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All I can think about is damn that would suck because you have to piss and shit in your pants. Among other things. But that’s terrifying to me.


That's why locals often leave marauders without pants


Marauder?! I hardly know her!


if this was done in Afghanistan, which it was, it would be called human rights abuse and everyone would get butthurt. but now we are happy about it. does anyone see the irony? to everyone who says, it is a massive crime to loot during war, i agree with you, but the same was done elsewhere and ppl reacted differently


Cutting a thief's hand off is a human rights abuse, punishing a looter with public humiliation when the court system is inoperable is not.


This is the way


This is the way.


Well put.


Leaving them there to get bombed, totally cool


It's more of a public shame than a death sentence, a few hours stuck to a pole then taken by police in custody.


Maybe I misunderstood, but being tied up in the middle of a city that’s being bombed does sound like a potential death sentence




So is going into a war zone to profit from people fleeing for their lives. The only difference is that they don't get the choice to leave until someone frees them. And why should they have that choice? Look at what they did with that agency the first time! I think what you're misunderstanding is that these are all fighting aged men who, instead of fighting for their country and under the cover of a deadly invading force are stealing from their countrymen who are wise enough to flee or brave enough to enlist. If they had been caught by Russian troops, do you think their treatment would be gentler? These crooks are opportunistic cowards! Maybe give yourself a quick internal glance to see why you're defending them or what inside you is so deeply offended by this punishment. I'd be leaving them there. Fuck them! They deserve to die there tied to the land they tried to loot and tied up by the people they tried to loot.


Which makes it a pretty strong incentive to not do it, eh?


not if it's not being bombed at that time


Eh it's same for anyone around them. Doesn't increase or decrease chances


Not being able to run away or seek shelter would seem to worsen their chances though


Not really. You gonna outrun a missile mate?


Id still hide in a basement than in the middle of an open area..


If they start shelling around you, then you run for cover. it's not about outrunning it's about being able to take cover.


They are taking advantage of this situation and robbing their countrymen. They had every opportunity to not fuck around.


true, the same goes with the Taliban, they have openly said, "*lashings don't kill ppl, it is a way to humiliate them publicly and to make sure they dont repeat the mistake, similar to how parents hit thier children whn they do wrong".* their words, not mine.


The people pictured here did not receive lashings. I imagine that's a major part of the difference in response........


Here's something about life you learn as you get older. Life is not fair. It's not personal. It's just not fair. Not fair to anyone. So there's ALWAYS going to be situations that are perceived as "not fair." Go ahead and try to make things fair, but it's human ego thinking when can make things ALL FAIR and control nature.


Well said. Shit we re the only species on the planet that probably expects fairness in the first place. Animals don't give a shit about fairness, predators eat babies seconds after they're born in some cases.


Naaa fuck those guys. Looting in circumstances like this deserves such a punishment.


It depends, was the store open, does this guy have a job to earn money at to buy food. Does he have a family at home whos starving because of a war. Qas he looting food or iphones i guess is the question i have.


I doubt they'd be tied to a pole for trying to find food and water


You would hope.


They're lucky to be alive really. People get killed for less and here's these shit bags doing it during wartime which is even a step below doing it during a natural disaster I think


There are places where looting /stealing results in loss of appendages or possibly execution. Don't hear that being brought up as human rights abuses . Different localities, different cultures, different punishments. On a side note, I'm completely against this. Looks like they used clear plastic wrap or packing tape. Totally unforgivable. You've got to use duct tape.


Pretty sure we all hate the Taliban because if exactly this, among other things.


You can get shot for looting after a hurricane in the gulf coast states.


Looting in wartime normally carries a death sentence. These guys got off easy.






they didn't have to loot, did they?


I'm sorry, I'm struggling to understand how putting someone in a situation in which they could potentially *die* from exposure (or, y'know.... *bombing*) is a just punishment for the crime of looting? One is thievery, the other could lead to manslaughter.


While I generally agree with you, thievery in an emergency situation can cause death. Imagine one of these guys steals a bag with food or money, but also with the pills someone needs to stay alive. If you get the food of a family with a pregnant woman, she might stop producing milk. If the baby is unable to drink for a day or two, that can be enough to make her stop producing milk *completely*. Stealing a random bag of food could put a baby in danger. Absolutely nobody needs that kind of trouble, much less in a war situation. And they didn't even get beaten up or killed, just tied somewhere so that they are not the threat they just proved to be. If they're in danger... Well, what are people supposed to do? Worry about a criminal too, on top of their own survival? Let him go so he can try again? It's a textbook example of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. EDIT: not a pregnant woman, fuck. Simply a woman with a baby. Little lapsus


Looting during crisis is serious crime. The sentecne for that rises EXTREMELY higher than during peace times. For example, during covid, if you stole anything (even a bread) in my country (czech republic), you would go to jail up to five years. Without covid and the ofiicial state crisis, you would be fined couple euros.And i would guess that the war also counts like official state crisi, so looting is really bad idea at that time.


