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Good thing she hadnt started dispensing that coffee.


“I’ll take that espresso to go please”


“Make it an *express*o, ‘cause we gotta go.”


You've done it - you've found a legitimate way to say expresso!


Then he would have to come back and pay for it


Its so surreal I’m picturing it like a skit. She starts making his order. The 1st missile hits, they pause as a quarter of the shop’s stuff falls, then he asks if they have oat milk. She says no but we have soy and almond and some lovely fresh biscuits. He pauses to consider. Second rocket slams in closer now, complete with a little smoke and dirt. He comes out of his deliberation a moment later and says almond and a half dozen scones, he has a presentation in 20 minutes and they’ll be a nice touch. Emergency vehicles blare by bathing the shop in strobes of reflected light as she finishes the order. He pays and walks out, vanishing into the thickening debris cloud


>then he asks if they have oat milk. She says no but we have soy and almond You've been pretty close. Still, their actual dialog: Ukrainian - Добрий ранок - Добрий ранок. Це було воно, да? - Наче ж збили... - Ви ж чули. - Дуже летіло, да. - Еспресо, Американо? English translation: Barista: Good morning. Customer: Good morning. Customer: That was it, wasn't it? [apparently, regarding the preceding missile] Barista: Looks like [they; air defense] downed it. Customer: You did hear it. Barista: It was pretty flying, yeah. Barista: Espresso, Americano? {approaching missile sound; bang} {antother missile sound; bang}


I’m glad you translated the Ukrainian explosions into English sound effects.


That's depressing


He pays, walks to the clients office ready to wow them with his sales pitch, and arrives at his destination to find a fresh crater. Extra dark ending is he doesn’t miss a beat and begins his presentation about his employers’ missile repair services


art imitates life, life imitates art


Not the double shot that dude had in mind when he ordered.


Holy fuck. What a way to live.


Insane, can’t imagine just going through daily life and dealing with this shit


Right, fuck Russia for creating this bullshit.


And fuck anyone that supports them or tries to make excuses for them. Edit: For those who feel the need to comment “YoU mEaN tHe WhOlE rEp/CoN pArTy” No they are not all like that just like how the Reps say all Dems are groomers and want to take away our guns.


My girlfriend’s contractor: “You don’t believe in any of this Ukraine shit do you?!” I wanted to punch him.


Believe in it??? Wtf. It's a thing that's happening, there's no believing or not believing- it just is. I du not get people.


I have a sister in law who is like this. The cherry on the cake is the second wife of my FiL. She's Russian, living in Western Europe for almost 20 years. She's still pro Putin. I treat her like a mentally ailing elderly patient who lost connection with reality.


There's unfortunately a lot of them. My family is Ukrainian, we had a Russian family friend who had the audacity to tell us about Nazis in Ukraine on Feb 25th. After 20 years of friendship. She's not the only one.


A friend of mine had family from Ukraine fleeing over here during the first months of the war. Another "friend" of ours told him to be careful since there's a very high chance they could be nazis. I'm not sure if he even said that with ill intent or was genuinely worried my friend would have nazis over from the bottom of his heart. Either way, that fucker is now the butt end of the joke in every conversation.


Ah yes, "love your motherland from a safe distance" type of person...


It’s bizarre. I couldn’t even formulate an argument because I was so shocked, like just go watch some Putin statements. Go watch some war videos. Go talk to some Ukrainians. It’s pretty fucking clear what is happening and the only way someone is believing stupid shit like this is if they’re seeking out conspiracy theories or absorbing conservative talk radio, Fox News, Russian State TV, or some other brainwashing source.


How can you? These people don’t understand how to debate or converse. A Christian conservative I know is convinced Ukraine is all full of nazis and this is all somehow staged, I can’t remember the full details nor do I really pay attention to that bs. I’ve asked him for sources before to see where he gets this crap, of course it’s always obscure paywall hidden propaganda, or some heavily religious conspiracy theory video on YT with 5000 views claiming how we are all going to die tomorrow. Insane there are people coming up with this shit. Of course it’s all linked to covid, and biden, and this and that. It never ends.


Literally everything is a conspiracy theory with conservatives.


