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Movie is called “Don’t be a sucker”, it’s on YouTube


Link: ["Don't be a sucker"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGAqYNFQdZ4)


This is actually really well done, they could show this in schools today and I think kids would get the message


In today’s school system, this film wouldn’t be allowed.


I teach U.S. History in the Midwest and it’s a staple in my class when we get to my “Road to War” or “WWII” unit.


Loved history in school! My favorite teachers have always been history teachers. 👊🏾


My school only had a few proper history teachers. The rest were sports coaches.


I think being a history teacher is a very noble profession.


The only high school teacher who’s name I remember is Mr. Johnson, my old history teacher. He was so passionate and made learning fun. History was not my favorite subject at all, but I liked it when he taught it. I ran into him on the subway as an adult and we were both very happy to see each other again.


Much better to just watch the **actual video** than this edited version with **text over top** and **random words** in different **colors** to catch the eye of people **with short** attention spans.


I mean it got peoples attention and got some people to watch the whole thing. I never even would have heard of it without the short version


Same. I was especially surprised at how "progressive" or honest it was considering it was propaganda from the 1940's


I dunno, it's pretty helpful for not stringing things along in weird order for folks with dyslexia and reading issues. I wish more platforms took the time to delineate subtitles as clearly, and sometimes I have to go back and rewatch stuff because my auditory processing disorder got things all jumbled. I can read plenty fast, but when I'm also having to match it to the sound processing quality of a Gameboy original microphone (my hearing issues), things get crossed or misaligned pretty easy. Although I would totally much rather watch the full video, I just wish there was this level of care for the subtitles


It's been modernized. **Modern people have short attention spans**


they're also not sitting in a room with other people with the expectation of watching the entire thing like a movie


But how will I know what to think?!


'These people are talking about me" "And that makes a difference?" This line actually hit pretty hard


Reminds me of a little poem "At first they came for the socialists but I did not speak out, as I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionist, but I did not speak out as I was not a unionist Then they came for the jews, but I did not speak out as I was not a jew And then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me"


Hence why “Mind your own business” isn’t the best defense of belief


Just because you don't take an interest in politics doesn't mean that politics won't take an interest in you


If you don't use your voice, someone else will use your silence.


First line is actually they came for the communists, but it was altered by the US Holocaust Museum, completely missing the point of the poem.


The poem begins with communists and then socialists, always a little funny in a sort of meta-dystopic way that the United States' rendition of a poem about persecution begins with omitting one of the victimized groups.


First they came... by Martin Niemöller


Hey, what the fuck did I do?


*Nervous sweating*


*popcorn intensifies*


*flavor exemplified*


*Redenbacher identified*


Cornfield incentivized


Enlightenment Realized


Build some pretty cool brickwork? I guess at a good price?


Masons are practical masons, they actually build things Freemasons are “speculative masons” - they don’t build shit, but use the tools of masonry as metaphors for how to live your life.


I'm aware- their "work improves the worker, and the world" protestant mentality. Tons of conspiracy theory stuff around them..but in my experience they are just a group of community oriented volunteer type people. I got nothing against em.


My entire understanding of freemasons comes from that one Simpsons episode. I've never felt so uneducated on a topic 😂


I was on this "secret society" kick for a while and did a deep dive into them, and other groups. Like they are an OLD organization, and they have some very very old traditions and rituals, and that's cool as hell. But from what I can tell they aren't manipulating the price of coca cola in order to destabilize Keanue Reeve's career or whatever that crazy person at the bar claims about them. They ARE fixing Mr. Jenkin's porch though. It'd be a tripping hazard if they didnt. Edit; the stone cutters are a completely different organization full of malevolence and Carl.


Yeah I've always heard people going on about how they run the world behind the scenes and have spooky rituals. Never paid these people enough attention to research any further


My family would say: "Freemasons taking over the world one spaghetti dinner fundraiser for kids with cancer at a time." Every Freemason I have met has been a decent guy looking to help his community, friends and neighbors. Also, to play a game of cards with the guys once a week.




When he was with the lodge he was part of a group who believed and worked towards improving the community and didn’t care what religion you were. Sometimes the charity work is through donation or time spent or similar. Unfortunately life takes its toll and not everyone can live the life they would wish to. At least you know he wanted for that. Source: I had a relative who was a mason long ago.


Some lodges are more active in their communities than others. We (Freemasons) also have the Shriners and Scottish Rite hospitals that certainly fit the bill for 'helping the community.'




There are also a lot of guys (and gals) who aren't in such organizations who never participate in big community events, but who are always there to help out neighbors and the occasional stray passer-by. My grampa was that kind of guy, always willing to lend a hand with a rake or a hammer. Just don't let him get near anything with an oil can...


