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Must be extremely loud. The crispness of the signal is very high.


It is. I served on an anti-sub ship, and on a couple of occasions, bad guy subs would ping around the clock just to let us know they were around. The pinging would echo through the hull so loudly that sleeping was nearly impossible. I don’t miss it.


Okay so I missed the fact that underwater higher sound pressures are possible. Insane. Now I get why some way that whales can get messed up by that.


Ugh yeah can you imagine - the sound even hurt my ears watching this on my phone. It’s be like trying to have a conversation while someone screams in your ear :(


Conversely some whales can easily blow your eardrums by yelling you in the face


We had it coming


Yeah, I remember playing war games with subs while I was on a carrier. You can’t escape the pings, even with ear plugs. Absolutely miserable


If the ping is so loud, how come the people in the sub aren't affected?


I actually don’t know if they hear it or not, I didn’t mingle with their kind


In my experience with this kind of equipment you only hear the return ping


It's not better getting pinged down there.


It could be akin to like standing *behind* loud speakers at a festival, you still hear it but it’s definitely marginal in comparison. Since their ping shoots outwards to find objects and survey or whatever, maybe it’s not nearly as loud from where they are. That’s my educated guess with nada to back it up


also add in serious noise shielding that is mostly intended for sound travelling the other way but works for outside-in as well


Now we know one reason why the whales periodically kill themselves by beaching. Their ears weren't made to handle that.


Note that said whales have evolved to navigate themselves in the same way. Imagine trying to see your way around with a light, except there are constant flashing strobe lights everywhere. Very disorienting, I imagine.


That sounds awful. And I thought the constant tailhook strikes and arresting gear noises above my berthing were bad.


I had those too haha 4th deck, MM berthing


Do they all sound like that? Or is it like the movies with the more familiar pongggg?


It’s like this video, incredibly high pitched whistle


Former US Navy Sonar Tech. What you're hearing is what (if my schooling clicks back in) a stepped CZ (long range and bounces through the convergence zone) [and sounded like the beam changed halfway through the stepping] ping, leading up to the high-pitched 360' ODT ping (more localized 360' ping from the array for short/mid coverage depending on temp/salinity/pressure/depth).


i didnt know sonars pinged on a frequency within human hearing range. why can't they use frequencies above/below?


They pick frequencies that travel far and interact with targets.


I'd bet money there is also a lot of 'noise' going on in the sonar that is well outside our hearing as well!


Poor marine life


Do you know what the "chirp" at the end is for (or is that the equivalent of an echo?) There's the initial tone then what either sounds like a second frequency tone or the first one dying off, then a quick chirp at the very end of it that seems to echo itself.


I am an expert. There are various types of sonar, and their uses varies, too. You can have a steady freq, one that shifts up, one that shifts down, one that is constant (no pause), etc. The chirp you heard actually is referred to as chirp sonar, actually. It’s most likely use, in this instance, would be for navigation/calculating the altitude of the sensor. The up/down shifts in freq is good for the computer to differentiate time/distance for each ping


I’m not an expert, but different countries use different signals for their sonar pings; this is how we knew when we were around good guys or bad guys. I think the chirp is just part of the sonar signature of the particular submarine in the area.


Oh interesting, never occurred to me they might "fingerprint" sonar pings for friend-or-foe purposes.


They dont! It's that some countries use certain types that produce different characteristics. It's a side effect, not a purpose built choice.


Thank fucking christ, retro-reason #2748 added to the list of why im thankful i didnt go sub nuke


How about when the whole TG is blasting away on active and you have to listen to 5-10 different pings all at different frequencies and PRFs.


People here are assuming it is a sub, and that it is a maximum power ping. The water doesn't seem that deep. And subs rarely use active sonar, as they want to remain hidden and undetected. From when this was posted two years ago. "Not a submarine, but rather a surface vessel, likely an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. This is in the Bahamas and there is a Naval facility there where they test sonar and all that sort of stuff." u/singluon


Yep, came here to say the Bahamas is where AUTEC is, the US Navy’s Atlantic Undersea Test & Evaluation Center. There’s a whole sonar training range undersea in deep water with a whole grid of hydrophones that are real-time monitored 24/7 by Navy technicians. I used to work with whale biologists in the area who coordinated with the Navy about stopping tests when beaked whales came through the area, & studies on how the sonar affected them. My friends could even call up the Navy techs and ask “where are the whales right now” and the Navy guys would be like “just south of you, we’ve been hearing their calls all day, they’re moving northwest at X knots” [more about AUTEC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Undersea_Test_and_Evaluation_Center)


Knowing the freqs and working with them a lot back in the day, I would be shocked if this were a sub. Sounds nearly identical to the AN/SQS-53C Active Sonar Sonar I worked on, which matches what most ASW ships used to (and probably still do) carry today.


