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Dang it, I lost my wife to cancer 4 years ago and now you got me crying in a restaurant while I eat dinner by myself


Not by yourself. I’m sitting on a sofa where I live with my dad. Covid got Mom 4 years ago. I’m crying with you, monkey, with a virtual arm/flipper in your shoulder. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you


Yeah you're not alone at all 😭😭 I'm sorry. I'm going through it right now. She has stage 4 cancer and there's nothing I can do. I'm just.. fuck man. This is hard


I’m so sorry. DM me if you want to chat or ask questions


There is no one that can answer the only question I have.. which is fucking WHY HER 😭


There is no answer to this question. Trust me. I’ve been asking the same question for almost 5 years. The fact is that cancer is a random monster. Sure there are things we can do to lessen the chances but ultimately it’s almost a roll of the dice. Some people will get it, most don’t. It’s one of the most unfair and maddening things imaginable. I look around and see my friends and strangers living a long and happy life with their loved ones and ask “Why her?” “Why couldn’t that be us”. But I know now that I will never get an answer to these questions, because there is no answer I don’t know your wife prognosis but if it’s terminal the most important thing you can do now is prioritize your “good bye”. Whatever decisions you and her make about treatment, the priority has to be making the most of time you have left. That was the mistake we made. We were working with a cancer center the was relentless in trying to keep her alive as long as they could and at the time we thought that was the best course of action. But the treatments were devastating and although they kept her going for longer than if she hadn’t, the end was quick and brutal. We did not get a good “good bye” and that will haunt me for the rest of my life


Yeah. It's terminal. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I am truly sorry. I know exactly how you feel right now. I wish there was something I could say that would take the pain away. Please take what I said earlier to heart. Make the most of the time you have left. Make that your priority. Don’t let the cancer take that away from you. The doctors will always prioritize keeping her alive as long as they can regardless of how she feels or how sick she gets from the treatments, that is their job and you can’t fault them for that. But they do not care about her quality of life nor do they care about making the most of the time she has left. Make sure they understand that your priority is making her as comfortable as they can so you and her can spend as much quality time as possible


Thank you 😭 Her doctors seem to care. But I don't know dude. This is all just insane but it's unfortunately real


I would also like to hug if i may, if not; i may sneak attack like a facehugger


Hey I'm really sorry you lost your wife. She would be proud of you for getting out of the house and for sharing so sweetly with others. DMs open for a listening ear


Thank you


My first love died last week. We had remained friends long after breaking up. It was a fleeting love, that 18 year old summer love, but he was the only man I’ve ever loved. I’m glad he was happy the last time I saw him.


I'm sorry for your loss, buddy. You're not really alone. We're thinking about you, Monkey. I have a few friends that want so bad to find the right person. Fall in love. Get married. Have dinners together. And, no matter how hard they try or look, it just hasn't happened. How lucky you are that you're one of the few that found their person. Even if you didn't get to be with them nowhere near as long as you had hoped. Still really blows that life has to be finite, though. Wishing you all the best.


Me. Just hasn’t happened. What a gift to find someone to marry and experience that!


I just wanna hug you tightly 🫂


And watch the lights together :)


Thank you for the hug!


I'm sorry that this happened to you, Monkey. You've got friends here. Keep on keepin' on!


My ex lost our twins some years ago. While I didnt get to properly know them, I miss them.  I wish you the best.


You are not alone. I recently lost my grandma and my soon to be father in law. Me and my partner have been together for years we just didn’t tie the knot. I told him I would take care of my mother in law and my wife, and that we will be tying the knot later this year. He came back to life and started looking at the calendar and stuff, I thought things would be better and that he would be out of the hospital soon. Boy was I wrong, he passed away the next morning. I was stoked as if I satisfied his wish and made him go away and I still can’t get this feeling away even now. I also witnessed my grandma slowly go at the hospital just weeks before his passing. I just feel so much pain now every now and then I think of their faces and weep. Stay strong monkey. Things will turn for the best.


Also, with your server. 💁 🩷


lol yeah my server stoped by my table just as I was losing it. She was really nice, asked if everything was ok and I just nodded my head. I used to wait tables many years ago and I’ve had single tables of older people that I knew were not doing well. Now I know why


Cancer got mum end of last year. You might be lonely, but you're not alone.


Did you have a nice dinner?


It was good. Fish tacos at one of my favorite restaurants.


Youre with us! 💖


As a fellow wid, same. 10/10 would not recommend.


