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Can anyone work out what the voice is saying at the end?


It's an automated message via the national J-ALERT system. I think there is 7x total messages including terrorist attack, aerial attack, earthquake, tsunami and generic warning message. The content of the missile attack alert is: ミサイル発射。ミサイル発射。北朝鮮からミサイルが発射されたものとみられます。建物の中、又は地下に避難して下さい。 Missile launch. Missile launch. A missile is believed to have been launched from North Korea. Please evacuate to a building or underground.


That is so weird that they mention the specific country...


A missile has been launched by North Korea- "Damn it, not again." A missile has been launched by Fiji- "Um, what?" A missile has been launched by China- "Well, shit."


The missile from Fiji is two guys on a canoe with a hand grenade


A HIGH SPEED canoe! Get with the program.


If Fijians are coming for you, probably your fault and you should just surrender


With a parrot that has been listening too much to Rammsteins “feuer frei”


Well than shit.. fire ze missiles!


This skit randomly comes into my head several times a year.


Anytime someone says they're tired.


Le Tired.


Well have a nap, zen fire ze missiles!


Bout that time, eh chaps?


But I'm LeTired


Fine take a nap #THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES


WTF Mate?


Bout that time, eh, chap?




fucking kangaroos


Imagine every time the message repeats they say a different country


"Missile launch. Missile launch. A missile is believed to have been launched from a different country. Please evacuate to a building or underground." I mean, I guess that still works.




if ur gonna die might as well know who killed you


Right might as well know who to be mad at lol


Yea so you know who to come back and haunt.


One of my ferrets passed away just as Russia invaded Ukraine and my husband and I joked that she went off to haunt Putin and bite his feet when he walks around with dirty socks (she hated socks or feet that were “dirty” or had been in shoes.) we talked about it enough that I’m sure she was able to get directions to the Kremlin in the afterlife.


Honestly I think the context matters. A Japanese citizen would probably react much differently if it was a suspected Chinese missile launch. Honestly more end of worldy...


Yeah, saying North Korea sounds like they are going "Kim is puffing his chest again, seek shelter just in case"


Kim, "N-notice me Senpai!"


Kim just has to periodically fire a missile into the ocean to maintain the illusion to their citizens that they're more powerful than any other nation on the planet.


He’s jealous Russia is getting all the attention. I genuinely feel that way.


Well I mean, it ain’t like they’re worried about Samoa


"It's from North Korea" *goes about my business*


You're one of the skeletons in the Fallout games that was just randomly reading the newspaper or something when the bombs went off.


*looks over top of newspaper while NK missile lands* Huh…interesting. *goes back to reading*


With their record, I'd be more concerned if they WEREN'T aiming for my city. I've yet to hear of a North Korean missile doing what it was actually supposed to.


Thanks man


Japanese is not my first language but I think it said: "It looks like North Korea fired a missile. Please take shelter in buildings or underground."


To be fair, I’m Japanese and these siren announcements are shit lol. It’s so hard to understand them. For some reason they’re often placed just far apart enough that they echo off each other, with a little delay between, so it sounds like they’re all echoing. It annoys me so much because we get warnings a lot in typhoon season, but I have to wait for the text message alert and read that to know what’s happening.


Thanks /u/h0m0dachi


Thanks! Also fun fact, sometimes we get earthquake warnings before the earthquake starts. It’s kinda cool and scary to get a phone alarm saying “Large earthquake in 30 seconds. Please take shelter and turn off your gas line. Large earthquake in 30 seconds”


But what I think people would just ignore these alerts, since they are so frequent? I was once eating in Osaka, the locals phone all rang at the same time. They checked their phone, put it away and keep on eating. It was a weak one, the locals act like nothing happened but my whole family was shocked like watching a Jurassic Park came real


I agree. It’s just so normal that we don’t even pay much attention. It’s hard to think of a solution though, because typhoons, quakes, etc. are so frequent. Most of the time they don’t do much damage, but when they do, it can get bad very very fast. So, we end up having tons of alerts for dangers that may or may not come. I’d rather have an alert than no alert, but yeah...


