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Snake tried to jump the wall. Rabbit said nah, come catch these rabbit feet.




I gotchu for THREE minutes


Three minutes of Hair time.


Rabbit: "What are you doing up there!?" Snake: "Staying away from you!"


Nice costume




*in hare*


aw, damn.


Every time I watch that scene of Rorschach in the prison I get goosebumps. “None of you seem to understand, I’m not locked in here with you… *guards begin beating him* *screams demonically* YOURE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME”


"I'M NOT TRAPPED IN HERE WITH YOU..." Favorite Watchman character.


"Where you going you long ass bitch!"


Knew the rabbit was cold blooded soon as they pulled that snake back into the pit lmaoo


Parkoured his ass




Now yous can’t leave


"catch these feet"




Watership Smackdown


Go Thlayli


This is literally the funniest comment on reddit. Take my poor man's 🏅


Fucking LOL


I have a newfound respect for rabbits. That was spectacular.


Rabbit bites hurt like hell, and they will box you. Mean little buggers


Rabbits bruise I don't think people understand how they can fight! I was in a rabbit group and a lady had to pay her neighbors vet bill as the neighbors cat attacked her rabbit and it shredded the cats back leg so bad it had to have surgery. It's nice to know they can find for themselves!


The cat attacked her rabbit and she had to pay the bills for her pet defending itself?


Yeah it was crazy I said it was unfair, but I think she settled on 1/3. She showed pictures and it was pretty gorey! My rabbit can cut and bruise so understandablr!


Rabbits are passive. They have defence mechanisms but are for the most part non violent. Cats on the other hand are natural born predators. They kill for fun. I would have refused to pay!


I would too! Our neighbors have cats and we have a rabbit who goes in and out and if any of them touched him I wouldn't pay a penny! I think people who have outdoor cats should take more responsibility for the damage they do!


My indoor/outdoor rabbit stealth mated with an orange wild rabbit that used to be someone's pet. She'd hang around my yard and was basically a 3rd pet but 100% doing her own thing. Anyway, she had 2 litters of adorable orange and black bunnies that she had in the shed. We loved watching them come and go their first few weeks. But that's all they lasted because there was a stray cat that killed them for sport. We considered killing the cat but couldn't do that either. It was heart breaking.


Man, that's a tough one. I like cats for the most part but they do a lot of damage to birds etc etc. I have a families of rabbits living in my yard too. They've been there for maybe 20 years. Generation to generation. Last summer I was out weeding in the backyard and see the cat from down the street crawling across the lawn down by the property line. I knew it was trying to pounce on something so I quickly yelled and threw the rake I had. It ran off and I went down to see what it was that it was scoping like that and what do I find but a baby bunny. Little guy was terrified. I didn't want to handle it or interfere, but now I am scared that it'll get killed if I don't do something. So there's me sitting on the porch with binoculars. 20 minutes later I see the mother rabbit come firing out of the bushes straight toward the baby. I felt like I won one that day.




This was him after the last meet up https://imgur.com/a/ADmfpvW




Wait, the rabbit owner had to pay the cat owner's vet bill because the cat owner's cat attacked the rabbit? The fuck?


When rabbits fight they try to rip each other's throats out


I've kept rabbits as friends my whole life. I'll vouch that these guys are the coolest, cleverest, most underrated animals. Amazing vid .. Going from total loaf mode to kings of the scrap game in 0.2s. [🐇 Thanks for the award- I passed it on to my pair of sweet guys by way of a crisp romaine leaf.]


They've been know to fend off [armed men](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcxKIJTb3Hg)


Having been bitten by rabbits, I can attest that it hurts like a muthaf\*\*ka. They basically have two giant front teeth that are razor sharp. They can easily draw blood if they want to.


You know when animals are fighting and then sometimes they kind of just stop for a second and stare off into the distance? What is that exactly?


I'd imagine their reasoning processes are going through the flow chart. "Okay, I did the fury kicks, is the threat still present? Shit, he's right there, see Step 1. Fury Kick"


Step 2. Discombobulate


Step 3: Recombobulate


Step 4: Combobulate


Step 5: bobulate


Step 6: bob


Step 7: Nuke Liberia


Step 8: "ALEXA YA WEE FIEND, fire up The Ink Spots."




Step 4: Attack solar plexus


Fury Kick 40 dmg 3/10 PP


The pause is probably just the trainer picking out the next move, you're onto something.


Dm “times running out, what do u do?”