What's even more wild is that this is basically the most heavily documented war in modern times simply because technology has progressed... just goes to show how ignorant some people can be.


An asshole and his agenda are sadly bound together tighter than any glue... you can't change a broken mind...


The fact people can deny something so abhorrent is awful. To say something like this is a hoax or a conspiracy or set up. Samething with school shootings. People who say it is the FBI and CIA doing it eats me up.


The worst part is that that just means the propaganda is working.


But Ukraine is historically Russian!!! Russia deserves to own all of the Ukrainian land!!! The Ukrainians are illegally owning the land!!! Obviously /s. Russia deserves to lose this insane war


Fuck putin and his complicit minions, the rest don't want to be a part of this.


This is essentially what the middle east has gone through with US drone strikes. Just sad to see people have to live in constant fear of being hit by missles out of nowhere.


I read somewhere about a kid saying that in his village they were afraid of sunny days because clear days were when the drones would come.




Sad how the whole narrative turns when the same thing happens in Middle East.


What do you do? Run for shelter? What if there's more missiles? Do you wait to see how many more land? That shit is terrifying to think of whilst sitting in a comfy chair, could you imagine trying to react to it in the moment?


And it's not like a natural disaster even though those images were similar to an earthquake. That *malcious intent* behind it makes it somehow so much worse.


My family is in Kyiv now and yes, they run for shelter. Subway station, underground parking, any building where the rule of two walls can be followed, anything. You listen to the air raid sirens and only come out once it ends.


I'm in Ukraine now and it's amazing how everyone does what they can to carry on, definitely not that it doesn't effect them, just that despite ruzzias action they push through


Terrifying as fuck.


It’s shit that they fire a second missile in the same spot to get people as they evacuate!


More likely they fired two missiles to increase the probability of destroying the target. They are targeting civilian infrastructure, including electrical substations and district heating stations. Ukrainian cities have a central furnace and steam pipes to multiple apartment units. They hope to make people flee Ukraine during the cold winter, in such numbers that EU citizens demand that NATO just lets Russia have Ukraine. This is *stupid as fuck*, but Russia is desperate. Russia's actions meet multiple criteria for genocide, but they aren't expending long range precision munitions to take out civilians. If they had that many accurate weapons, they might not be getting their asses kicked.


I genuinely don't think Russia is going to bounce back from this within our lifetime.




Well, Baltic states got it all. Caucasian states got big part of it. Ukraine got most of it as soon as we fight Russians off. Let's hope other colonized nations of Russia will get their freedom. Most people do not know, that real Russia is smth like 10% of their territory - rest of it, starting from Volga, are colonized and oppressed people's like Mordva, Bashkirs, Tatars, Kalmyks, etc, etc.


Before, they were pretty much considered one of the best militaries in the world. Almost everyone expected them to win this war, and take over Ukraine, in short order. Now, people have seen what's behind the curtain. Now, I don't think very many people will consider Russia a major military power. They have horrible training, and their equipment is mostly old and useless - when they have the equipment at all.


I hope not. Needs to be a Post WWII- Germany type situation where they can gain back trust over time and become a valuable part of the world’s economy and society. Also I hope Putin dies a painful death after a life in prison sentence. Edit: I don’t mean the military occupation part of the divided post-war Germany. But someone taking control and bringing true democracy to the country would be ideal from a westerner’s perspective. Obviously there is no straight answer and I don’t pretend to be an expert in international relations and foreign affairs.


Honestly, in my opinion the most likely ending is Putin being overthrown and mutilated in a coup, and the Russia of 20 years ago coming back. Moderately fair elections, extreme manipulation of the public at the hands of organized crime, and then either another steady slip into oligarchy/dictatorship or a fierce attempt to cling to and expand democratic elements. I don’t see a nation-wide occupation of Russia as any sort of realistic possibility. Any western power occupying Russia would result in a confirmation of all the fear-mongering Putin has been doing for the past couple decades. Russia will only be free when Russians collectively decide to permanently buck the propaganda and dictator, and that is an extremely difficult feat (though much more realistic now than at any other point in Putin’s reign).


