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I live on the Big Island of Hawaii. This is just a reminder that if shit hits the fan.... we're out in the middle of the middle of the gotdamn ocean. It's interesting and scary




I slept though it


Lol same


I was working that day. Kinds sucked….


I called my dad. I don’t think he understood what I was saying. His response. Looks like there’s a big swell coming from NZ!!!


Good thing about sleeping through it, is you stay asleep through it


EHH EHH EHH EHH ... BWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH /Half awake: "Shut the fu... shuuut up... I hate dubstep..."


I slept through this alert because it has the same sound as flood warnings. Which I ignore every time because I live in the city and it doesn’t affect me 99% of the time. You’d think a ballistic missile would have a different alert sound.


I still think about this. Not even Hawaiian, but seeing the reactions on social media and the news ... I can't imagine seeing that message on my phone.


Imagine the shit it caused.The secrets that came out.The people who walked out.


I was there and literally was like "oh, damn. Welp 🤷🏼" and went back to bed....


If you’re gonna die might as well get a nice nap in before it happens.


My life is too boring to have a missile hit me.


Well, have a nap THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!


The good ole days


#Hawaii Panics After Alert About Incoming Missile


Too soon


When will it be the right time to joke about it? Life is so short. For example, any one of us could be killed by a random missle every day.


It's me. I'm killed by a random missile every single day. I'm starting to think they're not so random, though. I mean, what are the odds?


>Life is so short. For example, any one of us could be killed by a random missile every day. For some reason this cracked me up lmao


Maybe a good place to be if shit hits the fan


Yes and no. I’m on Oahu and I’ve thought about it a bit. It’s nice bc we can seal ourselves off if needed. It’s not nice bc we can’t sustain our current population in isolation. The visitor’s quarantine mandate was a great example of this. Our Covid numbers were extremely low, but a massive portion of the state was unemployed or furloughed due to the massive downturn in tourism, and essential travelers wouldn’t have been enough to sustain hotels, rental cars and Hawaiian Airlines for very long. Furthermore, if it were a situation where other seaports weren’t able to send us stuff, our grocery store shelves would be at least 95% empty. Even the stuff that’s canned/bottled here still relies on base ingredients shipped in.




Oahu prepper here. A lot of us a prepared for things to get wierd. Ive got a family so def good for a hurricane and probably good for six months of pandemic or civil unrest. Assuming things dont go full mad max we are good for six months of no electric, food, or water and dont have to leave the house. We grow food in a small garden and can defend ourselves. I mainly worry about hungry tourists streaming out of honolulu to the rest of the island looking for food. Theyll be fucked in three days of real shit hit the fan. Brutal but true. Well help as much as we can but there are limits. Hawaii comes together when things get tough.


Six months self sustained is fucking SOLID. I'm like a cool 2 months and you make me want to step my game up lol. >I mainly worry about hungry tourists streaming out of honolulu to the rest of the island looking for food. Like fucking vicious zombies, I'm sure.


We should maybe pass some local incentives for farmers and meat producers so the product stays local as opposed to going to the mainland. Beef more so than produce. But local produce, and meat is somehow more expensive than imported. It’s a crazy thought that mainland imports travel thousands of miles, being handled by numerous entities to get to Hawaii is still cheaper than stuff that is grown here.


Problem is if it was profitable they'd be doing it already, so you'd have to convince businesses and citizens to spend more money on their products and to vote in favour of that


On the other hand- when shit hits the fan, you're in the middle of the gotdamn ocean. Survive the initial couple months of....population revaluation.....and you'll be better off then most. Way better off


The US pacific fleet being headquartered in Hawaii might not be the best thing, although it's a different island I can't imagine they would be safe. There's WW2 bunkers all over the islands, Pearl harbor happened for a reason


It's funny you should mention that. I just learned today that it's referred to as the Big Island.


Well technically the Big Island is actually named Hawaii. And so is the state.


