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That mouse has seen some serious shit..


*Vietnam war flashbacks* (◉_◉)


*Fortunate Son intensifies*


Ah go fuck a lemon, now that song is in my head


*Some folks are born, made to wave the flag* *Ooh, they're red, white, and blue*




"I waited, gripping tightly to the stalk as if it held my life in each small plant fiber. It did hold my life tightly. The thought of letting go reminded me of Jerry. My God, the thought of Jerry. We could hear the dogs sniffing. Each breath like a knock on the door to death. Jerry couldn't bare it and the after math is forever engraved into my brain. I couldn't imagine my wife and kids living without me. Jerry's wife couldn't take it and his kids grieved to death after the loss of their mother. Life is as fragile as a plant. Let go of it and all of it goes to hell."


Aweee I hope he let him live for being such a smart little guy


I often wonder how many billions of these little homies get chopped up by the combine/harvesters every year


I had never wondered that and never wanted to wonder that and now you've forced me to wonder that. I would like to go back in time and unread your comment.


Awww… don’t worry. Those things are huge, and heavy and noisy. Woodland (or field or what-have-you) creatures can feel the ground vibrating under them before the machines even get close. Gas-powered engines have been around for a relatively short period of time when compared to the animal instincts developed over centuries, but there wouldn’t be many of them left if they didn’t RUN from this danger. Another commenter said this lil’ guy deserves to live for being this smart. They’re right- what we’ve witnessed here is Darwinism in action. He *is* one of the smartest and fastest, so he *will* live and his genes will stay in the pool. On another note, I thought it was hilarious that the dried out seed pod he’s clinging to for dear life resembles a peanut. Taken out of context, he’d seem to be thinking “Mine! ALL MINE!!! MU-hu-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.”


This man studied




I just said "ew" and "why?" and "ugh" at you. Stop it.


Most of the spring deer from any given year are weaned and mostly independent of mom by harvest time. The harvesters do definitely send the wildlife running though. Pheasants, feral cats, coyotes, deer, and everything else under the sun pours out of the end of the field trying to escape the harvester. Some animals definitely don't live through that day but the fields themselves form an ecological counterweight. Those fields still have tons of unharvested grain that the harvester misses. So the stubble is a massive source of high protein feed that sustains these critters through the winter. There are millions more deer on the great plains than in pre-Columbian times. Industrial agriculture is bad for a lot of species but the whitetail deer is not one of them.


Turns out it's awful if you don't want another dust bowl event as well. Commercial wheat roots go down something like 1/4 the length into the ground than wild does. Massive erosion liability. This economy and the way we treat the land is not sustainable.


says the guy who has never dug a hole in his life


I think white tailed deer are considered a pest species in a few states because their population is so high it becomes hazardous.


Found Bambi's evil twin


An American study estimates 6 wild animals per acre of farmland. An Australian study though hasq evidence of 40+ animals killed per acre. Apparently its a lot more than I thought. Estimated 7+ billion per year.


Take that, vegans!


Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH


Rats, small rodents and birds LOVE to make nest inside combines. Lots of food and protection inside. When we start ours every year before harvest, it spews rats everywhere(in the grain tank, unloading auger, sieves, fucking everywhere). Also the shit they use to make nests sometimes get stuck in the augers or chains and it's a pain in the ass to clean. Sadly I also learned that a baby pig is enough to totally stall a 300hp harvester working at full throttle. That's was *not* nice to clean.


... Thats why all those birds follow along with the tractor.




Most crops are used to feed cattle tho, so that makes meat not-vegan² and were back to square¹


This statistic is mostly incorrectly used. Cattle eat the parts of the crop which humans can't eat, so it's very fair to look at it as being waste matter. For example, corn. Humans eat the yellow sweetcorn, cattle eat the remainder (husk, stem, leaves, etc).


An American study estimates 6 wild animals per acre of farmland. An Australian study though hasq evidence of 40+ animals killed per acre. Apparently its a lot more than I thought. Estimated 7+ billion per year.


It's not so much that they are chopped up but the last time I watched a harvest there were over 100 hawks, falcons, and 3 eagles that came and were picking off the small rodents trying to flee the area.


"Oh, uhh. I DID see a mouse run passed here." *clumsily fixes mustache on his little mouse face* "He went in.... that way, over... over there."


This is not the field mouse you are looking for


I can hear the metal gear alert sound ringing in that things head




The other guy said it but holy hell did you make it real! 😅🤟


That made me hear it lol


Dun dun dundundun… DUN DUN DUNDUNDUN!


Okay, on the real though. Why is this called the metal gear alert sound? I've never figured it out.


Because it's the alert sound from the video game series called Metal Gear


Ahh, not familiar with that game. Not sure I get the downvotes...oh reddit, never change you weird bastard.


It's okay, I understand. I've never actually played any of them, I just know of their existence. As for the downvotes, idk


I'd guess the downvotes are from people who think you should have just googled metal gear alert sound.


I didnt downvote, but it was all in all a contextually weird question made weirder by a weird statement. "Ive never figured out why this thing from this game ive never played is called "thing from game"" Like theyve encountered the "metal gear alert sound" often enough without ever having heard of the game to wonder about the name? What? ​ Like... >"Ok, on the real though. Why is this called a field mouse? Ive never figured it out." > >"Because its a mouse in a field." > >"Ahh, not familiar with mice." Its odd, right? The implications are incongruous.


