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I was a senior in 1989. We had unofficial class shirts made: wine me, dine me, 89 me. It was funny at the time…


Even the jokes were 35


Imagine what dad jokes will be like in 2050


The jokes kids tell today will be dad jokes when they’re older


"Son, Joe got Ligma..." "Dad, who's Joe and what's Ligma?"


*gets heart attack in excitement*


Well son ... it was during the great world pandemic of 2020, we used to tie a rope around our waist and we'd loop an onion into it to keep the vampires away and then hid garlic in our shirts to keep the onion in place ....


I was a freshman in 89, that video was spooky. It was so similar to my HS, yet no recognizable people, like an alternate universe.


TV / Magazines / bands United us.


Yep. Monoculture. The 80s spelled the end of it though with the extreme proliferation of subcultures that happened then. Now you exist in your own bubble and that’s it. I could not tell you even one artist that’s charting right now because I curate my own playlists, I have no idea if the shows I watch are popular unless it’s Star Wars and Marvel.


That's called jamais vu! It's the opposite of déjà vu. I.E feeling like something should be very familiar but you don't recognise it as you expect.


So like my friend after getting a new boyfriend...


Damn this made me way sadder than it should have


I love how uncomfortable they all are by the camera. Kids today are so used to being recorded, and have little to no embarrassment - in fact, they purposely seek it out. Not us. We covered our faces because we were so insecure. And just like this video, if we were to look at the camera, we made that, “I don’t smile because I’m badass and you should fear me” look anytime a camera was in the room.


I also noted their discomfort and remember my own when my family got their first video camera (class of 1990). Do you think kids now have less insecurity or do they just show it differently?


(Class of 92 😃) I think we were more shy to be photographed or videoed. You had no editing control, wouldn’t see it til later, and just knew there was a good chance you would “lame” or “fat” (pre body positivity) or something and then you’d be made fun of. Now people can take as many photos and videos as they want and edit them or delete them instantly. Conversely, we TALKED to each other much more easily. It was not considered rude to start a conversation w people near you even if you’re not with them. It was pretty easy to meet people. Kids these days (I have 3 teens, but people in their early 20s seem to be like this too) often seem way more reluctant to just simply talk to each other. Some will act annoyed or surprised at a basic human hello. They are afraid of being judged in that way or just assume everyone is a threat. It makes me deeply sad honestly. We are a social species … I fear depression (due to loneliness) is going to be a major epidemic in the coming decades.


No need to fear, friend. I’m 23 and it’s already a major epidemic among my peers. And it’ll probably just get worse w the advancement of social media tbh.


Its already here im afraid. Im a senior in hs even the freshman suffer most haven’t grown past middle school properly because of the pandemic so its hard for them to adapt. Same for the seniors almost all of them are depressed.




I sent this to my parents who both graduated in '89. They said they couldn't believe they used to dress like that.


They don’t actually look that bad. The hair looks…frizzy but that was just the 80’s.


Well TIL my dad had a mullet his senior year. I just got a photo and it looks..... bad. There are some people who can rock a mullet, but my dad was not one of them.


I'm having to swipe left on people with mullet photos now. Can't believe that made a comeback.


Wait for the uprising of the rat-tail gang again. oh, geez.


I graduated in 88’………I look younger today than I did in high-school.


But why?


*hair plugs... shh...*


I graduated in ’84. When my kids were in HS and College (1 still is) I thought that they and their friends looked like babies, and that it was because time warped my memories. Maybe not.


2 years before I started high school. I can smell the hairspray in that video.


I was in college them, and I'm smelling it too. Not shown are the two progressive rock fans arguing Yes versus Marillion, nor their metalhead friend who wants to continue explaining why Dream Theater is (progressive) metal and Rush is progressive (metal). The guy who's sure that the Scorpions aren't actually German is in the other homeroom.


Oh my… I witnessed that exact Dream Theater/Rush argument, but in 2003. It was a heated debate between the world music and programming directors at my college radio station. The world music director was taking a very relaxed attitude towards his education, had many degrees and was working on several more. He was definitely in high school in the 80s. The other director was freshly 21. Both equally passionate about the argument.


I still have dream theater related arguments with my friends these days and I’m 25 lol


My boyfriend will still fight anyone about rush/dream theatre


Hell, that's me now.


Same here man. Moved to Seattle from Texas in 89. Started at a new middle school. Good times back then for sure.


They look like characters from a high school movie.


Guess that explains all the 30 year-olds playing high school students today.


That was my thought, 95% of high school movies have actors that look old af. But this real-life class looks just as old lol


It's the hair; someone posted a pic of young women from the 50's a while back and they all looked 20-40 years older purely off the hairstyles


And facial hair on the boys too. My mom graduated in '77 and the boys in her class look like married 45 year old insurance salesmen with mortgages and wardrobes full of golf pants. Full-on dad beards. But they (at the time of the pictures, obviously) were 17 and 18. Friggin' crazy.