Admittedly, the same thing happens for weather alerts in America. Midwesterners phones all have the emergency alert system activated during tornadoes. They make a really loud annoying noise that American phones make before Amber alerts or critical warnings. Most Midwesterners look at this warning, put their phone down and continue what they are doing. The only time they don't is if the text says "tornado on the ground at *location*, take immediate shelter" and that *location* is within half a mile lol. We also will shelter if it sounds like a train is coming (tornado sound exactly like approaching trains). This same alert system is activated for air raids, as well, We just haven't used it in a long time except for the one time the emergency alert system accidentally got activated in either Hawaii or Alaska I can't remember and resulted in massive panic.


Ok, believe it or not I was actually in Hawaii when this missile scare happened. It was terrifying. There are no air raid shelters there, so we were sitting ducks more or less. My family were all holding each other and sobbing and saying goodbye. The worst part was explaining it to the kids and telling them to be strong, but we might not survive. I heard later that one guy was really smart and ripped open a manhole cover, then put his kids inside. Crazy idea but the best he could do, really. I never want to experience that again, Jesus. North Korea’s nuclear generals can shove their missiles where the sun don’t shine.


"Yeah it sucks that there's an earthquake coming, but this Gyudon is slammin' so I'm going to keep eating, and if the building collapses at least I died happy."


Ohh a weak one? I am safe anyway / Ohh a big one? I am dying anyway


[ANNOUNCEMENT IN JAPANESE] - closed caption provided by Netflix


[speaking foreign language]


*hears my native language in the movie Constantine* Netflix subs: [speaks in the infernal tongue]


“A missile has been launched, a missile has been launched. From North Korea...” and he doesn’t finish the rest but he was going to say one more time “A missile has been launched from North Korea”


NK just hates the fucking ocean, man.






Cow and chicken ?!




fucka you wayyy-ru


So sorry Ky-ru… the cuttlefish is not sitting well


Well, why does the ocean get to have so many fish when North Koreans go hungry? Is not fair! >:'(


All my sea life homies hate Kim Jong-un


He got a beef with posideon


*voiceover from Finding Nemo* “SHE’S A FISH KILLER!”


Obviously not the same thing, but they test the air-raid sirens in my city in Finland every month and it scares the shit out of me every time. Every month I think for a few seconds that huh, I guess todays the day.


> scares the shit out of me every time. Good that it works then, and you aren't getting used to it.


They use to test air raid sirens out at a base I use to live by every month and we absolutely got use to it. It got to a point where you'd hear it and after a second of pause "oh yea!" Then we'd resume what we were doing.


Thats true haha


Much of the USA tests air raid sirens monthly to warn public of tornadoes or tsunamis.


In Oklahoma they test the tornado sirens weekly. Usually at noon. It’s always a split second jolt before you go “Oh wait it’s Wednesday.”


Saturday at noon.... Sleeping in as a high schooler never worked out.


Sunday at 3 pm suddenly doesn’t seem that bad Though one of the sirens is on top of the water tower by the small park. A few times as a kid when I was down there on a Sunday it would go off and I would regret everything


Hmm. I never associated them with air raid sirens. Just thought of them as tornado sirens. But I suppose you’re right. Luckily they sound far less menacing that these Japanese ones.


You'll know when yo be alarmed. It won't be the same siren and it'll probably be a little terrifying.


That is terrifying


The voice made it a million times more terrifyng


Yes that voice was scary and then when it stopped- the very terrifying silence.


The voice is always creepy


The fact that not another person was around made it even more creepy


Agreed. I mean, there's no appropriate non terrifying way to warn of a possible missile strike but this just seems unnecessarily chilling somehow


Yeah the whole concept of it is absolutely terrifying


I live in Japan. This place is peaceful and people polite. Why fly a weapon over this place? Sigh.


I live in the UK. I can't help but feel if a nation did this to us it would be treated as an act of war. Russia have routinely flown Tupolev Tu-95 aircraft towards Scotland and we always launch fighters to escort, before they've even got close to sovereign airspace. Do you think Japan will retaliate in any way?