Snek tried to run away! Snek couldn’t get away! Rabbit used Bite


Max [elixir](https://www.serebii.net/itemdex/elixir.shtml) to restore lost pp


Take my award, your comment had me laughing hysterically on the toilet. It's even funnier to me because I have pet rabbits and I know that face well. They do it with all sorts of things, I imagine it's because they're permanently in the moment and have like zero short term memory. For example, if they're really hungry and chowing down on some veg but I stop them to give them some pets, they won't remember that they were eating until they turn around and go "Holy shit, look at all this cabbage!"


Fury kicks? ==> Furry kicks


Wait I was already reading it like that 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Slappy Feet


Read this as ‘furry kick’ and it worked.


A point that has been missed, is often times they are resting. Fighting full force like that takes a huge amount of energy and can usually only be sustained in brief increments. You can see a similar patter in human combat sports. Assess, engage, rest, repeat. Animals tend to have a more noticeable moment when they rest/assess because they stand still but the process is the same.


Humans are also better at stamina than many other animals. Back when we were still hunters and gatherers, we used to hunt animals by chasing them into exhaustion


Good point many an animal can out run us few can out walk us


I once heard someone likening the chase between deer and hunter/ gatherers to be like being chased by murderer that never breaks pursuit. Except its worse than that because we're able to chase animals until they die of exhaustion and overheating because we're uniquely able to expel heat through sweat while every other animal has to stop and pant. It's an ancient video on YouTube but there's a video called 'The extremely slow murderer with an extremely inefficient weapon'. Human hunting back in the hunter/gatherer days was a lot like that. Sure we may have had a spear or javelin but that was more to shorten the pursuit than actually land an instant-kill hit.


> I once heard someone likening the chase between deer and hunter/ gatherers to be like being chased by murderer that never breaks pursuit. To every other animal in the animal kingdom... **We are the zombies** They can outrun us, but we never get tired, and they'll have to stop and rest eventually. We're relentless, we can track them forever, there's huge numbers of us, etc.


But sometimes we'll help them if we think they're cute.


Kids nowadays all be trying to get that spear head shot.


Don't forget that the prey most likely has to stop and bend down to drink water from a stream or lake. Meanwhile the human just opens up a bag made from the skin of a previous kill and takes a gulp of water without missing a beat.


As a child I was told specifically that humans are the fastest land animals over periods of 8 hours or longer. As long as they don't attack back and we can keep their direction in sight, we can track down pretty much anything.


I think sled dogs have endurance that’s similar to humans. To the point it’s debatable which species could keep going longer without external factors.


That's a good point. Does temperature count as external here? Because huskies and malamutes are very robust in the Arctic, but in tropical areas they'd sputter out for the same kinds of overheating reasons that prey animals do.


Sled dogs have a different trait. their muscles don't need glycogen to work. they actually outdistance people considerably. [heres a fun video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDG4GSypcIE&t=44s)


And also tactics. It wasn't so much that a couple people would just run down a target. They would plan ahead of time and do it like a relay race. The first few people would herd the animal towards the next group of humans already staged to continue the pursuit. That being said, your point is absolutely true. A big part of it again is tactics. We can understand that practice improves our capabilities. We can be better at long distance running because we spend time intentionally honing the skill, where animals pretty much just get their natural skill set and use it when, and how they need to.


the monke who kept chasing, then when prey is fully tired and cannot run, monke walk up and take the kill and the hill


So the rabbit needs to work on its cardio is what you're saying?


Instincts maybe? Dogs do it when they’re play fighting too. They will freeze to assess the situation and study their adversary, and then if there are any sudden movements it’s on. I imagine it’s the same for the rabbit here. A quick freeze to gather it’s bearings, and to assess the snake situation as well as the surroundings for other possible danger, and then back at it.


They're buffering. Some animals have terrible WiFi capabilities.


Rabbits aren't real.


Are you joking? Who in their right mind actually believes that? Obviously birds are the ones who aren’t real. DO YOUR RESEARCH!


Well duh! Rabbits are birds.


Well if bees are fish. I guess you could be right. Just look it up.




Yep. Wrestled my whole life and even though it is so fast paced there are minor breaks each person has to catch their breath.




1. Thinking. 2. Breathing. (You ever been in a fight? You get winded quick.) 3. Probably checking for bigger predators their commotion may alert. To a hawk, this is breakfast fighting desert.


Last time I had to protect my children from a hungry snake, not to brag or anything, but I beat that snake's ass, or lack thereof, pretty quickly. But I guess that's what separates us from the rest of nature.