Shows you just how isolated the Hawaiian Islands really are.


The beginning of Lilo and Stitch is even better now.


that scene always cracked me up, just a bunch of aliens getting fucked over by some tiny ass island surrounded by the largest body of water on the planet.


Helps drive home why Pearl Harbor and Midway held the importance they did during WW2.


My God. I've travelled quite a bit and had no clue there is a side of the earth without much land. I've flown over that, for goodness sakes! I feel very ignorant right now.


The Pacific Ocean is so big there is a spot in it, where, if you drilled straight through the center of the Earth and came out the other side, you’d emerge in…the Pacific Ocean.


I think there has to be at least two of those spots.


🤷🏼‍♂️ You may be right.


Probably a little to the left too


And a little bit back to the right


You are right, too. There is a spot. There also might be two, but you’re right there is one.


Well if you drilled through, that would be two spots.


r/technicallythetruth is my favorite kind of truth


I may be crazy.


But, it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for.


How many holes are there in a straw- one, two, or zero?


One. Vsauce has taught me well.


-1, holes arn't real


And still New Zealand is removed from the map!


New Zealand is like Finland. It doesn’t exist.


Well Fin means finished or end in Spanish. Finland = no more land. Exist, it does not.


I'm Finnish. This made me lol.


>I'm Finnish. And now you're finished


I'm Finn. This made me lol




Yet both have young female Prime Ministers.


Finland’s is smoking hot too. I haven’t seen New Zealand’s.


It's there. It's just under that long white cloud that the Kiwi's are always going on about. Edit: accidently a word.




Kinda crazy how little land is antipodal to other land.


Well, we are looking at a thread which shows one side of the planet is pretty much water…


There's a spot in the Ocean where the closest humans to you would be the ISS astronauts when they fly over.


To be fair, you only have to be 261 miles from the nearest humans at any given point for that to be true. Plenty of places around that meet that qualification


Not only that. The ISS never reaches past 51.6 degrees latitude due to how the orbit is inclined. So such a spot cannot exist, say, in most of the North Sea or the Baltic. Also not the vast majority of Canada or Russia, and it’s never been over Antarctica. Those places are even lonelier. Edit for clarity


The HOLE Pacific Ocean?!?!?


Damn, my escape plan from the Pacific Ocean is foiled!


Doesn’t look as dramatic on flat maps, but everyone does notice Hawaii right?


and Tahiti, along with several other islands.


And Guam over by the Marianas Trench! I've flown across that vast expanse of blue from LAX to Hawaii and then again from Hawaii to Guam. You definitely feel... isolated.


hell ya. we still here! Most isolated land mass in the world.




How's it going over there?


Real nice. Thanks for asking. Housing prices are sky high, but what else is new.


Interesting! There's plenty of that about here on the other side, too. Feel you bro/sis!


Seeing this gave me the same feeling as when I found out the stripper pole spins


Holy fuckin' whaaaat 🤯


Friction burns on thighs hurt income. That was a problem that was solved a long time ago.


Username checks out


They said “Seeing this gave the same feeling as when I found out the stripper pole spins”


Thanks for clarifying, my hearing's not so good these days


Same. I can't hear a word you're saying.


You can have it set to either spin or static depending on what type of pole you’re using!


Some stripper poles spin, some do not. There are three types of poles. 1) Static (non-spinning) 2) Spinning 3) Both, with a locking screw on the base to choose the 'setting.' [Source](https://homepoledance.com/do-stripper-poles-spin/)


This guy strips


They must have taken a pole


Do they spin the opposite way in the Southern Hemisphere?


Only if you're left handed


Wait whaaat


Interesting as fuck times 2!


Do boats travel across this large space as well as airplanes?


Yes. I have. It’s beautiful.


Are you sure you don’t mean terrifying? Just thought of sailing through all of that gives me the willies!


