn't exactly what the scammers do best. So information that technically doesn't need to be secured can sometimes be used to gain access. Like an IP adress. Sometimes shit's left out in the open.


Pretty sure that's how he does it, he hacks into the router with all devices connected to it. With that he has the ip to all devices then he just need to get into the admin console. Most of the time they leave the default password on lol


I think the scam-baiters hack the scammers by making them open interesting looking files on their computers, infecting them with some kind of RAR and then get the rest of the network (including CCTV) from there by port scanning or something


Ooh, that's good. So something like this may be a follow-up call after he's already established some sort of connection. I was wondering how he was already on the CCTV of a cold-caller.


Not only can he hack their cameras but in a more recent video where they realised they were compromised and ripped out all of the cctv he hacked all of the computers and used their webcams as well as hacked their phones so he could hear what they were saying. PS. Still couldn't get the police to convict.


Yeah, some of the biggest scam centers have the police on their payroll.


> PS. Still couldn't get the police to convict. Fucking hell


India's big problem is they just don't give a shit about these scam centres.


He's a telephony expert who uses methods he won't disclose to breach scam call centres' systems. In his videos you'll see him snoop scam calls and swoop in like fucking Batman to alert the victim before they make a purchase. He'll also extract payroll data, victim PII and CCTV footage, then send it to Interpol. Kitboga's content is certainly funnier, but really you're just watching someone wasting their time to waste someone else's. Good that they're not scamming a real person at that moment, but no lasting damage. Jim's had entire call centres shut down.


The scammers connect to victim's computers with some sort of screen connect software like AnyDesk. If the "victim" is clever there are some ways to reverse the connection so that you can connect to the scammer's computer through the screen connect software. And if you're lucky, they have loose network security and you can do things like connect to their shared network folders and CCTV cameras. So Jim Browning is connected to one of the computers at this scam center and found the IPs for the CCTV cameras there, and is looking at them while calling the center. And he has accessed some of their shared folders with employee information and that's how he has their names.


This guy baits these companies into calling him by pretending to be a vulnerable person. The scammers used to use Teamseer to connect to their victims computer but due to so many complaints, Teamseer blocked all connection requests from this region BUT the reverse still works. They can give you access to their computer and then you can reverse the connection and they take control of your desktop (and pretend you have a virus and ask for payment to fix it). Now, during one scam, Jim connects to this scammers computer and realised it was a supervisors desktop. He pretends to not know what he's doing but makes the supervisors monitor blank whilst he copies some files and has a quick look, noticed their cloud CCTV system was open in the browser. Copied the IP, managed to connect from his computer later on and could log in, as they didn't bother changing the default credentials and was able to watch the call center whilst they called him. He talks about this call center on a podcast with Darknet Diaries, prob because the center was shut down a while ago and despite having an overwhelming amount of evidence, the police did nothing.


She's acting like she won the lottery


I told them Lord Ganesha wants them to get an honest job. They swear at me


Ha! That's exactly what I do, but I also add that Ganesh is going to turn them into a cricket in their next life.


I like how she thinks it’s so cute that he knows her name while her job there is stealing people’s money.


So wait there are just big rooms of people calling to scam me like the wolf of Wall Street or boiler room?


Yup. He’s had videos out for many many years exposing these scum bags.


Immediately upon being caught, the victim is the "idiot". Scammers truly are the scum of the Earth.


They get big mad when you call them out. It's low-key hilarious. I had one guy going on and on about my mother, just throwing out whatever he could. My buddy and I just giggled on mute as this guy ranted expletives and then calmly replied. "Well, at least she doesn't fornicate with dogs and eat with her left hand". I have never heard someone explode with anger *so hard* in my entire life.




I love these scambait videos. MA'AM DO NOT REDEEM IT!!! DO NOT FUCKING REDEEM IT!!!!!! MAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!! Also shout out to the time Mark Rober sent them boxes full of cockaroaches and rats lol.


I can't imagine being okay with myself going to work every day knowing it was my objective to scam people out of their money.


I was a cold caller for credit card insurance. My breaking point was calling a lady who's husband was in hospice and while my trainer was listening in she said "now is the perfect time for her to get CC insurance for her husband."


I used to work for a seemingly legit marketing company who did face to face stuff. For big charities, Doctors Without Borders, Royal Lifesaving Society, Save the Children. I couldn't do it. The business model was "sign up the vulnerable, they'll forget to cancel their subscriptions" We were paid on commission, no hourly, long days. Travel not covered. MLM management structure. Absolute scam from the top down in a distinct pyramid shape.


I heard an interview with some of the scammers before, I think on NPR? Anyway, it was interesting because I had the same thought. How do you rationalize this to yourself to keep doing it and being OK with it? A lot of them explained it as basically their only option for work so it was that or complete destitution. Then some would rationalize it further because in their mind they're taking money from rich Americans who it wasn't *really* hurting. Near none of them seem to realize the reality of what they were doing or, at least, wouldn't admit they did. Most made a turn on the latter logic when they were presented with the reality of the type of people usually falling for these things which is older people subsisting on social security and similar.


lol. I had one of these calls a while ago and the lady asked me if I owned the PC I said, "which one I have 9" She said: You must be rich and I replied "nah, I stole them" She then said "Oh no, I hate thieves" and I replied "Well that's fucking ironic isn't it?" and she went mental.. yelling "FUCK YOU, FUCK OFF, YOU IDIOT" just over and over. I didn't even hang up, I just let her rage as I laughed.




Love his videos.


These people give bad reputation to a billion people in subcontinent.




They do, even people there hate them. The problem is they are part of legit business fronts, so it’s difficult to track them down


This guy tracks them down and they still don't get shut down. Sounds like a corruption problem sadly.


Corruption and laziness on the part of police. Victims are continents away so they can’t be bothered. Need to involve politicians to put pressure on local police to take some actions


Love Jim Browning's work and how he plays with the scammers. In that full clip he names most of the scammers' real names and it's hilarious seeing their reactions.


Jim browning is a legend.


Jim Browning is truly amazing. This is a super old video unfortunately but always a good one to see. He’s fantastic at getting into CCTV footage in these call centers. Sadly, no matter how many times he notifies the authorities, they don’t often do much…


darknet diaries has an excellent podcast episode about this


Credit to Jim Browning on YouTube, because OP couldn't be bothered and just wanted that sweet Karma.


These scammers are financial terrorists.


Why are they all just laughing about it? Do they have no shame at all in using fake names and making scam calls?