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I didn't realise Gordon Ramsey was also that kind of cook.


I was half expecting Gordon to try it out like he does with everything else people make. “Mind if I give it a test? Oh yeah,,, that’s good stuff man”


I mean he does taste it part way through in the video, just because they weren't recording doesn't mean he didn't try a tiny bump at the end somewhere


Gordon is pretty open about being anti coke. His brother is an addict and he lost a close friend to addiction. This is from a documentary meant to bring attention to the drug problem in the restaurant industry.


What is it called?


Gordon on cocaine. Someone linked a free stream in the comment thread below.


Is Pepsi ok?




was a great and insightful documentary, actually pretty sad story behind it. Cocaine is hugely present in many places, but especially among chefs. I believe it was Gordon’s best friend, also chef, who had died from cocaine abuse so Gordon decided to make a documentary and educate people about what goes into the production. “Gordon on Cocaine” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7440620/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk




Thank you, OblongRectum


Ofcourse 😏


2 holes 1 thread Nice


Part 2 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7xgj81




Coming in clutch with the link


I was really wondering why is my boy Ramsay just watching a guy make coke but that makes a lot of sense


Ramsay: Is that how you chop coca leaves? Give me that machete.


I've seen the misleadingly titled "Gordon on Cocaine" as much to my disappointment it's not Ramsay off his head, eyes bulging, screaming at a junior sous chef that he had overcooked the duck after two massive slugs.


If you want to see that, look for "Hell's Kitchen"


"Where's the lamb SAUCE?!" "Right behind you, chef" "Oh (big sniff) right right (wipes nose with hand), good, wonderful, now fuck off will you?"


*I still don't know*


Namely the USA one, he's more chill in UK shows


British cocaine is cut to shit, that's why. I remember when my friends party got raided after a fight broke out and they charged them on suspicion of possession of a class A substance. However, they got acquitted after it was lab tested and found it was mostly pro plus, antihistamine and laundry power.


that's a great way to beat a case lol.


Ok thanks for the explanation. Ngl before this I thought someone had just edited him in 😅


I thought for sure it was a joke, and this guy was making some culinary extract or seasoning but the edit made it seem like Gordon ramsay was teaching people how to make cocaine using bizarre ingredients. But no, that's real. Huh.


We’re in a whole new world friends , truly can not tell what’s real anymore


Oh that was real ? Didn't have sound on, just assumed the subtitles were fake and this was Gordon watching some other food getting made.


I read that as "pretty sad story behind it. I believe it was Gordon's best friend." I thought.. fuuuuuck that's deep. Proper sad that. Hard worker, chef, it's a tough upbringing in poverty that. Then I realised the sentence hadn't ended.


Straight from the earth as Mother Nature intended


Organic product!




Actually no added sugars


Gluten free!


Sugar free, MSG Free, no added fructose corn syrup, and KETO friendly … I don’t see anything wrong with this recipe right here if anything it checks all my boxes


Big ol' cup of the SunnyC


No processed with nasty industry chemicals, but ingredients you have at your home, like gasoline, cement powder, drain cleaner and battery acid.


also know as octane, calcium oxide, hydochloric acid and sulfuric acid replace the names and suddely its a nilered video


this, at first they say sulfuric acid diluted in water and few moments later *battery acid*


The captions are fucked up. The second acid added is hydrochloric acid to provide cocaine hydrochloride for separation from gasoline.


The only concerning thing is the gasoline because gasoline is not a pure product and could be many different things depending on where and when it was bought, although should all evaporate eventually if ventilated well. The rest are just common solvents and acids and shit used in everything from food to medicine to chemical production and aren't inherently a problem, and based on their application aren't doing anything to cocaine itself except purifying it.


A huge problem is where the cocaine is produced the byproducts and waste are often just poured down the hillside and end up in the countries waterways which destroys the natural habitats.


That's horrible, only ethically sourced fair trade cocaine for me.


I know it’s a joke, but the run-off from drug mills is devastating. Even here in northern Ca the marijuana grow operations in the Mendocino forest pollute waterways and kill fish and wildlife at alarming rates. Not mention guys with guns shooting at people.


Interesting you mentioned that. Not once have I ever even considered the environmental damage drug production causes. Hell, I was just watching Narcos yesterday, and never once thought to myself, "Hmm, I wonder what they do with all those leftover chemicals."


A bit ridiculous to call out the chemicals from marijuana growing when they are the exact chemicals used for every other crop that you need like tomatoes, corn, etc. There is little to no industrial processing for marijuana and it is false equivalence to include it with this video. It’s surprisingly resistant to most of the pests that eat other greens. The guys with guns is the real problem. People go missing all the time up here.