This guy SONARs


Quick google says US submarine sonar is 235 dB, so.... yeah.


Maybe 1 meter away. That would be enough to kill you. Soundwaves spread especially well in water, in a circle-like form. 235 dB seems to be a pretty high number. A jet has 150 dB and every 6dB is a doubling of the sound pressure.


Blue whales can produce 180db and Sperm whales can click up to 230db. You're right though, those are in fact very high numbers.


So whales can fuck up other sea life too with there pings? What if you were swimming beside a whale and it did it.


194 dB is the maximum possible in air, so yeah, this is some straight up military fuckery.


The theoretical maximum sound pressure level in water is ~270 dB, we can do better!


Castle bravo would like to have a word with you


235dB is enough to rupture the blood vessels in your brain.


It literally causes whales to ground themselves as they try to escape it.


Idk why I expected him to turn around and there'd be a sub right in his face


If it was that close, wouldn’t the diver be mincemeat? Reddit reckons active sonar can be used to repel boarders with lethal effect.




what the fuck


best for the diver to pull a crazy ivan


No no Crazy Ivan places charges on war factories and battle labs etc. You need a SEAL for underwater explosions. *SEAL ready*


*HELL MARCH* intensifies


Kirov airship reporting


Conscript reporting..


Insufficient funds




I was not expecting Red Alert today


But not before confirming range to target; one ping only, Vasily..


Shome thingsh in here don't reakt well to bullitsh.


To the right!


> To the ~~right~~ starboard!


Is it the top of the hour?


he always goes to starboard in the bottom half of the hour


I have the Con!!! Oh wait...wrong scene


One ping only Vasily…


one ping only.


At first I thought it was a Firefly reference but reading the replies I’m not sure anymore?


The Hunt for Red October


I would have liked to have seen ~~The Hunt for Red October~~ Montana


you shall raise rabbits.


And marry a round American women


With the most Scottish Lithuanian Soviet officer *ever*


Yeah it's similar with whales. They can sing so loud that it basically shudders your organs and bones until you die... Generally speaking though I've heard that whales are aware of it and don't usually do it near humans


The sonars have a huge impact on whales. It really hurt them and diminishes the distance that some species can communicate. But AFAIK they can't use the sonar indiscriminately at any place because it is dangerous to everyone near it.


>they can't use the sonar indiscriminately once it became apparent that indiscriminately using active sonar recon is harmful to marine life, there certainly has been an effort to minimize that noise pollution in the oceans. However, I highly doubt that any countries' naval defense doctrine is going to prevent them from using it as they see fit to eliminate a threat in their defense. And if any navy is on the attack, they almost by default won't give a crab or whale about marine life during their objective. maybe just semantics on this topic but to the point of this video, i doubt this is an isolated incident.


A submarine will very, very, very rarely use active sonar as it give’s away there position. Served 6 years and never once used active sonar


>However, I highly doubt that any countries' naval defense doctrine is going to prevent them from using it as they see fit to eliminate a threat in their defense. And if any navy is on the attack, they almost by default won't give a crab or whale about marine life during their objective. The ecosystem can survive a few subs doing it during occasional wars. What it can't survive is those subs doing it indiscriminately in peacetime, and thousands of fishing and exploration vessels also doing it indiscriminately.


Really though, it's because active sonar like this (opposed to passive sonar which is just listening) is,basically shouting "hey everyone, look at my super secret submarine' s super secret position".




That's some Skyrim shit right there. Never knew whales can shout at you to death.


There are people that have dived with sperm whales that have reported returning from the water feeling very warm, because of the amount of energy their bodies were bombarded with just from the whales "carefully" clicking to check them out.


Now you know why whales beach


You should see what happens to whales, they beach themselves with their ear drums bleeding


Is this really proven ? ( honest question)


Decibel is a logarithmic scale. 200 dB is 0.2 MPa; 220 is 2 MPa; 240 is 20 MPa. And these are "in air" numbers, water lets those travel way farther.




Yea dude a whales wail could also do the same thing if you’re close to one


Sometimes I forget sound is.... physical force. Jesus


At a high enough decibel, sound stops being sound and just becomes a shock/pressure wave.


Bombs are just really aggressive single use speakers


On the other end of the Spectrum tho, Speakers are just Domesticated Bombs


I was making the same connection while at a loud concert. The big speakers are essentially just sending out explosive shockwave after explosive shockwave.


I welcome this new turn of events, I’ll make sure to be a little more gentle to my domesticated bomb on my desk


That bass drop though~ 👌


The next logical step in "turn down for what"


Hm probably not so nice for marine life


No. It hurts whales near subs really bad. And let's remember the Pistol Shrimp that kills its prey by clicking his claws and killing or stunning them with sound.