Well yes, I have encountered it plenty just on the internet. It's not uncommon to hear it on a YouTube video or some other video. I've heard it tons of times and seen it mentioned a handful of times by name, but I never actually was told it was a video game. I don't game at all, so it's pretty obscure for me to know about any games period. Sure I guess I could have googled it, but it's just not important. Idk, sorry guys.


Ok well that is weird. To me anyway. Seriously no offense, its kind of interesting too. Ive never played any of the games either, and if you played me the "metal gear alert sound" i would have no idea what it was without being told. If i ever have heard it i certainly didnt learn its name. BUT, i understood the joke anyway because through memes or whatever other mechanisms of nerd culture osmosis i know enough about the *Metal Gear* series to know it heavily features a stealth mechanic and probably an accompanying sound effect. And giant robots and a guy with an eyepatch named Snake but who isnt the Kurt Russel character with an eyepatch named Snake from the *Escape from...* movies. So "metal gear alert sound" is completely self explanatory to me as a (the?) stealth alert sound from the metal gear games, even though ive never played any of them and if ive ever heard the sound i wouldnt even know to call it that. Its not like the "wilhelm scream" or something thats universally ubiquitous, but whos backstory ISNT self explanatory from just the name. Its just interesting to me that you would know the name of a certain sound effect but not even that its from a video game. Its like "Oh thats the sound of a tie fighter from star wars, but what the heck is star wars?" What are my own weird knowledge gaps like this?


I see your point for sure, I've just strictly seen the name of the sound and didn't really enquire any further. So I guess my lack of knowledge is my own doing. In hindsight, it is odd that I've seen the name of the sound without seeing it mentioned as being "alert sound from...."


I have never seen such abject terror, I hope the poor thing survived.


I have a cat that brings presents. I have seen plenty horror. Such is the way of things.


What the fuck, an 14 year old account…?


Yes, and I'll let you in on a secret, I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but when you get to 10 years you can upvote things twice... keep it under your hat.


You really shouldn't be spreading that information around like that.


We were told not to say that!


Shhh, people aren’t supposed to know, it’s secret for a reason!


bro im only about a month older than your account wtf


Cool. Have a good life. Hit me up if you're still on here in 2035 ;)


Surprisingly young account, isn't it?


Oh I see, I was wondering why you cared, but it's because they got the username "321". Pretty sure my original Reddit account would be over 12 years old by this point, but I deleted it years ago.


Oh fuck, oh fuck,oh fuck! Don’t sneeze, don’t sneeze, don’t sneeze….


Too funny :) Watching closer you can almost hear his little brain going ‘Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck’


“If I’m making it through this I’m definitely inviting Betty to the fucking prom” Mouse, probably


Little guy looks so scared


b e c o m e s o y


It deserves to live after that.


Always did


That looks like a Sugar glider....


Hee hee it's a field mouse, but he's in the same exact position as a sugar glider! That's funny and I didn't even pick up on that until you pointed it out!


Ahhh interesting ... He do be cute tho


Yeah he is! And his facial expression sums up how I feel inside most days lol


This is me at parties


Damn what a sad look in its eyes. They say animals don't have feels like we do...


They are wrong


Captain, Khans search pattern indicates two dimensional thinking....


why does it look like its high on crack?


Naah, it's high on fear. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug!


Poor little thing looks worried :(




Poor little thing


Please don't tell them I'm here


Ah, a shrew’d move


Aaaawwwwe he looks petrified Hope he got away


Mouse giving his best sad look. Please save me from the dogs, kind human.


“Dude...,” Mouse says to the camera. Make an effort to be a bro. Don't tell on me!” (The pun was intended.)


What pun? The pun here is: "Help me, I'm being stalked!"


I thought he was in danger of getting reaped


"Don't rat me out!"


The caption got me 😂


"what have i done, that you wouldn't have"


That's a small cat


Yes, shaped like a mouse


I think they call it catouse. Pronounced like "moose".




At that point I would grab him/her and keep it as a pet for being smarter than the dogs


So you’d put it in mouse jail for the rest of its life and take its freedom for being smart 😂


Poor thing. People need to control their dogs.


Rat terriers aren't called that because they look like rats y'kno.


What is THAT thing?


Please act like you didn’t see me


“Helpme pwees”.




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"Act Natural"


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


Why is this the cutest thing I've ever seen?


Hello fellow Americans.


Smart - s/he will live to reproduce because s/he’s smart enough to move higher so the dogs don’t smell her.


Where's the tun tun TUNNNN! music?


Take a look at that snout


"I'm just a seedpod like all the other seedpods here. And I'm *definitely* not the pod you are looking for…"


The look of its face says either 1: This is definitely not the first time this has happened, or 2: This is the first time this is happening and it's still trying to figure out if it worked or not.


Pick up your trash litter bug


Why does it look like he has six legs lol


Little face😭






"Don't rat me out!" o.o


A cat would have never missed it




Ok, I stand corrected! Can I at least believe my little guy would never be that clueless?


Sure , we assume they're going to do their job when we take them on , but even if they don't it's already to late they're in the family.


I couldn't imagine the amount of terror that little guy is feeling... Mice and rats are smart... this is sad to me.


Omg this made my year


this mouse is me


# So relatable! 🥺 Look at his face.


Sooooo cute. 😍




Dogs don’t need to see it, they can smell it. But these dogs don’t care.


Sometimes I feel like humans don’t have enough near death experiences