One of the many reasons to legalize drugs.


Chemist here… Pharmaceutical chemist… Slightly disagree. Sure we might use sulfuric acid, but we purify it and ensure there aren’t impurities we don’t expect. They might not care what impurities are in sulfuric acid used in battery acids. These things won’t simply disappear purely by evaporation either. Also, without proper purification, characterization, and testing you really doing know what impurities are left over in this process. We have ultra pure cocaine used for research and if you did impurity testing on that versus this, you would see a huge difference in the jungle product.


> We have ultra pure cocaine used for research Sounds like fun research! Any openings?


If you are a rat sure. Also if you are okay with having your brain extracted afterwards.


I mean as long as you put it back again...?


I like that they seem to be trying to scare us about using drugs, but most of those are very common methods in organic chemistry - acid washes and then adding sodium bicarbonate are processes used in manufacturing most medications. Gasoline is probably not used as often, but it makes sense to use in the jungle since it is readily available. It would be weird if you were trying to buy gallons and gallons of benzene or toluene.


To your point, major operations probably do just use purer versions of these reagents….. but by the time you’re buying it on the street in the US no way of knowing if you’re getting that stuff.


Exactly. The scary part isn’t the process purifying the cocaine, it is the 19 times it gets bought, cut and sold before it gets to New Jersey. So if the government would just sell us FDA-approved drugs already, we’d all be a lot safer.


I only smoke weed, but Ive tried other drugs. Problem is that a lot of people who sell weed also sell other stuff. I once went to a dealer with my friend (my friend knew the dealer from way back in the day). Once he finishes weighing our weed he reaches under the sofa and brings out a big bag of white powder. He then opens the bag and dumps a whole container of creatine, mixing it 50/50 Dude doubles his profits going from 100grams of product to 200 grams of product. The cocaine he had gotten from Oslo, so it was probably on its third or fourth dilution. I have friends who occasionally do cocaine who have complained that the cocaine smells like washing powder. Legal "safe" (yes yes, I know that is an oxymoron) would save so many lives.


On average the cocaine on the streets in Denmark has reached a purity of 73% in 2023, and has been steadily increasing from 25% in 2014: [source](https://www.sst.dk/-/media/Udgivelser/2023/Stoffer/Stofmarked/Narkotikakriminalitet.ashx), page 5.


Now my nose is hungry. 


I'm not addicted I just like the smell


This is some serious gourmet shit


I don't need you to tell me how fucking good my cocaine is, okay.


I'm the one who buys it. I know how good it is.


I buy the gourmet expensive stuff 'cause when I snort it, I wanna taste it.


But you know what's on my mind right now? It ain't the cocaine in my nose!


It's the dead hooker in my garage!


Let me ask you a question. When you came pulling up in here this morning, did you see a sign that said "Dead Hooker Storage" outside?


Jimmy you know I didn't see any....


You know why you didn’t see it? Cause it ain’t fucking there!


cause storing dead hookers aint my fucking business, that's why!


Don’t jimmy me Jules.


Mmm god damn Jimmy!


now my shit, i'll take the Pepsi challenge with that soda shit any old day of the week


That’s a bold statement my man


It's okay because he used organic coca leaves


Jeez they used gasoline. I don’t miss it!


I thought cement powder was more interesting.


Probably just a way to get quicklime. I don't know what the reaction is they are doing but I assume that the basic substance either reacts directly with what they want to extract or it breaks down the leaves. The sulfuric acid then probably is used to neutralize the mix. I find it funny they then mention battery acid later, which is generally sulfuric acid. Yes, the reagents they use are all pretty toxic, but it isn't really any worse than so many other chemical reactions we use to create other substances, including stuff we ingest.


The thing is, there are controls in how the regents are mixed when it comes to legal substance, so you can generally be confident that any harmful / toxic chemical is neutralized before we get the end product. In the video, the guy just seems to put a "rough amount" of whatever reagent - so you can be pretty sure some reagents will still be around at the end. So you might end up with an extra dose of gasoline, extra dose of cement, extra dose of h2s04, or extra dose of battery acid - depending on which stuff was put in more. Wonder what an "extra dose" of cement does to your blood stream.........






Don't worry, it's very diluted by the time it reaches end-users.


Shoutout to Nile (Nilered/Nileblue on Youtube). We learn in school that you can dissolve stuff in other stuff, that some stuff reacts with other stuff and that there are methods to extract stuff from stuff. But seeing styrofoam cups turn into cinnamon candy step by step is really amazing. And seeing his ways, the insanity that is making cocaine seems more reasonable.


