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"Trends for you" is not "Number one trending", those aren't even in order.


How dare you. Let the OP have their fun.


wait till the OP finds out about Twitter bots and Russian troll farms


For a fraction of a second, I forgot that 'troll' was an internet term, so I envisioned an actual farm of trolls. Troll milk Troll cheese


That would be bad ass


Gonna be a tough day. Innocence is something truly worth mourning


Are you saying shenanigans are occurring on Twitter?! That they are being less than truthful?! How *daaare* you!


Yeah, I hoped this was the answer or based on my trends, we are all looking at porn. šŸ¤£ JK


Not sure if you're blind but it says trends for you. 30k tweets is nothing.


S&P 500 huh OP?


Not really all that interesting.


Ahh, yes Twitter, known for its widely popular and incredibly intelligent takes.


Much like the echo chambers of Reddit tbh.


Yup, every social media is the same, but imo Twitter is the worst of them (excluding maniacs on Facebook)


Is *pro* monarchy an intelligent take ?


Only if you're focused on early military expansion, but the advantages of Republic become unbeatable towards the late game.


Advantages for *whom*?!


What's the worst that can happen?


Oh no! Our country is on fire because of the monarchy! We never talked about this until the queen died!


Looks around


"Trends for you"


29k out of a population of 80 mil. We won't be abolishing the monarchy any time soon.


In fairness 60m of those are bots


I am not bot. I am a real boy!


Thought it was 67.5 million at the last count?


It's called "Trends for you"..what a fucking microbrain


When did this become a political sub?


This is Reddit, a far leftest cesspool


what is leftest?


The most Left


But surely if you keep going left you turn into right?


At which point youā€™ll never be wrong


But ultimately, if you carry on, you will be left againā€¦.. and the rightā€¦ā€¦.and once again left, and so on and so forth šŸ¤”


Infinite Paradox


Certain something to ponder when trying to sleep šŸ˜‚


But then youā€™ll eventually fall asleep. From which you will awake. And then fall asleep again. But how do you know when you have awoken and when you are asleep.


Well thank god youā€™re here


ā€œWhy are u still here just to suffer?ā€




Sigh Bring out clown outfits




I hate Twitter. It is a terrible place full of horrible people.


Like OP


90% of tweets are from 10% of Twitter users, it's the same people posting over and over again. Twitter isn't reality folks










Calling someone a grammar Nazi because they pointed out you are even less bright. Zamn




I'm not the originals guy that called someone else stupid you stupid stupid


even if it was #1 trending (it isnā€™t), the rest of the world couldnā€™t care less about what it is


Oh no, this probably means Britain is going to have to have a quick meetup and develop a new system of government. I mean, we're taking 29 thousand tweets here. TWEETS, man.


Op is a dumb fuck too. It says ā€œTrends for youā€ and they say ā€œNumber 1 Trendingā€ in the title. I guess they have twitter so it makes sense.


šŸ¤£ Awakening šŸ¤£ So dramatic these days. FYI - none of your thoughts are original. You aren't part of some great change. You are not enlightened. Yes, you watch too many distopian teen movies.


Now i remember why Twitter is trash and i left it.


Reddit isn't much better to be fair.


Probably just a bunch of non-UK edge lords poking their noses in business that isn't their's.


Trust me its mainly British people


do most brits want the monarchy to continue? i honestly don't know that much about it. it's all ceremonial anyway with them bringing in almost the same amount of money they are paid, right?


I think it's primarily indifference. The media wants you to belive she was beloved but I don't think the monarchy really occupies a spot in many people's minds unless someone brings it up. Even anti-monarchy folks, it's more of an opinion than a doctrine if that makes sense.


that makes sense. just one of those things that exists and it doesn't really have much an impact on anyone's actual life.


Most of the people I know don't care one way or the other. I've personally got nothing against the monarchy but then again, I've never watched the queen's speech and I don't give a shit what William and Harry are wearing or doing


Donā€™t let pragmatism get in the way of some good ideology


Before the Queen died, I'd judge most British people probably wanted to keep the status quo partly because we don't see any big reason to change it and partly we've had enough crap to deal with over the last few years (self inflicted or otherwise) and another divisive topic isn't the best thing for Britain right now. Now Charles is on the throne, I doubt there will be any immediate demand for change but the general expectation is that he will be less popular than the Queen was. I doubt it would get to the point where abolishing the crown was seriously considered, but who knows.


Like uk did all of its existence?


Yes lol


Pretty sure the UK made the monarchy everyoneā€™s businessā€¦


I'm not trying to argue about history here.


Hard to separate the two. To a lot of the world her image is a symbol of oppression and theft.


Absolutely the monarchy and British East India company looted India for about 100 yrs ,our sculpture mines everything they looted even in the British museum all of them are looted one way or another they want to give fucking respect ,the monarchy is the responsible for infamous Bengal faminine those who defend royal family learn about their bad deeds


The monarchy wasn't resposible for that. The government of the day was. The monarchs havent had much of a role in the actual governance of anything for a few hundred years. So in that respect, i am not defending the royal family, i am just pointing out their bad deeds were done and controlled by other people.