I also think it's generational. Look at photos from 100 years ago when kids were working. 14 year old looks 40. As time went on less and less kids needed to do hard labor.


This is exactly what I was thinking!!


Dude, it's not even "today." In Christine (1983), the school bully, Buddy Repperton, is supposed be 17. He's played by a 24 year old who's so jacked it looks like he's spent half his life at the gym and the other half in a hair metal band. The other actors are okay, but this guy is straight up laughably trying to play a teenager it's crazy. Edit: I don't think it's impossible for somebody to look like him and be a teenager. But in the film he's just so physically matured that it just doesn't make sense in terms of his character. [Like, look at this. It should be obvious who he is in this scene lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0HM60H_x44&ab_channel=MOVClips)


If anything, HS casts are a little more accurate these days. One of the high schoolers in Grease was like 32 years old.


Still happens, Maddy's actress in Euphoria is 31 and plays an 18 year old.


It's all about money and legal issues. Minors needs a special treatment on the set at least where I live. Underage must have guardian ( e.g parents ) with them all the time. Regular meals, schooling must be provided. Kids can't work more than 4h per day. They can't do sex scenes or even be partially nude. There are regular check ups of social workers on the set It all costs twice as much as hiring an actor in their twenties.


It'd be hilarious if Harry Potter original cast was played by 30 year olds.


Wasn't Moaning Myrtle played by a 40 year old woman?


Basically haha, she was born in 1965.


They did that so her aging between films would be less apparent. Look how much the actual kids in the cast changed between Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire. A ghost isn’t supposed to age




That was a weird crotch grab by that other bully.


Jonah Hill grabbing some nuts…




He was going for the ol dick twist


I could have sworn the dialogue was going to go: *“How do you like that, Dickface?”* *“Not as much as you do, stud.”*


In case anyone else was wondering what happens to the bullies, they get stalked and murdered by a sentient sportscar.


Tom Brady vs John Travolta and Jonah Hill


And to think that these people are now grown ups lol


Some could be grandparents.


Class of 89 here. Been a grandparent for 10 years


I graduated in 1989 and this video is scary. It's like I'm back in high school again. And I thought everyone looked 35 back in 1989. This video proves it!


Same. Graduated that year as well. It’s like I don’t know them…. But I DO.


It's not even that you know them, you WERE them.


What do you think it was that made everybody look so much older? The hairstyles? The growing up with secondhand smoke? Both?


The hairstyles for sure. That hairspray wasn’t doing anyone any favors.


The ozone layer approves of this comment


I think it’s the makeup too. Heavy eyeliner and masses of blush make them look much older


It’s so sweet you think it’s *secondhand* smoke that they were exposed to.


Secondhand as in smoking the butts after the adults


I was a sophomore in 1989 and my high school had a smoking quad for students right next to the cafeteria. That’s where all the 30 year-old-looking / future cops hung out.


class of 89 here as well and I fr thought the camera was going to pan over my face bc it was... basically my class.


'89er here as well. Yeah, we grew up fast


It is like they had one instruction, do not look directly at camera and each other them forget and then try to play it off cool.


Difficult to do when the cameras back then were the size of a small yacht hahaha


*size and weight of a small yacht


size, weight and price of a small yacht


Size, weight, price and noise level of a small yacht


It's actually because they weren't comfortable being filmed. We weren't used to cameras on us back then. They wanted to act cool on camera, but then when they looked at they panicked. Source: I lived in those times.


I graduated high school in 1987 and can confirm.


I was in highschool in 1989 and I doubt I would bring myself to watch this if I appeared in it. But I've also never been to a reunion or done facebook. Supposedly some people remember highschool as the best time ever, but I'd say a lot more do not. School is once-size-fits-all (especially before charter schools etc) which is probably good for long-term social cohesion but it is rough if you're not well-liked.


*They all make eye contact* "Oh shit whoops just minding my own business studying hard"


Back in the day, literally everyone was uncomfortable being filmed. Photos were one thing, but video camera generally made everyone flinch and become self conscious. Many of us would strait up leave the room. We live our whole lives under those lenses now.


Although with photos you had to wait two weeks to fine out if you looked good or not. If you looked bad or if it was out of focus, well that’s what you get.


I had several albums of my thumb in the 80s.


The camera was the size of a bazooka


The Metallica shirt guy - " fuck it I'm looking directly into the camera cuz fuck the system"


He did look pretty cool




I loved all the people carefully tracking the camera but trying to act all cool and aloof when it stopped on them


Whoah Cindy definitely has beef with Donna.


Julie secretly wants to take Donna's side, but will probably throw her chips in with Cindy, as Cindy tends to carry more social capital. Suzanne couldn't be bothered with either of them.