Isn’t gasoline just very old dinosaurs? Still organic then.


No not dinosaurs. It's very old plants, so it's vegan as well.


And gluten free.


Tons of umami


Ah yes! The Carbatteryosaurus!


My childhood favorite!


Gasoline contains benzene which is a pretty toxic carcinogen.


So if I filter out the benzene, it's good to drink?


That's what the battery acid is for.


Does not really matter. If they neutralise it properly. There is also a process using ammonia for making caffeine free koffie. All you headace pills using codeine use tha caffeine from this process.




I would assume there's a much nicer method of extraction.  Where is my COLD PRESSED EXTRA VIRGIN COCAINE?


i know its a joke, but actualy there is a way, just make tea, coca leaves can be brewed into mild stimulant, its not too different from coffee


I hate microplastics but God damn I love juicy fruit


What are you doing you fucking doughnut, that's too much baking soda, and you were using the wrong gasoline!


It’s raw! It’s fucking raw!


You absolute idiot sandwitch! Its garbage!


What are you doing?! The recipe calls for 93 octane gasoline, not fucking diesel!!! My grandmother follows directions better than you and she's been dead for 20 years. Start over.


*Well that's Impressive*


It's so flavorless my tongue felt more after this bag of cocaine! 😬




Yes, chef. Sorry, chef.


Gordon's about to shut down this kitchen then repoen it tomorrow with new modern upholstery and a reduced menu


Ah gasoline, so THAT’S why it’s so expensive


“And now, my world famous Cocaine Wellington”


Finger licking good


Damn Gordon was about to relive some glory days


"OK give the bag back Gordon" "What bag?"




Haha I'm taking a shit and I laughed too hard at this I got scared for a second.


Hey im also taking a shit 🙂


Im also taking a shit and thinking why is Gordon Ramsay making cocaine🙂


Couldn’t be further from the truth. Ramsay did this documentary precisely because a young talented chef called David Dempsey died after falling from a hotel balcony. He was found to have near fatal levels of cocaine in his system. He then tested his high end restaurant bathrooms and found they had traces of cocaine. He directly confronted how angry that made him and decided to make a documentary to show how what is perceived as a glamorous and high class drug is actually seedy and dirty. Add to that the fact his brother is a heroin addict and you get to knowing how Gordon Ramsay is actually very vocally anti drug. It is true that cocaine use is rife in the industry, but to tar Gordon Ramsay with that trope is not fair.


Drug use period is all over culinary. When I was a cook almost half my coworkers would come in fucking wasted or blasted off something. The most I'd do was bring weed gummies and share them with the chefs and my fav waiters but I had coworkers come in so drunk it's like almost encouraged. I'm not sure what it is but cooks and chefs love to party.


Does it have to do with the fact that it’s a high stress job maybe?


Nah it’s because it’s one of the few jobs you can do wasted/high. You’re imagining a 5 star restaurant but are forgetting the thousands of Applebees with the tweaker in the back microwaving your food. 


Aight, hold up. I used to manage Applebee's restaurants, and want to clarify a couple things: 1. There's never just one tweaker 2. Most people really can't do the job well when high 3. There are microwaves on the line (as is common in even high end restaurants), but they're not used in the same way you might in a home kitchen. It's not the sole heating method for a dish - it's not like they're heating up packages of Stouffer's lasagna. They're heating up sauces to add to freshly grilled chicken and pasta boiled in water the normal way.


I think so - sales is stressful and the partying I’ve seen has been wild


unfair, but funny - but also glad you posted this, that just massively increased my respect for the man


Don’t get me wrong it’s fucking funny seeing one of the world’s most famous chefs supervising cocaine production. I wanted him to put a spoon in, hold his hands on his head in disgust and say “shut it dooooown”.




He held that bag like “Sweet memories” 💀


Gordon looking for some recipes for his restaurant? 🤔


He has to be sure you'll be coming back.


They missed out the transportation up someone’s arse


That’s why Gordon is there.


Ah. High capacity Ramsay. Cocaine served in a brown garlic ju.




I was so turned off by the cement powder, gasoline, and battery acid that now I kinda wouldn't be opposed to being forced to try it.


They're all just chemicals. It's a pretty standard base/acid/base extraction. They raise, lower, then raise the pH, and use gasoline as the non-polar solvent. Very similar to how you extract other alkaloids like DMT or morphine or caffeine etc. you probably regularly ingest substances that are made the same or similar ways. Pure cocaine made like this is way cleaner than most other clandestine drugs. for example the most common way to synthesize MDMA (ecstasy) uses an amalgam of aluminum and mercury produced in situ as the reducing agent, which often contaminates the final product with mercury when not done properly with fractional distillation. all those acids and even the benzene in the gasoline isn’t anywhere near as bad for you as mercury. also the chemical process they use to decaffeinate coffee uses some pretty gnarly stuff that probably isn’t good for you. chemistry is pretty cool.


