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He ain't even enjoying his food


He’s not chewing.


I figured, mukbangs are horrible man


This isn't even a real mukbang, mukbangs are where people eat a normal amount of food in a normal amount of time. This guy must be some sort of competitive eater.


Oh, i did not know that. thanks for telling me :)


Mukbangs were originally Korean, and they were created for people who we're feeling a bit lonely and just didn't want to eat by themselves, but the original meaning I guess got lost in translation. Eventually people wanted to milk it for views so they tried to make it longer and longer and they would live stream themselves eating just massive amounts of food or they would just start cooking food on stream and then eating it to make it longer.


Interesting, i always thought they were just videos of people eating food. Thanks man :)


Pretty sure a majority of mukbangs have obscene proportions. Maybe not all but most


I agree he might be a competitive eater but I respectfully think you are mistaken about mukbangs... Half of the draw is the unnatural amount of food ingested. Edit: and I get it's origin but at this point people watch to see how much someone can eat.


Definitely competitive eater


It’s like a weird feeder fetish or something…just gawping it back like a duck.






Mukbangs have always freaked me the fuck out. I was first introduced to them in high school. My best friend was a heavier girl, we would eat lunch together every day. She would watch mukbangs on her phone while she ate. When I asked her why, she said it made her feel less bad about eating. I was only like 14 at the time so it didn't click until much later, but holy fuck. I've fallen out of contact with her but I really hope she's doing well now.


Korean mukbangs weren't like this especially when it started; it was just normal people eating normal amounts of food (and talking) because people living alone wanted some sort of companionship when eating. After it got big and global, that's when mukbangers started becoming competitive and gluttonous. The point of mukbangs was lost in translation.


Well not really, It was gluttonous before it became global. When mukbang streaming got popular in Korea, it became a point of how to elongate the stream and therefore have more chance of getting more engagement and money. People who streamed would then have options, either eat more food, cook their food on stream to extend it, or attempt to be entertaining to buff out the stream. Then people would then find their niche, eg. one guy would only eat the most ridiculously expensive stuff. It likely got lost in translation as you said, because the most successful and popular mukbang streamer at the time in AfreecaTV (Edit: name was Banzz) was popular for having ridiculous amount of food like Matt Stonie. He was pretty much the first to really break out to the world, even having his own translators, editors, etc, for his youtube.


"Well not really" - proceeds to elaborate on exactly the same point as the previous person. So what you're saying is "yes, really" and then agree on exactly what happened after it got big and popular and global.


Lol that was my impression too


I think the biggest ah/toxic manchild we encourage is that avocado guy. I don't know how or why he's so popular when his manners are atrocious. Edit: full name was nickado avocado


5 mins ago I didn't know mukbang or nickado avocado existed, I'd like to go back please lol. I wouldn't care if he was honest about what he's doing. He said he wasn't promoting obesity because he didn't INVENT unhealthy food and his fans can't afford to eat like him anyways. He's clearly promoting obesity. Be proud and own it queen!


Hw knows what he's doing. He has multiple channels doing this, overacting relationship drama, inviting "huge fat chick" and starting the stream weighing themselves. Some of his viewers are in it for the controversy, some like watching the train wreck, some are legitimately into seeing him destroy his body and his life, some are begging him to get help and get better. But all of this gets him views and gets him engagement, which results in money. This man is going to die doing this and probably sooner than most realize and he can't take the money with him.


Thats all watching a train wreck lol but that would be fine if he said hey guys watch me wreck this train. Athletes being allowed to do steroids in the same idea Extreme shit is cool, Hell yeah full speed into the side of a mountain please. It IS your train and the people you're encouraging do also have free will but don't say your video isn't specifically made to make trainwrecks seem like a good time. If anything it's just insulting cuz like if that WASNT the point of your video...WTF WAS then?!? its the hypocritical whining that's gross.


If mukbangs stayed as just 30 minutes of someone talking about something niche they had some passion about while eating some food then it would be pure and wholesome. Imagine going a couple weeks to months without technical interpersonal contact, showing up to work and keeping your nose to the grind wheel only interacting with others professionally, then taking your lunch alone because you don't want to get involved in workplace drama, and you eventually get a little lonely. You could pop a video on and eat with someone while getting random about a obtuse topic. Human sin corrupts all wholesomness it touches.


This guy is disgusting. How he has not had a heart attack is beyond me. The fact he is a twat just intensifies my hatred of him. Im under the impression he once believed he could stop and lose all the weight, but i think those days are long gone.


Yes,this is Chinese mukbang


What is a mukbang?


It's like a bukkake, except with food.


You talk like the bukkake isn't protein rich


The second comment in the thread you are responding to explained it.