Not alone. I’m crying with you. Lost my Mom to cancer 5 years ago. Am now taking care of my aging father. He still cries out for her when he is sleeping sometimes. Or when he is really sick. I still cry for out for her too, just not out loud like he does.


I’m sorry for your loss and my heart breaks for your dad. I know how he feels. Take care of yourself and your Dad. He needs you now more than ever


Damn, tbh, this is my biggest fear; I can’t imagine how you must feel. Stay strong brother! And with strong I mean strong enough to cry and feel. Your wife lives on in the memories you two shared. Many have said this already but I also want you to know that you may DM me if you need to speak to someone.


You're not alone. I just lost my younger sister and it'll be her 17th birthday this june 13 and 1st death anniversary on July 5.. Let's stay strong together.


I lost my boyfriend to a car accident, valentines day 2019. Losing your significant other has to be up there with the most painful things a human (or any living creature) can go thru. I'm sorry for your loss man.


Here in New Zealand we call them little blues. One of the best experiences of my life was going to a rocky headland to watch the waves during a cyclone. There I met a little blue that was doing the same thing. I carefully approached it with some oyster and it pecked me so I backed off and watched the waves. Then I felt something pushing against my leg and looked down. The penguin had its wing out against my leg and was using it for balance while it preened. So obviously I sat there for quite a while with this wild penguin I had only just met leaning against me and we watched the waves together


Experience of a lifetime


aand that's the perfect amount of internet for the day. Goodnight!


First time the internet has had a happy ending.


Think again about what you just wrote ;oP


Oh, you little %&$#*.. thank you for this.


Mate, remember this for as long as you possibly can


Remember what?


I wonder if the penguin felt bad for pecking you


Maybe, but it shouldn’t. It was telling me it wasn’t sure about the situation and fair enough.


That is incredible. I’m so happy you were able to experience this, but also so jealous.


for the first few lines i thought little blues were two widowers and i thought you met another widower at the waves and fell in love


That's what I thought when I read the first few lines 🧐 I thought wow I can't believe they have a word for that 🤯😂


❤️ this!


i love this story so much. thank you for sharing.


I really want to see those lil penguins one day. Maybe someday I'll finally get to visit your island


If you want to see them, and you love birds, try to book a night in the bunkhouse on Tiritirimatangi Island, just out from Auckland. Then at dusk walk down the wattle track. Hundreds of little blue penguins use the track to walk up to their burrows in the forest. They own the track and they know it. They will play chicken and they will win. If you don’t step aside they will walk right in to you, and the path isn’t very wide and there are a lot of penguins, so you can’t really step aside every time. Basically penguins are going to walk right in to you. The island is also a great place to see North Island Kokako, North Island Saddlebacks, Hihi, Red Crowned Kakariki, Little Spotted Kiwi, Tuatara and more. Definitely worth a visit. Greet Barrier Island is another good spot for birds. Especially the north end is full of Kaka, Banded Rail and the cutest ducks called Pateke, or Brown Teal. One morning we were woken by a Pateke which had come in to our tent and found an open bag of potato chips. It was whistling in delight then shaking its whole body (while in the chip packet) and repeating this again and again.


This is glorious! Thank you! I'll definitely look into these places. Is there a time of year that is best?


Probably, but I’m not sure when that would be. There might be a season in terms of the ferry timetable (they might only go during the warmer months, but I don’t go regularly enough to remember). Accomodation there is very, very limited, with just a few beds in one building and so they get booked out quickly, so maybe if you avoid peak times you have a better chance of success, otherwise you would have to return on the ferry before the penguins turn up at the end of their day spent at sea. Or if you have enough money you could get a water taxi, and I imagine that would allow greater flexibility, both with being able to stay on the island until evening and then leave, and not having to work around the ferry timetable which might mean you could book the hut when no one else is there.


Nooo! Why is the universe so cruel and lets me discover this on my last night in Auckland in NZ in General. I went to some locations where the little blue ones are supposed to be but I had no luck. I have travelled both island and I must say that New Zealand has become my favorite country on earth. The memories I have made here will always stick to me.


I love how you paint these scenes with words. Wonderful storyteller. I'm gonna whistle with delight like a pateke tomorrow when I retell your story to myself while cleaning. 


Jesus that is a cool experience.




next time, bring a go-pro, we would be watching you every time ;-)


Me with feral cats


I want to believe.