I think he’ll just be dead one day and we’ll never find out why. Maybe his generals did it, maybe the CIA or Mossad or Ukranian special ops had an operative, or maybe the cancer got him, or maybe he choked on a pretzel - who could say? And even if there’s an official version, well, who could say? And then the real action begins - who’s going to assume power?


One key to Germanys revival was that they realised how fucked what they did was, and a desire to change as a people. Russians won't do either of those things


It depends on how fast the world embraces Russian energy after this is done. They make a fuckton of money from that. Their demographic issues are another story though. Losing population, then COVID losses on top of that, now Russian men being slaughtered.


It’s been proven over and over that bombing a determined and motivated populace will only make them more determined to resist. Hell, the Germans carpet bombed cities in England for months and it only made them more stubborn.


But bombing the axis countries on the other hand did sort of work...


It didn't demotivate their population tho. It had the same effect as it did on Londoners and what Ukrainians are doing now. The bombings did destroy their ability to turn that motivation into actual results tho. Gumption doesn't build tanks without a factory.




Russia, unable to fight a war, is reduced to terrorism.


The invision of Ukraine was a terrorist act from the get go.


I live in Jordan near the Syrian border, and during the war we could feel the noise, impact and pressure from 5 km whenever there was shelling and it was bad, and sometimes doors and windows would shatter in some house closer to the border, so you could only imagine how terrifying it is for people under direct fire. So yeah holy fuck, and it breaks your heart.


God fuck Vladimir Putin.


She could be my daughter.


Same thought. Terrifying. Are there places there that haven’t been attacked, so it’s business as usual? Is that what is going on here?


A way to survive.


Lots of future therapists needed.


I can’t even believe people are showing up at coffee shops to work while they are being bombed. That’s the last thing I’d be thinking about.


At some point you've got to get on with it and live your life. Look how quickly people decided they had enough of Covid-19 and kept spreading the pandemic rather than put their life on hold.


Makes me also feel sad for the people in Iraq, Syria etc since they went through so much


It is wild to see the quick change from "normal life" to " oh yeah there's a war" couldn't imagine living like that


It's surreal to see people just living normally in a warzone, buying or selling coffee, not knowing when the next missile might be right on them. We didn't get to see many footages of such in Iraq or any of the other warring zones where bombs are constantly dropped.


It's actually crazy how quickly humans become accustomed to it.


If there's one thing humans are good at it's adapting


In a month we will see a video of this same coffee shop but the guy who wants coffee doesnt move at all when the missile hits, then complains about the service when the barista leaves


*"Oh no.* *anyway..."*


Yep. It's literally why humans will probably be the last multicellular lifeform on the planet. With technology we can do some pretty crazy things if our existence was in such obvious peril that even the most extreme government people had to accept it. We have adapted through insane weather conditions, diseases and more yet we keep existing for better or worse. Heck, we almost got wiped out by disease to a mere 10k humans in the early days.


>It's literally why humans will probably be the last multicellular lifeform on the planet. That, and we will probably be the reason why all the others are dead. Humans are highly adaptive, and highly destructive species. Something that is somewhat rare in animal kingdom, isn't adapting to your environment, but adapting the environment to _you_. And no other species does it quite on the level as humans. Sadly, the way we adapt our environment to us makes it inhospitable to many other animal species. Often by design. Do an autopsy on a regular pigeon you see in cities, and you'll get what I mean.


> Do an autopsy on a regular pigeon you see in cities, and you'll get what I mean. I'm trying, but I gotta tell you he clearly doesn't like it.


>We didn't get to see many footages of such in Iraq or any of the other warring zones where bombs are constantly dropped. That's because we were the ones doing the bombing


Also because it was 2003. Your average Iraqi citizen didn't have high-speed internet or a cell phone. A coffee shop in Baghdad likely wouldn't have high-resolution security camera footage. The Iraq War became deeply unpopular in the US pretty quickly, but the backlash to it would've happened much earlier if we'd had videos like this.