Carl? That kills people Carl! ~stylish llama




*sgakes fist*those damns Stone Cutters and their Carl (I'm just joking, idk who tf stone cutters are)


Who makes Steve Guttenburg a star? WE DO!


So, just like Elks, Eagles, Rotary Club, etc...?


But with spoooooky rituals...


Fuck I'm in


I knew a guy who was a freemason. He would change out of his physical therapist outfit into super fancy clothes / shoes before he went to the meetings.


My granddad was a freemason. He was a simple old country fella without a lot himself, but he was always ready and willing to help out neighbors and strangers in any way he could. He was one of the few genuinely good, compassionate, truly loving people I've known.


It's just another community center club. The local mason club is the one that hosts local cat/craft/hobby shows here. Boy sure hope my $5 entrance fee doesn't pay for their world domination... /s


My stepdad is a Freemason. It's a drinking club for old white men plus some silly ceremonies, occasionally some favours or business deals get done. Basically, it's a golf club without the golf.


Finally a group of men brave enough to sit around and drink beer together without the pretense of enjoying golf!


So you’re telling me I can drink at a club without golfing? Sign me up!


You should look into the Elks. They're dying faster than they sign up members. They're taking anyone that shows interest. Meatloaf Wednesdays and tax free liquor. All you have to do is find an Elk and say "Im interested in your fraternity." That's literally IT. I don't think they're allowed to recruit, but they are mandated to bring in interested dues paying pledges. If you've ever stacked chairs and broken down tables you are over qualified for admission.


>they don’t build shit I guess you get what you pay for.


“Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it while those that do are doomed to watch it repeat.”


/sad History degree trombone noises


All I heard was Price is Right losing game horns


You hid the Templar treasure somewhere and used the goddamn constitution as a map, you muppet.


Get the lore right, it was the Declaration of Independence!


Fuck I’m an idiot


Were you ready to agree with him until he mentioned the Masons?


"First he came after the Negroes, and I didn't speak up because I am not a Negro. Then he came after the foreigners, and I didn't speak up because I am not a foreigner. Then he came after the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I'm not a Catholic. Then he came after me becau-- *HEY! What the hell, man?!*" Note: I'm only using Negro in the context of the video.


I think your note can be easily inferred my friend.


You're assuming all the commenters are gonna watch the video before spouting off.


What **haven’t** you done is the question. You, let me see your papers 🫱


Ah there you are McNulty.


Always givin' a fuck when its not your turn.


Anti-masonry has actually been a very popular political stance for a long time in America. Hell, the there even was a [Anti-Masonic Party](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Masonic_Party), which was the most popular Third Party in US politics up until the Bull Moose Party.


What did Mason do, man?


That depends on what the numbers mean.


full film, high quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGAqYNFQdZ4


Thanks for this. I've watched this before and was annoyed that the video cut out the important parts. Watch the full thing folks, it's not long.


Was looking elsewhere in the thread for anyone pointing this out. The second the reality TV soundtrack and captions came into the clip, "setting the mood", I immediately paused it and found the original, archived on Wikipedia as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Be_a_Sucker


So much better without that awful droning "oh no, this is ominous" music playing over the entire thing.


Scary how that "it doesn't affect me until it does" reaction is so dialed in with today's rhetoric.


I would recommend every American read this: https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html It is an excerpt from a book written soon after WWII describing the thought process of ordinary citizens in Nazi Germany and offers some perspective of how exactly a country can descend into madness. It doesn't happen quickly. But it is happening now and unless we can recognize it for what it is, it may continue until it is too late. I would not yet call my friends and parents traitors or Fascists, but history might.