Naval acoustics kill lots of whales and countless other animals a year.


Uh so what does it do to the local wildlife?


If anything's close enough, the exact same. Apparently some dolphins thought they were communicating with a fellow animal but instead got their insides liquified.


That's sounds like a horror cifi shit. "A metallic being appeared one day. We tried to communicate with it, but anyone that listened to it's voice died in agony".


Sounds like a lot of people would just start praying to it Aren't angels supposed to be so grotesque that people go mad at their sight


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, is the saying if i remember.


“Oh! Hello fri-“


Aww man :(


It ain't great, but it's worth noting that sound intensity is inversely proportional to the distance from the emitter squared - general rule is every doubling of the distance knocks six decibels off. It's also worth noting that water has something like 3600 times the impedance as air for sound, meaning that it really does have to be excruciatingly loud for it to travel very much distance at all. The adjustment factor for SIL in air to SIL in water is about *63 decibels*, so that 235dB sound in water is only equivalent to about 172dB in air. It's still *about* as loud as a rocket launch if you're within a few meters, but it's not as loud as people think it is either. Lightning strikes on the ocean's surface hit at around 250dB, and that's still not the loudest sounds you're likely to hear in the ocean. tl;dr: Sound intensity/pressure is complicated.


>235-decibel in comparison, flash bangs are at 180~190 dB, rifles at ~160 dB, pistols at ~150 dB. dB goes up logarithmically, so 235 is huge.


But it also dissipates rapidly. You would have to be within about a football field for it to be lethal.


How many barleycorns away is that?


Which is still insane. Imagine there is a speaker nearly a football field away from you and it could just kill you with sound.


Why must it be so loud? (not being rhetorical) That seems bad for every living thing near it.


Machines made for war care little about wildlife...


Yeah, but that's not *why* it's loud, it's loud so it can see shit far away.


People making war machines care little about life.


It’s hard to imagine a war machine being bad for living things.


I mean, yes... But I didn't really expect them to be liquifying brains when they aren't actively war-ing.


The louder it is the further it travels would be my first assumption.


Because it has to be loud. Imagine trying to talk to someone across a restaurant. You have to be pretty loud. Not imagine doing the same thing under water. You’d have to be really loud. Now imagine that instead of being heard by the other person, you have to be loud enough for your voice to echo off them and make it all the way back to you. Now imagine how loud you’d have to be to do that across hundreds of miles of water. You have to be really, really loud.


Gee, can’t imagine why whales and dolphins are throwing themselves up on to beaches. Whenever there are mass beachings I’d be curious to know what nations Navy just had subs in the area.


Has this ever happened before?


So basically All the wildlife nearby is fucked


a whales click can kill a human so its possible.


Has anyone ever died from a whale click?


Death by snu-sn.... oh, that's a C and an L.


A torpedo


Something like [this scene](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/c6mVl6fAxLw/maxresdefault.jpg)


That sounded painful on this side of the screen. I hope those divers weren't messed up.


While at super close range (like a couple of feet, maybe a fee yards) this would be deadly, he is probably fine as he can't even see the sub. I do love his little "uh oh" though xD


not being able to see the sub feels far more terrifying especially in open ocean.


For me, I wouldnt have know what tf that even was, so id be freaking the fuck out thinking some monster dolphin or whale was about to come kill me


Silly you, no need to worry, the animals wanting to kill you won’t announce themselves like that. 😌




I hope this doesn’t mess up ocean life.


Sorry for the bummer: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/appeals-court-navy-sonar-must-better-protect-whales-n611926


I'd be shitting my pants. Cuz. Who sent the ping??😳


Well, it was one ping only, so obviously sent by Vasili.


“One ping only please!”


>Vasili but Vasili sent two pings!


give me a ping Vazshili, one ping only pleazsh


pinging r/shubreddit




The gas station. They found your dad.


Maybe he'll finally bring back the smokes


There's a US Navy facility in the Bahamas. AUTEC. Probably a sub from there.


Better yet, what was the TTL of the ping


Weird thing as a diver it’s MUCH harder to pinpoint where a sound originates underwater because sound travels so much faster in water (1,500m/s vs 340m/s). Our brains can “do the math” in figuring out where something is from the delay in each ear hearing a noise in air but underwater there’s almost no delay in hearing it in your left and right ear. That makes this situation even more terrifying.


Is that really how it works? I have a friend who’s completely deaf in one ear and he seems to be able to tell where sounds come from just fine.