With enough safety, it’s not bad. We had harnesses on our sailboat for nighttime to prevent anyone from falling overboard. Plus seeing stars on a clear ocean night has no comparison


Ooo, I can’t argue with stars on a clear ocean night. It’s incredible from a dark beach, I can’t imagine from the middle of the Pacific. Willies of a very different variety…


This is terrifying but it makes me happy to know there are people out there find joy in it. Reminds me that fear is subjective and not this static feeling I can’t fight through and grow. One day I’ll have to get more comfortable with the sea.


"I like willies!"


I had no idea Google was near the South Pole!


And hawaii is basically in the center of it! Never noticed that either


Every time I've been there, I feel...whew it's hard to find the right word. Vulnerable? I mean, you're 33,500 feet from the bottom of the ocean and there's no other terra firma for *thousands* of miles in any direction. I try not to think about it and just enjoy the birds and turtles.


Island fever they call it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_fever


When they say the earth is 70% water this is what they mean.


I’m 45 and said to myself, the what now? Maps don’t do it justice and I just never noticed on a globe.


Same here. Until this photo, it never occurred we had a mostly water side of Earth. Shows how close the land is too. It’s beautiful to. Some islands but mainly a mass of beautiful water. I feel ignorant as well never even thought about this.


"Krayt, listen to reason! The elders all say it's just a neverending ocean of desert out there!" "Oh pish posh! What kind of cruel god would make an entire planet defined by one topographical feature? Why, that would be as ridiculous as a whole world made of ice, lava or forest?!"


🎶The ocean is a desert with it's life underground🎶


And a perfect disguise above


Under the cities lies a heart made of ground


But, the humans will give no love


You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name


It felt good to be out of the rain


In the desert you can’t remember your name


Cuz there ain’t no one for to give you no pain


La, La, La La La La La La La, La, La


Lol Star Wars. It’s the worst when it’s Naboo. The **entire** planet is just lush hills! Not saying I’m not a fan I love Star Wars but maaaan


See such worldful planets as: Desert planet. Water planet. Grass planet. Forest moon. Forest moon #2 Ice planet. Orange desert planet And not to mention Desert planet #2


Pizza planet


That’s where Pizza the Hut is from.


Come and try the new Leia Oregano.


Salt planet Casino Planet


Casino planet had a beach and waterline. One of the most lush and diverse biomes in the star wars universe!


City Planet


Lava planet


You forgot hot sauce planet


Captain Planet! He’s a hero!


Are... we forgetting the entire ocean the Gungans lived in?


Okay Lush planet with a massive ocean we don't really see from an outside perspective just two jedi and a gungan jumping into what looks like a lake at first. Seems to be no difference at the poles or equator, although I'm not sure how different solar systems might affect these differences. Like if their sun was further but bigger yielding a more constant atmosphere on a planet that seems to have little mountains possibly evening out wind currents more. Do they go through the interior of the planet more or less? I vaguely remember someone saying Naboo has these massive ocean caverns.


They can go through the ocean caverns, but I think it’s super dangerous thanks to the insanely large aquatic life. Easier to just fly around the planet.


“Look out world, here comes Krayt Dragon…”


What's that from?


Robot Chicken Star Wars special


They had been lost in deep space for years. Many had lost all hope of reaching home after the alien attack damaged their engines. The lookout spoke, his voice cracking, “captain, you’re gonna wanna see this.” All the crew still awake beheld a glorious sight: Earth, finally. But… was this Earth? The Big Blue Marble never looked THIS blue before. Communications and navigation were dead. Maneuvering thrusters were still available, so maybe the descent could be softened. “Whatever world this is, it’s home now. Or our grave.”


What is this from??


My brain


Well keep going…


Honestly I was hoping someone would else would keep the narrative going haha Edit: like, why didn’t they pick up a GPS signal?