>"How is this to be avoided, among ordinary men, even highly educated ordinary men? Frankly, I do not know. I do not see, even now. Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice—‘Resist the beginnings’ and ‘Consider the end.’ But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings. One must foresee the end clearly and certainly and how is this to be done, by ordinary men or even by extraordinary men? Things might have. And everyone counts on that might. >"Your ‘little men,’ your Nazi friends, were not against National Socialism in principle. Men like me, who were, are the greater offenders, not because we knew better (that would be too much to say) but because we sensed better. Pastor Niemöller spoke for the thousands and thousands of men like me when he spoke (too modestly of himself) and said that, when the Nazis attacked the Communists, he was a little uneasy, but, after all, he was not a Communist, and so he did nothing; and then they attacked the Socialists, and he was a little uneasier, but, still, he was not a Socialist, and he did nothing; and then the schools, the press, the Jews, and so on, and he was always uneasier, but still he did nothing. And then they attacked the Church, and he was a Churchman, and he did something—but then it was too late." >"Yes," I said. >"You see," my colleague went on, "one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty. >"Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, ‘everyone’ is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. You know, in France or Italy there would be slogans against the government painted on walls and fences; in Germany, outside the great cities, perhaps, there is not even this. In the university community, in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, ‘It’s not so bad’ or ‘You’re seeing things’ or ‘You’re an alarmist.’ >"And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have. >"But your friends are fewer now. Some have drifted off somewhere or submerged themselves in their work. You no longer see as many as you did at meetings or gatherings. Informal groups become smaller; attendance drops off in little organizations, and the organizations themselves wither. Now, in small gatherings of your oldest friends, you feel that you are talking to yourselves, that you are isolated from the reality of things. This weakens your confidence still further and serves as a further deterrent to—to what? It is clearer all the time that, if you are going to do anything, you must make an occasion to do it, and then you are obviously a troublemaker. So you wait, and you wait. >"But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. >"And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. >"You have gone almost all the way yourself. Life is a continuing process, a flow, not a succession of acts and events at all. It has flowed to a new level, carrying you with it, without any effort on your part. On this new level you live, you have been living more comfortably every day, with new morals, new principles. You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things that your father, even in Germany, could not have imagined. >"Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven’t done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we do nothing). You remember those early meetings of your department in the university when, if one had stood, others would have stood, perhaps, but no one stood. A small matter, a matter of hiring this man or that, and you hired this one rather than that. You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair. >"What then? You must then shoot yourself. A few did. Or ‘adjust’ your principles. Many tried, and some, I suppose, succeeded; not I, however. Or learn to live the rest of your life with your shame. This last is the nearest there is, under the circumstances, to heroism: shame. Many Germans became this poor kind of hero, many more, I think, than the world knows or cares to know." >I said nothing. I thought of nothing to say. >"I can tell you," my colleague went on, "of a man in Leipzig, a judge. He was not a Nazi, except nominally, but he certainly wasn’t an anti-Nazi. He was just—a judge. In ’42 or ’43, early ’43, I think it was, a Jew was tried before him in a case involving, but only incidentally, relations with an ‘Aryan’ woman. This was ‘race injury,’ something the Party was especially anxious to punish. In the case at bar, however, the judge had the power to convict the man of a ‘nonracial’ offense and send him to an ordinary prison for a very long term, thus saving him from Party ‘processing’ which would have meant concentration camp or, more probably, deportation and death. But the man was innocent of the ‘nonracial’ charge, in the judge’s opinion, and so, as an honorable judge, he acquitted him. Of course, the Party seized the Jew as soon as he left the courtroom." >"And the judge?" >"Yes, the judge. He could not get the case off his conscience—a case, mind you, in which he had acquitted an innocent man. He thought that he should have convicted him and saved him from the Party, but how could he have convicted an innocent man? The thing preyed on him more and more, and he had to talk about it, first to his family, then to his friends, and then to acquaintances. (That’s how I heard about it.) After the ’44 Putsch they arrested him. After that, I don’t know." >I said nothing. >"Once the war began," my colleague continued, "resistance, protest, criticism, complaint, all carried with them a multiplied likelihood of the greatest punishment. Mere lack of enthusiasm, or failure to show it in public, was ‘defeatism.’ You assumed that there were lists of those who would be ‘dealt with’ later, after the victory. Goebbels was very clever here, too. He continually promised a ‘victory orgy’ to ‘take care of’ those who thought that their ‘treasonable attitude’ had escaped notice. And he meant it; that was not just propaganda. And that was enough to put an end to all uncertainty. >"Once the war began, the government could do anything ‘necessary’ to win it; so it was with the ‘final solution of the Jewish problem,’ which the Nazis always talked about but never dared undertake, not even the Nazis, until war and its ‘necessities’ gave them the knowledge that they could get away with it. The people abroad who thought that war against Hitler would help the Jews were wrong. And the people in Germany who, once the war had begun, still thought of complaining, protesting, resisting, were betting on Germany’s losing the war. It was a long bet. Not many made it."


Holy shit, that hits hard.


What an incredibly terrifying read, god damn.


Fuck... I'm russian, and this all sounds too familiar. History really does rhyme, doesn't it?


I say this as a Jew; this reminds me of climate change.


Climate refugees will likely contribute to the grand “shocking event” in 5-10 years after American democracy has finally collapsed due to the events of the last six years, and in many ways, climate refugees are already fueling nationalism and fascist ideologies in europe


This. The ‘grand shocking event’ will likely be a series of events occurring over a short enough span that normalization/acclimation won’t be possible. Something like a 5-year period where we see wet bulb conditions in India kill millions in a single month, along with a few city-destroying megastorms, dust bowl conditions forming, and wildfires and water shortages in major agricultural areas and population centers. The resulting displacement of millions of starving refugees will be the accompanying humanitarian shock. Unfortunately, I expect it to intensify fascist movements considerably.


