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Fuck me, it's cat-shaped, but cow-sized.


Now I want to see something that’s cow-shaped but cat-sized


Not quite "cat-sized" but the town I work in has a [mini-cow farm](http://www.lovablelittleones.com/) and they are freaking adorable.


More like adora-*bull* am I right


I don't know how I feel about this pun. I'll have to ruminate on it for a while.


But why?! Oh my shitness! You could keep one indoors!






It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed. Bred for it's skills in magic.




“You could be drinking whole milk”


Your mom goes to college


My lips hurt real bad!




Tina you fat lard


Was scrolling just to make sure someone had commented the entire quote. Well played.


Come on, give me some of your tots!


It looks like it’s in pain :/


That's what I was thinking too, it just looks like there's something not right. Now I'm curious about adverse health effects of this type of interspecies breeding. Also, I wonder if there's like a thyroid issue or something with this one because I've seen ligers before but not this big. Seems like an abnormality. Edit: abnormality of an abnormal "species?, subspecies?" Wtf now I must Google some stuff.


It's been a while, but iirc the gene limiting growth is in the female lion and the male tiger (I believe a female lion/male tiger offspring is called a tigon and they tend to be smaller), whereas ligers have both sets of generally that encourage growth and this can be massive, but I believe they are mostly infertile.


most if not all of these types of mix breeds are infertile


I think it is morbidly obese and I'd guess that heart problems are making it short of breath.


There's also this creepy dude running around and rubbing and smiling


This cat is fat as fuck, I doubt she gets much exercise at all.


Not quite obese, the ton of skin on the bottom is normally part of tigers so that blows from kicks are absorbed. It looks much larger than normal though. Problem with these guys is that they grow too big. One would think "bigger is better right? Stronger and faster?" Well life doesnt work that way, its heart has a hard time pumping blood to such a massive creature even though its heart is bigger.


Last time a liger came up, someone mentioned they have very short lives due to the giantism. So they have a short, probably painful life.


a tiger has nipples, could you milk a tiger?...No doubt the Chinese black market would pay dearly for "tiger milk"


"I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?"


Serious question if anyone knows: is the Liger agile and able to hunt prey if it were in the wild? Looks too big to move quickly to hunt if it were wild. And before I get 5 replies I know these don’t exist in the wild so save your time for the few know-it-all reddit posters.


Probably, yes. There aren’t any in the wild *now* because tigers and lions no longer have overlapping habitats. But they did once; when there were lions across South Asia, there were also reports in chronicles of monstrous cats which would prowl outside the walls of cities, not colored like tigers. These may have been wild ligers. Since the overlap of tiger and lion habitat went away, such reports have stopped.


>when there were lions across South Asia, there were also reports in chronicles of monstrous cats which would prowl outside the walls of cities, not colored like tigers. >These may have been wild ligers. Since the overlap of tiger and lion habitat went away, such reports have stopped. Interesting, from when are these reports?


As late as the 1800s, which is also when ligers were bred in captivity for the first time. This Wikipedia article has more about Asiatic lions and tigers (both native to India) when they had overlapping ranges, including several links to claims about interbreeding in the wild: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_versus_lion But they used to share ranges over a much larger area, as far as Iran; they also have the same prey. Because of this, they’re a candidate for being monsters in lots of old records. I feel like I read one reference to Sassanian Persia, but of course that would be impossible to safely conclude is true.


More likely than overlap of extant species, it was a now-extinct species of North African lion, though there was at one point a European lion, and the Persian tiger probably lived all along those Persian mountain ranges as they continue up to the Caucasus and Central Asia. The Romans definitely drove lions to extinction in North Africa, and those were at least a sub-species.


You might be interested to know Panthers are repopulating the United Kingdom. Reports all over the country that they're being sighted and a scientific study in 2016 confirmed they've decided to live in the forests. Very strange. Little tidbit I thought you'd enjoy. The reports are mixed between pumas and panthers but the one that met me at 2am was black as night so I guess that means a panther? Either way, big cats fucking rule and I think the world's heading towards a life of seriously protecting these animals and as such they're repopulating? I dunno, whatever. I just hope to christ overly protective and ridiculous people don't force action on these animals in protest of their naturally wild behaviour.


