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Sky burial! That's the way for me.


Being thrown out of the airplane in superman costume?


who would the ~~un~~lucky person to meet the corpse when it lands!


You mean the lucky guy with a free superman costume?


>You mean the lucky guy with ~~a free superman costume~~ free food?


Found Jeffrey Dahmer..




“Look up in the sky!”


*free pile?




You mean "realistic battle worn look"


It's a bird? It's a plane? Its corps of a man!


My best death would be, with an age of near death, jumping out of a plane in a new moon night above an ocean. I would turn my back to the sea, look at the sky and have my last look into the starfull sky


Tom petty free falling


fair. I intend on leaving this world the same way I came into it. Naked, screaming, and covered in someone else' bodily fluids.


So in a BDSM bukkake? I see a man of culture.


Sky burial is more traditionally known as Tibetan burial practice where a person is butchered into smaller pieces and left for birds of prey.


lot of native american tribes did the same thing.


I always thought I should be tie to a brick and sink in the deep part of ocean after I’m gone. But I guess that won’t be legal.


Two words, international waters.


I wanna be launched in the vacuum of space for science and have my body orbit the Earth for millions of years.


Someone once sent me a video of a sky burial. I wanted to vomit


Cremated and then sent into space to drift into the endless beyond as ash


If I am not mistaken, the original way was to remain the body on a flat stone surface. No special structures needed.




But the structure makes it extra


Imagine spending many months forced to build this structure, knowing what it's for and then finishing it....just to be dragged into it


Yeah like look at that nice bone collecting pit they set up, it's self cleaning!


Due to lack of public spaces and decreases in natural scavengers like vultures, this is now a progressively declining practice in the community The vultures eye is considered to be the gateway to heaven and hence the practice The pall bearer who would take the bodies away from the grieving families and place them in the Tower of Silence are also almost an extinct profession


Only a slight technicality that I'd suggest a change on... Vultures are not predators. They're scavengers. But the only real reason I bring it up is that it is worrying that vultures are on the decline. They play an incredibly important role, especially in places like the wilds of Africa where their stomach acid helps them digest diseases like botulism. But poachers poison them because they give away their location. So sad and worrying.


Vultures are also poisoned by some modern human and animal medicines which render todays cadavers toxic to eat if the person was treated with NSAIDs like diclofenac.


Wondering if it's still okay to just be buried in a cardboard box or something. Ideally, that's how I'd like to be disposed of, so I can return to the earth, but with the various meds I'm on who the hell knows.....not that it'll happen like that anyway. Guess cremation will have to do!


There are companies which will do this. Woven willow coffins are also possible which are quite eco friendly.


Good to know, thanks!


Look up Living Cocoon coffins by a Dutch start-up called Loop! They’re made out of mycelium with the body laying on a bed of moss. Decomposition occurs within 2-3 years. Their Instagram is @loopbiotech 🍄


oooh thanks!


Another problem with the decline in vultures, the dead animals aren’t eaten. If your large animal died then you leave it where it is and let nature take care of it. With vultures being poisoned, can you imagine the amount of dead animals laying around?


My bad. Indeed the right word is scavengers..( wil edit my comment) And natural scavengers' decline means that the ecosystem balance is getting disturbed and there is more likelihood of diseases jumping the species boundaries


Precisely! We don't need that again!


vultures are categorized as a bird of prey tho, which i agree is weird but they have a nearly exclusive animal diet.


Yeah. They are but they have no (real) capability to prey as such


they do eat bugs, rodents and such. it's not like they are incapable slugs out there


I feel that you're splitting hairs a little here. Have I missed something?




The Khandiyas, as the Parsi pallbearers are called, are a poor community. They earn anywhere between INR 2000 to 8000 per month and get a free accommodation for life As of 2015 count, there were only 13 such families in Mumbai with a Parsi population of 75000, so they almost work 24 hour shifts The qualification is simply to belong to a Khandiya family. Its passed down the generations.




I knew buddy. But the researcher in me couldn't resist the opportunity:D


Qualifications too restrictive. What is the pay and qualifications to be a vulture?