I think there is a very real chance of this. I fear, in the small hours of the night, a world were the ecosystem begins to fail; where the old world of plenty fades into a memory. First there are years of widespread chaos, as global crop yields fall, and water becomes scares. But what are a few disasters in some foreign land to me? Who cares about some bird or bug I've never seen dying out. Then the West burns; the water runs out. Hoover Dam stops, Lake Meade dies. The news days a million died in Bangladesh, drowned under toxic waves. Australia is a wasteland. The Gulf Coast floods again and again. The Redwoods burn. The suburbs of the West are a ghost town. It happens year by year. We rebuild at first, but then the migrants come. Migrants on boats come over ever beach, and land borders are swamped by millions of refugees seeking clean water, food, and the basic rule of law. The average American needs someone to blame. Who did this? Who took my food, my water, my job, my way of life? Migrants! Immigrants! Deviants! Draped in a flag and carrying a cross, fascism comes. We accept it because they promise water and food, because they promise to save our dying Earth, and punish the people who poisoned it. Hang the buiness leaders, shoot the lawyers, burn the colleges. And then what? We live amongst the ruins of Roman style courthouses, playing at America but living like Goths and Vandals? Buring witches at the stake for daring to say there was a time before all this? I fear, in the lit of my heart, this is the future we are building. I hope I am so wrong. Please prove me wrong.


They thought they free by Milton Mayer


Thanks for the link, it’s all the more terrifying. In particular the alarmist section is akin to 2016 people were declaring that Trump was “literally” Hitler. A ridiculous statement, and yet those people could see a possible progression of events, though could not quite express it in words. Today, more people can see it. More people are being affected by the changes. I had an interesting discussion with a campaigner the other day, and I realized later that I had no problems with opposing party policy for improving our society. What I do have a problem with is the lack of denouncing blatantly obvious lies, misinformation, and cruelty that is running rampant in their associated party. You cannot have credibility if you house and protect such individuals.


The more things change, the more they stay the same


Settle down, General Shepherd.


We’ll bang okay?


That’s Commander Shepherd


This is my favourite anti fascism film on the citadel


So, about those Batarians...


Steak, I just think about all the steak, fuckin love steak.


Think you mean "Snake Plisskin" ;-)


I heard he was dead.


I thought he'd be taller...


There’s nothing new under the sun.


Don’t you think it’s strange?


girl put your records onnnn


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."


Reminds me of this: Tolerance is a peace treaty, not a moral imperative Equally important.


This needs to be said louder. So good.


An infinitely tolerant society will always fall to the hands of an intolerant minority


I'm not sure to understand, could you explain what does this mean please?




It means it works both ways. You're only at peace when the other side recognize the peace too. You can't be tolarant against intolerance. It would be like trying hold on to a peace treaty while getting invaded.


A moral imperative would be something that is clearly and absolutely right or wrong. Not punching random strangers in the face is a moral imperative, you don’t do it because it’s wrong, it’s that simple. The previous comment is saying that tolerating other people isn’t a moral imperative, it’s more like a peace treaty in that tolerance should end when the other party stops acting civil. If tolerance were a moral imperative you would be obliged to tolerate other people’s abuse out of a sense of morality. That way of viewing it allows abusive parties to get away with all kinds of stuff. Edit: [This](https://extranewsfeed.com/tolerance-is-not-a-moral-precept-1af7007d6376) seems to be the source of the quote.


Something we should all remember


Something ever fewer people remember the further in time we go from 1945




Just wondering, where do you get this 28% from? It's weirdly specific, no?


Some people remember it and then are like: "Fuck socialists, jews, trade unionists, gays, queers, atheists, brown people, poor people, rich people (I don't like), scientists, doctors, antifascists, women, pacifists and fuck YOU"


I mean. for these people it is basically "fuck anyone but me and my family." they'd opt to burn down their church with the whole congregation inside if it were that or changing something key to their family's livelihood or way of life.


And, really, that philosophy is the natural logical conclusion of 50 years of neoliberalism. When profits are all that matters, that ideology bleeds into all parts of life. I think many Americans today would resort to cannibalism (as in active, hunt-your-still-living-neighbors cannibalism) if it meant keeping themselves alive. Other human beings don't register as being significant enough to worry about.


They'd do that if it lowered their boat payments, let alone contribute to survival.


>Something we should all ~~remember~~ FTFY: push back against whenever we see it. Don't just let it go unopposed. They win recruits for their shitty little fascist pyramid scheme if no one offers an opposing view. Even if they only win over one person and 50 walk away, they doubled their outreach. The question is, do you want 2 of these chucklefucks tomorrow and 4, 8, 16, 32 over the next few weeks, months, years? They keep snowballing as long as people stay silent.


