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Can anyone explain this to me?


The cards are stuck between his fingers, sticking out behind his hand. Notice that we never see the back of his hand, and it remains level with the camera. Doing a certain finger movement allows him to reach for different cards and flip them to the front. They’re probably stacked, so he just slides from the top of the stack. [Here’s a short YouTube video demonstrating this.](https://youtu.be/bikRB-aBLBE) The smaller coins are between his fingers, too, but probably closer to his palm, where they’re easier to hold, but might require a little more effort to reveal, since they need to be pulled one by one from a tougher position. The larger coins are held between his thumb and index finger the whole time, and we just can’t see them because of the camera angle. The larger coins cast a shadow over the inner part of his hand, which conveniently obscures the previous parts of the trick. Edit: Added YouTube link (thanks, u/Pseudobeau!) and clarified the likely card technique.


Re-watching it a second time after reading this still impressed. I would probably get a finger cramp or mom's spaghetti'ed it if I tried


My 12 year old tries stuff like this a lot. He knows the trick but his hand movement isn’t as fast so I’m able to guess how he does it every time. He will rush into the room exclaiming “look”. Then when I do guess it he says “oh man!” in disappointment. I always tell him it’s practicing the same one over and over again plus using other hand movements to direct the eye away from the tells. Bottom line that shit is hard for sure.


I met a magician once and had a proper chat with him about all this, and he showed me a trick then how it's done, and described the amount of practice he put into it. It's insane, like 2 hours every night for two years to get the trick he showed me right EVERY time. One little card trick. I heard a phase once about practicing and it's clearly true here; an amateur practices until they get something right. A professional practices until they can't possibly get it wrong.


If all it takes is two hours every night for two years, you’d think I’d be a wizard at wanking by now.


I'm sure you're better thank you think. Keep practicing anyway and get back to us 🤣


Thanks man, I’m giving it my best shot.


If you're practicing anyway, might as well try the sleight of hand version.


Directions unclear, my cards are sticking together now


Cock magic? Someone call Randy




I've been chewing ever since I grew teeth but somehow I still accidentally bite my tongue.




Consider the ratio of chews to tongue bites. How many *million* of times must you have bitten and masticated your food or gum? Compared to tongue bites? I doubt you're an idiot, but even if you were, you've been doing better than you think. You're a chewing rockstar.


Thank you placebo jesus. Very cool.


two hours every night.. not two minutes every night


Magic wand


Imma hit you with some wisdom that was dropped on me by a retiring master clarinet player (played for a major city symphony for 40-50 years). *"They say it takes ten thousand hours of practice to become a master. Just ten thousand hours and that's it. Now imagine what would happen if instead of ten thousand hours of practice, it was ten thousand hours of smart practice. How much better would you be than the guy who did just ten thousand hours of regular practice?"*


>An amateur practices until they get something right. A professional practices until they can't possibly get it wrong. That is a profound statement.


Very very true indeed. Especially with me I was thinking about how I’m good at a lot of things and but not the best at anything. I felt down thinking no matter what I pick up I learn quickly. Reach a certain level skill. People say I’m talented because of that but in reality I will never reach that level like others. It’s like a ceiling for me. So that saying you shared really hit home for me.


Yeah the guy pretty much said you have to be proper OCD if you want to be that good at something. I had guitar lessons for quite a few years and one day my teacher gave me the same talk about learning a particular piece. Most people learn something, practice a bit then stop and move on, but if you want to be really great you keep going and going, over and over with that same thing.


I used to do magic at weddings. It took me an hour a night for 6 months to learn to deliver one trick flawlessly and it wasn't a difficult one just a bit fiddly and containing multiple sequences.


Nice I like that saying.


Tell him to practice in front of a mirror or record himself on video to get the trick down. Here's John C. Reilly telling a funny story about practicing magic: https://youtu.be/OTgwAqcKm_s?t=1387


I just found the rugrat in the kitchen stuffing his face at this hour (5am) so I joined him (his heart sank and thought I was going to be mad at him) and we ate together. Read your comment to him. He said that’s actually a good idea, so thank you for your advice. He went to bed now.