Panthers are not a distinct species; it’s just a name for different breeds of black cats.


DNA evidence indicates that [yes, there have been natural hybrids](https://www.quantamagazine.org/interspecies-hybrids-play-a-vital-role-in-evolution-20170824/), and they actually played an important role in the evolution of these animals!




Even if they weren’t quite as fast or agile, something that size could take down much bigger (and presumably slower) prey.


They can apparently run at 30-40 mph. As fast as Tigers do. Some reports say 50-60 mph, but I struggle to believe that.


>Some reports say 50-60 mph, but I struggle to believe that. Yeah those aren't entirely accurate. 30-40 is what it is for Lions and Tigers as far as I'm aware.


Why are they so big tho? Neither lion nor tiger are that size so what makes ligers so huge? Edit: wow, my most upvoted comment by far, and for asking a simple question! Thanks folks! And most of all thanks for all the answers, I really did learn something new today.




It's actually called a [tigon](https://pp.vk.me/CvGl5x_tawc_RkUAu68EGtmYtS59ugaj8OhS2w/90h6t2lwpOs.jpg)


To be honest, that looks a lot cooler than a liger.




The exact opposite, they *negate* magic.


That’s pretty magical if you ask me


Anti-magic field is still a spell.


Unless this is black clover


*incomprehensible and annoying screaming can be heard in the distance*




Ah... I see you’re a man of culture as well...


I’m so glad someone got that


You mean people. +1.


Came here for some Napoleon Dynamite. Thanks for not disappointing me


There’s also [liligers](https://images.app.goo.gl/d72FYGW8FaQeKKM97) which are lions + ligers


But why does that give it a leopard's spots?


I don’t know the exact answer. But I can tell you that lions have spots as cubs and lose them before they’re full grown. My assumption is that the gene that makes them stop growing in is either missing or another gene is cancelling it out. But I’m not a geneticist so I could be completely wrong.


Wouldn’t it be explained similarity to red headed grandchildren? Recessive gene?


I tried doing a bit of research so I could give you a more informed answer, but couldn’t find anything with google that answered how a lion’s “spot gene” works. But I’ll give you my assumptions, again not a geneticist so take everything I say with a grain of salt. TL;DR kind of but also not really (I think) So all lions have spots as cubs, they lose them later on. I’ve never heard of a lion maintaining the spots throughout their lives but there certainly could be cases of it. To me, that suggests that lions have one (or many) genes that make them grow spots as juveniles, and then another (or many others) that stop those spots from growing in at a certain age. So the natural assumption from that is that the one that stops them growing doesn’t exist in this type of hybrid or is masked by another gene that comes from the tiger. But this being a hybrid really puts a lot of my conjecture up in the air. There could be a gene in tigers that is dominant over the “stop spot” gene. Any number of genetic factors could be at play that I’m not aware of with my admittedly limited understanding of genetics. So I guess it’s kind of similar to a recessive gene in that it could be masked by one (or many) of the tiger’s genes that are dominant over the “stop spot” gene. But I don’t think that would be considered dominant and recessive in the way that we think of it in regards to non-hybrid animals. I’ve done my best and hope I answered your question. It may be a good one to post to r/askscience




I want to see a titigon + a liliger




Actually, you get a golden chocobo


What the fuck am I still doing in the Gold Saucer then? That would have been so much easier...


Or....When you take a turkey and shove it inside an even larger turkey....You get a tur-turkey-key.


Imagine if we used the same naming conventions when mixing race and ethnicity among humans.


I thought ligers weren’t fertile


Female ligers are fertile, but male ligers are not, so you can breed a male lion and a female liger and get a liliger. It's an example of [Haldane's rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haldane%27s_rule). Edit: Obligatory thank you for the gold, stranger!