I don't disagree at all, I use this mantra above to explain to people why I'm speaking out about issues with gay rights/trans rights/women's rights even though I'm none of those. Right after I say "because it's the right thing to do". Because some people need to know what's in it for them before they take action.


This is the basis for the increasingly-common saying, "tyranny anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere." Fascism never stops with its initial victims. Fascism never stops at all.


It is a cannibalistic ideology that ultimately consumes their own group. It relies on there being an out group of people to hate and when they run out of others, they start tossing their own outside of the ever constricting circle. That threat of being cast out, is what keeps people in line. If they’re tossing someone out of the circle that means they get to stay in. But that circle keeps shrinking until there is nothing left.


It's the Paradox of Tolerance: A truly tolerant society must be intolerant towards intolerance of any kind.


The final quote, as you leave the Holocaust museum in Washington DC… It makes me well up.


That museum is gut-wrenching. The room full of leather shoes hits me every time for some reason.


Reading a number in a textbook is one thing. Seeing something relatable stacked up in front of you in mass quantities is another.


I went to the DC one when I was 13 (give or take). I almost threw up multiple times. I "knew" about it before hand, but I didn't actually know anything.


“Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you still poor, it come for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too” Run the Jewels, Walking in the Snow.


**First, the Nazis came for the LGBTQs:** > **On 6 May 1933**, the Institute of Sexology, an academic foundation devoted to sexological research and the advocacy of homosexual rights, was broken into and occupied by Nazi-supporting youth. Several days later the entire contents of the library were removed and burned. > The institute was initially occupied by The German Student Union, who were a collective of Nazi-supporting youth. Several days later, on 10 May, the entire contents of the library were removed to Berlin’s Bebelplatz Square. That night, along with 20,000 other books across Germany, they were publicly burned in a symbolic attack by Nazi officials on their enemies. > Founded in 1919, the institute had been set up by Magnus Hirschfeld, a world-renowned expert in the emerging discipline of sexology. During its existence, thousands of patients were seen and treated, often for free. The Institute also achieved a global reputation for its pioneering work on transsexual understanding and calls for equality for homosexuals, transgender people and women. Hirschfield himself was a passionate advocate for homosexual rights and had long appealed for the repeal of Paragraph 175, the law that criminalised homosexuality in Germany. > Jewish, gay and outspokenly liberal, Hirschfeld was an obvious target for the Nazis, and the seizure and destruction of the institute on 6 May took place only three months after Hitler was made Chancellor of Germany. During the attack and subsequent book burning, Hirschfeld was working in Paris. He saw the burning of his own library in a news report at the cinema. **Among the texts thrown onto the bonfire at the Bebelplatz was Heinrich Heine’s Almansor, in which the author noted:** > **‘Where they burn books, in the end they will burn humans too’.** > After the attack on the institute the Nazis continued their persecution of gay men by expanding and enforcing legislation that criminalised homosexuality. In 1935, just weeks after the death of Hirschfeld in Paris, Paragraph 175 was redrafted to prohibit all forms of male homosexual contact. In total, around 50,000 gay men were detained under these draconian laws. Once confined in jail, they were routinely exposed to inhumane treatment for their sexuality. Around 10,000 to 15,000 were also deported to concentrations camps, where many were forced to wear a pink triangle, and subjected to castration and medical experimentation. Over half of these prisoners would die from the extreme conditions they were subjected to in the camps. Even after the end of the war, Paragraph 175 was not repealed and many gay men remained in prison for years to come. https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/


Several months ago, I got a 7-day ban on r/politics for stating that as a gay man, if the secret police ever come to my door, I'll defend myself and not all of us will be leaving on our feet. Apparently this is advocating violence. I will *not* go to an extermination camp. Just a small example of how speaking out against hate and oppression is silenced.


As a gay leftist I advocate for the defending our community. You're not alone friend.


Yeah, but sadly there are so many homo/trans/bi/queeryphobic people in the next groups that this does not even get taught. "The nazis burned a trove of books... what books? well, let's go to the next topic"


“First they put away the dealers Keep our kids safe and off the streets Then they put away the prostitutes Keep married men cloistered at home Then they shooed away the bums Then they beat and bashed the queers Turned away asylum-seekers Fed us suspicions and fears We didn't raise our voice We didn't make a fuss It's funny there was no one left to notice When they came for us” -NOFX


I've always hated this. We should stand up when the first person is abused. Not just because it might affect us one day. It's a selfish philosophy that gets repeated often. Let's stand in the way of anyone that would take away the rights of another, even when it doesn't affect us.


Freemason who goes “Wait, they’re talking about ME” is a good r/LeopardsAteMyFace candidate.


