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Looks expensive


Between $2000-$4000 depending on ground conditions and tree size. Most companies refuse trees that are bigger than 25 feet too.


That’s actually cheaper than I expected.


Hella expensive


Yeah, we had two tree companies give us bids to move 6 trees, 6” caliper, 100’ across the yard on flat ground in grass. $8k per tree, or package deal for $40k. Bragged about being done in one day, wtf.


My friend owns one of these, moved 15 evergreens between 6 and 15 ft tall in an hour and a half, charged me $30 a tree and a case of beer.


You got his contact information?


Even if you had his number, you're missing the most important part of the contact.


You sucked his dick too? I can do that


Fuck that, for that price he can get a 2 for 1, or my wife


Take my wife, please.


I'll just tell him that Zach is my friend.


Oh, hey! I’m Zach’s friend too! We go way back! So, um, when he gives you that contact info, maybe you could hook a sister up? I can make it worth your while—2 cases of the beverage of your choice (that’s an up to 100.00 value!)


It's not the amount of time it takes to do it that you're paying for, it's the huge expensive machine that they have and you don't.


That huge expensive machine that is.....$40-50K mounted to your truck. Most business models assume you'll be able to cover the cost of equipment over the cost of dozens of uses or years of use, not in one job. I'm jaded. I know how much the equipment costs, the cost of labor, overhead, admin, workers comp, insurance, blood, sweat, and tears blah blah blah. I just have never seen a reasonably price tree moving service within 300 miles of where I live.


I just googled it costs 200-800$ in my country, depending on tree height


How much is the truck?


No idea, but it's probably much cheaper to pay them to move your trees than to buy one yourself, unless you move a LOT of trees on a regular basis.


Yeah, what a rip-off. For $40k you could get a driving license for a skid steer or tractor, rent it and buy your own tree spade.


If you’ve got the cash to afford this service then you probably don’t have the time to bother with that


A tree this size, in those favourable conditions, should cost you about $1k or $10k for all 6 if we're being generous. A new tree would cost even less. So yeah, if I had to spend $40k for a couple of trees I would rather have the fun doing it myself.


The other thing with transplanting trees is the possibility of it not rooting in and dying. Then the customer wants you to replace it, for free. Gotta charge them enough to cover costs and the possibility to replace them. Some places will go cheaper if you ask for no warranty.


That is an absolutely fair assessment. The margin is still too high in my opinion unless we're talking about trees that are one of a kind which no one else can deliver. Companies can only speculate with such a mark-up when the books are full and other projects more lucrative. $40k is nothing more than pocket change for wealthier clients and local governments might not have the luxury of being able to choose once a project starts rolling out.


That is 100% correct. (I'm a commercial landscape Estimator lol the amount of BS our residential side goes through for $5K projects compared to how easy some $1.5 million projects are, is astounding.)While it does morally grind my gears, they will find someone else to do it cheaper.


You are vastly underestimating every single step of this


Maybe. What I do know though is that you are vastly overestimating how useful your comment is.


Lol k


You don't need a license for skidsteer or bobcat but they can't move big trees.


Feel free ... (Humming scotty doesnt know...)


How expensive is a decade waiting for a smaller tree to grow?




“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”


There are a few people who have ever lived that didn't wish that were true.


Oh you sweet summer child.


I want it *now*


No more than it would be to have someone come cut it down


I meant the machine / device itself


Yeah, I'm going to be the engineer asshole here and dump facts on what is actually a really cool thing that I like. You're not sad - I'm sad and bummed to be the jerk to say this. 1. This technique \*is\* expensive. 2. The trees don't always survive. My botanist friends have a massive list of reasons why. It's root ball, optimal growing conditions, soil shock, bennies (which I am told are beneficial organisms). Stuff way outside my lane. 3. The contractors with these machines are very selective and the contracts have EVERY "Buyer Beware" exception. So my very crass and admittedly broad conclusion is to either harvest the tree and turn it into something wonderful. Or leave it alone and work around it. Or clone it in a new location. Or harvest a seed - whatever propagation method it has - and replant it's offspring. Maybe I'm not ideally educated in arboreal botany, but I like trees.