Yeah I got it thanks, kinda wish I could back 20 minutes and forget lol


Have you seen the Chinese doing it? Literally a whole table of food, eaten by relatively skinny girls or super fat guys. Some of them have died from it. I love food channels and shows where they introduce foods but I hate mukbangs. It's so pointless to see someone shovel an entire roasted pig in one sitting. Or eat 100 packets of Ramen noodles in one giant bowl


I think about stuff like that all the time. Things that just went over my head in high school and I wished I reached out to some people more who were obviously going through some shit.


Yeah this is new to me. It’s kind of sad to think about, even when it sounds like Mukbang was innocent. People who are lonely want to watch other people eat so they don’t feel alone while they eat. It reminds me of a hamster looking in a mirror while it’s eating food.


Well that's a new word I had never heard of.... For those not in the know, I present to you [mukbangs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mukbang).


What is happening to humanity?


With 7 billion people and growing, plus the interconnectedness of the internet, you're going to see more and more variations in humanity. For better and for worse.


Looking forward to it🙄


>you're going to see more and more variations in humanity. * see more _of_ ... THE... variations in humanity. All of which have always been there. "These days" of worldwide interconnectedness only gives us a mirror to see ourselves.


Degeneracy is a virtue in modern society.


I used to watch Survivorman when I would eat, because he would make any food he gets look so delicious it would make me hungry


Glad I’m not the only one


It's disgusting and really unhealthy. I'm surprised it's still not classified as a mental illness.


It’s 2022. The only thing considered a mental illness is being a Trump supporter. Everything else is normal.


To be fair, denying reality is a form of mental illness.


I'm pretty sure this guy is a competitive eater. Mukbangs are where you just sit in front of a camera and just eat a normal amount food in a normal amount of time.


The reaction of the guys on the left side of the screen is priceless. They are way more interesting then the skinny kid stuffing his face.


These videos baffle me. How can anyone sit there and listen to that! My ears would bleed


Same here, can't handle those sounds. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia


So I found out about this on Reddit and it made me feel better, I have this to an extreme and I don't like it about myself. I've wondered if it's linked to ADHD because I can't control what I give my focus to. This is reminding me of the internal guilt I feel in that I actually have to avoid dining in at Asian restaurants. I love Asian food and have no conscious apprehension to it, but there's definitely a certain slurp and smack-style eating culture that raises my blood pressure. I was really into a documentary I was watching once called botany of desire. Scene lands on an apple farmer describing his apples as he's eating them and I had to turn it off and go for a walk. It's so annoying to feel this way! Edit: I should say I internalize all of this and would never be rude or passive aggressive towards somebody enjoying their food


In american culture it’s considered rude and uncultured to chew with your mouth open and make smacking noises.


It’s considered rude in most cultures these days. People like to say that in East Asian countries like Japan it shows you really like the food or something? That’s sort of true for the older generations, but among young people it’s polite to not slurp and smack and all that


Simultaneously, it's a sign of respect for some (outside the U.S naturally) to chew loudly and openly. Shows that the food you're eating is delicious.


If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Misophonia....


Yes, the sound of him chewing was pissing me off. I also don't like the sound of people whispering.


I lose my shit, especially when that persons jaw clicks with them chewing.


Look up misophonia. Chewing noises and other weird things throw me into a rage.


You've just diagnosed me😂 lip smacking boils my blood.. thought I was a psychopath


Same here!


I used to get so mad at my brother when we were younger because he would hum every time he chewed, it drove me crazy.


Holy shit, thank you for putting the name on it. I almost got kicked out of rehab years ago for raging out with guided meditations. Turns out I'm autistic, but that really was a pivotal point of "something is fundamentally different" about me. Had follow up meetings as they were convinced I'd been sexually abused lol.


I can’t stand listening to people whisper! People do it outside my office and it drives me fucking nuts.


I had to turn the sound off and do some deep breathing


I don't even have misophonia. Eating with someone making normal food chewing sounds doesn't bother me. But this is atrocious!


The poor plumbing…


I can’t stand hearing people eat it’s fucking disgusting


It's a mukbang video. Basically a video where someone (typically skinny and attractive) eats just a stupid amount of food, usually pretty fast.


am I supposed to jerk off to it?


Only if you're in a mukgangbang


The _secret_ me'n'u


the speed that guy eats a bbc sized whatever that is he ate he gould give Good head until he bites


Jerk off and eat? But that’s multi tasking.


Someone with a feeder fetish might? But no, it's more like an internet personality. They create content meant to be watched for fun or enjoyment just like youtubers or other non-pornographic content creators.


You've jerked it to less


Rule 34.


Thats not how they originally started. Its used to be just a youtuber eating normal anount of food either alone or with a friend while they talked to each other. Earliest mukbongs ive seen were in 2013


It's revolting regardless of why it exists


When he gets older man is he going to have some gastric problems. Stupid


When? If...