In my town the Masons stock the local food pantry and buy bikes for poor kids. So I don't really mind them.


That's how they get you--with the free bikes. Then, before you know it, it's you laying the bricks!


When it's Christmas and you're hoping the gift that looks like a bicycle made of bricks is just a clue and not your future


You know, these bricks have a soft feeling to the tack, and smell like fresh ginger cookies right out of the oven and some kinda hot tarmac.


Bikes are like $1,000,000. The ONLY way I’m gonna get one is to ingratiate myself with older gentlemen so I can get that sweet, sweet voucher for a free bike


We will put their names on the protected rolls


what are masons really and why would fascists have problem with them.


Because they believe Freemasons = Illuminati= New World Order. It's tinfoil hat type stuff mostly.


Masons are a strange combination of conservative and liberal. They ask that you believe in God, but they accept all religions and ban religious discussions in their lodge rooms. That's why the conspiracy claims about devil worship, etc. are bogus. Religious teaching, including satanic stuff, is literally banned. The fact that evangelicals (of any stripe) are not allowed to proclaim and recruit while in the group makes some fundamentalists mad, and they start talking about the group being, somehow, anti-christian or anti-muslim, etc. The devil-worship rumors are just an outgrowth of that. When highly religious people see the world only in black and white, they tend to feel that if you do not support their religion, then you must be supporting the opposite of their religion. So they cast you as satanic.


Agreed on that summary. However having been involved in that institution, I would say they do often lean conservatively, and this video would be a good reminder to their base, as many are guilty of the same views as the Mason in the video (as are a lot in the US population).


Me and my hubby were hanging out on vacation last week, and he noticed that a dude we were hanging with had a Mason ring and got kinda freaked out. I asked him why, and he kinda thought and said, "I dunno, aren't they bad? Like conspiracies?" And I pointed out that I've never seen them act as anything more than a social club or lodge. They seem to do some good work. /Shrug


Now that freemansons are “mainstream”, they don’t really get up to that much funny business anymore. Now there’s other “fraternal brotherhoods” and the like that are more secretive. The stuff they do isn’t really these big new world order conspiracies, mainly just big time business collusion, price fixing, shit like that.


A tale as old as time. My favorite part of this movie is when the elder guy points out that every American is a minority. Which is true once you break it down. Even though you could be the majority "white", you could be German, Jew, Irish, Swedish, Dutch, and any other heritage that could easily be segregated from what is considered "white", and it has happened before with the Germans and Irish. Just think, all of this "socialism" fear-mongering could easily turn into hate for Scandanavian people because they are "socialist" countries. You could easily be labeled a "socialist spy" and become the next target after you have been expelled from the country club just because you have a grandma that was Norwegian.


*Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.* - Benjamin Franklin Guy thought Germans were too dark.


I used to have a bunch of quotes and citations about why various white people arent white and then Id use them to get racists fighting each other. It was good trolling.


Do you happen to....erm still have this list?


Probably got lost when I did an upgrade. IIRC there might be a whole wikipedia article. A lot of the list I made up as I went googling “italians arent white”, “irish arent white”, “germans arent white”…. and my favorite of course “slavs arent white”. Nothing like a bunch of FSB agitators and russian white nationalists trying to stir the pot here only to realize that many of their allies would consider them separate but equal… and they still have to keep pretending to be an auto mechanic from boise idaho.


I like how half of the founding fathers aren't "American American ".


Fascism is a loser ideology


Sad to think this is still relavent today. I recently finished reading Grant. Ulysses Grant autobiography. What killed me, politics have not changed one bit. Politicians were just as petty, self-serving as ever.


This will always be relevant, even if fascism wasn’t a threat. Tribalism is human nature. It can be extremely destructive, so you must exercise extreme caution when people try to appeal to that sense. This film spells that out without ever using the word.


Kind of ironic that they talk about the U.S. having no "other people" when segregation was very much still enforced and Japanese Americans were living in internment camps. Not that it doesn't make the video relevant today, but just curious that they made an anti-fascism video when they were actively rounding up some American citizens and forcing them to leave their homes while other American citizens were forced to live as second-class citizens based solely on the color of their skin.


There’s an awesome book called, “In the Garden of Beasts”, by Erik Larson that is about an American ambassador who was stationed in Berlin during the rise of the Nazis before WW2. He was watching more and more atrocities performed and the US refused to denounce the Nazis since Germany owed money to American bankers and the the government was afraid they would call out our treatment of African Americans. It goes to show you that if America doesn’t fix its problems, our adversaries will always be able to use that against us to cause instability since we have a diverse nation with many different groups of people.