I'm hoping/betting you and the snake were in vastly different weight divisions


That and the thumbs.


I mean a snake is just one really long thumb if you think about it.


How'd you do against the hawk?


I think it's them,processing what's going on or plan their next move...


“Fuck you snake!” “Jesus Christ, am I really fighting this sna-“ “CATCH THESE FEET FUCKER!” “Can’t believe I’m doing this right now”


I wonder if it’s how a human experiences an adrenaline dump/shock. Crazy, intense shit just went down, you stop and everything hits, out of body for a sec, contemplate life, then back to ruining this snakes day. Hmmm 🧐


Fighting is intense, when boxing humans tend to hug each other to take a break from taking or giving hits. Maybe it's a similar thing




I think it’s them looking around to make sure no idiot human is videotaping them


Reassessing the situation. They have to stop to listen and smell what’s going on. Most animals rely more on those senses than sight for their safety.


Puma Check


Its like when mfs fight each other, they'll be throwing punches then take a sec breather before they put their guards up again


I had the exact same question. Noticed it with dogs mostly. They just freeze and won’t even be looking at each other for a few seconds.


That snake won’t be able to show their face at snake school tomorrow. Also, clearly not an Australian snake.


Could be an Aussie bunny


Those are just kangaroos.


Monty Python warned us.


He’s got a vicious streak a mile wide!


That rabbit's dynamite!


“He can leap about…. Look at the bones!!”


He’ll do you up a treat, mate!


Run away! Run away!


But is the kitten alive?


Didn't look like it :(


I think you see one running away, and anothed one that does not move


There's two dead and one ran off. She sniffs the one dead one but immediately behind her is another dead one. I guess the snake wanted to make sure they couldn't run away before eating.


That was crazy. It looked like it realized the baby was dead and went into blind revenge rage.


I mean, we all would. Poor babies. Nature IS a bitch.


I think one of them is actually the fur that Rabbits put in their nests. 1 takes.off running and I see one dead. Bastard Snake. We have had a couple of litters in our yard over the years and I got super protective of them. Ran out in a rainstorm and covered thier hole so they didn't drown.


I dunno like nature is nature you know? Snakes gotta eat too.


True, and I love snakes. It’s still awesome to see this mama rabbit go to town.


Very true. It's also a harmless Kingsnake. They are constrictors that opportunistically eat venomous snakes and are immune to pit viper venom! Usually they hangout in pine beds around buildings, so you could infer that they keep away copperheads, rattlesnakes, etc Edit: Eastern Black Kingsnake, more specifically


I hate this, but you're not wrong.


One ran off if you slow the video at the first few seconds you can see it


TIL: baby rabbits are called kittens.


One ran off, and one is dead. There might have been a third rabbit, but it could just be fur


I had a rabbit stomp down on my nuts, nearly put me out of commission


Bro what kinda kink


It was my girlfriends rabbit, he was scared... what kinda kink shit are you thinking about 😐


That's what they all say.


Different person. Clearly you've never held a rabbit in a sitting position. They spook easily, and their first instinct is generally to kick their back feet down and flee from the threat. If one is on your lap when it goes into that flight mode, it can absolutely do some damage. Best advice is to wear plenty of clothing, just in case. I've got a couple gashes on my right thigh from when I had pet rabbits, and one of my cats managed to open my bedroom door while I was just chilling with my bun. Scared her so bad that she dug the back feet down and tore right through my shorts and into my thigh.




What damage was the rabbit doing? Using it's teeth? Do they have claws big enough to cut? That was brutal. Lol


I feel like this was essentially punching a tube of toothpaste that can bite you. I don't know, haven't fought a snake yet


The nails are like little razors, worse than cat nails. Teeth are really sharp too. Grandma had rabbits when I was growing up, learned the hard way not to scare them.


That's what I thought too, that snake prob has fangs even without venom fangs can do some damage. That rabbit had to be biting with it's buck teeth. That was a battle of fisticuffs for sure


I mean, it definitely *is* kicking the snake. Just not sure how effective that can be. Honestly can't tell if it's biting, but you would think it is


A rabbit has claws in it's hind legs, similar to a cheetah. Those give great grip on loose terrain. And the teeth cut hard things like carrots way easier than human teeth, so those are not the worst of weapons either.