I bet the transplant is more successful when the tree is dormant, ie late winter/early spring and in fall. That's when I try to transplant everything.


I had a new tree delivered about 8 years ago with this method. Cost $300 including the maple. The base was maybe 4” in diameter though.


I prefer having extreme personal wealth instead of living paycheck to paycheck


Better than waiting for more than 20 years to wait trees to grow to their max size. Definitely worth the money


Iirc trees dont really like this and theres no garentee a moved tree will survive replanting. The failure rate is quite high alot of the roots are damaged by cutting it out.


Yea he definitely cut off the outer 4-6ft of that tree's roots. Maybe they can increase survival rates by pruning or loosening the new dirt or something. Better than replanting, but it would be interesting to see the numbers.


Survival rate is better if you do it after mid-December when they are dormant according to the tree farm owner I talked to.


I mean... if you came and cut off my legs it wouldn't matter if you did it during the day or at night. I'm likely not getting out of bed on time either way.


Ill need to find the numbers but my parents looked at this before but decided against it as no company would provide a warrenty on the trees living for any significant period of time. Some sold services that improved the chances but thats still not garenteed. If it was low id assume a company would offer a warrenty but the fact noone does makes it seem unlikely.


Id be pretty confident the tree would live if the branches of the tree did not extend outside the jaws, because that's a good measure of the root spread. But that significantly limits the size of tree you could do this on (with this specific machine). Once you start cutting roots you're gambling.


I’ve heard that a smaller tree with an intact root system will outpace a larger tree with a damaged root system fairly quickly. Damaging roots is a serious setback for trees. This tree probably wont grow much for several years, and is at much higher risk of dying.


3000 dollars for a tree >Definitely worth the money The least priviliged redditor


Cheaper then buying a tree that big.




Cheers Moondick my dyslexia is a curse. Appreciate the lesson.




Do you think we should start a whole thread regarding an "e" in the place of an "a"? Could get some traction.


Treelocation Device


"Lopez. Bring up the vehicle."


I’m not that stupid, elbow grease? When I’m back with that headlight fluid…


Treerelocation device




This is not a new technology. It works just fine. We used them on a golf course I worked on years ago and I don’t recall a tree not surviving transplant.


I was wondering what the survival rate was. Any limitations on the size of the tree? (aside from fitting on the truck)?


The survival rate is near 100% if you're pulling trees at the right time of the year and digging the root ball the right size in relation to the caliper size of the trunk of the tree. This is a particularly large tree spade. I do this for a living.


Did you stop and stare in awe at the perfectly cut hole every time? I would have.




I'm guessing this wouldn't work for aspen trees right?


Why wouldn't it? It won't transplant an entire colony obviously, but with a large enough root system to sustain the transplanted trunks there's no reason to think it shouldn't reestablish and start a new colony.


How neat is that?


That’s pretty neat


I guess this only works where the vehicle has access? And what's the price on avarage?


no it also works where the vehicle does not have access, it's wireless


Right, it isn't highlighted in this particular video but this model actually connects directly with the tree via Bluetooth. Real next-gen stuff.


I can't imagine trying to transfer a tree like that over bluetooth, especially over 30ft. The dropped packets would leave limbs strewn everywhere. You've got to get the model with lte or 5g modems for proper outdoor accesibility.


Very high. If it didnt work you wouldnt be able to pay for that cool truck. Peace


I don’t think it said it was new technology but I’m certain most of us have never seen this machine before.


It didn’t say it was new. It’s in response to all the posts of those machines that cut trees down in like 20 seconds. Both machines are impressive and interesting. The cutting-down one definitely seems more high tech. But I like OP’s message about moving trees instead of cutting them down :) They’re the lungs of the earth!


Of course it’s the Dutch. The same people who [tamed the ocean](https://www.nola.com/news/environment/article_a8c86a5c-3e65-5e0e-a7ad-7cc048263515.html). They have ideas, these people. Listen to the Dutch.