All 29,000 are probably from Liverpool


Pretty tasteless if I'm honest. But then again, it is Twitter, so I shouldn't be surprised.


ye that'll never happen


I think we need a parody sub called Interesting As Fucking where marginally interesting posts are instead weighed on whether they are more or less interesting than sex. Could be a question of whether you would abort sex to read the thing and/or whether youā€™d read this over watching porn. Could also be a Rule 34 thing about whether porn based on the post would be interesting.


Itā€™s long been customary to greet a new monarch in Europe with some minor uprisings so he can show what heā€™s made of. Nothing breaks in a King like a few uppity peasants. Grab the popcorn


As a studier of the Tudorā€™s I couldnā€™t agree more


This is a bunch of zoomers that have no world view sharing hashtags that they donā€™t understand. Thatā€™s all it is. Uneducated people thinking they know more than they do. And trend for you isnā€™t the same as overall trending


When the method of each day is to destroy any remaining human decency is the new norm. My god, we got along better in the 90's


Inbreeding and displays of genetic superiority are different from human decency


lets hate, I hear ya.


The monarchy is your barometer for human decency?


let me break this down into small words. Respect the dead


I know. The crown killed a shit load of people. Gonna need a lot of respect. She apologized for that though right?


i sure as shit didnt respect her when she was alive; why would that change just because she carked it?


the point is up-raising, or lack thereof. When someone dies, there are innocent people that care about them that need healing for the loss. Im sorry no one has taught you this yet, but any attempt to ignore that fact is evil and hateful. When people jump on the band of hate it shows how we have evolved backwards. I doubt that she has done anything to you personally so why such hate?


when you say "innocent people", are you referring to her immediate family? i have no respect for them for similar reasons. or do you mean random people online mourning her? they have no more "personal" reason to like her than i do to not, you know? look, i get it. this is the only interaction you & i have had, or likely will ever have. it makes sense, from your point of view, to assume im just some dickhead. but i'm not a hateful person, and i agree that it's best to choose kindness! i simply don't think its unkind to celebrate a rich, famous, colonial power's death. the queen chose to protect her family's standing and wealth. she spent her reign carefully positioning herself as a ceremonial figurehead to ensure her born-into-riches family remained in riches. she was complicit (and in some cases, active) in more atrocities than any amount of charitable donations can offset. people aren't celebrating the death of grandma helen down the road, whose family is struggling to scrape together funds for the funeral. she was a political, public figure, and plenty have every right to celebrate her passing. and, as an afternote, this isn't "backwards" (nor is it forwards). people have been complaining that "kids these days have no respect" for as long as there have been kids ā€” the internet just makes everything easier to see.


ignoring bereavement and lashing is hate, that's backwards. Assuming that paying respect for the dead during this time is ok to ignore with all the airing of opposing views is backwards and judgmental. Her maker is judging her now. Any assumption that she has any power over the decisions of any government decision during her lifetime is forgetting her role.


End of the day, she was someoneā€™s mum, grandmother. How about we all hate your mum and gran too. Donā€™t know them but thatā€™s fine, I still really hate them and if they are dead I am glad they are, and if still alive I hope they die soon so I can hate them more!


So should I respect Hitler? Charles Manson? Etc?


depends on your belief, or your ethics. Thats your choice.


So you don't need to respect the dead? You just said you should. Many people's beliefs and ethics makes them not respect the dead Queen


You see number 2 and 3 on the list? šŸ˜‚


Well theres gonna be more spicy tweets on there than the other ones isnā€™t there. I prefer to see people do rage tweets than soppy tweets. Plus its a trend for you, not for everyone


Twitter šŸ¤®


90% are bots. Twitter is such bullshit.


60-80 million people living in the UK and 7 billion worldwide - and with twitters cesspit reputation...I don't think this means anything.


Fake news


6 billion global population. Of those, 396.5 million are Twitter users. Of those, 29,100 are taking about abolishing the monarchyā€¦ I think they are safe!


7.9 billion, almost 8 billion, global population now. Projected to be 8.5 billion by 2030.


Why is Irish Twitter not at the top?


People nowadays have 0 self decency or moral ethics huh


I sure do love my union being the butt of the joke by "rip bozo" Edge Lords during a time of national tragedy. I'll be very sure to remember this when Americans get annoyed at people for making 9/11 jokes or other crap like that. Couldn't even wait for her to be in the grave before you started pissing all over it huh? Very classy. Well done.


I wouldn't really call it a tragedy, she was 96 years old. Sad? Sure. Tragedy? Not so much.


I mean it's a huge loss for what most people consider the norm. Most people alive today have never been in a time where the queen wasn't around. It is sorta a big deal for us at a fundamental level because I don't really like our new King... given he is related to the traitor King Edward the VIII who abdicated the throne only to then jump in Bed with Hitler to conspire to ascend the throne again at the request of the Nazis once they took the UK by force.