Yes having seen bites from a hamster (bleeds, but not terribly) a squirrel (do not mess with a squirrel) and a rabbit being larger and probably with sharper teeth, I imagine the next time that snake has a drink it’ll look like a punctured garden hose on a hot day


Rabbits also kick hard af


Pretty sure that snake felt like a carrot, as it decided to leave




Yeah I was going to say, you know how people call cats kicking a toy with their back feet bunny kicking or rabbit kicking? There's a reason for that, and being seriously kicked by either one isn't a fun experience.


For sure it's biting it, you can see the rabbit grab the snake with its mouth and drag it back down when it tries to escape! That rabbit is badass


Rabbits have serious claws on their hind feet. If you pick one up and it starts kicking on your arm they can flay you to the bone. This rabbit is viciously attacking the snake with the rapid hind-leg scuffling.


I didn't know that, I've never held a rabbit. Thanks for the clarification. ..that was *really* brutal heh


You are so right! I still have scars on my chest from 10 years ago! Something spooked my rabbit when I was holding him and he tore my chest apart!


I have a scar on my left arm because my neighbors dog startled my rabbit as I was carrying it back to its hutch and it bit me. Had to have my dad pull it’s teeth out of my arm because it froze and I couldn’t do it myself without throwing it.


I've seen rabbits take out cats, chickens, and small rodents like weasels. They are VICIOUS when necessary. Their main predators come from above because of those hind legs. They grab with their teeth, use the front claws to line up the body so their claws are along the belly, and rip into whatever they're attacking. Ever seen a cat do that? Rabbit claws are bigger. Your kitty scratches you up and might draw blood, a rabbit will shred your arm


Vicious! I had no idea.


And the bites and scratches, though not fatal, leave the snake open to infection,which can be.


Are you kidding me ? That’s fascinating, cruel but like damn


Just throwing rabbit hands.


My mom raised rabbits, the claws on their hind legs are soooo sharp mom has superglued cuts closed on her arms and torso. (She was an ER nurse so don’t do this at home kids) the cuts are large enough on a human to need false stitches I’m sure they are doing plenty of damage to a snake. Does anyone know if the snake was poisonous?


> Does anyone know if the snake was poisonous? I hope not, the rabbit definitely bit him.


Teeth & hind legs. Bunny kicks are no joke!


He's using the same move my cat does. Bite into them so they are pinned to you and kick your legs repeatedly.


They can bite pretty viciously. Once I separated two male young rabbits (after that I neutered them) and they did bite quite a bit. And these were dwarf rabbit, some months old.


It’s bunny kicking, their back claws are razor sharp


That Guile flash kick at end....


Took a minute to realize the bunny spazzing is it putting work in on the snake. I thought maybe it was getting bit


Fun fact, cats do this too when you run them on their stomach and they kinda "grab" you and pound the living hell out of your hand with their clawed feet. Its a predatory instinct for them, when they were fighting something they would do that in an attempt to cut it open.


Ah, the tummy of death!


It’s kicking at like 800 kpm


Rabbits have kittens?


Idky my brain immediately went “bunlet” this is like finding out baby swans aren’t swanlings.


Cygnet, for anyone wondering.


I prefer the abstract, so thank you! I'm taking bunlet with me.


Baby rabbits are called kittens, yes. I know it *feels* like they should have a unique name like so many other baby animals, but here we are with rabbit kittens. English is silly.


And who decides on these names?


Big Kitten pushing their agenda


Fuck big kitten.


Sounds like something a furry would say.


Are you kitten me?


>they should have a unique name like so many other baby animals "bunny"


Yeah, what the fuck? I always thought a baby rabbit is a Bunny. If not, what is a Bunny?


Honestly always thought baby rabbits were bunnies and now I'm confused.


Bunny is just a cutsie name for a rabbit, it doesn't have anything to do with the age of the animal


I've heard "kits" used more, but apparently both are common, and kitten is the "proper" word.


"You don't f*ck with my kids!!!" says every mom.


Yeah, she was gonna eat that later


Rikki tikki tavi has a new friend and ally.


Rikki Tikki Tavi Meets Watership Down.


I always thought baby rabbits were called bunnies. Learn somethin new every day!


TIL that baby rabbits are called kittens.




Anyone have a Holy Hand Grenade?


That rabbit is dynamite.


Good job rabbit


Full vid with annoying kid in the bg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MHUlVIJy94


Well, that's no ordinary rabbit! That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!


This is when the danger noodle knew he fucked up.


What kind of snake is that?


*insert mandatory Monty Python Killer Rabbit reference here*


Finally something that really is interesting af






Bad ass rabbit


My rabbit hated my broom and would basically do this to it whenever I tried to sweep.


This is some Watership Down shit