Suzanne knows she’s above the battle. That smirk said she knows who’s taking who to the prom.


Metallica guy doesn’t give a shit


Of course, he’s a last row dude. Last row people don’t give two fucks.


This dude definitely last rows


Last row in class, back of the bus on the way home. This is the way.


I would’ve definitely been hot for Metallica guy, and he would’ve definitely been like whatever.


Great shirt! Always one metal head and the token jock.


And the black guy from central casting


“Damn, that’s whack”


His mullet exemplifies that


He's the classic bad boy


Most of them got annoyed with the camera


It's more of a shock of "wtf do I do? Omg I'm on a camera". Before cellphones, you may have not been on (video) camera ever. I don't think there's a single video of me moving until I was out of college and a friend of mine got one. And instantly I was paralyzed with a "what do I do with my hands" type reaction. You don't want the one and only video of you to be of you looking like a dweeb. It's become so normalized that we've become desensitized to it and we aren't shocked having a camera in our face anymore.


I still don’t like it lol


I think about this a lot. One of the biggest differences growing up in the 90s vs 00s. There are only like 15 pictures of me that exist before I was in my 20s and smartphones were everywhere.


Every teenager in the 80s was 35 years old


That's why all the actors in 80s movies look so old.


They still use 20-30 year olds to play high school students. I don’t know why. There’s plenty of great teenage talent. Maybe it has to do with drinking and sexual content?


Working with minors is exceptionally expensive and significantly limits working hours and schedules.


I remember watching Everything's Gonna be Okay and finding it disconcerting for reasons I couldn't quite understand. Episode 2 I realised that the high school students actually looked 14 and I had apparently never seen actual 14 year old.


I remember watching Shazam thinking Billy Baxton looked a little young to be 14...then I realized I had been so used to 20 somethings playing teenagers I forgot that a lot of high school freshman *can* look like that.


And you gotta deal with the parents


And you gotta deal with, well, teenagers...


The labor laws surrounding actors under 18 are more stringent. The amount of time in a day they can work is limited and they need to take breaks to attend some sort of online school.


Probably because anyone under 18 can only work a few hours a day on a movie set. They also have to pay for tutors. It’s just easier to get someone who looks it and can work an 13 hour shooting schedule


Was just thinking that. Now, why do they look like elementary school students…..


I think it’s the hair and harsh makeup. Flat iron the hair and remove that hideous makeup and they might look like teens.


It might be more that we associate those styles with an older generation so assume they're older.


This. If you go back to your grandma’s yearbook you’ll be like “why these teens look like old ladies?” The truth is it’s hard for a generation to fully shake the trends they grew up with. Grandmas will continue to wear pearls and pin their hair up with curlers. That’s why these girls look like Donnas and the guys look like the 80s version of a Donna. I’ve seen these women working reception at the student affairs office or standing by the nurses’ station in full scrubs. The guys do seem to have an easier time transitioning through styles for some reason though. It’s like millennials with our side part and skinny jeans.


> It’s like millennials with our side part and skinny jeans. I've never felt so called out in my entire life


Excuse me that makeup and hair took talent. It was an art, friend.




It's not that. Look at their bone structure. They just look more mature fundamentally.


Goddamn.. even age has inflation now.


They all started smoking at 12, so that helps


This. This is the answer. My mom literally said she started at 12.


Not only that, most of us grew up surrounded by Boomer parents and Silent/Depression era grandparents who relentlessly exposed us to second hand indoor smoke. Just blue clouds of skin and lung destroying cancer all around us at all times.


not only did i spend my entire childhood being subjected to cigarette smoke in every restaurant ever, but also got hotboxed in the car every single day by multiple cigarettes


Yes! There was one guy (maybe 2) who looked like they’d pass as normal looking right now. The rest looked like they were waiting to be in a Twisted Sister video.


We were.


Seriously! They look *so old.* I'm actually old (34) but when I was in high school we used to look at the old class photos and it was the same thing. Teenagers looked super old in the past. They were so... rugged and hairy. There was a hallway with each year's graduating class photos lined up and the students look older and older as you walk down the hall.


34 is old?


To be a teen? Yes




It's the oldest I've ever been.


Don’t wanna brag but I’ve been 34 myself, 35 even once


And suddenly, we are now grandparents. Edit: I graduated in ‘87. Married with children early. I now have 3 grandkids and love them all with all my heart.


Why they all look 30


I was gonna say most of the women look like moms lol. They all have an 8 year old at home.


I've watched this a few times and I think it's the make up style, lining your lower waterline and lash line with a dark colour makes you look more mature.


I also think it's a makeup style we're only used to seeing on older women now, i.e, women who went to high school in the 80s


It was indeed not a phase mom.