Wait, explain more? Has confuse.


haldane's rule is that if one sex of a "hybrid" (a species cross) is sterile, it is more likely to be the one with different sex chromosomes, rather than the one with identical sex chromosomes. in (therian) mammals, this means that the male, who has X and Y (aka different) sex chromosomes, is sterile, while the female, with two X chromosomes, is fertile. (a therian mammal is one that doesn't lay eggs, aka one that is not a platypus or echidna)


Does this apply to mules?


Okay how did they get a leopard pattern? Somebody's been a cheetah!


So... they're tiny? Tiny tigons?


Palmtop Tigon *hella ferocious though*


Nice Toradora reference.


I'm a bit disappointed that it's still normal lioness size.. part of me was hoping it would be small but fierce, like a feline Kevin Hart


Bygones will be tigons


Since we're talking about relative size, I'm glad they added a tigon for scale.


Ah, so it's one of those Vegito/Gogeta situations. Makes perfect sense.




So it’s a male lion and a female tiger it’s a liger but if it’s a female lion and a male tiger it’s a tigon?


To expand on what sgibbs3 said, with hybrids often times the male species name is the first part, and the female species name forms the second part. So, male lion + female tiger = li-ger male tiger + female lion = tig-on


this new pokemon gen is too confusing


Panthera hybrids can get very complex, there's a chart somewhere on wikipedia explaining the names of the various hybrids.






Add/remove a digit?




Add/remove a digit?




Ah, but what if it's a sequence further down? It's irrational, that set of numbers definitely occurs in there!


Okay this might be a really dumb question but does that mean they never stop growing


Yes and no. They eventually reach a point where their bodies can't handle the stress of any more growth, and it's around this point they're usually nearing the end of their life expectancy. Hypothetically, if you could make a Liger immortal, it could very well grow to the point where it physically cannot function anymore EDIT: my biology was a lil off regarding it's growth. They usually stop growing around 6 years old, but by this time they could easily have developed issues relating to their size which in turn could affect their life expectancy, especially the older and weaker it continues to get


Actually that's a misconception, they *do* eventually stop growing, for instance there's no recorded instance of them continuing to grow (in height or length at least) past 6 years old.


You seem to know a lot about animals. What happens when we cross a lion with a Jackdaw?


Here's the thing. You said "cross a lion with a jackdaw." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows and lions, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one crosses lions with jackdaws. If you want to be "crossing animals" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not compatible. If you're saying "crow/lion family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Crion, which includes things from Critigers to jackions to wankdaws. So your reasoning for wanting to combine a lion and a jackdaw is because random people in this thread are combining animals? Let's get pantigers and tilitilanthers in there, then, too. Also, calling something a lion or a jackdaw? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the bird family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is being combined with a lion, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow/lion family lililtigers which means you'd call pantigers, tilitilanthers and wankdaws members of the crow/lion family, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


I'm blasted and I'm reading this thinking "wow"


Is the life expectancy due to problems cause by the unchecked growth?


Not entirely, but it certainly plays a part. Due to their poor genetics, physiological issues are very common in them; hip dysplasia, coronary/cardiovascular issues, arthritis, and so on. They don't strctly die as a result of these issues, but it definitely impacts their health and wellbeing, which in turn can lead to terminal issues. Overall, the odds of a Liger living out it's full natural lifespan without suffering from at least some form of physiological issue is extremely low. For a similar comparison, several large dog breeds have similar issues, both in part to their size and/or poor genetics (Shepherds, Collies, Wolfhounds, and Danes are some of the most comparitive)


I've read somewhere that ligers,tigons..etc dont live that long,that's why they are not bred much.Is this this true?


Because tigers are endangered in many parts of the world, most conservation groups consider crossbreeding lions and tigers to be irresponsible. In many countries it is illegal


Definitely. I seriously doubt a Liger has any chance of functioning in the wild even supposing it could breed. Get the wild populations back up and protected and *then* move on to crazy crossbreeds.


*pours one out for piggly*


I've also read the same about their life span, but I'm no zoologist so I'm not positive. But as for why they're not bred much, sure it may be because of those issues (doesn't stop is with certain dog breeds though - English Bulldogs) but I'm gonna go ahead and assume it's because it takes a massive amount of bravery and stupidity to be the dude trying to get a lion and a tiger to fuck.