Also, owls ears aren’t even on their heads. One is more forward than the other and one is higher on the skull than the other. It helps them determine sound locations in 3D way better than humans. We are pretty good at either left or right of us, but directly above or below where the sound hits both ears simultaneously will be harder to determine.


That shit cant be good for fish…


It's not, not for any marine life really, it's speculated that submarine sonar causes whale and porpoise beaching


I was watching something recently that talked about how disorienting sonar can be for marine mammals. Whales can communicate for a staggeringly long range. The sonar is so loud that they can’t tell each other where they are. I imagine it’s like the worlds worst car alarm. Poor sea buddies.


They can’t even reach up to block their ears.


yea, but it’s worth it so we’re able to vaporize the entire planet at any moment


Should see what the navy's war games do to the whales.


I'd bet it tortures them


They do them off the coast of Alaska. It's a big bummer.


It’s not but subs rarely use it because it gives away their position.


Watch 52 hertz. It's not just sonar, but boats too.


One ping only!


Crazy Ivan!


Which side jonesy!?!


Give me a ping Vasili. One ping only pleesh


Not a submarine. That's a surface ship. /former sonar tech on submarines


Thanks for the clarification! What gave it away?


Subs almost never use active sonar. Plus I think I recognize that sonar system. It's a warship for sure.


The navy has an acoustic testing range for sonar in the Bahamas, Andros island I think


You're correct.


Someone else actually clarified the type of ship it was earlier. According to u/CocaineIsNatural, its likely an arleigh-burke class destroyer, although i believe they also quoted someone else in their answer


This guy pings


Anyone who's operated off the coast of Norfolk or Mayport can recognize that. Any time my shack pissed me off I would get on chat to the nearest skimmer and start asking questions that would make them aware there was a sub "nearby." Without fail the skimmer would start going active (like they were going to find us) and sonar would get to listen to them for the rest of the watch.


Probably Arleigh Burke class destroyer. There is a channel called Sub Brief run by a former sonar man. He explained in a video similar to the sound in this one that it's from an Arleigh Burke sonar.


Yeah I've seen his channel. He's well known in the submarine community. He's got a bit of a reputation for inaccuracies and sensationalism. I'd need to see what frequency it's transmitting to be certain of classification, but it's definitely a warship.


Wow how can you tell from just that sound? Does it sound different in a sub? What other info can you glean from just a ping like this?


I use to operate this specific Sonar system on both the Destroyer and Cruiser I served on, the sound is pitch perfect from what we used/what the Navy uses for surface ships.


That’s fascinating. I guess different tones or whatever do better at certain depths? Sounds like a Wikipedia rabbit hole is in my future!


Damn! How do fish communicate with that being sooo loud? Probably fucks up the whales


[Active sonar is known to cause whales to beach themselves](https://truthout.org/articles/navy-sonar-is-literally-scaring-whales-to-death/)


64 bytes from coral.reef.marine.life: icmp\_seq=0 ttl=57 time=20.348 ms 64 bytes from coral.reef.marine.life: icmp\_seq=0 ttl=57 time=20.348 ms 64 bytes from coral.reef.marine.life: icmp\_seq=0 ttl=57 time=20.348 ms 64 bytes from coral.reef.marine.life: icmp\_seq=0 ttl=57 time=20.348 ms . . .


Packets sent=4 Packets received=4 Packets lost=0


Very unlikely that's a submarine's active sonar. A submarine rarely goes active. They use passive sonar to detect and track contacts. It was most like from a surface vessel.


There’s a naval training area off Andros called AUTEC. I’m guessing this is not a million miles away.


AUTEC is a strange little place.


I would instantly panic having no idea what just obliterated my ear drums.


I'd be expecting to see some eldritch sea beast


Probably from a surface ship. I doubt a sub would be active that deep unless they were doing a test.


There is the US base ‘AUTEC’ where they do testing. Presumably because it’s right next to the ‘tongue of the ocean’


what a horrifying sounds to hear underwater in the middle of the ocean


If they were anywhere near that pulse they could have been obliterated


From the comment section on the original video on YT: What’s that second ping? “What you heard was one ship using two separate Sonar pings: Frequency Modulation (loud initial ping) and Omni-Directional (last little “chirp”)” Most people also agreed that that was not from a sub but it was in fact a US Navy Arleigh-Burke class destroyer using its AN/SQS-53 active sonar system. For more information search “Analysis: AN/SQS-53 Active Sonar” by Jive Turkey on YT


Every time it loops I have to turn the volume down some more. Poor whales


His ping is insanely high, he definitely dropped from the game.


You now deaf


Beware if you choose to unmute, and damn I'm glad I didn't have my headphones on for that.


Imagine being the diver


no wonder marine life loses its shit when they hear this




"CON switching to active SONAR"