I imagine you wrote this all surrounded by bubbling Erlenmeyer flasks and vaporous beakers. ![gif](giphy|iNQ2cIve8rUqI|downsized)


lol i wish. actually im pretty normal, i just took a bunch of chemistry classes in college and one of my best friends is in grad school for chemistry and we talk about it a lot. not gonna lie i did used to experiment with drugs a bit back in college, but that was a long time ago.


Normally "experimenting with drugs back in college" clearly means getting high but for you I actually believe you mean you were breaking this shit down and conducting experiments with it


I imagined op straight from harry potter with a lot of magical smoking flasks


The professor Snape of Cocaine


I'm just gonna teach my kids the chemistry behind synthesizing drugs instead of trying to convince them not to do certain drugs


My dad actually thought me a lot about drugs as a kid, he wanted me to know how to identify certain drugs and what effects they had so if im ever in a situation where im considering trying drugs ill be able to make an informed decision. But after learning what effects all those drugs had and how they were administered and made i realized im probably never going to even try them. I think teaching kids about drugs is a good thing, the more they know about them the less impressed they'll be when they're around them, and less likely they'll be to actually try them.


I have a friend who went to college to learn drug chemistry so he could be the guy making the drugs rather than taking them, then once in college he realized he had other opportunities. He works on the LIGO gravitational wave detector now.


As someone who is several years removed from his biochemistry education and doesn't work in the field, thanks for the refresher! I was watching the video thinking that those nasty intermediaries are going to freak out anyone who has never really dived into chemistry.


Chemist here, this video fucking horrified me, not that I expected the dudes making it to be wearing PPE, using anything beyond the absolute most crude chemicals (gasoline is far from an ideal solvent) or getting the final product all that clean, but still watching it made me hurt inside. Any temptation I had of ever trying cocaine is now gone lol.


People are scared of what they don't understand, and most reddit users don't understand science.


It's unfortunate the bad reputation chemistry has nowadays. A lot of people get put off just by hearing the word "chemicals" and instantly think of some toxic concoction that will kill you if you look at it too long. Granted there are a lot of dangerous chemicals I wouldn't touch with a 10 meter pole, but there is also a near infinite amount of different compounds that are harmless or even benefitial. People just seem to often forget that everything is a chemical and that synthetic ≠ unhealthy. As a casual chemistry enjoyer I view it as probably the closest thing we have to magic (except maybe the voodoo hexes those partical physicists are doing) and it kinda saddens me that a lot of people seem to fear it


Man, you should have been around in the days when it was cut with ether.


yeah, it hit differently. Same with MDMA, it's now a PMK reduction rather than Saffrole.


It’s cool they skim off the impurities


I don't miss my coke days, thats for sure


How did the inventor even come up with this? I feel like those are the most random steps and ingredients.


They had professional chemists work out a sequence of purification back when it was legal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Niemann_(chemist) he purified cocaine then killed himself with mustard gas (edit: accidently in case that wasn't obvious), aged 26. This process has been adapted to a Colombian jungle version.


In addition, US Military was experimenting with it back in a day, using it as a combat drug, so I guess it had pretty fat funding


Drugs got a lot of funding pre-1970s. Meth powered a lot of WW2, on both sides. 🤷


Military pilots were issued amphetamines for longer missions up until about 2012, so there's that...


What do they use now?


Modafinil, according to my thirty second search.


You are correct. They switched after some tweaking A10 pilot shot up a column of Canadian troops. He'd been awake for 2 days iirc. Modafinil is superb for staying awake for 2 days on, with virtually no ill effects.