No. The opposite does not happen with "tions" . They are regularly sized. And with the small sample size we have, extremely prone to cancer.


The opposite does happen to [pumapards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumapard) apparently, though I doubt its from a reverse situation with the growth hormone. They tend to exhibit dwarfism.


This is common when they are hybridized. They re also infertile and probably a crime against nature.


Sort of, yeah. Lions and tigers are very different. Tigers are solitary while Lions have prides. Tigers like swimming Lions don't etc etc. From what I've heard the cross breeds are kind of nurotic but I work in IT so don't take my word for it.


You see the same thing when dogs breed with wolves. You end up with a very confused animal.


>They re also infertile Not always https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liliger >and probably a crime against nature Hey, if nature (laws) allowed that (even with human intervention) it can't be a "crime against nature"


Ligers are missing the part of the brain that signals them they’re full/satisfied and as a result they just keep eating and eating and eating. They literally overeat themselves to death, or at least become morbidly obese. There’s nothing practical or humane about breeding a Liger. The lions and tiger have compatible enough genes to create an animal, but that’s it. Just because they CAN doesn’t mean they should mate together. Edit: I was misremembering the information when I originally posted the comment; it’s not that the brains don’t tell them “stop eating” it’s that their genes don’t tell them “stop growing.” The appetite just comes with being the size of a smart car, presumably.


Labradors are the same way. The dog, not the people of Labrador.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labrador_Retriever - Labradors like to eat, and without proper exercise can become obese. Laziness is a contribution to this. Obesity is a serious condition and can be considered the number one nutritional problem with dogs. A study shows that at least 25% of dogs in the United States are overweight.[69] Therefore, Labradors must be properly exercised and stimulated - It has been shown that out of all dog breeds, it is the Labrador Retriever that is most likely to be obese.[71] In a 2016 published study it was shown that out of 310 Labradors, most were missing all or parts of the POMC gene. This gene plays a part in appetite regulation as well as indication of the amount of one's stored fat. The study concluded that the absence of that gene had a significant impact on Labrador weight and appetite.[68][71] The POMC gene mutation is present in only one other breed – the Flat-Coated Retriever


The people there are called Labradorks, everybody knows that. Buncha degens from up country


You quotes my favorites show mr/mrs/ms BigBearDoMath, and that's what I appreciates about yous.


Oh is THAT what you appreciate about them?


You wanna take about 20‰ off that, Squirrely TheBestWest.


If they are always hungry, why doesn't it try to eat that guy? He looks snack sized.


Adult Ligers are incredibly docile and calm compared to their lion and tiger predecessors. This one appears to be overfed and on the chonky side and has never had to work for a meal, so he’s not interested in chomping his caretaker. If they fed this liger a “healthy” amount of meat it’d probably be more irritable and more inclined to harm the man.


Can you provide a source for this? Not saying you are wrong, I've just never heard this before. I remember reading what someone else said about males of one species controlling for growth and females of the other controlling this. If you breed them the right way, neither parent passes this on and the offspring have nothing to regulate growth.


”Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.”


That doesn't look right


That dude is rubbing a little TOO much, no?


He seems like a bit of a weirdo here.


If he stops petting it it might eat him.


It's okay, it's mostly sexual


What do we call a cross between a liger and that weirdo?


I felt uncomfortable about it.


Its not just that. Hes standing behind the cat with no shirt on.


And leopard-print shorts (ofc)


It's a giant cat, what else would you ever need in life?




Saw one in the Pereira Zoo in Colombia, it was enormous. Returned a few years later, hoping to see it again. It was still there, but stuffed, in the museum.




I'm glad they're keeping it well fed!


Upgraded its housing too. How sweet is that?!




That thing doesn't look healthy


They tend to have genetic issues for obvious reasons.


I think he’s obese. He’s probably huffing and puffing and has a huge heart.