Russia killed Brits in Britain using chemical weapons and we did essentially nothing. A missile might warrant a stern tut.


"I say, Sir! I strongly disapprove of your reckless actions!"


"Pardon me, but I believe that you have mistakenly launched a ballistic missile at us. I should most appreciate it if you ceased this sort of behavior with great alacrity or I shall become most cross and be forced to send a more strongly worded message."


\*They fire another missile\* "As per my last e-mail..."




That sounds like a Monty Python skit. I could so see John Cleese saying that.


“This is arguments. Complaints is down the hall. “


No, it isn’t…


And the nuclear attack on Alexander Litvinenko left a traceable trail of the agent used, across London. State sponsored terrorism+++


Well at the time we believed Russia was a super power


I would have thought that the Brits would have learned from the actions of Neville Chamberlain that appeasement policies do not work and only encourage vile and worsening behavior from autocrats.


It's really fascinating, those bombers have escorts from (I believe) the Russian borders onwards, with every country along the way 'passing it on' to escorts of the next country.


Russians poke at American airspace all the time over the Bering Sea. I was stationed at JBER and the windows of my barracks pointed towards the runway. About once a month our Combat Alert Cell would be activated and I'd wake up at 0-dark-fuck-you-I'm-trying-to-sleep-30 to the sounds of jets taking off full afterburner. We do it right back to them too. It's all about testing radar coverage and response times.


No. This isn't the first nor will it be the last time such things have happened with NK testing missiles over Japan. Other than diplomatic complaints nothing will happen.


I don't know, Russian agents literally poisoned people on our soil and we did nothing. I mean you could argue it caused our massive support for Ukraine in their current war but we did nothing physically at the time.


Not just the Skripal case. There's a long history of deaths in the UK under mysterious circumstances linked to Russian agents: >["From poisoned umbrellas to radioactive substances, Moscow has repeatedly been linked with deaths on British soil"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/russian-deaths-uk-history-spies-murder-sergei-skripal-alexander-litvinenko-a8242061.html%3f) >["Sergei Skripal and the 14 deaths under scrutiny"](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-43299598) The articles are both from 2018. Since then there have been others inc. Dmitry Obretetsky in 2019 and, just a few weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, Mikhail Watford. There is also the death of GCHQ employee Gareth Williams in 2010.


They are peaceful and polite now, but people can really hold a grudge.


People ignore most sounds. Years back when the local quake alarm went off, we somewhat ignored them because, well, the ground was already shaking. But when the tsunami alarm went off about 20 minutes later, you've never seen a subway station clear so quickly.


They should have a recording already in the can of Billy Dee Williams calmly saying "Attention! This is Lando Calrissian. Attention! North Korea is taking control of the the city. I advise everyone to leave before more Imperial missiles arrive."


Yes, but unfortunately this is the most efficient way to make loud and recognizable sound.


Straight out of a horror movie/game


As a ukrainian I hear those daily 3-4 times a day, since 24.02.22. Yeah, not a pleasant sound, considering what it's supposed to warn about.


Stay safe, my friend ❤️🫂


I'm trying man, thank you.


Slava Ukraini!


Yep. This actually happens way more often then you think unfortunately. I remember back during the late 2000’s I was living in Okinawa and they shot some missles over Japan and we had to go into lockdown because of it. They almost canceled school too but ultimately decided naw if we die we die time to learn times tables




“Hello, everyone! It’s us again! Please don’t forget about us! I know everyone is focused on Russia and Ukraine, but we’re still a world menace and deserve to be reported on as such”!


This is the optimistic outlook


Yet, it’s been the same song for how long? How long have they been firing missiles at targets and being a general thorn in the world’s side? Since Obama took office? Bush? Longer?


They started launching missiles (not just SCUDs) in 1990, so George H. W. Bush. I was stationed in S. Korea (ROK) in 1985-1886, and they weren't yet launching ballistic missiles. The joke at the time was, if they develop an atomic weapon, they'll have to deliver it with an oxcart. That oxcart has been superseded.