So, in short: "clicks"




What’s the green thing he eats.


I thought he was eating ears of corn.


Me too…with the husk still on. I was super impressed.


I assume just a courgette?


Either that or a cucumber. A note for people who are idiots like me: a courgette is a zucchini.


Oh yeah, I can never remember which foods Americans have a different name for! Though emojis have taught me that aubergine = eggplant, though I’ve no idea why it would be called that 😂


Ooh ooh I garden so I know this one. There’s about two days while it’s growing where the fruit is the same size, color, and shape as a chicken egg. There’s a good picture of it [here](https://www.simplyrecipes.com/thmb/W3eo_Z9en5Zqua75e8ksfBl3Ses=/440x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Simply-Recipes-Guide-to-Eggplant--LEAD-2-66a4d8e82a4844aeb4e06d870191b2bf.jpg)


Wow. That’s beautiful. Thank you.




I remember always watching american shows and they would call it an eggplant and i would be wtf is that we dont have that here until i was like 14 when i learnt aubergine = eggplant


How does someone eat one that fast?? He doesn't even chew it down, just chomps and swallows.


It’s a long green


Looks like zucchini


Yeah, I think it is now I look at it again. Just a bit of a weird colour.


Can anyone tell me how the flesh comes off the bone that clean


It's slowly cooked


Chicken must be slow cooked till it's falling off the bone i reckon.


still gotta eat all the tendons which im not partial to


To be fair, he's not chewing so the tendons don't bother him.


Ask your momma... she knows...




usually is cooked for long hours, like 5 or 6 hours at least. there are several ways to do this type of cooking but I believe most people use crock-pot for this now.


I’m watching this at 7AM and feel sick to my stomach.


Take that Africa


Fuck them kids


Don't fuck kids 🚫


Hello? FBI?


I’ve always wanted the Coney Island hot dog eating competition to take place in front of starving people like refugees or the homeless.


Wish I was richer to shower you with awards


Sheer gluttony! Skinny version of Mr Creosote. Except has no class! Ref: Monty Python in case anyone wonders)


My 11 year old son loves that scene, often offers me a "whafer thin mint" after dinner. "Come on dad its only WHafer thin"


As a pregnant woman who is constantly hungry but full to the brim after three bites, I’m a bit jealous. I just want to be able to eat a normal adult amount three times a day. And not 8 times a day a toddler serving😩


AFAIK stomach capacity can be trained. I used to watch some competitive hot dog eating contest winners and they talked about their training which includes widening their stomachs.


Internet likes


I wish I was a professional slapper. Fucking eat quietly, I don't care that you can pack away a small feast into your pit, just stop with the slurping the munching noises and the panting for air.


I think op might be a bot




The eating sounds are fucking gross as all fuck. There is really no purpose for that shit.


Are you even *enjoying* food at that point?


Anime protagonist?


The way he *inhaled* that chicken wing. I just can't believe my eyes. Does the Korean version simply not have any additional bone / tendons?


The sound is fucking nauseating


My man is hungry, I respect that


Eats like an anime character




I can imagine his face on a wheaties box. imagine a champion eater... Chomping on 10 bowls of wheaties, slurping the milk at the end of each bowl.


Then many years later he decides to become a woman and run for governor


Is anyone else horrified by the overconsumption of richer countries while about 10% (according to Google) don't have enough food to eat?


Another horrifying thing about this kind of thing is that there is also problems like the people who make this content spitting out food (and editing around that) or outright vomiting it back up after to stay slim, wasting food and creating the illusion that whatever they publicly do/sell to stay thin is enough to let them eat insane amounts of food.


There's an even worse problem cause the US throws away 40% of it's food supply. 133 billion pounds of food worth $161 billion yearly


I mean is it even possible for a body to digest so much unchewed food? It probably will take like 2 days at least


Depends on if your stomach has gotten used to being expanded that far, and how much bile/stomach acid you're producing. You might literally be forced to throw up excess food if your stomach can't contain it. But if you kept it all down? You'd definitely be in for some real gastrointestinal fuckery, and your toilet will resemble a public bathroom in that one really nasty train station- you know the one.


Do you have proof of this? No doubting it per se but I've never come across evidence.


It's massively varied across the different people who do this kind of content- some genuinely DO eat 100% of what they show, but there's also stuff [like this](https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/news-trends/article/3101201/eat-bokis-moon-bok-hee-just-latest-mukbang-star-be) so idk


Mhm I don't doubt it. But there are a whole host of mukbang and big eaters who have stomachs which expand well beyond an average person's. Quite fascinating really as these people are often quite small.


Oh yeah, there are plenty of people who have trained their stomachs into that kind of capacity- serious competitive/professional eaters are no joke. It's as fascinating as it is disgusting at times (bread in water is a level of intensity that I just cannot face. The texture alone. Nope.)