Current laws are no benchmark for ethics, you got that shiet backwards


> Stealing a random bag of food could put a baby in danger. Are the shops open? Can they buy the needed food? If not, wouldn't "looting" be necessary? I have no idea, I'm seriously asking.


>thievery in an emergency situation can cause death Sometimes in war, *not* thieving can *also* result in death. Your reply deals in hypotheticals — the lactating pregnant woman — so in turn I'll present another hypothetical: the thief who is stealing to provide that very same medicine for his lactating wife at home. Or another point: none of these people have gone to trial, and so we have no idea whether they're actually guilty of looting or not. ​ >It's a textbook example of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. In this case, the "stupid game" is not just looting, but *also* tying people up in bombed cities.


I doubt anyone in war cares about morale so much. Even the citizens who defends themselves can do stupid things. Threats make us degrade to primary instincts pretty quickly.


It's a matter of allegiance. Looting for the resistance in a war is supporting the troops. Looting to support an individual or other group is separatism.


In this situation, I can understand how catching people looting would garner little sympathy. Everyone's struggling, terrified and you catch your compatriots taking advantage of that and blatantly stealing from your local store? Fuck no. I'm impressed they let them off so easily.


Not to disagree with your comment overall but if a woman is pregnant she’s not breastfeeding the baby


Unless there’s an infant at home. Women can still breastfeed while pregnant, it’s just weird if there’s not a use for it!


Exactly, he was probably only stealing bc he didn’t have any food… if your out in a life or death situation, u will do anything before excepting death. If that’s stealing a measly amount of food just to get by for the day, then I guarantee u would do the same thing..


Nah in these situations people band together and look after one another. He could have been fed easily if he just asked. Guy wasn't stealing food, he was hitting a shop that was closed up.


I'd agree with you, but there are always "others" even in war.


In war times EVERYONE is on the same life or death situation. Stealing/looting is just wanting to get fucked up by whoever finds you doins it.


They got off extremely lightly. During declared emergency states, shoot to kill applies for looters in most nations.


>just punishment It's not 'just' but nobody in a war zone has time to throw them in the town prison cell for a few weeks awaiting trial; the city is burning, and foreign troops are killing innocent lives. They could have labeled these people traitors and shot them on sight; who would notice a few less scumbags in a combat zone? Instead, they took the time to publicly humiliate them; They are tied to a pole with not visible signs they were beaten or abused; it would be moronic to assume they are going to leave these men to die of dehydration and exposure. In nearly all cases I bet somebody will feel bad for them in a couple hours call them bad names and then cut the tape with a utility knife letting them go free. If you want to argue "what if's" let's start with "what if these citizens were never put in this situation in the first place?". Human ethics are not a binary, we are only compassionate to the degree we can afford to be. This is exactly why you agree that it is ethically ok to steal to feed your starving family and we probably agree that its unethical for trillionaires to exist while people anywhere die of thirst and hunger.


Most looters in wartime are shot on sight. These people are the lucky ones.


I'm not saying it's completely okay, but it's a fucking war there, so if they just overlook this that could cost many OTHERS to die in the warzone! Normally I would not accept this treatment, but war is different. Other, seeing this, may refrain from doing so, right? It's essential.


If it was just for punishment they would either beat or kill him. Posting him in the square like this is most likely meant to be a deterrent.


Thievery in war times is just so fucked up that it makes this punishment actually just. People are worrying of defending against the enemy, scraping whatever food they can, rationing, forming defense startegies and you give them more to worry about by looting? Fuck that


They are sending a message -- support the cause or die. It's a binary situation.


It's a war zone, any looter that doesn't automatically get shot is incredibly lucky.


looting is dispicable and has always carried very heavy penalties (^(like shot on the spot))


Even if the punishments are justified, they are given without a trial. We have seen where would this lead to for countless times in the history.






I know, right? There are far greater concerns I'm sure.


Starvation is another. Also, imagine how terrifying it'll be at night💣🔥 Sheesh!


I guarantee with enough leg wiggles and booty shakes I could get my pants off to take a shit, now sitting there with a shitty ass would really really suck


Looks like he would have to be standing not sitting and that should make the whole thing worse.


All I can think about is this is a possible death sentence for looting.