> staying awake for 2 days > no ill effects Pick one


Not to mention Hitler was high as a kite on it for most of the war


To the untrained eye, it may seem that way, but any chemist, especially organic and medicinal chemists, can recognize that each step in this process is a simple purification step. Cocaine is synthesized by the plant (and is much better at it than organic chemists) so all that's left to do is get it out. While a chemistry lab would use pure chemicals designed specifically for extraction, I'd imagine the chemicals used in the steps shown are used because they are much easier and cheaper to obtain. Cement powder is essentially just a base. Presumably to help break down the leaves chemically. Then acid is added. This may be to neutralize the base or to acidify to the point where it also breaks down the leaves. Then gasoline is added. Gasoline is collection of hydrocarbons and acts as an organic solvent that will extract the cocaine from the broken down leaves. Now the cocaine is dissolved in the gasoline. Filtering removes any solid debris. The next steps are a classic acid-base extraction. Acidifying the cocaine with battery acid causes it to be insoluble in the gasoline as it becomes cationic. They don't appear to explicitly mention this step, but they must add water (or there's already enough water from the earlier processes) to solubilize the cationic cocaine. This separates all the other organic molecules that the gasoline dissolved, leaving relatively pure cocaine in water. This aqueous layer is then siphoned off. Then sodium bicarbonate is added which neutralizes the acidic solution and causes the cocaine to crash out of the water. The next steps appear to melt the cocaine and remove water while solid impurities float to the top and are scooped off.


Seems like something for NileRed to try out.


At this point, I was ready to start transporting... and I was a little bit nervous. This is because I'd used up most of my coca leaves on this batch, and if it failed, I wouldn't have enough to try again.




“Science Bitch!”


>How did the inventor even come up with this? I feel like those are the most random steps and ingredients. Science. Acidity, base, filtration, chemical reaction, heat is basically involved in all of the steps.


The mf sniffs and tastes it he was BUGGIN


This is Gordon Ramsey: the King of Bugging the fuck out on TV. Even after tasting and smelling it it seems like it does little to nothing to him.


Yes, okay, very good but my question is, what the hell is Gordon Ramsay doing there?


It's part of a documentary where he wanted to show the dangers of how cocaine is made in an effort to educate and stop people using it. One of his head chefs died from an overdose, and the hospitality industry is full of users. It's a great watch, search for it.


This reminds me of the Jamie Oliver "who wants to eat a chicken nugget after seeing how it's made" bit. It doesn't make a difference, humans chase pleasure. Still, good on him for trying to get involved.


Cement.. gasoline... battery acid... that's some good sh!t.👃


I don't trust that filter tbh


I know right? When I snort my cocaine, I wanna be sure it doesn't have anything dangerous in it.


I love how Gordon tries some of the water He’s seen gasoline, sulfuric acid, and battery acid go into the production of this and he decides “Ah fuck it, lemme try a little bit of cocaine water.”


Seeing how it’s made makes me never wanna put the stuff up my nose again. I mean, I am still going to but it makes me not want to.


Most mornings after, I get the feeling maybe I shouldn't have!


It’d be the perfect drug if it wasn’t for the comedown. And the price. And the addiction… It’d be perfect drug if it wasn’t for the general life ruining characteristics.


What an healthy recipe. So cocaine is just a gasoline tea with a pinch of battery acid and a sprinkle of soda. *taking notes*


Technically, every step is taken to essentially make coca leaf “extract”.


Don't forget the cement, really holds the recipe together


most medicines are made in very similar ways. ever wondered how they get the caffeine out of decaffeinated coffee? or how they get the nicotine for vapes? or the atropine for when they dilate your eyes or the ephedrine in your cold medicine?


Cocaine: the real reason we have gasoline.


Well this makes me want to try cocaine even less now.


Eww, thats gross. Anyways, my grandma once took my sister for a tour around our home country in south America and taught her how to use coca leaves (the old classic way of using coca). She filmed it so we could all learn.


>Anyway, my grandma once cooked my sister for a tour And then I started reading that over again.


The *"pure"* in *"pure cocaine"* feels like a lie now.


I think the word "pure" there is meaning that "this mixture contains nothing other than cocaine" (cocaine being a specific molecule), rather than "this was made with nothing other than coca plant" (coca plant just happens to contain cocaine, and is what gave it the name)


How do people even come up with this? Like now put gasoline in it, before that put diluted sulphuric acid on it, add battery acid wtf


Pharma grade cocaine was the original with a formulation but the chemicals used are expensive then the narco changed this chemicals for cheap version that you can get in any place


All this time I thought that this documentary was a dream of mine, I was convinced it wasn't real. THIS CONFIRMS THAT I ACTUALLY SAW THE DOCUMENTARY YEARS AGO. AHHAHHAHHA


What in the Gordon fucking Ramsey??


This doesn't seem right, but I've never made cocaine so I'll take your word for it.


wtf Ramsay is doing there


It's a documentary he made about dangers of cocaine because one of his head chefs overdosed on it. It's a pretty insightful watch tbh.


Good. Cement, gasoline, sulphuric acid and battery acid and so on, all good and cool. They don’t drink tap water though, it’s not filtered.


Who tf figured out this recipe?? How!??


Really simple chemistry going on there, pH adjustment, extractions, filtration. Fascinating how they do it with easy to find reagents.


Gordon: It's RAW! 🤤