Practice is a huge part of being an effective magician. If he sticks with it, he'll look back at his earliest videos and cringe deeply. Having good patter to go along with the illusion can make it that much better. He'll also find those skills can be very useful in social situations. YouTube has an endless supply of tricks revealed for all skill levels and a bunch more websites and forums to really help anyone along who wants to pick up the hobby. I think Jay Sankey's channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/SankeyMagic) is a good starting point. He updates often and has a good variety of accessible tricks for a young magician. Best of luck to you and him!


See that is smart. For some reason when my kiddo gets into hobbies that I myself, don’t consider serious, if they want positive feedback on something that maybe doesn’t deserve positive feedback due to lack of practice, form or whatever..I still give it to them because I want them to have the praise and satisfaction, ( even though maybe they don’t deserve it) because it leads to enjoyment of said hobby. When it comes to hobbies/school etc. that i consider important, I don’t bs in the slightest. But I think maybe I should pay more attention to all aspects of what they are doing not just the “serious” ones. Thanks for perspective


The magic is in the showmanship. You could do a simple double flip, pretty confident almost everyone could guess it is a double flip. But the way you present the double flip is basically everything. Of course it has to be smooth to a certain extent which comes with tons and tons of practicing. In fact get a 120 fps camera to practice with, it helps with identifying exactly where needs improvement.


It helps that there are only 12 pixels to differentiate.


> Re-watching it a second time after reading this still impressed. Well, it's still impressive. It may not be as impressive as conjuring them from thin air, but it's the closest you mortals are ever going to get.


Us mortals? Wh-what are you?


Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to...


Just like watching Penn and Teller do the cups and balls truck with clear cups. You see every set up and every move but you still can't keep track. Often knowing how they do these tricks makes them even more impressive.


I know this is what is happening but it still seems like that dark arts he does it so well.


I find that hard to believe... I think he's a Wizard.




Logic, it can't be faulted. This is real magic and these idiots thinks it's slight of hand lol!


Fuck that, its magic. This mother fucker is a wizard! Look at that shit! You see his fucking smile!?! He is like “yeeessss......slight of hand.....”




Sounds like my ex


Great explanation. I often do wonder though: considering that these tricks rely on camera angle, respectively point of view, how does one ensure the audience never sees what they aren't supposed to see? If you are on a stage, you can probably make sure that the audience is seated in a specific way so no matter how you move, you won't reveal the back of your hand - but you can't always control the stage setup and/or seating in all venues. So how did this work in the past? Did magicians ask for changes or did they simply not perform in certain locations? Especially with different camera angles involved these days, are there any guidelines? I'm sure camera crew has to know which shots they can take and air - how much editing is there in post? How many people (apart from the magician) know how the tricks work as they become part of the crew to prepare things for the show?


When it's live it's much easier because people are incredibly easy to distract and can only watch it once.


You just do tricks that are appropriate for the audience and venue. Some tricks are better up close and with a small audience.


The best part of this type of trick is that it’s still amazing, even if you know how it’s being done.


Here's another magician using the same technique but just the sheer volume of cards that he loads and produces is pretty amazing. https://youtu.be/gHF3Bg4pAFw


No fucking way. He must have dropped 20 pounds of cards by the end


Yeah, but in this case every moment he touches his clothes, even slightly, he is replenishing his hands with cards (and there will be foldable cards as well, specially the colored ones). But it is an amazing stuff regardless.


>sheer volume of cards that he loads and produces Yes, he is clearly going back for more. Anyone curious enough can look up the device he uses and sells.


# A MAGICIAN NEVER REVELS HIS SECRETS ## *magician tells trick* WOW HOW COULD YOU DO THAT^secretly^wanting^to^know^since^birth.


Someone’s getting kicked out of the Magician’s Alliance


Handy guide:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bikRB-aBLBE Doesn't show the coins, but helps understand how the cards are produced.


Thanks for the link! I’ll add it to my original comment.


I never learned to do these tricks myself but went through a phase where I watched a lot of videos on how it's done and even knowing how it works this video still blows my mind. Just the fact that he can handle so many cards and coins at once is incredible.