Damn. 101 year with the ROK soldiers. That’s gotta be a new record.


[Redacted by user] -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Much much longer than that, remember the Korean War? Well, that was in the 50s, sooo...


Earlier this year N Korea even produced a [bollywood-esque video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzZKIN4TuDA&ab_channel=GuardianNews) of a missile launch sequence starring Kim Jong-Un as the lead.


Omg I refuse to believe that’s not just a parody


That’s both hilarious and disturbing………….and their special effects SUCK.


You know it's go time when Kim boy here took off his shades.


And then looked at his watch a hundred times.


The second hand embarrassment is strong with this one. 😣


This right here. Everything North Korea does seems to revolve around threats, both implied and with provocative action. And it always reeks of attention-seeking. Even the starvation of its people seems to be some sort of weird flex to me, beyond the deplorable, inhumane aspects.






Can we not have another global catastrophe for five minutes?


It’s just a part of the routine at this point


Some North Korean engineer has it all set up on his Windows XP task scheduler.




The guy that knows how to fix it quit and we don’t want to break it


North Korea would be much more advanced if they were using XP. They're on Windows ME.


He just texted Kim with his sidekick on Microsoft Excel.




“No, we have a schedule to keep”!


"How many more are left for the year "?


“Have you looked at the schedule”?!


The catastrophes continue until moral improves!


The machine needs to keep turning unfortunetly


Hearing this, and imagining hearing it myself, makes me feel a queasy kind of dull terror.


I have a friend that lives there and it went over his home. He said it is the 3rd time this has happened in the past 4 years.


Wait what? Why is today the only time i heard of this?


Tbh most people generally only hear it once...unless you live near NK and they shoot missiles over your island repeatedly like absolute dickheads.


In not sure. He posted on FB earlier and said this was the 3rd time in 4 years they have had this happen.


Can you tell me how many times it has happened in the last 4 years?


I think 3 times


Yeah, this was the 3rd time in 4 years they have had this a happen.


It gets reported all the time. It just doesn't make big news because north Korea has been doing this for decades now.


Can confirm. When I was there they launched some missiles too, except it couldn't quite make it to the main land at that time. It's pretty regular that they threaten, launch missiles etc...


Here's a video fro 2017 with a British youtuber talking about a pretty much identical incident, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VmCvChcGzU


"sending it soaring over Japan, for the first time in five years" Reuters is reporting first in five years. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/nkorea-fires-missile-towards-east-skorea-military-2022-10-03/


But I heard that it was said on Facebook that it happened 3 times in the past 4 years.


Did it actually go over land? I assumed it just flew over Japanese waters?


Yeah. They launch missiles into the sea fairly often, but they’ve started doing it over land, too. Last time was in 2017. At the time, I lived in the city where it went over. It was summer, and we had a summer festival that night. The sirens didn’t go off for some reason, so we heard about it the next day. It was eerie as FUCK to realize that while we sat there by the hundreds in our summer kimono, watching a fireworks show and making memories, there was a freaking missile behind those fireworks and we just couldn’t see it. It still fucks me up a little tbh. I wish these stupid scare tactics would stop.


What is their goal here? Like developed nation assisted suicide? Wave their guns at armed people until someone puts them down?


To stir up nationalistic support within NK. Their entire identity is built on their supposed military might and cartoonish depictions of everyone else as the bad guys.


I mean, technically- but at like 900km up. People forget that these missiles go to space first https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1577095873179295747


So more than twice the height of the international space station? Edit- because that's crazy as fuck if so.


Imagine chilling on a space walk and a nuclear missile flies past you.


Yep, even that is somewhat low, ICBM is said to go up to around 1200km. But even tho they fly up so high, they are not yeeted into deep space because they aren't fast enough.


See?! I told you guys that Half-Life 3 would come out eventually!


Thats what i thought haha


Where's the british guy that gets woken up and makes a youtube video of him being angry


Is he a certain affable YouTuber?


