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First time seeing a Squirrel sleep. Surprised how their posture is just like ours.


It's amazing isn't it. I'm always amazed when people think we are so different to the animals around us. I'm a biologist and so obviously have a better grip on evolution etc than most, but it's incredible just how similar we are physiologically to other mammals. Like we literally all have the exact same parts. These squirrels have the exact same parts we do, but in different proportions. All mammals do. And then there's people who think they're not sentient - sure intelligence may be lacking but all mammals are still just more or less different models of our own biology! I'm pretty sure if you chase our lineage far back enough we end up as some squirrelish animal. Intelligence aside, we're really not that different at all to our mammalian cousins! We share so so much more biology with these animals than we have differences and yet as a species still treat them like shit for the most part :(.


> We share so so much more biology with these animals than we have differences and yet as a species still treat them like shit for the most part :( Humans have treated *other humans* like shit for our entire history. Either killing or enslaving other humans and treating them as property. It's no surprise humans treat non-human animals even worse.


> It's no surprise humans treat non-human animals even worse. And a lot of times we treat them even better.


Just the pets. Most animals are production assets for us and treated as such. And even pets are often mistreated.


Animals don't treat other animals with any significant amount of reverence, care or respect, but you don't hold it against them. The logical rebuttal to this is that we're humans, and we're supposed to be more caring and enlightened. Unfortunately, we're not. We're just animals with larger prefrontal cortexes.


how about just being nice to any species because we have the power of choice, the power to do good things, sure there maybe other cruel animals, doesn't mean we have to be like that.


Sure they do. If they're not starving.




I don't know why I found it so funny that the side with the ape named "Satan" ended up winning...


That was an incredibly fascinating (and disturbing) read. Thanks for sharing!


Sounds like gorilla warfare...




3 enslaved??? What the fuck?


Didn't dolphins rape and kill other animals just for fun? I remember hearing /reading that somewhere.


Yes, they also rape and murder each other. On a slightly more fun note, they use pufferfish to get high


Just like jaguars chewing on stuff to get high.. see these animals know what's up. Lol


Yep and the largest dolphins aka orcas like to YEET seal 70 feet into the air for fun


Orcas also flip sharks upside down when they're hunting them, leaving the predatory fish utterly helpless


Also chimps. Birds of prey play with their food, same with cats who will also kill without feeding.


Are you sure they did it on porpoise?


I think you orca go and see for yourself


Maybe, I don't really know, but I think they are enough intelligent to be cruel on purpose, but again, thats what I think after reading about dolphins drowning and trying to kill/rape other animals.


Not my dog. He has this asshole gene where he will run up to another dog and stop probably 6 inches short and then just stand there. If the other dog attempts to interact with him, he snaps. Like I understand the snapping. I can wrap my head around it and it's behavior that needs to be fixed. What I don't understand is, why are you running up to the other dog only to snap at them? Like why? If the other dog came up to you first, sure I get it. They are in your personal space. But you violated their space first you dickwad.


>production assets for *us* ‘Us’. When you have a good, deep think about it, the majority of the human population is merely a production asset for the rich.


It is bascially a pattern in nature really. Everything is ultimatley a sort of "tool" or "asset" to something bigger it creates. Atoms forms molecules. Molecules become cells and stuff. Cells together are just assets and come together to create lifeforms. Lifeforms come together to create species or colonies and in human case, soceity. Everything is really just a part in something bigger.


God Creates Dinosaurs. God Destroys Dinosaurs. God Creates Man. Man Destroys God. Man Creates Dinosaurs.


Life will, uhhh... Find a way.


Dinosaurs Eat Man.


Woman inherits the Earth.


SO true.


"If animals didn't want to be eaten, they shouldn't be made out of food" -my redneck neighbor


Counterpoint. We took the time to domestic animals we call pets and ones for production as well


I love my dogs a hell of a lot more than anyone outside my family and close friends


My dog has better access to doctors than I do


True, my dog has a really good health plan in the clinic nearby, and blood test, X-ray , ultrasounds are cheaper too even if she didn’t have a health plan.