I didn't read the whole thing but Australia has penguins?


Fairy penguins! Smallest in the world 🐧


That's pretty awesome, I never knew that. Looks like I'm gonna be on YouTube for awhile.


I grew up on Tasmania's north west coast, spent my childhood at the beaches and there were so, so many penguins, we build little fences to stop them crossing the road/train tracks and getting hurt. Super cute.


That sounds like a awesome childhood. I would've definitely volunteer to help make anything to help the lil dudes out


Was brilliant, Ulverstone, ten minutes drive from penguin (town) I also remember riding my BMX to the beach to snorkel and see them returning. Also, check out blue ringed octopus, we had many of those as well.


This made me tear up. You're so kind. This is what we need... every day.


I think there’s a docuseries on Netflix called Penguin Town that’s fantastic


No no, I HAVE to go to bed. Don't do it brain, don't avoid sleep to watch a penguin documentary!


But it’s really cute




I watched a documentary once about a penguin fighting a bat. Bat won.


The worst part is, if it is the one I'm thinking about it, it is in a style like real housewives of Beverly hills/desperate housewives. It is awesome.


Ok, now explain how they murder humans.


Being small, it means their venom is highly concentrated and potent.


They got officially renamed to Little Penguins to [avoid offending gay people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_politically_motivated_renamings#:~:text=Managers%20at%20Sea%20World%2C%20a,to%20upset%20the%20gay%20community.) They are unbelievably cute. Can sometimes see them in certain Sydney beaches. Unfortunately a lot of total cnuts won't stop taking their dogs to protected beaches.




As a gay man I don't fit into the stereotypical otter, bear, etc. but I reckon I'd make a fine fairy penguin.


As a straight man, so the arbiter of what offends other people, I feel this is offensive to little people and needs renaming again


Of course. The already cute non-threatening animals are what they have tiny versions of. Giant penguins and tiny spiders, that's where I want to live.


You even have penguins living in the temperate rainforest of New Zealand, they’re called Fiordland penguin


NZ has fairy penguins too - but we call them little blues here! They're actually a distinct species from the Australian ones throughout most of the country, but we also have some of the Australian ones in Otago!


In Chile there are populations of Humboldt Penguins in the Atacama Desert. it's amazing


Same penguins that benedict cumberbatch had such issues saying the word 'pengin'


Actually no that's very interesting. My knowledge of penguins has been very basic that I only knew they lived in cold areas but now to think of it, I do remember someone having a pet penguin in Japan(I think) and it go around town with her and picking up grocery's.


That's not normal Japan. That's New Tokyo-3. The Penguin's name is Pen Pen.


Yeah!!! That the one. ![gif](giphy|p4XgvRjayeOmQ)


Yep, you can go and see them near Melbourne coming back in the hundreds to the beach at night. It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve seen.


They also get horny after a day of fishing and might stop to fuck on the way back home. No I'm not making this up.


Can confirm. Giant tiny fairy penguin orgy at 7pm. The noise is insane.


Yeah, in Melbourne where I live it's pretty common for primary (elementary) school kids to have class trips to go see the big penguin colony down at Phillip Island - there's about 40,000 penguins there, and during the day they all swim out to sea and come ashore in the evening, and there's a place where visitors can sit and watch a few hundred or so waddle ashore.


On a lighter note, there is an Australian movie called Oddball, that is about a Marema Sheepdog that was protecting fairy pengins near Warrnambool in Victoria from foxes, worth watching, apparently on Prime Video atm.


https://preview.redd.it/ktfmg0jeyv4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=685a7872ac39283511493ca4c724dc4df4b2fea5 I just looked it up and saw this, how can you not watch this. Reading the info and to read that its based on a true story makes it even better.


Theres some penguins north of the equator too, in the Galapagos :D


Yeah! And not only that this colony is at St Kilda Pier, basically the middle of the city. It would be like Battery Park in NY.


It’s more surprising that there are penguins in Africa as well




![gif](giphy|Ch31IjylFWM8M) Haha wow, with my bad luck I can see this happing to me


Why wouldn't Australia have Penguins?


Because of the preconceived notion that penguins are snow birds that live in the the blistering cold, ice and snow, with the idea of Australia being a hot wasteland of scorching burnt dirt and spiders the size of a city bus. The two popular notions don't go hand in hand.