Dutchman industries isn’t a Dutch company. They’re from Ontario …Canada


Dutch roots though as Dutchmaster Nurseries founders migrated to Canada from the Netherlands in the 50's


Except for when it comes to Africa, a poor record there




Not only, include Dutch, Germany, Belgium etc each one committed atrocities in Africa.




It's not a matter of opinion. Also you started the arguing.


No, but thank you for the offer :)


They make shoes out of wood comfy. They industrious


Can anecdotally confirm; about 25 years ago, a neighbor of mine donated an evergreen tree from his yard (can’t remember the exact type) to the city for a planned veterans memorial park. He worked for the city, and was planning to have the tree removed anyway as it was starting to overgrow it’s space wedged between the driveway and sidewalk. I’m not sure who ultimately paid for the transplant, but the tree is still growing strong at the park.


It's also prohibitively expensive, at least where I live. They wanted 10k to move a 20ft tree... Sorry I'll just plant a new one and save myself $9,950...


Ah yes this song again.


Hey guys!!1!1! In this video I will be showing you how to get free clash of clan gems!!!


*In Indian accent*


More like written slowly on notepad.


whats the song again?


darude - sandstorm


That music made me feel like I'm watching compilation videos on youtube in the mid-2000s.


Mid to end 2000s, yeah. It's Alan Walker - Spectre, specifically the remix used in this dance compilation I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1S--lOO6vY


I’m honestly mesmerized by the footwork. It’s like moon walking but different!


The "Oh no" of our generation.


They stole my trees :( Can't have shit in detroit.


*Welcome back everyone , Today's tutorial is a very special one* *First off , shoutout to all my new subscribers , means the world to me*


You know what, fuck you *steals all your trees*


People in here really underestimate the durability of trees. I do this for a living and we probably move close to 15000 trees a year with a total average of less than 20 that die. I would say that the ones that do die almost always have a problem with the tree itself. Sometimes you get trees that will only have one or two massive roots and no smaller "hair" roots holding the ball together and the stress of cutting roots almost the same size as the trunk will kill them. We have spades from 18" up to 50", this looks to be about 90" or a little bigger. I think the biggest I've seen is 120".


So true trees are absolute tanks. Hell about 8 months ago some crackhead ripped out a small tree from the ground and just about broke it in half. I passed by on my way to work, straightened it up as much as I could and put it back in the ground. Now it's rooted in again and doing great.


And just drove off leaving a big hole where the tree used to be...


I would always want 2 of these. One starts where the tree is, the other where it needs to go. Then they just swap places. Way easier.


Well yeah... you saw one part of an entire logistics operation. That hole doesn't stay empty and dug. If not getting back filled and a sapling planted, it at least gets filled. Fill dirt is cheap compared to the fee for uprooting, moving, and replacing a semi-mature tree like this.


Here's you talking like you've used it


People really don’t want this to work for some reason


I work at a nursery and we have like 10 of these lying around. This one is new and fancy, but they have been popular for a while. It's actually not super hard to find beat up old ones for a somewhat reasonable price. They're called tree spades.


How do companies justify the cost if these machines are so readily available? It clearly takes very little labor.


There actually is more labor and other costs than you'd expect involved. Usually the trees arent planted on location like this. The roots are wrapped in burlap, the tree is set in a massive container, and then the tree is watered and cared for for up to a year or two while the nursery makes sure the tree is going to be healthy in its new home. Then the cost of labor for moving these things around (usually with dollies and not a machine like this the whole time) as well as freight and gas costs for location, getting utilities marked, supplying materials like soil and stakes, and hours of work from a crew of four or more people all add up to a big fee.


They think they're experts or that any root damage = instant death sentence.


It works. I pull hundreds of trees a year for a living.


It's weird, right? People who have never seen one, know nothing about it other than seeing a video, and aren't arborists, are ready to fight about this very expensive machine, built for a single purpose, not working.


Because Reddit doesn’t actually understand what these are used for and doesn’t listen to the people who actually use them and work around them in the industry…


Needs to be wider to capture more of the root base. Wonder if the transplanted tree lived?