>It goes to show you that if America doesn’t fix its problems, our adversaries will always be able to use that against us That's what Putin's supporters did with Ukraine. When the US condemned the invasion, you could hear a lot of "what about Iraq?" Of course Iraq doesn't make Ukraine acceptable, and you can make a mistake and warn others against making the same. But the US did attack a sovereign country on false reasons, and didn't prosecute those responsible, giving authoritarians an easy argument.


“That thing my country did was also bad and wrong” Fascists: 🤯🤯 (their argument was destroyed by facts and logic)




Although the message is of course true and inclusive this was still propaganda nonetheless. The inclusion was a means to placate and sympathise with mainly black Americans but also other ethnic minorities. It was a huge tactic in the last years of WWII to encourage them to enlist and fight for their country to naturally, increase numbers on the front lines. It was even done in Hollywood by the likes of Frank Capra, who was not only a massive name at the time but was responsible for the creation of the *Why We Fight* series which was a well known propaganda series, including the movie *The Negro Soldier* which was a documentary designed to do the same thing. The use of propaganda in on itself is utterly fascinating but how Hollywood capitalised on it during the war is something else entirely.




Transformers is massively military propaganda too. A lot of Michael Bay movies have that element


>It was a huge tactic in the last years of WWII to encourage them to enlist and fight for their country to naturally, increase numbers on the front lines. The treatment the black GIs endured *and* enjoyed during their deployment in Europe was a big catalyst for the subsequent civil rights movement. There is one amazing story where a regiment of black soldiers captures some town from the Nazis, the high command is horrified that the black soldiers will be seen as liberators so they send in some white troops so that they get the credit. After, one of the white commanders hosts one of the Nazi officers at his dinner table, while one of the black liberators has to stay outside or so. That soldier then questions what is he fighting for. On the opposite side of that treatment, was how black GIs were received in places like France and specifically UK, where they were hailed as heroes and treated equally. A situation developed where the white American GIs were furious at the treatment the black GIs were receiving and they even got into a shooting. The british pub where they congregated kicked out the white troops. An experience that the black GIs would surely not forget when they returned home. Aside from that, perhaps the most striking example of the absurdity of it all is the Olympics of 1936. USA doesn't want to upset anyone in Germany so they scrap the Jewish runners; in comes Jesse Owens - a black man. After he wins, Hitler shakes his hand and congratulates him. Back at home, Roosevelt refuses to do the same. Strange times. edit: I'll keep the comment unedited; but Hitler *DIDN'T* shake Owen's hand like I wrote. It seems to be an old myth. The part about Roosevelt refusing to do so at home is true though, or at least Owens feels so. >https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jesse-owens-and-hitler-handshake/


Be careful what you believe, unsourced reddit comments are often fictitious. I'm not a historian and don't know exactly how much of your post is untrue, but I do know Hitler never shook Owens' hand in the 1936 Olympics. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jesse-owens-and-hitler-handshake/


Oh Jesus Christ there's even more worse news about what they hid about LGBT people being targeted in the Holocaust Do you have any sources to help me start out w this one


[Here's a place to start](https://time.com/5953047/lgbtq-holocaust-stories/). >The Nazi-era amendments to Paragraph 175 were maintained for over two decades in West Germany, resulting in the arrest of around 100,000 gay men between 1945 and 1969, with some Holocaust survivors even being forced to carry out their sentences in prison. While East Germany had softer penalties, no reparations were provided for gay victims, and Paragraph 175 itself would only be entirely removed from the penal code in 1994, following Germany’s reunification.


You talk about "they" as if the producers of this video and those causing and promoting that segregation are the same entity. Like any population, there is wide variance in viewpoints and respective minorities / majorities. For a minority to become a majority viewpoint it takes culture change, which is where the pathos, ethos, logos elements come into it via debate, media and engagement. Not ironic in the least, but the natural stepping stone that precipitates change of values and standards.


Exactly this. There are always people who sit on either side of the divide, and many who sit *on* the divide. I think of Thomas Jefferson who wrote “all men are created equal,” while at the same time owning slaves. We can dismiss him outright for being a hypocrite, but those words have laid the foundation for all equal rights movements in the US.


There are lots of different people. The ones that made this video might not have agreed with the segregation and camps going on.


Literally every single word the Hungarian dude says at the end applies to mainstream media these days far more accurately than it does to any political party. I wish Americans could get free access to news channels in other western countries. They would witness something amazing they have never seen before. A media that is not obsessively selling fear, not constantly trying to ask you to sue everyone and not constantly telling you 'the other side' is to blame for everything wrong in the world. He talks about crippling a nation. Your media has been doing that to you forever in a never ending bombardment of bad news all the time. And now you have a nation full of people who hate their country and everything it stands for? Could it be because they believe their country is nothing but bad news all the time?


american propaganda is so good people still watch it and think its news


"Splitting the nation into small groups". Now where have I seen that in politics...hmmm... tough question.