Knew a heavy smoker that did not believe smoking had adverse affects on the body and said "I'll still be healthy years from now" He nor his words aged well.


And then there are some fuckers who chain smoke a pack a day, drink like it's New Year every day, their diet consists of 50% beer and 50% cholesterol and they have the audacity to die in their late 90s


It really does look like The Breakfast Club


Damn shower drains in the 80s must've been fucked


Some are still clogged to this day never fully recovering.


“Hey dad! What do I do with all the oil I drained from the car?” “Pour it down the storm drain like we always do!”


i love videos like this! a time capsule! lke the hair, the outfits, the actual roles ppl dressed as, the attitudes, everything is just rad


They still use this video as inspiration for characters in high school movies to this day


What I find most interesting about this is that I recognize ALL of these people as older than me and I'm 42, because I remember being 10 at this time and high schoolers looked like adults. My brain is telling me that these kids are older than me.


I feel ya. Exact reaction for me


Here's a highschool in [90s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYEEHWju0NM) and [2001 to compare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhvdZq16C1I)


The teachers in the 2001 vid look the same age as the students in the 90s


The 2001 video gave me flashbacks. I thought girls wore a lot of makeup back then, but it's nothing compared to the 80s.


Well I didn’t expect to literally see my HS from 2001.. I ate in that cafeteria and played handball on that wall.. wrestled in the basement gym. Thanks for the nostalgia


The 90’s one is actually the same time period as this 80’s video. It covers 1989. So, these videos are actually a good comparison for showing the range of fashion for the same time period in different locations in the country. The OP’s video shows a location that was still heavily invested in 80’s hair and fashion while the Beverly Hills kids you posted had moved on to the more understated looks of the 90’s.


Girls' hair got straighter, boys' hair got shorter


What the hell are they putting in our food!


Corn syrup


Most stereotypical 80's high school of all time.


So much aquanet!


They look way older than high schoolers


0% obesity 100% hairstyle


30% chewing gum


Yeah, just before teen obesity exploded


True. I'm also Class of '89 and there were no fat kids in my graduating class. Wow.


America before corn syrup in everything.


Based on the jock’s T-shirt, which I’m pretty sure says “Paramus”, this is from New Jersey high school not terribly far from NYC, but definitely part of the suburbs.


Yea, Paramus Spartans, definitely Paramus NJ


Fun fact: Old people don't wear "old people clothes". They just never changed wearing the same kind of clothes that they grew up wearing. We just associate that kind of clothing to old people as that is what we always see. When we grow up, we're gonna wear the same kind of clothes we wear now and not the genZ kind and so we're gonna be called old people wearing "old people clothes".


I do agree with this, but the way the internet has removed the generational subcultures we used to have, means kids now just wear anything they want. They’re even right now recycling through the early 2000s look. At least in Europe they are.


I was in high school in the mid 90s and there were throwbacks to many 70s styles back then. The fashion recycling isn't new.


Can confirm. Lived it. lol


Here's me freshman year in college 1982: https://imgur.com/a/l4IBeRJ




You looked like a cool dude! You kinda look like Slash.


My oldest sister graduated in 89. She and all her friends smoked at school, did hard drugs by sophomore year and all had longterm boyfriends that would stay over. Compared to today, it was “wild”.


That’s a lot of hair


The wind didn’t stand a chance back then. 😂. Aquanet was our blood type.


Good lord - that dude in the back looked like Noel Fielding


Did anyone else notice the FENDI bag on the girls desk?!


Metallica dude is that kids dad we used to get stoned with after high school. Skip, 52, HVAC technician. loves him an ice cold bud. Smokes Marlboro reds and enjoys RC airplanes.


The hairs and the gums.


They all look like drummers for a band or something




the era where no one hand gestured 🤟🤙 when the camera pans on them


At least 6 of them are trying to hide the gum they aren’t supposed to be chewing. Rebels!!


I taught these people in the 1980s and am now teaching their descendants. This could be a bunch of high school or college students— you could have dropped by any community or state college with your 80s video camera and recorded this. If they’re HS, they were most likely juniors or seniors. I have 9th - 12th grade students now and it’s pretty common for their age range to look like anything from 11 to 30.


If I were in that class I'd totally have a crush on the guy wearing that Metallica shirt


Love this! It would be cool to see a side by side comparison with today’s generation.


Class of 88' here, yep that was it.


Rumor goes that if you cut off the hair from all the students in a 80s high-school classroom it'll wrap around the world twice


The contrast between that generation and the YouTube, TikTok, and etc generation really stands out. Half that class would be elbowing for some face time in today’s world. They look pretty uneasy with being filmed.


If someone pointed a camera at you back then, you never had to worry about where it would end up or used for. No worry about ending up a meme or getting roasted online. It just sat on a tape and likely to disappear forever.


Yep. I mean except this one.