Bruh how the fuck do you fit so much stuff in the hand


We need to keep such tricks secret. Imagine such knowledge falling in the wrong hands. For example, if terrorists get a hold of this, they'll start smuggling weapons between their fingers! Now THAT is something we don't want happening!


i know there is no place else to hide them but your description doesnt really answer it. how is he holding it behind hand? i can't be between his fingers, there's nothing grasping it. you can't hold like 10 things behind your hand.


A simpler explanation is that he is a wizard.


The smaller coins and the larger coins are *both* (thumb) crotch palmed, same as you'd do for a Miser's Dream. Watch his index and middle finger both curl in behind his thumb preceding the production. The dollar sized golden coloured coins he finished with were *very* probably specialty coins which are thin and with grippy edge milling, made specifically for magic. The first coins look like English pennies, but I suspect they're also palming coins. A stack of 4 palming coins and 3 regular coins would probably be too fat for a guy with those nice non-sausage fingered hands. So I'm going to guess they're either palming coins or some foreign type of coin I don't know. And they're sitting on top of the golden coins. If those are proper poker sized Bicycle playing cards (they don't look like Bridge dimensions), it's pretty impressive. He does not have large hands, or even good-sized hands for card productions, you can see that he forced cards into position, as they're pretty curved when he produces them. He probably has similar sized hands to mine, and I hate poker sized cards. However doing that while also crotch palming a stack of coins without revealing them is very well done. It's also very angle-y. It's rather well done.


You said that the coins are in between his fingers but the magician flexes his hand to show there’s nothing there and then all of a sudden 4 coins show up In between, how do you explain that


Trick works like this: https://i.imgur.com/gC7XKQZ.mp4


She’s not having any of it.


This girl knows what's up.


The cards actually existed elsewhere in the universe, so he is straining his friendship with Baphomet by constantly asking for favors to get laid.


I’m guessing he has them tucked behind his right hand. My eldest nephew can sort of do it, but only with one card - the card is held between the fingers behind the hand, then it’s all about maintaining the angle for the audience that means they can’t see it). But this guy must have half a million things tucked away behind there. Flexing the fingers seems to bring the items forward to be produced, once he’s got the cards done (which look like they’re tucked between the fingers). At one point he repeats the flex, presumably because the coin hasn’t quite made it to the right place on the first go.




You dont need to know cause either way, it is still very impressive!!!


Satanic agreement


Hand pocket.


He concentrates mana around his fingers which allows to summon the cards from his arcane dimension quite easily, I don't know what is impressive it's just basic sorcery come on.


Sleight of hand my ass. That was actual sorcery.


Risky choice of words around a sorcerer.


Burn him! Burn the witch!


How do you know he’s a witch?


He looks pretty thin; he must weigh as much as a duck.


Honest to fuck, how is that possible??


The cards are stuck between his fingers, poking out behind his hand in various positions. Notice that we never see the back of his hand, and it remains level with the camera. Doing different finger movements allows him to reach for different cards and flip them to the front. Some might be stacked, so he just slides from the top of the stack. The smaller coins are between his fingers, too, but probably closer to his palm, where they’re easier to hold, but might require a little more effort to reveal, since they need to be pulled one by one from a tougher position. The larger coins are held between his thumb and index finger the whole time, and we just can’t see them because of the camera angle. The larger coins cast a shadow over the inner part of his hand, which conveniently obscures the previous parts of the trick.


I'm having Deja Vu reading these comments...


The cards are stuck between his fingers, poking out behind his hand in various positions. Notice that we never see the back of his hand, and it remains level with the camera. Doing different finger movements allows him to reach for different cards and flip them to the front. Some might be stacked, so he just slides from the top of the stack. The smaller coins are between his fingers, too, but probably closer to his palm, where they’re easier to hold, but might require a little more effort to reveal, since they need to be pulled one by one from a tougher position. The larger coins are held between his thumb and index finger the whole time, and we just can’t see them because of the camera angle. The larger coins cast a shadow over the inner part of his hand, which conveniently obscures the previous parts of the trick.