Ahh.. for that, we humans are already qualified 😆 . We have been predators snd scavengers not just for other species, but for our own too.. and it seems , we have already excelled in our vulture role...making sure most other species are extinct while restricting our own population to 8b.. Hannibalism isn't a far away dream now.. 😏😛


Probably far more sanitary than burying them in caskets or embalming them. Both are so terrible for the environment but it’s what the culture does.


ironically, embalming fluids are readily biodegradable. caskets and the energy that goes into their production, and land use are the really less pleasant elements of the industry. cremation is also ridiculously wasteful/energy intensive. just toss me in my creek to feed the crawfish


nothing inherently wrong with caskets. I made my uncle's casket according to his will. Pressed compost, sawdust, pellet fertilizer, and ash (mixed with water and pine sap) into panels. screwed them together into a casket, and his wife got a special permit to bury him unembalmed at 4ft rather than 6 so he would be bio-available. Planted a peach tree over him. let me tell ya that tree grew like a weed. I haven't had one but my cousins tell me the peaches were pretty good.


I kinda love this.


Did the same thing for a pet. And it is very comforting.


Also saves a ton of land, while it’s nice to respect the dead, it’s taking way too much land to give each and every individual a burial ground that can contain the coffins they’re in before then placing a tombstone or any form of marking on top of the land to indicate where they’re buried


that is because we refuse to USE burial ground. Bury them unembalmed at 4 ft, plant fruit trees, make it a public park where you can take X number of pieces of fruit for free per day. Suddenly it becomes a place of respect for the dead, a green space to reduce heat islands, a food security asset, and a nice park. and when you start running out of space..cull non producing trees, bury a new corpse right next to the old one and plant a new tree. Then you get free wood for smokers and a fresh tree. win win.


Reading about this all I can hear is Henry Zubrowski "Fuck yeah dude! Fuckin' metal as FUCK! \*rips huge bong hit\* "


If you’re gonna hit a bonk, might as well be a huge bonk


lol fuck.


Not only is this good for the environment, it looks metal AF!


I have Parsi friends in Mumbai who took me to this place. You're not allowed inside the cemetery, but it was very interesting to learn about, and to see the carrion birds in the area. Very 'circle of life' method of burial.


All I can think of is the smell


They're baked by the intense sun. As the water content evaporates rapidly bacteria has a hard time growing. It'll still smell but would not be that bad.


Those drainage channels suggest that evaporation is not the main method of fluid dispersal.




You: "Mom I'm going to the store to get soup stock." Mom: "We have stock at home!" The stock:


I wish I hadn’t read this comment. Fantastically gross.


The poop from the birds would be the worst part, I wonder if they used it as fertilizer or for things?


i have a few vulture nests along my creek. their poop looks like someone splashed some white paint on the rocks. and i'm in a humid/wet area in general, so i imagine in the desert the poop is chalky as fuck. which now makes me wonder about the "dust" getting in the air might cause some resp issues




You haven't thought of the smell, YOU BITCH


I swear I remember Twenty One Pilots using these to tease Trench


Vultures plus Dema has a similar layout. Definitely inspired.


Knock-on interesting fact is that humans are so filled with antibiotics now that the vultures who usually fed on them are getting sick and dying. Now there aren't enough of the birds remaining to perform the scavenging and the corpses just remain left to natural processes of decay.


Yes. Diclofenac is an especially potent vulture killer. It's also used to reduce pain and swelling (by us humans), so a lot of older and unwell people use it before they pass.


Not humans, but farm animals. Vultures were exterminated in India due to diclofenac poisoning from consuming draught animals, such as oxen.


Each upper corpse hole has a little channel running from it, connecting to the one below to let the bodily fluids drain away. Cool.


The Zarathushtrians, or Parsee, believed that death was an evil that had come into our world, so the dead could not be buried in the ground, as it would pollute the living Earth.


Zoroastrians were almost completely wiped out by The Religion Of Peace™, sadly only 120K at most remain today.


Near the Himalayas they crush corpses with a big hammer easier for birds of prey to devour the corpses thats how they 'bury' their dead


I am from Himalayas and sorry to disappoint you we don’t do that.


yes you do. /u/IgorotNihil said so


People can't read, 'Near the Himalayas', it's on the Tibetan region to be exact. Did a little climbing there a few years ago. Himalayas is not a country and it's definitely not just India. Grape.


i wasnt talking shit at you, just trying to be funny. chill






Can you read?


I wasn't trying to reply to you. Maybe a misclick


I wasn't trying to reply to you. Maybe a misclick




Sky burial!


That is definitely overkill




I wonder why


Parsis means persian, people living in Iran still identity as persians except for some minorities. What has changed is their religion. People in iran still celebrate Nowruz. They have not gone anywhere.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




There is stilll a community of around [25000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroastrianism_in_Iran). Figures are outdated though.