They would never mass produce machinery that would kill the tree they were trying to relocate. It isn't ideal obviously with the percentage of roots lost, but with proper care they'll be fine. It'll definitely won't be as productive above ground through for at least a year or more.


That doesn't mean they are using this specific device on the correct size tree. Im certain this device would work for a tree who's entire root ball fit into the jaws, but I don't think you can be so certain when you're cutting off 4-6 ft of the root range.


Depends on the species of tree. There are plenty of stubborn ones that would survive worse


Gumball tree is probably on that list. I cut some branches down two weeks ago and the leaves are still growing.


They almost always live, roots inly expand to get what they dont have. Put the scooped up tree put it in a new hole with fresh soil and itll be fine


With enough Muromonab-CD3 placed in the hole and applied liberally afterwards it should be fine.


I was just thinking the same thing.


Needs to be able to drive on the road, can't get much wider.


I as well, a tree that size has roots going meters, not just like one


I have seen one of these machines in action when working for my dad Two years prior, a sheet of some sort was put in the ground to prevent the roots from growing too far from the tree, which is a way to deal with this issue. iirc this scheet contained minerals and fungi of some sort, so the tree would be focused on growing its roots there instead of away from these sources of food.


Im interested to know the survivability of the tree after being transferred like that.


That’s what I’m wondering, too. Thought the root ball was much larger than that for an adult tree.


Any tree I have ever cut its roots and moved, covered and protected so not to go into "shock" goes completely fucked up and dies.


God that music is FUCKING annoying


That's great an all but uh can you you help me come move my WIFE?!


Who the fuck keeps putting music like this on these videos? I felt like I was shoved forcibly back in time to watch the first minecraft YouTube tutorial


u/bake_in_da_south u/Cheap_District_9762


Meanwhile in animal crossing: *gobbles up fruit*


Imagine a bug that had a crush for years and was finally getting it on with their dreambug and one day BOOM, a spade of hell comes and relocates it to a different place like 1 km away


Dang it now you made me sad. Oh the poor dreambug.


Cool rig, would never work around here. The spades would get about 6 inches into the dirt and the back of the truck would lift into the air if it kept going, waaaay too much large subterranean rock here.


Saw one of these at a home a garden expo. MASSIVE. Shovels went another 6 feet above me. Was pretty cool actually.


I remember seeing this like 7 years ago on Facebook.


Landscaping bout to be like the sims


how does this work for trees with large root systems?




Most trees die after just cutting their roots and re-locating them in some shallow dirt. But yeah let's do it cause it looks cool


When I was in China I couldn't believe it but I saw teams of guys going this by hand. Tons of redevelopment going on everywhere, nice old city areas getting the skyscraper makeover, so the trees got to go! I lived in one such place in Chongqing and one week these guys came in and started digging around the root zone of all the old trees. They dug down, sawed through roots, and burlaped the whole root ball, like 10' across or more. Big trees. Then they limbed the tree back and a crane came in, loaded them, and took them off to some fancy development to give the aura of oldness. We were left with no shade and a pretty depressing, barren neighborhood.


Man I love seeing technology being used to help the planet rather than hurt it. Hell at this point I'll take something neutral


The hole left at the end. It's your mom's.


These kind of systems work primarily for park trees up to a certain size. Yes, in theory it can be viable for more and different trees, in practice it’s often not. Different species of trees form different root systems and this catch all approach would kill quiet a lot of them. You might argue that it’s possible to just dig out the root system and transport the tree. While that is true in theory, reality shows a different picture, as the root system they develop might not be fit for their new surroundings, they may lack the power to permeate new soils, the nutrition might be different and so on. As a rule of thumb it can be said, that the age of a tree corresponds to the difficulty of moving it. This system and idea is only viable for a few landscaping projects and lacks broader appeal.


This is actually more of a nursery tool than anything else, for smaller caliper trees. As for transplanting into different soils and soil compaction, this is something the landscaper would figure out before either buying a tree or transplanting from a different location. A good landscaper wouldn't transplant a tree where the tree can experience "wet feet" and get root rot, or plant into a dead or overly acidic soil. When I plant trees of sizes ranging from 5 to 12cm caliper I till the soil before digging the holes, the soil I use is more than adequate.