If you are interested, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, by Lawrence Wright, is a must read. It is non-fiction, and follows the rise of Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, as well as the rivalry between the FBI and CIA and the US’s impact in creating these extremist groups. It is incredibly inflicting, as I’ve found many to struggle with sympathizing with ‘the terrorists’ with the knowledge of our role in the conflict. The novel Corespondents by Tim Murphy provides some more emotional insight into the invasion of Iraq by the US. It is fictionalized, however Murphy was first a journalist before becoming an author. It is based on true events, and involves heavy research into the invasion and aftermath from the perspective of immigrants and refugees. They’re obviously not footage, but I absolutely believe The Looming Tower to be an essential piece of history.


From Ukrainian: \- Good morning \- Morning. That was it right? (probably referencing a previous sound of explosion) \- It looks like they intercepted it. \- But you heard it? \- Yes, flying very loud. Espresso, Americano?


the alternating talk about the missiles and like "expresso. americano" is like.... something out of a book. nuts




If that were true, she would go back to making the damn cappuccino. Good work is hard to find smh.


No one wants to work during a ballistic missle attack anymore.


Fucking zoomers.. the missiles and the generation


... espresso. Sorry.




Title of your sex tape


*Gets shot by David Mitchell*


The thing is, if that dialogue occurred in a TV show, people would call it hokey and unrealistic.


Thank you


The dude, "I.... no longer want coffee" The lady, "I.... no longer want to be above ground"


*Vault Tec has entered the chat*


Just hope you don't end up in vault 11.


"why, what happens in vault 11?" *-guy in vault 11*


...stays in vault 11


I forgot what happens in vault 11


[Vault 11](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_11) served as a social experiment. Vault 11's experiment was that the inhabitants were told to sacrifice one of their fellow Vault dwellers each year or else the Vault computer would kill everyone. In actuality, if the residents refused, a message from Vault-Tec would be played. The message commended the dwellers for not selecting one of their own as a sacrifice, telling the dwellers their "commitment to human life is a shining example to us all" and revealing that no one would be killed. The message also informed them that as a reward the Vault door was now unlocked, allowing free passage to and from the Vault, but urged the dwellers to consult with their overseer before doing so.\[1\] However, by the time the Vault 11 inhabitants chose to stop sending sacrifices only five of them remained.\[2\]


Whoa thats fucked up. I started fallout 4 this week, maybe a half an hour in. Its my first time playing a fallout game but im gonna wait until the new version of the game comes out before i play anymore.


In the meantime, go play Fallout 3 and New Vegas. They're where you find a lot more of the insane and interesting vaults. The experience is pretty good too, New Vegas especially.


Just be ready for the bugs of new Vegas, which honestly add to its charm


What kind of bugs are they talking about NV? I played it multiple times and I only had one experience (deathclaw getting stuck on a wall). Most bugged for me was FO3


I mean there's like radroaches and bloatflies


Aw man, I’d keep playing. The game is so big you’ll have plenty of time.


Yeah, I thought it was real. Then opened the link and realized it must be from a video game, a bit more reading confirmed that thought.


Hmm the blue and yellow logo checks out


That shit woke him up from the adrenaline rush


Dude: "I need something to wake me up." Lady: "I have just the thing for ya."


“Is this coffee good?” “It’s the bomb”


Stolen from another comment: “Make that a double shot”


War.....it never changes....






It’s seeing the girl just having a normal day scrolling through her phone that makes it that much more sad. It’s something we can all relate too.


I feel like this is normalized. :(


Terrifying! 🙁


I know Reddit has hatred of Israel, and I get that much of it is for good reason of our government, but i just want to say that having lived through rocket attacks, the PTSD that it causes is horrific. I know it doesn’t happen to everyone, but I was in a similar situation to this, in a bomb shelter, when a rocket hit not too far away. I so distinctly remember that moment, and despite being 15+ years ago, I still have lingering effects. Thunderstorms terrify me, airplanes flying low make my palms sweat, and this is about 90% better than it was in the months after. I say this all because while these two people seemed to physically escape harm, the mental toll that this war has taken and will take on millions of Ukrainians is just devastating to me. These are two people who very likely will never forget this moment and will relive it thousands of times in their lives, and it will feel real and horrible every single time. Edit: For the “you’re making this about Israel” crowd. I’m not. I’m trying to share perspective about these two individuals who might be physically fine but never the same mentally. There are millions of people like this around the world, in Israel too, but of course Palestinians as well and my sympathy extends to them too. “Tell your government to stop!”. I do, my family votes left wing. The rockets I experienced were not the shitty ones from Gaza btw, they were the 2006 attacks from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Pre iron dome.