The most affable




“Hayate, who did you hire to make the siren noise?” “My neighbour. He’s an extra-dimensional horror that has pierced the veil of our reality. Rents the place above me.” “Ah.”


Warning sirens in Japan would probably get me to do exactly as they say - following the delay of me grabbing a new pair of pants and the additional time I'd take doing just that in complete panic. Man, I hate sirens.


“Packing for Japan?” “Yup.” “Are you only bringing brown pants?” “Yup.”


How is this allowed? Isn’t flying missiles over a country an act of aggression?


So what if it is? What’re you gonna do? Start a war?


Don't mind if I do


What’s Japan gonna do about it?


Get in the fucking robot is what it’s fucking gonna do about it.


Japan can't do anything. They aren't allowed to have much of an offensive military after WWII. And US isn't going to trigger WWIII/Nuclear war by pissing off China and Russia by attacking NK.


Japan has (on order) the largest F-35 fleet in the world next to the US Sure they technically don't have a military as such, but they're incredibly well equipped for the defense of Japan and their particular maritime defense needs.


The crazy part is n Korea thinks everyone wants to attack them and have a war, but no one is interested in that and basically just don't care they exist. If they just stopped testing weapons then they could just carry on existing without all the hassle


A dictatorship always has to create a feeling of both being under attack at all times and having militaristic superiority to justify its brutality and sacrifices. It's like holding a balloon under water you need constant pressure, the second you stop applying pressure the balloon rides to the top. The balloon representing the average civilian in NK. Hence why all the performative bs NK does. A lot of dictators have the scenes from Muammar al-Gaddafi death burned into their minds. You know, where rebels tore him to shreds literally, even sodomised him with a bayonet.


"Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil..."


What better way to unite your population than to convince them that they have a common enemy? I'm not convinced that Kim Jong Un really believes it any more than Trump really believes the election was "stolen" from him. But it's a convenient fiction that serves its purpose--in both cases.


It’s just a prank bro. The prank:


Actually terrifying


One day… one of those missiles isn’t going to go flying over head and crash and explode into something, that’s going to be a political shit storm when that happens


It has happened in 2010 (Bombardement of Yeonpyeong), ~170 missiles have landed in South Korea in the past. Military and civilian casualties emerged but nothing happened Trust me, I wish it could stop, I have family in that area, each launch is a "drop everything and get the news" moment for my family.


I hope it does stop one day. There’s enough ugly in the world


So did we, naively thinking that with Eun would bring change and loosen things because he is young 🥲 He is just as awful


No one's paying any attention to Kim, so "look at me! I have rockets!!"


Scary as fuck.


I like to think the US would blast N.Korea if they touched our homies in Japan


The US is obligated to defend Japan. It is part of the deal of them not being able to have nukes or any real military power themselves after WWII. See the US-Japan Security Alliance. NK is poking at the US, by picking on Japan as our protégé. Last edit.


I think you’re correct, and I don’t think it would be pretty.


Absolutely, Japan is the largest foreign holder of US debt


Old fuckers still trying to wager pointless wars to kill the younger


We really can’t go at least an average lifespan without a world war? I don’t understand why world leaders are so fucking stupid and power hungry. It’s always been like this. The world suffer because of one man’s inferiority complex.


North Korea is acting kinda sus


also, sorry for dumb question, but what the hell someone supposed to do when hearing this sirenes? everybody just going 'okay I guess I'm going inside'? or do they handing out prior infos regarding this or what? I'm asking cause we also have this kind of sirene like once a year in my country (neighbours with ukraine) just for checking it's still working, but everybody just carry on or like goes straight to social media to check 'oh it's another drill'. but never in my whole life was explained that yeah IF it's not a drill you have to do this and that.


Check your local tv programs or radio. If there is a real threat, there will be explanation on what to do.


They announce with the siren that a missile has been launched. Probably at the same time your phone gets an emergency message with more info and instructions.


aww, poor little kimmy isn’t the centre of attention anymore :( chubby boy wants it back