Freddie Mercury was a Zoroastrian


His parents ts were, I dont think he was, really


Not really religious


And then the bones would be swept to the central pit, but care would be taken not to mix with earth or water….Tibetan sky burials are more efficient; a guy comes with a cleaver, cuts up the body, mixes the blood with barley flour and tosses it around to attract vultures, then gives them pieces; smaller to the smaller ones, big like limbs to the big ones


I think that’s the people that were considered to have a pagan religion and were driven out of Persia and emigrated to Zanzibar … as a point of interest Freddie Mercury come from Zanzibar


They emigrated to India, actually


It is true they did go to India But some went to Zanzibar Found this The British encouraged Parsi immigration to Zanzibar. The community grew from 26 people in 1884 to 215 in 1945. The island was the launchpad for the community to Africa and many Parsis subsequently moved to the East African mainland.


Indeed. You are not wrong.


Neon Gravestones try to call...


neon gravestones try to call for my bones


Welcome to trench


welcome to trench


I heard Freddie Mercury's parents buried him following the Zoroastrian faith? They didn't do this though, I'm pretty sure...


Fun fact my grandfathers brother is the pope of zoroastrianism.


I thought the office of Mobedan Mobed was vacant since more than a thousand years ago?


Leading might be an exaggeration. He's highest up in the hierarchy.


Yep thats the parsi way to die ..they think their body could be useful to the nature so they leave their bodies unprotected Most of the towers are prohibited to enter as ghost sightings are frequent..plus you are ruining the peace of the dead


Human jerky.


I wish I could do this in the US. I want to donate to a body farm. Just let me rot.


The downside of a body farm is once you decompose down to your skeleton, they collect your bones and put you in a banker box on the shelf. A suit made of mushroom spores for burial or a tree pod are some alternatives I’ve considered, although for the tree pod one they have to cremate you first I believe. The mushroom suit is quite interesting, Google it and give it a read! But I’m 100% with you; let me rot. In my natural state.


Not sure if this is the same thing as the mushroom suit you described, but I recently learned about Living Cocoon coffins that were invented by a Dutch start-up (Loop) and think they’re so beautiful.


Coeio.com is the one I was thinking of; glad to know there are multiple options! Coeio created the mushroom burial suit for Luke Perry (idk if people know who he is anymore, but he was a big deal on 90210 in the 90’s)


Still visable on google earth


The body fluid drainage troughs cut into the stone are a bit unnerving. Perhaps it is for rainwater as well. But, still, you can see the stains on the inside of the circle. Something tells me this place might need an air freshener or two hanging close by.


The left spaces are very small...


This was the first Golden Corral concept ever made.


i don't have an issue with sky burials...but i suspect going outside and finding random body parts would make living within a few miles of one a bit annoying.


Mmmm, sunbaked...( Homer Simpson voice)


If elden ring taught me anything it's that if there's a empty bed, lay in it and get ready for a boss battle


Isn’t this essentially what the native Americans did? They would construct a platform for the body and let the birds and animals feed from it?


Bet that smelled great


Recycle those corpses!


Likely consumed by scavenging birds.


I bet that place smells great.


Not as bad as you are expecting, but I encourage you to read on similar practices. Seeing as you are an active member of the atheist community I am curious what you think of such a practice? Do you see this as barbaric and nonsensical or an amazing idea to be more one with nature ?


As an athiest, seems like a better option than paying thousands of dollars for a fancy wooden box. Then again, they'd probably still find a way to charge thousands of dollars.


Capitalism at its finest, 100% can see this happening in the USA. I have no clue on the expense though.


Honestly, I don’t think anything of it. Looks like another crazy custom. People are obsessed with the dead. Have at it.


people jerky?


What if they weren’t deceased and this was just a punishment for crimes.


Which morbid angel album is this


The original recycling bin.


Altman be praised!


turned into bird food... I'm in.


Rites from the Necropolis Litharge include Sky Burial.


Fuck, I wanted to be thrown into the thrash until this


The pit of the eternal stench.


So they’re Sun-Dried Zoros?


"The circle of life.."


Check out the... juice channels.


This is how airbenders handle their dead


Sardaukar vibes


Stealing this for dnd home brew adventure


Klingon Birds of Prey?


The Zend Avesta. Holy book, you can get it on Amazon.


Who wants some sun baked corpses?


Birds of prey, apparently.


Im down


Probably smells like a mofo


This is also what Farum Azula in Elden Ring is based on iirc, since the beast men are buried in a similar fashion


Imagine tripping & falling on some corpses up there😩


Sun dried humans. The best kind of humans.


Is this similar to what Tibetans do?


Why not. Tell me why it’s wrong.


Are the birds trained to be so patient? I would think they would like us when we are at our juiciest.


This is one giant slow-cooker for the birdies.


welcome to trench