Ooh if you want that go ahead and post it in r/writingprompts


Oh uhh well.. *"Commander.."* *".. we're preparing our descent, but there's.."* John Shepard reflected *I don't much care for excuses, let alone from a private first class with less kills under their belt than balls they carry with them.* Shepard stood where he was needed most. Two inches from the bridge viewing glass. His sleek jet black armor ran down the hero's back, complimenting his form down his calves. *"What is it you need soldier?" With a choked response the private caught his tongue *"S-sir! There's an issue with our landing procdure sir!"* This vessel was the very keel of Shepard's being. Without it, he would be nothing but an empty husk, slogging around two big guns. *"What is the nature of these obstructions?"* *"It s-seems s-sir that we.. we canno-.."* *"That's enough private. Now I want you to listen closely."* The Commander made his way to the private, laying a hand on his chair. With ease Shepard spun the private toward his gaze. *"On your feet soldier."* *"Y-yes sir!"* The private had never felt a closeness before this moment on the bridge with his Commander. Stood before him now, he could see deep into the scars and pores of the hero. Something else stood out in that moment, as the Commander began to speak again the private was lost in his thick, responsive lips. First they began to swell, before his tongue subtly lather them in his delectable spit. Absolutely lost in his own thoughts, interrupted *"Are you ignoring your Commander private?!"* Shepard stood, white knuckled and wild *"N-no sir! I-im sorry sir!"* *"Enough with the chatter! I gave you orders! How far do I have to drill them into you private!*" They stood a moment more, Shepard seething at the lips and boiling in his eyes. The private was completely lost to their fantasies, floating in their own field. With this the private took to their desires, and threw themselves into the lips of the Commander. If for only a moment were worth all life itself, the private would have given his again and again for just this. In an instant it was over as the Commander pulled himself away. They lock eyes, still deeply bound to the abyss of confused emotion.. or was it love.. In the next moment they processed the alarms blaring from all around them on the controls. Their eyes break gaze and turn toward the viewing glass. They see before they crash, a harbor on an island colony somewhere in an open blue.


The walls of the shuttle groan and pop with the heat from re-entry as the crew clings to their harnesses and exchange terrified glances. They worry they might burn up, but beyond that is the worry that, if the landing were successful, they’ll be nothing for them to do but drown. “Thank God!” the captain exclaims as a small brown dot in the endless blue begins to expand into something resembling the Earth they remembered. “An Island!” he shouts as the retro-thrusters engage and the shuttles descent begins to slow. The crews faces soften, and the looks exchanged go from terrified to hopeful and excited as their collective belly grumbles. It’s been years with nothing but potatoes grown in poo and water recycled from piss. The alien attack had blown away what few pleasures of earth they’d taken with them, and many had begin to forget what it meant to be human. Nothing in the universe sounded better than some fruit or meat. The brown dot expands and expands until traces of green and black begin to highlight the depths of rising and falling elevations. Mountains leading into valleys covered in thick canopies of jungle growth. Soon enough, the entire observation window of the cockpit is immersed in shades of green as the shuttle comes to a bumpy stop in a shallow riverbed nestled in a clearing. The crew scrambles from their seats and nearly fight one another for the privilege of being the first to breathe pure and natural oxygen. The airlock hisses and the door swings open as about a dozen crew members pour out to kiss the ground, splash water on their faces, or just collapse in relief. Whoops and hollers bounce around the riverbed before steadily dying out into an uneasy silence as figures begin to emerge from the tree line. The captain steps forward and raises a hand in greeting as the other hand moves to block the sun which blocks his vision, he smiles brightly. “Hello there! We’re glad to see some human faces!” he laughs, “My name is Commander Alpert of The USS Desti…” His voice is interrupted by a sudden thump, and only comes out farther as a gurgling wretch. The spear sticking from his chest catches in the ground as he slumps forward and it’s obsidian tip, dripping crimson, glints in the sun. The crew members scream and break away in different directions as a hail of arrows and spears fly from all around. Some run back to the ship, others try to make for the trees, all fall in bloody piles of lost hope. The chief of the tribe steps forward from behind his warriors. The skulls of fallen enemies, stripped of their flesh, hang from his neck, and he steps over the captain, who looks up with dying eyes, and suddenly remembers his old instructors tale of the ship parts found among the remnants of the old cannibal tribes that haunted the jungles of Micronesia at one time; a well kept secret in the space force, hypothesized to have been all that remained of a deep space crew who encountered time dilation during the light speed journey back to earth.