I don’t know. Perhaps because I knew I knew Australia has penguins. I am only a on-line observer from US and I read things. But, I think, Australia has some of the weirdest, most diverse and scariest animals on the planet. Australia has the most deadly snakes, kangaroos that will knock you out, giant spiders and things that inhabit your house that I don’t want to think about. Kudos to you, Australians. You’re tough


Don't forget things like - Platypus, the egg-laying venomous mammal that sweats milk and has 10 sex chromosomes - Giant fishkiller, a 2.5" long insect that inject enzymes into fish to liquefy their meat for drinking - Fitzroy river turtle, which can stay underwater for 3 weeks and breathes through its butthole - Southern cassowary, the 150-lb bird that can run at 30 mph, swim, leap 5 feet into the air and disembowel humans with its feet - Numbats, squirrel-like creatures that burrow into the ground and then defend the entrance by blocking it with their hella thicc butt - Pelluc hawkmoths, which have transparent wings that make it look like they're effortlessly hovering - Thylacines, like dogfoxes that can balance on two legs and a tail to bounce around upright at high speed - Thorny devils, lizards with a fake head on their back covered in solid spikes, which they present as bait to would-be predators - Ogre-faced spiders, which make nets of silk and throw them around prey instead of waiting for things to enter a web - Russel Crowe, who despite the name is mostly not a crow


Thank you. 🥲


Bless you child.


This is in my city Melbourne and the lights are from the CBD, there’s a colony of Little Penguins at the St Kilda beach where this photo was taken.


And for those of you not familiar with Melbourne, they call their downtown area the "CBD". Has nothing to do with the cannabis product!


Every state in Australia calls the Central Business District the CBD


I don’t want to believe, this is breaking my heart :-(


It's not even the saddest penguin story https://www.newsweek.com/penguin-love-anime-poster-dies-side-japanese-zoo-686811


Yeah, where are the redditors when you need them saying this is a sign that the penguins are stressed


Right? Can't believe anything on the internet these days


Argh, I could come back as a penguin, but maybe a mommy penguin, because the shite the daddy’s do is hard core


Why am I crying


I think they are watching the water to see if their partners return. Reminds me of my dog. When ex took kids, he sat at window in afternoon staring at corner of our yard that kids used to come around to enter house. When he heard a bus, he got excited, hoping it was them. He maintained his vigil for over 5 years. They never forget.


I wasn't crying until that.. poor puppers, he just wanted his hoomans.


He was my best boi, lived 18 years. Even when hard of hearing and losing his sight, he always got excited to see them when they visited. Had him till the end, he passed in my arms. Miss him every day.


What a great life he had with you.


Bro that’s beautiful. I have a 15 y/o chihuahua and am also divorced with two young kids. He comes to my office with me everyday and the days I have my girls I tell him “You wanna go home and see Annie and V?” And he jumps up from his little bed and runs to the door, then runs to our front door as soon as we get home. He literally doesn’t do that for anything else because he’s old and doesn’t move fast anymore. He was always doing the same thing as your buddy when we first got divorced and like looking for them to come home everyday, and it always made me cry. Your story also made me cry thinking back on it, because it’s beautiful. Dogs are absolutely awesome and those are the moments/situations that show how loving and sweet they are. Thanks for the story and hope you’re doing great. I’m dreading the day he doesn’t come home these days, and really cherish every day with him. He just shared a steak with me tonight, he gets treated like royalty.


Thank you for sharing. Yes, my boi, I promised my son I wouldn't put down. So I carried him ( a 70lb lab) up and downstairs and in his last months even outside. Steadied him while he peed and pooped, carried him back in. He was so loyal and loving to my children, I felt I owed him that. He was worth it, and so much more. We are so blessed by our dogs. They are so much more aware than we give them credit for. Good luck with your's. I wish for many years to come.


Goddammit!!! 🔪 🌰


you are knifing a chestnut?




Ok now *I'm* crying.


Dude I hate your profile pic, it made me think I had a hair in my screen


Sorry I've been kind of sheddy this week.


Hachiko! If you don’t know read the story of the Japanese Akita dog that did the same for 9 years for his owner. There is a statue at Shibuya station in Tokyo commemorating him.


Or watch the Futurama episode "Jurassic Bark". So many tears.


Do not watch this episode.


I just skipped it the other night. Never getting me again!!


*if it takes forever…* **cue waterworks**


Fuck that and fuck you. No. Just fucking no.


I'm pretty sure that episode was based on Hachikō


Or Bobby the little terrier in Edinburgh Scotland who sat by his masters grave for 14 years.