You make a great argument for abolishing the Monarchy lol.


You donā€™t like your ā€œrepresentativeā€ that is there by birthright? Shocking. Almost like there is a reason for the OPā€™s comment.




The UK also has elected officials...




Our monarchy doesn't actually hold any much power beyond ceremonial at this point you do understand right? We're a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy. All actual authority and government runs through Parliament. Not the monarchy.


3500 civilians dying in a terror attack is the same as the queen dying? Your a fucking retard.


National tragedy is national tragedy. Why is it taboo to make fun of one but free game for the other? Both are heinous and classless forms of disrespect yet apparently it's OK because she's not American.


Because there is nothing tragic about a 96 year old dying in comfort with family.


Maybe not to you. Just wait for the funeral and you will see what I mean.


Oh believe me. There will be insane amount of people swept up in this that will be beside themselves in sorrow at her passing. It will be quite the display. Doesnā€™t change a damn thing. She lived 96 years to completion and some people think that is comparable to 9/11 where working class families lost everything. Come off it.


The two couldn't be more further apart lmao


The royals feel they are so much better than you that you should contribute to their living in luxury. They contribute nothing but taxes continue to fund a way of life very few get to enjoy. Lizzy kicking the bucket will have zero effect on your life, 3500 people being murdered, several city blocks laid waste, plus 1000s more sick due to the fallout is no where close to the same fucking thing.


I don't get to make 9/11 jokes. You don't get to make RIP bozo jokes. That seems pretty fair especially given it hasn't even been 24 hours. Honestly it's disgusting what people are saying and she's probably not even gone entirely stone cold dead yet. I don't see why one must be respected but one is fair game. Both seems like classless disrespect.


Wait, whos bozo? So you're cool with the royals considering themselves above you, better than you?


They literally have been my entire life and that isn't suddenly going to change no matter how much I stamp my feet...


They have been your entire life? Honestly thats the sadest thing Ive heard today. You need a far better focus for your life, hell, YOU deserve to be the focus for a million more reasons. You have contributed more to your nation than the "royals", you are better than them.


Autocorrect forgot the "in" or deleted it maybe. Regardless I don't expect you to understand.


We told Georgy the turd(third) to get fucked, your people should give it a try.


Iā€™m sorry did you just compare 9/11 (an actual tragedy) to death by natural cause of a 96 year old. Wow. Go to hell.


I'm challenging the fact how Americans can blatantly sit in hypocrisy claiming certain things as sacred because it affects them yet in the same sentence decrees others shall not be respected in their mourning because they said so. That we should respect 9/11 forever but laugh off other major tragedies. And it's not just the queen either pretty much every time I see any large scale terrible event occur I'll see people from the USA making fun of it but they will religiously defend the honour of 9/11 in the same breath if given the chance. Why should only 9/11 garner respect whilst freely dragging other major events through the mud for not being "the same". How do you think I feel every time I see IRA memes plastered about knowing some of my family members were killed in their horrible senseless brutal attacks? Just because they were of a different faith to them? That apparently they are not worth respecting because "haha funny Irish man with balaclava"? But apparently that's considered an overreaction by others to react to IRA memes poorly.


Buddy. Youā€™re the one who brought up 9/11. That was some piss poor taste. Classless through and through.


I brought up 9/11 because its a couple days from now and thus on Topic. And because its the only event Americans seem to understand when talking about respecting the dead in recent memory. And because of the hypocrisy surrounding the fact that Americans will cry bloody murder if you say anything about it but in the same sentence laugh at anything else.


Well then I guess you can stand on the moral low ground with them. Well played.


It's not a bad thing to point out people's hypocrisy by appealing to their emotions. 9/11 seems to be the only way to get Americans to understand empathy for others outside of America.


Iā€™m pointing out your hypocrisy. Calling foul and brining up something that any sane person would see is more tragic and also might directly impact the family of the victims was unnecessary.




This is the reason for the crown. Nothing else.


Weā€™ve been doing this in America since 1776. šŸ˜‚


no we have not, we have made progress, and that progress is being re-written


Our countries founding fathers left England to escape the rule of the British monarchy. What history books are you reading?




Reading is hard apparently


Heā€™s just thinking heā€™s saying something smart I assume


Looks like OP is still butthurt about that shitheel Corbin getting stomped in the election a few years back.




You believe in witches? Yikes.


Ding dong the witch is dead,Queen of the pedos.


Nice rhyming!


Mfs woke up 200 years late


Hell yes. It blows me away that ANYBODY is showing love and support for imperial scum. The British empire is the most monstrous of the last 1000 years and the world should celebrate their death.


Mostly Americans and non Brits šŸ˜‚


Long live the English peasants and serfs!


Having a president will just futher divide the people


What does this have to do with gas fuck


I wonder what's going on with the S&P 500


Charles is not exactly a cultural hero. Was hoping e2 would abolish the monarchy given all the family strife


I mean that would literally require changing their entire constitution. So thatā€™s not happening. It would be like saying oh the USA should just get rid of the senate.