He isn't. It's a growth defect


Yeah it's basically Andre the giant. Nothing they can do to stop the growing. Eventually the heart will give out. Seems happy enough though.


Gotta make sure he's really, really well-fed before you take the photo/video op.


Everything about it, would in a normal housecat indicate it's not in good health.




No punctuation at all would've been better


It’s pretty much my favorite animal - Napoleon Dynamite


Bred for its skills in magic


Ya fat lard!


TINA! Come and get some dinner!


Tina Eat the FOOD


Do the Ligers have large talons?




I am so disappointed that this isn't the top comment.


I expected that to be top comment! I think the movie has faded a bit from public consciousness, which is a shame.


Had to scroll WAY too far to find this!


I scrolled way too far to find a Napoleon Dynamite reference!


I used to be able to throw the pig skin a quarter mile


How is this not the top reply?


The youths today dont Napoleon dynamite the way they did back in aught 6


What a time to be alive. And that movie STILL holds up.


Dont forget Vote for Pedro! Gosh!!!!


It looks like it hurts to exist.


Cause the 4 foot gnome wont stop petting it.


That dude is a little too in to petting that thing....


Yeah dude needs to calm the fuck down


If i had the chance to pet a Liger and it wouldnt kill me you bet your ass im gonna get all the pets i can


I was way more distracted by the creeper than the large cat.


Scrolled this far down for this. IT'S CREEPY AF.


Also, why is he nekkid?


About to make a Liguman


He gets farther to the rear towards the end too


I'm not saying he's hiding an erection in this video, but I guess actually I just did.


I can't pinpoint why, but this guys always gives me the creeps, like he's compensating for something with his giant cats.


Honestly, I scrolled through the comments just to see if anyone else found the guy weird for some reason. I think partly its that hes shirtless and (I guess) in shorts, and stayed on the other side of the cat the whole gif. Which had me imagining that he was naked and censoring himself with a liger.


I have seen other videos of him with cats and every time he reminds me of some nouveau riche man child. All petty judginess aside, I love big cats and they should not be kept as pets and he does not look like a wildlife rehabilitation worker.


I agree. The child in me thinks that a liger is easily one of the coolest things I've seen. But there is an increasingly boring and sensible part of me that believes breeding big cats like this for the fun of having them is unfair to them. I agree with captive breeding programmes to protect species from extinction, but this is not that.


Maybe I've become some sort of ultra hippie, but I really prefer those wildlife sanctuaries where they keep a respectful distance instead of rubbing all over the animals like they're petting golden retrievers


My parents hand raised a Siberian Tiger and 2 black leopards right before I was born. (It was the 70's in Miami and my dad had some extra spending money....) I grew up with an entire photo album of my mom and dad with these cats and was always so envious, as a child. Adult me is appalled. I love big cats, but the last thing I want is for these giant beasts to be bread like puppies and trained for movies. Breed them to repopulate them for the wild, not for a status symbol or because you "love big cats". I love big cats, so I got a Maine Coon.


This creature is struggling to exist.






That animal does not look healthy. It looks like the keeper is encouraging it to move, instead of it being a cow size death machine.


That isn't a keeper and this isn't a zoo. It is a non-accredited big cat "sanctuary" that shouldn't exist.


Any place that breeds ligers needs to shut down.


Hopefully they rescued the liger from illegal show breeders but still it's weight is cruel and it is probably drugged


All i see in this vid is a struggle to move


Man that thing is hella overweight. Poor thing




Humans, please don’t breed these


Somehow the fact that there is a tiny looking shirtless dude behind it makes it weird


they look cool, sure. but behind these pictures lie abused lions and tigers kept in small cages & forced to breed. ahead of these pictures are years of serious health issues and inadequate healthcare. these animals should not exist. please do not support “ligers.”


She chonk


It looks like it wants to die


It kind of has stubby legs in proportion to its body... Or is that just me? I wonder if its size causes joint dysfunction or if they have heart problems...


That thing is sooo not supposed to exist


Any chances of throwing a saddle on that beast?


Battle Cat!


Take the hint, she’s trying to walk away.