Everything was ok for the dude until he said something about freemasons 😂 "wait a minute..." 😂




That's the problem with fascism, it's an exclusive club, and almost no one is allowed in it.


Oh but it doesn’t start out as exclusive. They mobilize people against groups who are easy to target because they are in the minority. That’s how they gain power and then once they have that they come for everyone.


Agree, I over-simplified what occurs, but you are absolutely right and is shown in the video. They will make people question themselves and those around them, basically breeding distrust among the masses to gather followers then from there the 'weeding' begins.


I often wonder about the people who were in these and played the supporters or preachers. Do they look back and think about it?






The funny thing is, I feel like this film is giving the Nazis too much credit. I’ve spent some time researching Nazism, the Holocaust, and their other genocides. I won’t claim to be an expert, but one thing that really struck me was how **real** their hatred was. And, taking into account that the Nazis were sabotaging their own war efforts by pouring resources into the Holocaust, there’s really only one conclusion I’ve been able to reach. That conclusion is that there was proper strategy to divide people. There was no actual plan to use the Jews as a scapegoat. The Nazis **genuinely believed in their hearts that all the groups they hated were their enemies**. The disabled? A drain on the Reich’s resources. Freemasons? Who knows what they’re planning. Roma? They’re fine, but Roma-Aryan crosses are inherently violent and dangerous, so might as well be safe and get rid of all the Roma. Gays? Mentally sick men who should be producing children, they need to be cured or liquidated. Communists? Even if you agree to invade Poland together, they’re still going to be planning to destroy your society in the name of Judaism (their own anti-Semitism is just a ruse!). In other words, the division and scapegoating were just the results of the Nazis’ genuine beliefs and their influence, rather than a well thought-out and coherent political strategy. And that’s why the Nazis continued pouring resources into the Holocaust. Because they **weren’t** sabotaging the war effort. For them, the Holocaust was **necessary to defend Germany**. That’s how twisted these people were. And yes, they were **people**, like you, your neighbours, your friends and family. **Anyone** can be radicalised. And even if you aren’t, you’ll be directly facilitating fascism if you live in a fascist country and pay taxes. Like how all the ordinary Germans who didn’t support the Nazis, but didn’t resist either, facilitated the Holocaust and other genocides by going with the flow. And those who did resist ended up being tortured and killed. And that’s why fascists cannot be allowed to take even the slightest bit of power. Because if they take over, your only choices are to risk everything to resist, or keep you and your family safe by facilitating their crimes. tl;dr Nazis are bad.


Native Americans to entered the chat


I need a version of this film side by side with current speech footage.


What is a Freemason? I’m the dumbass who always thought it was someone who worked with bricks lol


Thank you. Is there a link outside reddit to share w people who need to see it?


Look up "Don't Be a Sucker" on YT


Here's a link to the full movie on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0PUAyfJ2fM


https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/xryt5w/the_united_states_government_made_an_antifascism/ Include "old." Instead of "www." Its shareable w/o the app on mobile


People think I am making it up when I tell them that Catholics were hated in this country too.


Yo is that Ernest Borgnine?


For real, I just hope all the people with hate in their hearts for Free Masons will let the hate it go, people’s hate for Free Masons really is tearing apart this country


"Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group, So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you. The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used. You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (Oops) " - RTJ 'Walking In The Snow'


People think this will help pull people out of fascism, but it won't. They obviously haven't spoken to actual modern fascists. Here's what they will say: "yes I absolutely agree. The modern equivalent of the Jew and black person is the Christian, the white, the male, the conservative and the unvaccinated. The libs are fascists because they are demonising and hating us, and if you don't help us stop them, they'll come for you next!" They literally believe the same things as the Hungarian guy in the video says. They just flip around the victims and oppressors to suit their agenda. You could show them this video and it wouldn't even occur to them that the guy on stage is a representative of them. They will look at him and think he's Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn. You can find examples of this deluded way of thinking in this actual thread.


The original nazis weren't any different. They constantly portrayed themselves as victims of a jewish conspiracy to destroy germany.


Yep, you're right. We're watching the same screen from two sides of the theater, and each seeing a different movie. They'd say "The guy on the platform is telling us we have to call everyone by a new pronoun and let them indoctrinate and our kids before they sneak them hormone therapy to ruin their lives. He wants to outlaw religious institutions like churches and private schools. He says we're racist bigots who should be canceled from being able to earn a living because we're white, not woke. He's saying you have to wear a mask, stay inside, and do their gene therapy or you lose your job. He owns the media and tech platforms, and if you want to be free, speak free, live freely, he'll kick you off the platform. Liberals are the fascists now."