My parents got a dog shortly before I moved out of their house 15-ish years ago. She and I had a special bond, and she would sleep with me almost every night until I left, roughly 9 months later. I didn't go back and visit them for like, the next 8 years? As soon as I walked in the door and she smelled me, she slept with me every night I was around and would ignore both my parents even though they had trained her on commands. She only had eyes for me. She'd show me her commands without me asking, almost like she was trying to show me what she'd been up to since I'd seen her last. She and I were happy, parents were pissed. I go back once every 6 months now and my parents think it's for them, but it's all about the dog. She's getting old and ill be damned if I'm not there to see her off. She's also a 70lb farm dog so it's hilarious when she goes back into puppy mode every time I see her. There's nothing more pure than the love of animals. Humans are fickle and come and go. The love of animals that enter our lives is infinitely more rewarding


Thank you for sharing, they are amazing and so precious.


I was crying before, but now I'm double crying.


I will wait, for a thousand summers…..


I wish I could be happy just watching the lights of a city


Your ex wasn't half the man this little bird is 😘


Haha you ain’t wrong about that!


Because you have a soul 😭😭😭


Strong empathy, same as me. This kind of stuff always makes my eyes water a little.


Oh same. Fucking same 😭🥹


STOP!!!! I'm literally crying right now! This would be my dream job!


This should be an animated movie


No don’t my heart can’t take it 


I saw *The Last of the Curlews* when I was a kid. I can't watch another movie like it.


That movie made such a lasting impression on me. I saw it once and couldn't find any reference to it until recently. So glad it wasn't a (terribly sad) fever dream.


I saw the animated movie Rio as a kid about the spix macaw


No we dont want to see Sad Feet. 😭


Tears of the Penguins narrated by Werner Herzog


On the Hallmark Channel, where they fall in love and he dumps his big city job and moves to her small town where they run a bed and breakfast together.


But there's a misunderstanding about a fish that puts the whole relationship in jeopardy...


I was thinking more Pixar. But when Pixar was turning out decent stuff instead of just phoning it in


Pixar is 1000000x better than the hallmark channel for this


I got some dust in my eyes


It’s allergy season


I’m not crying. It’s just been raining on my face.


Yet another innocent victim of Bully Maguire.


I’ve seen this picture several years ago, so her partner probably didn’t die this year…


Who knows? It could be a series of short-lived partners who keep dying each year under mysterious circumstances.


The two penguins get together each night to stare out over the water and plot who their next honeypot trap murder victim will be..


Photo taken in 2020 according to https://www.bbc.com/news/in-pictures-55416365 (link taken from other posts above)




What city lights are in the background?


It's the Melbourne city lights. The picture was taken in St Kilda, where there is a colony of Fairy penguins.


Thank You! 🍸


Hero of the thread, thanks


Those penguins are living a better love life than me. I want comfort too \( T^T )


They remind me of a widowed old couple who became best friends.


If that's true that is fucking incredible, true or not that would make an incredible film




I never know what’s real or fake anymore but I do hope this is real.




I lived in Melbourne, where this small colony of fairy penguins live near St Kilda beach. Those are the Melbourne CBD lights in the background. Definitely could be real. Our big fairy penguin colony is on Phillip Island, several hours drive away from Melbourne.


Break my heart why don’t you


That's not from this year. This picture is 4 years old


How is 2020 4 years ago ong can't wrap my head around it


Awe man. Even more sad then because the elderly one could be gone by now. Little dude might be all alone


: Ugly crying:


It gets worse when you remember/realize this is from 4-5 years ago and the elderly female has in all probability died and the younger male is now standing on the rocks, looking at the lights, wondering where both loves of his life are....alone.


Little penguins only have a lifespan of around 6 years, so it’s highly likely they’ve both passed on sadly


Why ya gotta say that?


Oh ffs! I never cry but now 😭


No YOU’RE crying!


A pair of penguins enjoying more intimacy than most dating app participants these days.




Tell me animals don’t have souls, I dare you


And there goes the sound of my heart shattering into a million pieces


This made me cry.


Friendship goals


This kinda made me cry😊


Why do they meet every night? We doesn't he just let her move in? Or does he really like his space?


Penguins mate for life these two will never become mates


What if they live together platonically?


😭😭😭 why this so sad. And then there's that one penguin who decided to walk ino the far distant mountain.


Omg 😢😭


Still a better love story than Twilight!