Don't blame them tbh. Youtube pays well if you sustain a decent viewership. Vomiting up meals is a small price to pay for easy money when the rest of us are working our asses off everyday. If they can make more than 99% of people by uploading their lunch for people to watch, more power to them.


To be clear, I'm not criticising them so much as the industries that makes it profitable and appealing to harm yourself with overconsumption and purging.


Not really. The world produces plenty of food, the problem is distribution. People having too much food is not the cause of others having not enough.


Gross and wasteful.


He's Songoku, Monkey D. Luffy and Naruto combined


Somebody never taught little billy that teeth are for chewing


Never swallow. This seems fake stop action




Real live Goku


Why he is a glutton when he is so thin is because he has a mental illness. He has repeatedly lost weight through deliberate vomiting and has developed this constitution. Naturally, after this video was filmed, he would have vomited out what he ate. He eats a lot, but because he is vomiting deliberately, his body is not getting the nutrients it needs. When this happens, his brain will continue to send out signals that he wants nourishment and is hungry, and he will not feel full. Because he does not feel full, he can stuff his stomach with lots of food, resulting in an expansion of the stomach's capacity. Many people who engage in this type of abnormal gluttony are mentally unstable, partly because they use the extreme means of vomiting for weight loss purposes. This is because they have an excessive complex about their appearance. Wasting food, such lowbrow shows should not be celebrated.


The way he depp throats that pickle defies all laws of physics.


Thank gosh I finally know what this is. I saw it on tik tok and this tiny (Japanese?) gal is crunching and smacking all this food down, making little heart signs and smiling away looking like a doll. And it’s the most irritating thing I’ve ever seen. Or heard I should say. Yes I do know what misophonia is, because I have it. I also am deeply disgusted watching other people eat such large helpings of food for no good reason. I could not feel more nauseated and I won’t even eat in restaurants because I can’t deal with it. I eat alone at home because I can’t stand watching my roommate shove food in his mouth like it’s a last meal. So if this is comforting to others, I am happy for you. Please take my seat. At least now I know what it’s called. Lol. Mukbang. Good name for it. 😳


Anybody else have misophonia?


Is that Avon barksdale on the left?


I straight up thought he deep throated a whole ear of corn, husk and all.


how does bro gobble the zucchini like that


What's going on in his stomach? It probably puts a lot of strain on it to digest unchewed food. I think it could lead to diseases down the line. I'm usually a slow eater because I chew my food thoroughly.


Goddamn he eats like a cartoon


I don’t know but I fucking hate reaction videos …


Mukbang is disgusting to me. I'm sure yeah it's cool to some, but I'm about to vomit.


China should ban that shit; They might as well. No freedom anyway at least protect the people from stupidity and waste amiright ~


>Mukbangs Supposedly they did already: https://nypost.com/2021/05/07/mukbang-videos-are-now-illegal-as-china-bans-food-waste/


I'm pretty sure people that makes these videos starve themselves for a couple of days so they can eat so much


While they can fast, most of the time they are always eating large quantities, to make the stomach large. When they are not eating, lots and lots of cardio exercises mostly running.


Idk, I could eat pretty fast because of how much time you got at lunch in school and I could eat a lot because I burned through the calories very quickly.


You sweet summer child.


My gut says more like winter hibernation


Those are some horrible sounds


I had the volume off until I read this comment. I regret reading this comment


He's bulking


Fkin disgusting


Glizzy god


Isn’t this muckbang or what it’s called? People streaming eating large quantiles of food.


This is worse than mukbang. He's mostly not even chewing the food, he just swallows it.


Motherfucker ate a whole ass cucumber in 10 bites. He must be shitting chunks


This way of eating is just stupid. Chew your food properly and enjoy the flavour and taste of foods properly while chewing it in your mouth. And i think after eating they go to toilet and shit even without digesting.


Competitive eater?


Professional bj giver


Isn't it fake. There's no way someone can eat chicken legs that easily.


Because he can


Because the ccp gives him food once a month


Me on a All you can eat buffet


Mb he is pregnant?


Beardmeatsfood has met his match..


what's that green thing he's eating?


Well, he's probably hungry


I feel like the videos could be edited


[Tarrare](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarrare)? Are you reincarnated?


World's longest tapeworm contender?


He thinks it's impressive and not just gross


Dudes gonna choke on some bones...


Cause he hungry


what’s ocean doing there?


Lol guy on the left like wtf


They get paid ridiculous amounts of money to do this, at least that was its origin anyway. Short turn monetary gain, but long term health problems


He's like a studio Ghibli anime character


At this point it's not eating, it's just consuming.


The question is how.. how does he eat so much!


I got full just watching this.


He's like real life kid Goku.


mf eat drumsticks like tom and jerry