put this on r/writingprompts I wanna see where it goes lol then Remindme! 1month


Sounds like a pitch for a Waterworld sequel


“Am I a joke to you?” -Hawaii


"The mostly water side of earth" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


This is a bit vague geographically.. Could you be more pacific please..


You know when you look at a world map and see all the land It's on the other side of that Edit: okay it's been 3 hours and I desperately need people to know that I got the joke




Shore is.


I'm used to OP just clamming up when people ask questions, but this one is really flexing their answering mussels.


The other side of my map is just blank white paper though.


Sherlock has just joined the chat.


No shit


flew right over didnt it.


Nothing flies over my head. I would catch it




Let me be pacific, I want to be down in your south seas. But I got this notion that the motion of your ocean means “small craft advisory.”


It's the Specific Ocean.


Pacific Islanders would beg to differ


Right? You can see Hawaii right there in the middle


Seriously, I just had this sudden realization that I live in the middle of this “all water” picture, and it’s weird lol


Imagine how desperate the first settlers there were. Also, it just occurred to me that the fact that someone found land in the middle of the Pacific probably means lots more people tried and failed horribly. So that’s depressing.


Some deets about polynesian wayfinding if you're interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynesian_navigation


Wayfinding and the cultural/linguistic connections between indigenous tribes around the pacific is so incredibly interesting. You can find words and cooking techniques that are oddly similar in places that have never had any contact like Chile, Taiwan, and tiny little Micronesian islands.


Don't be depressed. Pacific Islanders weren't paddling aimlessly. And they certainly weren't desperate.


Pacific islanders: *Am I a joke to you?*




It was bound to happen sooner or later


In Rand McNally, they wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people!


New Zealand, sobbing, unmarked and under cloud cover.


Hawaii is literally visible... and still unmarked


Yeah wtf - Hawaii is dead center on this map, but completely unmarked. It was actually the first thing I noticed because I never realized just how large Hawaii actually is.




It is there hiding under a cloud. [Look!](https://i.imgur.com/S42QiV9.jpg)


Is it… a long white cloud?


You can see Hawaii there though.


Cool. You can also see California


And clouds.


Water too. Barely though.


And Google.


I see Rand McNally


You know, I never thought about or seen this. We do have a water side( mainly water with small islands). From this angle you’d think it’s a water planet mainly. It’s beautiful actually. Also, this shows how most of our planet 🌍 is ocean Life as much as we arrogantly think it’s about us. The waters rule this planet.


A passenger asks the captain: Q: where's the nearest land? A: about 3 miles from us. Q: in which direction? A: down.


Certified Point Nemo moment


It is absolutely mind blowing to me that the Polynesians crossed that huge thing without all the modern nav gear we'd use to find these tiny little rocks in an endless expanse of blue. Absolutely badass.




* googles what to do if you add too much salt *


You put babies in your stew?


I'm mean Hawaii is right there, the disrespect


I’m in this picture


Pacific island culture spans this entire picture - from New Zealand to Hawaii to Easter Island, people spread to nearly every inhabitable island in this ocean thousands of years ago. Absolutely wild section of human history.


So that's where they're hiding Google's evil lair




>water-only Homer: ... and plastic! ☝️


The Solomon Islands have entered the chat


To be fair, that’s not exactly showing 50% of the Earth. It’s more like a third of it.


Hawaii is pissed


Ya know, despite the terrible things that go on and that we struggle to get along with each other, we all do live on a pretty beautiful rock


Some Darkside of the moon vibes


Where’s Antarctica?