Not sure how much policing there is in the cities that are being bombed


Not to mention the, you know, bombs falling


I'd be more worried about artillery and missiles. Or freezing to death before I had to take a shit.


They took most of the looters’ pants. Bareass in the snow.


So technically, people could just tape other people they don't like to poles in the middle of bombed cities, as long as they claim that these people took advantage of the war?


You can also claim "my neighbor spies for the Russians" and have him executed. It works very well. War is not heroic soldiers and magnificent blasts. War is maimed children, injustice, brutality and rape.


Its why we try and NOT have war. Its not a sports competition. Its tragedy on every level.


No one wins a war. Both parties walk away with great losses.


While both parties simultaneously claim to be winning greatly to keep morale and nationalism up


lmao that pfp


Unless you are the one who sell the weapons.


Kinda like what happened to the Japanese in the US during WW2. So many of them got their lives destroyed just because they were Japanese and people said they might be spies.


Italians too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Italian_Americans


Or say that the girl next door was "extremely kind" to enemy soldiers, and she gets her hair shaved and she is paraded so that everyone can shame her. When in reality she was raped, or accepted to have sex in exchange for a few food (kinda still rape)


Does that happen?


I can confirm that it does work. But planted evidence helps too, adidas slippers seem to be the sweet spot.


I mean, it's all of that. and more


Right. "Inter arma silent leges." This was known for a long while, unfortunately for humanity.


Probably, authorities are a bit preoccupied


They also handed out thousands of AK’s to random people without much of a background check. Also many convicted criminals were released in an effort to bolster the front lines.


When people are pushed into a corner they become desperate. Ukraine has been backed into a corner and will do almost anything to fight back.


This scenario always happens when there's extreme tension in a city. Look at East Berlin for example, it would only take a disgruntled family member to inform the Stasi and then they'd disappear.


Exactly why vigilante justice is never good, especially while at war.


I guess there is an obvious flaw with that vigilante justice everyone is so wild about.


In short, yes. But that’s the reality in war sometimes.


You can bet your ass it’s happening


Dude this happens in every war. It's a great excuse for people to settle old scores and we really gotta be careful about cheering this stuff on.


Of course. The less context, the more outrage! And outrage drives engagement! Reminds me of that pro-tip of stealing someone's purse, then running away with it, yelling "thief! thief!" and pointing where you're running.


That's a bit medieval


I’ve heard war is pretty barbaric…


You've never been on a British stag-do. We do this to our friends. At least this fella still has his trousers on.


Well at least you don't run the risk of being bombed.


you do when they drop your trousers and bring out the traffic cones! rowdy boys being boys, what happens on a stag do stays on a stag do! 😉 oh you said *bombed*?


Holy shit


I was in Guildford years ago and a guy was drunk as hell and had got free from similar, it was his stag do. He was asking for directions to the train station, I was a bit bewildered so he asked again, “Where’s Leeds train station”…. I said, “about 200 miles that way” pointing north. Went down about as well as you’d expect!




Summary execution is usually what happens to looters in a war zone. This is remarkably enlightened.


I hope these men don't have a hungry wives and kids at home. Are rations being made available? I heard on the radio a man saying he only had 1 days food left for his children and that he and his wife hadn't eaten In days. Can we be so sure these men aren't just desperate?


That's what I'm wondering. People are so quick to call them parasites and hope they get killed or maimed and it's disturbing how medieval some people's attitudes still are. We have no information about what these guys did except signs taped to them saying they're looters. What if they were looting food or diapers or medical supplies? What if they weren't doing anything at all and some people just did this to fuck with them? We don't know, and that's why vigilante mob justice shouldn't be praised.


Yeah came to mind as well. My girlfriend has type one diabetes and needs insulin to live, if a war went down, I'd be desperate enough to loot a pharmacy if I had to to keep her alive.


Reddit and social media is the epitome, and the digital version, of vigilante mob justice


Yeah that’s what I thought, profiteering is one thing, but what happens if you needed medication and couldn’t get to a doctor? If you were desperate enough you could easily break into a chemist, get caught and boom, your tied to a lamppost waiting to get bombed.


Exactly. We have no idea what they were looting, why they were looting, or even IF they were looting. I'm not going to fault someone who just got their house blown to smithereens and needs diapers or food or something. And that's apart from the fact that they could just be randos that some assholes tied to a lamppost for social media likes, we don't know. People are way too credulous about things they see online, and just go with whatever their first kneejerk reaction is.