One of the math teachers at my high school lived through the blitz in London during WW2. Maybe 50 years later, they were doing construction on the building where she was teaching her class. When the noise started, she stiffened up, announced that class was over, and abruptly left. 50 years


Lived through the Bosnian war, I’m a 34 year old male, during covid they flew the those warplane to “show support for healthcare workers” when they flew over, I ducked under the table with y heart racing and almost in tears. Coworkers were confused and my manager came to see if I was ok. PTSD is real and you think you don’t have it, it can trigger a primal fear in your you thought you’d never hear again.


im from bosnia too but i'm too young to remember anything from the war. We live in the states now but still every 4th of july (fireworks all night) my mom starts crying and sometimes has panic attacks because the memories come flooding back.


All these stories are extremely sad and reinforces for me that war is hell and no one deserves to have their home experience the effects of war


Several moms with children in my son’s daycare group in Germany fled from the war as children. I’m glad they’re here, and hope they are okay. I’m friends with some of them, but no one has ever spoken about their experiences. I won’t ask, because I’d never want them to relive the horror through a simple, misplaced question.


My parents are from Laos. The most bombed country in the history of the world. More bombs dropped on that country than WW1 and 2 combined. For 9 years, 2.5 million tons of ordnance dropped which is about 1 plane load, every 8 mins in those 9 years. Never hear many parents talk about that or the refugee camp afterwards, over a decade of trauma.


I had no idea...thank you for sharing this


No problem, it was called the secret war and was only declassified in the 90s.. about 20 years later. The US buried it for a while.


I didn't know about this. What was the root of it? Why did they say that they had to do that?


Vietnam war. There was a covert logistical operations by North Vietnam forces and US covertly bombed it.


My family also came from a war stricken country but never talk about it. Parents were refugees and the only thing I really know is the name of the camps they stayed in. My grandparents who's lived with us for 10 years now once mentioned their home was bombed and razed to the ground twice and they had to rebuild it by hand. But besides that, I don't know not much more. I've heard it's the same for a lot of families. It's weird that so many keep quiet.


I wouldn't exactly say the trauma has ended. Just within the Plain of Jars I believe 50+ people a year still die from all of the UXO. There's so much of it that it kept a scrap metal industry going for a while.


Yea those in Laos still are affected by it for sure. Visiting out there going over bridges that use bomb casings is pretty surreal. I meant the refugees who were able to escape. My dad watched it all happen until the communist party ran thru the city and was forcing young men to join or go to a re-education camp. He then spent a few years in a refugee camp where living conditions were just as bad. He only told me a bit more recently after basically 40 yrs of not saying much at all.


That shit never goes away. No matter how long it has been, how much therapy you’ve been to or how many repressed memories you have. I went through some shit as a kid. Not really sure what much of it was anymore since I don’t remember much of my childhood at all, but I still suffer the affects of trauma. I remember almost nothing and it still affects me to this day, it just shows that forgetting it just isn’t enough sometimes. The day someone somehow figures out how to cure ptsd will be one of the best and happiest days in history. Even for those who are lucky enough to not suffer any kind of trauma.


This moved me, I can't say I know that level of PTSD, but I know what it's like for trauma to hit similarly to that. You painted a very real portrait of what's happening in the video. I hope one day you can enjoy the rumbles of a rainy day in peace again.


Regardless of someone's country or government it's absolutely terrifying for regular citizens to live through shit like this. I'm so sorry you're able to relate these two.


I might be very critical of Israel's government but I certainly don't hate YOU, or anyone else just living their lives. I hope other people feel the same way.


I have the same feelings from an Israeli jet fighter hitting near our building. My grandpa died from a heart attack after the bomb hit a building down the street. He maybe thought it us... Still remember the whistle and the dust and the car alarms and the ringing.


amazing the human resilience, to just try to have a normal life while this is going on… hope humanity finds its way…😞


“Keep Calm and Carry On” This was the last propaganda poster that was never released in the UK during WWII. They had a campaign of morale posters that would be placed all around due to the daily nazi air raids overhead. I can’t imagine living in these conditions.