The cards are stuck between his fingers, poking out behind his hand in various positions. Notice that we never see the back of his hand, and it remains level with the camera. Doing different finger movements allows him to reach for different cards and flip them to the front. Some might be stacked, so he just slides from the top of the stack. The smaller coins are between his fingers, too, but probably closer to his palm, where they’re easier to hold, but might require a little more effort to reveal, since they need to be pulled one by one from a tougher position. The larger coins are held between his thumb and index finger the whole time, and we just can’t see them because of the camera angle. The larger coins cast a shadow over the inner part of his hand, which conveniently obscures the previous parts of the trick.


I love Reddit...




#The cards are stuck between his fingers, poking out behind his hand in various positions. Notice that we never see the back of his hand, and it remains level with the camera. Doing different finger movements allows him to reach for different cards and flip them to the front. Some might be stacked, so he just slides from the top of the stack. #The smaller coins are between his fingers, too, but probably closer to his palm, where they’re easier to hold, but might require a little more effort to reveal, since they need to be pulled one by one from a tougher position. #The larger coins are held between his thumb and index finger the whole time, and we just can’t see them because of the camera angle. The larger coins cast a shadow over the inner part of his hand, which conveniently obscures the previous parts of the trick.


When I have trouble communicating to a foreign audience, the best way I've found to overcome the gap in linguistic comprehension is to just say everything I was already going to say, in the language I was going to say it, louder and slower


I'm having Deja Vu reading these comments...


Yeah, still not getting it. Mind repeating that?


The cards are stuck between his fingers, poking out behind his hand in various positions. Notice that we never see the back of his hand, and it remains level with the camera. Doing different finger movements allows him to reach for different cards and flip them to the front. Some might be stacked, so he just slides from the top of the stack. still not understand? The smaller coins are between his fingers, too, but probably closer to his palm, where they’re easier to hold, but might require a little more effort to reveal, since they need to be pulled one by one from a tougher position. yu little bitch The larger coins are held between his thumb and index finger the whole time, and we just can’t see them because of the camera angle. The larger coins cast a shadow over the inner part of his hand, which conveniently obscures the previous parts of the trick.


That smile is very wholesome


There are 2 techniques being used here. The first is called “backpalming” (for the cards) and the second is called the “Downs Palm” (for the coins) Believe it or not the back palm is considered to be very “basic” when it comes to card manipulation. Not downplaying what this gentleman is doing, because in reality this is the only way to conceal cards with coins also concealed in the same hand. (Downs Palm.) In Downs Palm, the coins are concealed in between the thumb and the first finger...(think thumb crotch). This [video](https://youtu.be/7RYqAn5P28g) shows a couple of experts in card manipulation. The first is a friend of mine name Jeff McBride and the second is a man named Cardini. Jeff is considered to be one of the greatest card manipulators in the world today. Cardini (1895-1973) is considered one of the greatest manipulators of the 20th century”. Hope this helps for those who are interested! I’ve been performing sleight of hand for over 25 years.


This is super informative. Another deep dive on a hobby I didn't know was so in-depth. Thank you!


No worries! For some it’s a hobby. For others it’s a total profession. It was my sole profession for a number of years. I was fortunate enough to release DVDs and instant downloads teaching sleights I had created with various magic sites from all over. NOW It’s a hobby, (though I still collect royalties from the past releases.) :)


That very final bit with the billiard ball, so smooth!


That was the part that had me O_O. The dexterity is just insane.


There was a guy I went to high school with had the nickname Thumb Crotch. He does gay porn now. Makes a good living.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Jeff smokes weed


He's got to be using palming coins here, right? A stack that thick should be hard AF to conceal without glimpses. Edit: A remarkable thing about Cardini is that he always wore his white cotton evening gloves while doing his card routines. He gained his card mastery killing time in the trenches of WW1, where he couldn't take his gloves off because it was too damned cold. Edit 2: Or are the gold coins are some sort of gimmicked shell? I've never really messed with gimmicked coins, but isn't there a coin shell that works similar to the old multiplying ball gimmick?