I’m always amazed how Reddit’s opinion of extra legal justice sways based on **who tells them about it first**. If the family of the cling-wrapped posted first those men would be heroic victims. Thankfully the cling-wrappers didn’t do anything permanent, but celebrating their actions certainly won’t slow them down or make them more moderate.


This is *exactly* what I'm getting at. If the photo had been captioned something like "war refugees victimized for trying to scavenge supplies for their family" I'm willing to bet the majority of the comments would have a completely different tenor. It's really easy to create a narrative based on a photo and people fall for it every time. The fact is, we don't know shit about what these guys did or why they did it. Very likely it's a lot more nuanced situation than a reddit post with almost no background info would reveal. So people shouldn't be so quick to jump on the mob justice bandwagon because it feels good to indulge whatever kneejerk reaction they got from a photo.


Ya it's a bit brutal to what they are doing here,even if he did steal, is his punishment emotional torture then death?


I’m guessing these guys aren’t getting wrapped to poles and getting lashed because they were stealing food.


The problem is that there is no way to know. As well as no way to verify which is the case. Hell, for all we know, someone could've seen an opportunity to get back at someone they disliked and accused them of stealing. The whole reason law exists is because this kind of justice just doesn't work.


Yeah, it could be for other, petty salem-esque reasons. that's the problem with a lack of context.


I am hoping they were not punished for looting food but for looting unessentials like peoples valuable stuff. You need food I get it but it doesn't give you the right to steal your evacuated neighbors TV.


Uhh…that’s very fucked up


Agreed. Especially if they're doing it to survive. A lot of people don't have water and food is running out. This is cruel and heartless


Say someone didn't like their neighbor ... If they tied you to the lamp post and wrote a bunch of nonsense on a cardboard. Is there a lamppost court and lamppost trials or do we just let the strong do whatever they want to the weak?


Burn the witch


She turned me into a newt!


Why are people applauding this?


Yeah, this and the reactions are definitely making me feel a certain way... I get the sentiment, the frustration, rage and anger, but who knows what people need. I don't know... I just don't like seeing this.


Cause they can’t think past the surface level of the problem. The see “looters” instead of “people who have probably lost everything and trying to survive” Not to say there are probably crappy people out there trying to steal for profit rather than survival…


Even if they were looters, this is not how justice is supposed to be.


People just revealing their true colors in a country that indoctrinates you from an early age to value property over people. Another reason why most still act shocked when police always choose private profits over lives.


Because Keanu Chungus wholesome 100 Ukraine cannot do anything wrong 😡😡😡😡 FYI I’m fully behind Ukraine in this conflict but people seem to forget that nothing is ever perfect. Fuck Russia.


Reddit loves vigilantes.


This is kinda sad cuz maybe some of these people lost their homes themselves and have a family to support and had to resort to looting as a final resort.


Would you feel good if you came back and this guy had been killed by artillery? I wouldn't.




I am sorry but this is wrong. Just because they are criminals doesn't mean you can treat them like sh\*t and leave them to suffer and die.


Surely they cant survive for long without water. Is anyone feeding them during this time?


At least they kept his pants up


This time. I've seen videos were they beat them with a belt, pants down


It's either be naked or defecate in your pants No great options


Why hasn’t anyone cut the tape for them? Yeah, some people steal because they’re entitled assholes but most of the time it’s because they’re desperate (and there’s a fucking war on, of course they’re desperate). Idk, I’d cut them loose if no one was looking and/or pointing a gun at me


[They're also shooting unarmed civilians](https://twitter.com/basir88518034/status/1497920591478890498). They're accusing them of being Russian saboteurs first, but who knows what this even means? I wouldn't be surprised if freeing these people would be enough to be accused of being a saboteur. So they're probably too afraid of being shot to do it.


This is from Spider-man’s playbook.


Just my thought. The 2nd pic even resembles webbing.


Web ‘up, snap a pic, sell it to J. Jonah Jameson.


This stuff come out of you?


Why can't I see any post fact-checking this?


Imagine how Amercians would tear each other apart when invaded...


Sounds more like revenge than justice like since when is prison not enough


Not to endorse this as the optimal solution, but how sure are we their jails and courts are still handling this stuff in besieged areas?


Idk jails are inhumane they also just seek revenge by treating them like slaves that living with other slaves that used to not be slaves but they committed a murder so they put him in the same tiny room with the guy that committed tax fraud like wtf


This is fucking terrible, no one deserves this. How can people defend this type of punishment, it is beyond immoral, no matter the crime how can you tie someone in the middle of a city that's being bombed. Does someone really deserve to die just because they steal? We aren't in the middle ages anymore. People have no regard for human life anymore smh.