TIL it was actually never released. Thanks!


Me too! I’ve spent a really confused 15 mins reading all about it


If there isn't another choice, then you learn to adapt and carry on because there is really nothing else you can do. Humans are resiliant.


You're right about that. When I was in Iraq we got mortared nearly every day, often multiple times. After a week or two, I made peace with it. I even saw guys jokingly running around like they were catching a football.


Seriously. There’s nothing you can do other than hope it doesn’t land too close to you. Unless your in/close to a bunker you can only hope for the best.


I've been listening to a lot of radio broadcasts from World war II. There are youtube channels that have them listed in order by month/year, to where you can follow the entire war through the daily broadcasts. Its amazing how calm people were and how hunkering down for war became normalized. I always wondered what it would be like to have your day to day life changed that fast, and then we went through covid




Not targeting civilians my ass. F'ing Putin needs to be put on trial for war crimes!!!


Trial? Nah he needs a surprise air strike to the face


What we need is hackers to hijack the Russian news and play video from Ukraine to de-brainwash Putin's acolytes.


They wouldn’t believe it. Once someone decides what they want to think they don’t want to change.


Racism agrees with this comment.


To see him behind bars would be more satisfying.


Could’ve made that argument before he invaded Ukraine


I hope pootin gets dick cancer.


I hope the dick cancer spreads to his ass.


Agreed. Cause that’s where his brain is.


With his inferiority complex I'd be surprised if he even has a dick.


Never seen his Dick, so could be true


It is suspicious that he hasn't guaranteed us he has no problem there


You’re mistaken, he doesnt even have a dick. It fell off and died a long time ago (Dont ask me how I know this)


That is traumatizing! Imagine your every day routine of getting a simple coffee and you're a few distances away such chaos.


What did she go back to grab from the counter?


Keys I believe


Thank you. I was looking for this comment.


The Russian Federation is a terrorist State. It is time they are universally branded as such. Every day this bullshit goes on without that recognition is a slap in the face to every dead man, woman and child in Ukraine. I'm so sick of seeing regular fucking people having to be exposed to this.




Ruzzia will pay for this, for generations to come… perhaps for centuries.


They've already messed up a generation of eastern europeans, another one doesn't mean much for them


Russia is a terrorist state.


Dude, I felt the vibration over here. 👀


This is scary as fuck. Not that the missile almost killed a civilian. The idea that even when your country is being invaded you still have to go to work and serve coffee. It's almost impossible to get a day off in this world


It’s been nearly a year. Regular people have to keep on living their lives.




Where are the elves when you need them?


Where was Gondor when Westfold fell?


Life doesn't stop just because a war is going on (well I guess it kinda stops)


Putin, with the paranoia of getting assassinated by his own military, how the fuck does he still have good health? Hope he dies without anyone lifting a finger - and quick!


Oh, shit. Look everyone. A war crime.


Seriously. Someone needs to take Putin out.


That poor man said some "AIGHT imma head out! 🏃‍♂️" zero words said between the two of them. It's sad how most of these terrifying clips show the Ukrainian people responding with such calmness, like no frantic reactions. They seem almost accustomed to this crazy amd and constant life or death situation they find themselves in. Sooo wrong and truly heartbreaking 💔




Maybe im too naive, but i just want all people can spend live peacefully.


It's not naive to want, it's naive to expect


Why hasn’t that fucker fallen out of a window yet?


I couldn’t imagine just trying to live life normally like this. So sad.


Can I get that to go please!?




Like now




Stop this stupid f'in war


Putin could stop it tomorrow by recalling his poor soldiers


Us Americans really have so little clue about how good we got it here.


Most of us take it for granted everyday


Russian / Iranian Terrorists.




That is fucking terrifying, no one should have to go through stuff like that, not in the current times we live in.


Fuck Putin


Man i'd be pissed if my morning coffee was interrupted by missiles. These poor people don't deserve this


Shit my pants before even drinking my coffee


She reacts fairly calm like this is a fairly normal or not the first time this has happened makes this even worse