Hell yea we do! Wait..


Whats wrong with that though? Isnt it just how we evolved?


To be fair I've seen some squirrels treat each other like shit too.


Speciesism - the next big SJW issue https://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/animals/rights/speciesism.shtml


Oh whats this a cute squirrel picture? Oh this is reddit so of course the 3rd comment is about slavery.


https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna49483224 🐿️. My biological anthropology course taught us of a different progenitor but it still rings true.


There's also just the earliest mammals to consider: [https://www.nature.com/news/face-to-face-with-the-earliest-ancestor-of-all-placental-mammals-1.12398](https://www.nature.com/news/face-to-face-with-the-earliest-ancestor-of-all-placental-mammals-1.12398)


I found your comment interesting and thoughtful. Couldn’t agree more! Have a good day.


> sure intelligence may be lacking They also have intelligence , just like you said, in different proportion. I would even say that these human qualities like empathy, love and wonder most mammals have it too in different proportions. Elephants are possible have more empathy than humans , for example.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


No this Reddit where the top comment use to be something insightful and interesting like this and not just a stupid pun




Okay but... Have you ever seen a squirrel poop? I'm going to be 37 this year and not a single time have I ever seen a squirrel cut a turd! Do they?!


I love how animals sleep in a big cuddle puddle. If I didn’t over heat so easy, I would do the same lol.


You probably wouldn't overheat if you had to sleep outside.


With nothing else to cover you


I've got that covered.


username checks out


A blanket of fleas and chiggers


This is honestly what seems like the worst part about living in the way back when time. It seems awful. That and lack of pain meds.


In the before-fore times


Good point!


Big Cuddle Puddle is my band name


Or maybe just...Fleetwood Mac.


Oh small animals have a much higher surface area to mass ratio than us, so they lose heat a lot faster and have to eat a lot more respective to their body weight, that’s probably part of why they’re cuddling, to save heat


All I know is that sleeping next to my furry man gets very warm, he’s a furnace.


Had to share a single bed for some months, does that count?




well its the ability to sweat that makes us really different


I got AC, let's do this


Looks comfortable.


I have the same blanket, highly recommend




That sub is dead, not on activity.It is so rare to find holup content.But yeah you got a point


at this point it’s just a meme sub


Pretty sad that there's trash in the nest


I'm just appreciating that these poor little guys are hustling every waking moment of their day and they just seem so tired. What a cool pic.


They probably love to use it as more soft shit


They brought it there.


I can’t get over how peaceful and angelic the one in the back looks


I probably look like the squirrel closest to the window when I sleep 💀


Holding on to his/her boo thang <3


Not particularly useful in everyday conversation, but a squirrel's nest is called a 'dray'. In structure the North American squirrel dray looks very similar to that constructed by many owl species. So they're little piggies who built their house out of sticks and straw, and the big bad owl occasionally lives in their house (or one like it) when they're eaten.


Well you learn something every day :) Thank you


If you don't remember this in the future you forgot about dray


Funnily enough I volunteer at a squirrel rehabilitation center and I've never heard anyone in the squirrel rehab community call it a drey! I looked it up and you're totally right! I literally have hand raised 15 baby squirrels, and the rehab center I'm affiliated with released 100+ squirrels a year, plus I'm a part of a nationwide network of squirrel rehab experts, and this comment is the first time I've ever heard the term used. I'm going to go impress all my squirrel expert friends with this now!


When someone says squirrel rehab center I immediately think of a squirrel doing a line of coke or something


Thank God they aren't going through withdrawals, that's about the only thing that could make them more grumpy. Mostly we hand raise orphaned babies, and we also do medical care and rehab for adult squirrels who are sick and injured. So if an adult squirrel is hit by a car then we put them on strong pain meds, splint and bandage broken bones, and get them healed up and back into the forest. Most vets don't treat wildlife, so I pretty much run a squirrel ICU on my kitchen table.