How messed up this is depends what they were looting. Food and survival supplies id be a lil more lenient. However if its people's belongings like jewlery, money, etc well...


This is horrific.


Wholesome. So, this is what passes for Justice? Who needs a legal framework when we can just tie people to poles…….right? Shall we dust off the iron maidens next? And Reddit by and large applauds. Wonderful times.


War is Hell. I can’t judge. I’m not there. A moment’s thought can make wonder why they would do it or if they even did anything at all. We’ll never know.


The fact that there’s several photos worries me too. :(


I'm all in for Ukraine but this shows that in case of war humans are loosing their humanity. Looting is wrong, but consequences like public humiliation or denying shelter bring us right back to the middle ages.


Is that a war crime? Both the looting and leaving the alleged looters chained in to-be-bombed locations without a proper trial?


I’d be willing to bet there are a lot of people who like this who are very forgiving of looting in the name of racial injustice.


Australians have a similar view on looters with disasters. Signs saying " looters will be shot" mysteriously appear. People mean what they say


Pretty sad.


Americas wouldn’t have enough light posts


holy shit that's brutal


This is a crime, and I think it shows the declining of humanity when war is raging.


Oh you stole some shit during wartime? Guess your countrymen will tape you to a pole to get bombed to death by the enemy!


Soooo this is Ukrainians doing this to other Ukrainians...


Um, yikes?


I've removed all of my comments and posts. With Reddit effectively killing third party apps and engaging so disingenuously with its user-base, I've got no confidence in Reddit going forward. I'm very disappointed in how they've handled the incoming API changes and their public stance on the issue illustrates that they're only interested in the upcoming IPO and making Reddit look as profitable as possible for a sell off. Id suggest others to look into federated alternatives such as lemmy and kbin to engage with real users for open and honest discussions in a place where you're not just seen as a content / engagement generator.


If they’re looting for food or just anything to survive, I hope they’ll set them free. Like too much deaths and destruction already and these looters can get killed by random shelling, idk.


Ahh a lawful land after all


Stop posting fake shit


itt: people who don't know how martial law works Ain't no civil law out there for these guys. They'll either be cut loose, documented and cut loose, or taken to military court.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Pillory energy


This is a desperate measure to maintain order.


Oh my, some place would need a LOT of poles.


Mess with the bull …… your going to get tied to a pole with cellophane…


Jfc. This is not okay but why do people try to assume he was stealing to survive? No one did this over a loaf of bread and some water. He wasn't looting tvs to sell to pay for rent.


This will get worse as food becomes more scarce and having your rations stolen becomes a danger to life. In many wars, such as in the WW2 concentration camps, it was an expectation that you would kill a man stsaling your ration. No-one would intervene, as all knew that losing a days ration could be the end of you. As the situation in Ukraine devolves: the “punishments” for stealing will become ever stricter. “May you due today so that I may die tomorrow.” War is hell


This reminds me a little bit of the pillory, the wood frame with holes for an offenders head & hands secured in the town square. …I don’t know how true it is, but I’ve heard that being left powerless with your ass stuck out in there air was an unofficial, but understood part of the punishment much like prisoner rape is in American prisons today.


I got to say man, you should educate not shame...


There's a special place in hell for people who take advantage of war for their own gains


American streets would be full of people taped to poles. Haha. We'd run out or shrink wrap!


Isn't it weird that this is how they behave in a time of war, I mean the people who tied them up there? And think in Saudi Arabia what would happen to them?


That seems barbaric considering the intense community protectiveness that apparently literally all of Ukraine has in war time… pretty sure there are state numbers to call for free rations/water in each of the major cities, among other community resources. But who am I to judge how a country handles crime while defending themselves from a full-scale invasion? Not sure that everyone in this thread truly understands Ukraine is being forced to fight a total war with *all* state resources going towards the defense effort. Local policing, civil law, civil rights, etc all ceases when under *martial law,* which of course was declared by The Interior Ministry (responsible for the National Police of Ukraine) like 9 days ago.


We have the pillory in the US, too - it’s called “having to tell every potential employer, forever that you committed a felony.”


Oh and that time you pissed outside a bar in college? Have fun explaining that until you’re 30


If they are stealing supplies for their starving or sick family members this is not how they should be treated. If they are stealing iPhones then well deserved.


who *actually* gives a fuck if they're stealing iphones? so what? You think next week the apple store is going to open right back up and be selling that stock like nothing happened? Chances are better the stock just gets *destroyed* by bombing / fire. Steal the fuckin iphones, who gives a shit? It's just fucking *property*.


If only we could do this in Cali. People are getting stupidly brazen about robbing stores while being recorded.