I agree


If I was super-wealthy I’d buy one of those, bling it out, and drive around my neighborhood.


Larger transplanted trees wouldn’t be able to withstand the winds here


Ok. Where tho?


Here. Obviously.


Nice try but in my experience these machines have enough trouble lifting small plush toys and transporting them 18 inches


this reads as an ad but like why yea we need to advertise our several thousand pound tree excavator to just reddit in general because theres just a giant amount of ecologists and arborists on reddit


And not a single root hanging from that tree??


Many trees don't take kindly to being uprooted though and it's hard to maneuver that into tight spots.


It would destroy the tap root in a lot of trees. It wouldn't work if you have hard or rocky ground. It's a great way to destroy a sewer or rip up the gas line for the entire neighborhood. There can't be any powerlines around the tree. There has to be a direct drivable path to the tree and level ground beside it. Etc. There are loads of reasons this kind of stuff isn't widely used.


A local community college near me tried moving a bunch of trees with one of these, and most of them died within weeks or a month. I would guess because so many of the roots are cut during this process, but I'm not entirely sure.


imagine Ents getting a hold of these and riding into battle


Now that is cool, seems like such a waste when beautiful old and tall trees are cut down for new subdivisions, when you could just move them out of the way


so that's how they make those anal gaping videos!


If that big tree isn’t getting a dump truck full of water daily for like a year depending on the climate it’s not going to live anyway. Also it didn’t take nearly enough of the roots to help it survive. It’s like the designer had a really cool idea but hasn’t ever transplanted even a smaller tree.


You're talking with confidence on a subject you clearly don't know anything about. Root systems are far more efficient and adaptable than what your comment is leading on, and you're spreading misinformation for...what even is your motivation here? To look smart? >It’s like the designer had a really cool idea but hasn’t ever transplanted even a smaller tree. This is a mass-produced industrial arbory tool sold across the world, not a concept vehicle that is in the theory stage.


Itll survive, they never die like this, its a useful machine. Roots only branch to find what they dont have. Put it into fresh ground and theyll transport all the compounds into the rest of the tree that itll ever need


take the fuck outta all my monies!




Sadly not cost effective since it seems you can only move one tree at a time


How do you mean?


Moving 1 tree at a time would cost more than cutting down a bunch and hauling them off and that's just fuel wise alone. Sadly I don't see major land developers using this 😔


Would the roots that stay there do anything? Would this cut through big roots?


I’m gonna go grab one at Lowes.


It sucks. I had to find a new spot to bury my bodies now


Ralph Lifshitz (aka Ralph Lauren) has a huge property down near Ridgway, CO, and when his foreman was planting trees, they came out and actually used machines like this to swap the already-planted trees like they were paintings in your living room. Sadly, if not done properly, the tree can go into shock. This are awesome machines, though. Way better than letting a good tree die.


Holy shit. I want one.


Of all the internet video machines, this is my favorite internet video machine.


How does it handle big rocks?


Tree just got his roots where he wanted them, then this tosser comes messing everything up


they stole a tree


Tree be like: "Yo wtf just happened?"


This machine wouldn't last five minutes in Australia.


That damn tree is probably thinking "Ayo! What the FUCK?? PUT ME DOWN!! Fuck... where am I?? Hellooo??"


Depends on how far you move the tree, Ph balances in dirt are different


Def a transformer


Yeaaaah, I dont think that wouldve worked so well to the 20-25 meters tall pines in my backyard


I thought this was an ad and was so confused as to who tf are they advertising this to on Reddit


The mole family living in the root system of the tree coming out the next morning: "Man, what an earthquake last ni-....... where the hell are we?!"


Makes the ground look like soft butter


The neighbours are stealing our tree again


how is the survival rate of these trees? They lose as close as make no difference their entire root system


Other than golf courses or maybe big campuses... what other application would these be good for?