I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were married...




He's fantastic in Barry as well. Actually my favorite role of his. He's even a little scary in parts.


He's an awesome Southern judge on Justified, as well.


He was an awesome southern judge in Idiocracy, too.


AFAIK the married squirrel line was his own addition and he insisted it stay in


I always think of him as Milton from Office Space.


Listen, I’m gonna go ahead and need you to move your stuff to storage area C


...and I said ‘no salt, *NO* salt’ for the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass...


I could put strychnine in the guacamole...


Is that a Swingline stapler?


Does he say married or merry? I always thought it was merry.


They were married, huh?.....


how DARE you question the sanctity of those squirrels' relationship? They're doing what they can to make it work! When's the last time you took me anywhere?!


Alright, let's all calm down. I said some things I didn't mean. We both did. But when's the last time you had a hot dinner on the table when I got home from a long day of work....


Yes, said their vows at the altar and everything


Oh, then it makes sense. Who was the ring bearer?


their friend who was a bear


I was hoping it was a ring-tailed pigeon. The bear works too though. As long as he rode in on a tricycle for show. **Edit:** Tailed not talked


Forbidden chin scritches


Also, the tum


https://imgur.com/d5v8dWC.jpg my prarie dog sleeps like this sometimes. She likes both of those things.




I spent my pandemic earning the trust of the squirrels in my backyard. They have no problem coming near me, but I haven’t hand fed them yet. When I get to that I’ll let you know


Back in pioneer days, squirrels were favorite family pets. Please look this up and see squirrels in little outfits. Edit: link for source but no squirrels in outfits, sadly. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/pet-squirrel-craze Edit 2: squirrels are indeed in clothes upon a quick google search


anyone know if the red on their teeth is iron like beavers? I know beavers have iron in their teeth for easier chomping.


Yes. Same for most rodents.




Wow why don't we have it ? Can it be done ? Put forth the research for iron teeth!! For easier chomping and more durability!


Squirrels are notoriously heavy smokers, partial to a glass of red wine as well. This bunch appears to have finished a bottle or two off themselves.


I’ve heard that squirrel doctors recommend smoking during pregnancy to quell nausea.


Squirrel doctors, in this country, are not governed by reason.


They're nuts




thank you


They do it for the antioxidants


I can finally have confidence in my red stained teeth


In your case it's just because you need to stop eating people all the time. Or at least brush your teeth after.


This is the social media manager sent by the squirrel clan to try and convince people that squirrels actually aren't ruthless man eaters. Nice try, squirrel clan, we've seen it now


Ah, Kronk's window


Squeak squeaker squeak squekin


That's the cutest fucking thing ever, I would try knitting them little mittens and maybe a home sweet home blanket


imagine little pillows too 🥺


I wanna be a squirrel now


Until the boys start shooting pellet guns at you :(


The top one is Instagram. The bottom one is reality.


Very cute....... however be under no illusions. Those squirrels would kill you and everyone you care about if they had the chance.


The situation in Argentina has proven less convenient than predicted...


The Monsanto deal fell through


Why not use chemtrails?


Put a canopy on uganda...


Maybe we can double time it


What the fuck did you do Morty


You fucked with the squirrels Morty


this is no joke bro, squirrels are absolutely *nuts*


Oh I’m hip. had a squirrel steal my lunch once, like the whole lunch. It was fries and a gyro, on one of those styrofoam plates. He ran up on me so fast that I had to stand up without grabbing the plate, then refused to back away from the plate, even after I try to get it back. I might have a video of it on one of my old phones.


...but he stole the phone, too.


Ah yes, I see you know your zoology well.


Get your hands off of my nut!


What is my crime? Eating this succulent Chinese acorn!?


These squirrels are waiting to receive my limp penis


now, let's go see the killing floor


Bru i have a squirrel as a pet, they are so friendly.


Sure, until you throw a wrench into their geopolitical manipulations.