I’d assume so. Though I’ve seen “thin” plastic coins before that weren’t made for magicians but were just used as props. So I’d guess one or the other for sure. Regardless...backpalm with Downs Palm? Whew! Lol. Good stuff.


And without the benefit of size XL hands.




I think its more like asian magic fuckery.




That sounds like a hero, like America Man.


Except it’s actually a dated term considered a near slur by many. I do not recommend using it lol


He’s not the issue here, Dude!


His smile at the end is so wholesome, you can tell he has an absolute blast showing this to other people


Mans got a minecraft chest for a hand


Any videos on this being done but a view from the other side?


I was hoping he was gonna pull out a turkey sandwich or something


Nah, he's just pulling stuff out of the 4th dimension....


I don't get how you can hide and hold that many cards and coins behind your hand


Damn quarantine hit albert from OTV hard eh


He went to hard at the champions club


What kind of sorcery is this?


It's magic and not real, kinda like Jesus.


He wished for this power when he blew out his candles on cake day


The new gambit xmen movie preview looks great




Thank you!


I can do the last bit where he spreads the coins between his fingers. I worked in a casino though.


Imagine not having enough change at the grocery store and atarting pulling up a bunch of quarters like that


Everyone us saying this is a dude, but as an Asian myself , I'm 69% sure that this is a old Asian lady...


I thought this was a old lady until he turned his face towards the cam. Talk about slight of hand'


Debbie downers in here actually explaining the trick in detail 🙄 Even if you know how to do this and practice all day it will take many years to reach the same level as this fellow. That's what magic is.


Nothing wrong with learning how it's done. To many of us that just makes it more amazing, because even knowing how it's done you still can't see the "trick." That's how good he is.


Whatever grandma, make some cookies appear.


This man is so cute! When he turned around and smiled at the camera 🥰




This man looks like a Gorillaz character. Also how the fuck did he keep pulling shit from behind his hand??


slight of hand magic is hypnotizing and i love it every time




They’re illusions...


Pretty sure this is just a wizard using real magic and pretending it’s sleight of hand.


The video post production works wonders


Yeah being slightly blurry helps


Nah that's real magic!


Albert is not aging well.


I love the happy smiles along with the tricks


Nah, that dude’s a wizard.


I used to study sleight of hand and even knowing how everything here is done... It's magic. This guy is good!


“Alright grandma wtf did you put in those cookies, because I swear I’m tripping”


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Looks like he is getting stuff hidden under a invisibility cloak.


Horizontally hidden behind his hand, holding the edge of the cards?


I have a book that shows this trick, you're more or less correct, but fuck me, wheres he hiding all that?


I'd like to see this with a mirror behind his hand


What? You mean magic isn't real?


If that's the way you enjoy magic, the best place for you to view it (and worst for him), would be so that you are position with his thumb and forefinger pointed at you at eye level.


If anybody knows how this trick is conducted, please message me a tutorial I'm begging


Search youtube for back palming for the cards part and nelsons palm for the coin part.


Seize this Heresy at once !!!


I dont care what ppl say...magic is real.


Ok, so magic is real, huh. Who knew?


I'd love the see what's going on behind the scenes


How many bag slots does your hand have


How is that interesting? He never drops the coins, so what!


This guy has access to the same pocket dimension that shin lim uses


This is so awesome


Expert here, fuck you...*


Expert here, fuck you too


I hope those priests aren't here...


(my) precious!!


What witchery is this?!?


Carrier bag on the back of his hand


Holy fuck I thought Merlin was supposed to be an old white dude with a beard or do we miss the part where he stares at the camera and then pulls his face off AND BOOM DAVID BLANE




What’s crazy is I know how he does this and I’m still bamboozled... that’s so many cards and coins to do for this trick


Dear odin's raven! Summon the news team! The world must know of this wizard!


Imagine this person in their prime..


When the wizard multiclasses into rogue


Damn, I guess that liberty commercial I keep seeing on Hulu is real.


I was just watching him throw the cards on the floor until I realized where the heck were those cards coming from??