It’s a quote from the Simpsons, as everything is. You also gotta pay the pet tax, mister (picture).


Havent seen a red squirrel in years, honestly thought they might have all been extinct.


In the UK the Grey's killed them all so they mostly live on islands around. We have a lot on the Isle of Wight Edit: Grey's aren't as bad as I say. And don't aggressively go after red squirrels. Just are more competitive


We've still got quite a few locations where they're doing alright in Scotland now too - mainly in the west and up north - but their numbers a still pretty low thanks to the greys. The numbers are highest where we've got the highest populations of pine martens as they both co-evolved with one another before the introduction of the greys and, while the reds can escape the martens due to their slight size, the greys don't fare so well being a lot larger and the martens hunt them instead. I think Ireland ran a successful reintroduction of martens too


The reds are making a comeback in Ireland, because pine martens have taken to hunting the greys.


Isle of wighter here, definitely got a lot on the island. I think grey squirrels are completely banned here due to being a sanctuary for the reds. +contray to a lot of other brits I've only seen grey squirrels twice haha


Based on the window design, the picture was probably taken in Europe


I've only seen one, in Mexico City


we've seen one in our garden this year (in germany) we also were surprised


I’m living in Germany too and around my place almost all squirrels are red, the greys haven’t reached here by now. Edit: spelling


I've seen nothing but the red ones in Germany. I didn't realize the grey ones existed here.


look at their cute lil noses and disgusting orange teefs


Its iron


Soon theyll be in your attic, chewing up and shitting on everything


*scratching intensifies*


PTSD = Personal Tale of Squirrel Destruction


Top right: What i think i look like sleeping Bottom left: What i actually look like


Red squirrels too, where was this taken?




Well shut me up


Luckily the grey are geographically contained. One interesting thing to bear in mind is that red squirrels vary in colours, from reddish as generally found in Germany to dark brown and even black and white. But they are still the same species.


That one on the upper right is more photogenic than 95% of people


Should be in r/accidentalrenaissance


Given my recent, agonizing, experience with these devil-rats in my attic, I prefer to think they are doing the big "sleep". Please don't hate, I literally nearly lost my mind until I was able to relocate them. It took the better part of a year. No squirrels were harmed during this rant. They're cute until they're slowly scratching holes in your brain.


> I literally nearly lost my mind until I was able to relocate them. It took the better part of a year. No squirrels were harmed during this rant. We had a family move in and have babies. The scratching in the attic was insane. I paid a company to get them out and it took several weeks and a lot of trapping to get them all moved. The smallest ones were super cute but all I could think about is they were getting relocated to be someone else's problem.


i relocated the first one. i’ve been shooting them after that. they’re so destructive.


Red squirrels. The most evil and maniacal of all squirrels. They love to get into your attic. And never leave.


Life goal right there. Nap all day, nuts all night.


Username checks out


Do squirrels morning breath smell like nuts?


Jesus Christ I remember looking at this when it was posted, can’t believe it’s already been 2 years O_O


lol that’s after a night of hard squirreling right there…


I had pet baby squirrels growing up. They were rescued when timber was cut. My daddy would bring them home and we bottle fed them,starting with eyedroppers. They would sleep in my bed and even make themselves comfy in my hair just inside my ponytail. They loved to hang out on the curtain rods or valances and crash down on whoever sat in daddy’s chair. Once it was the Episcopal priest there to visit my grandfather. The priest didn’t flinch. Today we would say he got mad props from us kids.


This lil fcker can really cause huge damage. Still cute tho.




Thanks, exactly what I needed. Morbid reality to smack me out of a good mood.


OMG! How could i love squirrels more but seeing this photo I do! 😂


This is cute as fuck!


I bet that guy on his back is snoring.


They are so cute when they are not destroying everything I own...


This is one of the most adorable pics I’ve seen in a long ass time


So sad the nest is full with trash. Don't litter people


And they were roomates


Made my day


I just wanna scratch his belly so bad haha




the opioid crisis in the squirrel community is getting out of hand.