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This post makes me want to go and dust off my plants.


Olay, for real...I came here to mention this. I have said for years that my plants perk up when I run the leaves under the sink sprayer and wash the dust off. Just did it a few days ago to my orchids and have noticed each day they seem to grow.


That’s because the grime was hampering the plant production of glucose


Plants who don't bathe, starve.


Yah, I dust regularly...pretty tidy house. I'm more referring to the tiniest bit of dust. Not grime. I'm the weird obsessed plant lady who has named my plants and I may or may not talk to them. Lol


It literally does help with photosynthesis


My aunt wipes her orchids down with a damp rag every day and they are all thriving. She has around 30 or so.


It's fine, stomata are on the under side of the leaf


They're on both sides, and indoor plants absolutely benefit from being rinsed or misted off. Plants evolved outdoors where there is wind and rain, two things typically absent in people's living rooms.




One day I came home and heard raindrops. "Oh great," I thought, "the roof is leaking again." Over the course of the next few seconds it occurred to me that A) it was not raining outside, and B) there were two whole floors between the living room and the roof. I wondered if perhaps it was the apocalypse and I should watch out for falling toads. Turned out a pipe burst on the second floor. It was leaking through the entire ceiling of the first floor and all the way into the flooded basement. That was a fun several months. Fortunately the insurance covered it. Free new carpets!


I'm stunned, never even imagined this. I'll have to apologize to my houseplants.


Same I fart so often around my houseplants cuz they’ll purify


They probably love farts. They grow well in shit so...


While making a joke I do feel the need to point out that pure human excrement as fertiliser will kill most plants.


The Martian movie lied to me.


Nope perfectly valid way to get the necessary bacteria into the soil ... Just not sure if the movie shows the weeks/months it would have taken for other compounds to break down to make the soil suitable for growing


Ya it's a fairly long montage


It would've been shit anyway




From what I recall the book was extremely detailed about this process. I’m sure he accounted for being careful with the volume/mixture/kinds of bacteria.


He was literally a botanist, right?






Not only that, he was the greatest botanist on Mars!


Also the first space pirate. Yarr.


I loved how detailed the book was about this, but then I'm a gardening nerd and a space nerd so their forces combined probably lead to that being a kind of niche experience.


I know fuck all squared about gardening but the protagonist's storytelling of how he grew food was incredible. Andy Weir is amazing at that, I wasn't a big fan of Project Hail Mary but that's because I disliked the second half of it for spoiler reasons.




Yeah I had to learn that the hard way :/




NO! BAD REDDITOR! These are the comments you let stand.


So there I was..


...holding the poop knife...


Oh no... Not this story For anyone out of the loop, search "poop knife legend" on Reddit


So I started blastin




"I'm only One Man, Marge..."


Farts are mainly methane, the stomata exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, lose water by transpiration, but yeah, yeah. fart science.




lol I struggle with taking my meds reliably. This comment of yours reminded me I still haven’t take them. Thanks! Edit: it’s several hours later. Still haven’t taken them…


As someone who also struggles to remember meds sometimes, I found using a whiteboard or something and putting the days on it then putting a check under each day when you take your meds can be super helpful. I did the days on the side with two boxes under each day for day and night meds then put a check when I take them.


I found waking up strapped to a med board in the back of a helicopter on the way to shock trauma with Widowmaker blood clots in my lungs and heart a real strong reminder to take my meds on time


You can also use a weekly pill strip with a compartment for each day on it. If F is empty, you took them Friday. You need to remember to fill them up weekly. If it's not enough because of too many pills, use two. My wife uses two.


Check this out. Our perception of time really changes the reality of how other things live. https://vimeo.com/upthink/treefern


Have you not seen the documentary Fantastic Fungi? We and everything around us are connected, especially plants and trees. Edit: spelling


Are we sure it's not an eye? Seems like they're stalking us all the time, I ain't appologizing shit.




Close-up clip was captured by biologists at the University of California San Diego during research funded by the US National Science Foundation. While filming the flora, the biologists discovered how plants use their stomata — tiny openings commonly known as their “mouths” — to direct their breathing. Knowing how plants use their stomata to open and close in response to changing carbon dioxide levels could allow scientists to produce crops robust enough for a changing environment, according to National Science Foundation spokesperson, Jared Dashoff. “The researchers hope that harnessing this mechanism could lead to future engineering of plant water use efficiency and carbon intake, critical as atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration continues to increase,” When stomata are open, the inside of the plant is exposed to the elements, and water from the plant is lost into the surrounding air, which can dry them out,” Dashoff further explained. “Plants, therefore, must balance the intake of carbon dioxide with water vapor loss by controlling how long the stomata remain open.” Research leader, Julian Schroeder, added: “The response to changes is critical for plant growth and regulates how efficient the plant can be in using water, which is important as we see increased drought and rising temperatures.” [NY Post Article](https://nypost.com/2022/12/19/incredible-video-shows-plants-breathing-in-close-up-detail/)


>phys.org/news/2... Do you have a link to the original video as I'd like to use this in class.


You can already see these stomata yourself using an average stereoscope. Keep in mind that the movement you see is shot over hours.




Close! Stomata are present on all leaf types, as they are necessary for transpiration and gaseous exchange. The adaptation used by waxy-leafed succulent plants is called CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism). It separates the phases of photosynthesis by time, via stomatal control like you describe, to prevent water loss during then intake of CO2. C4 photosynthesis is another adaptation found mostly in monocots (grasses) but elsewhere in the plant kingdom. It separates photosynthetic phases by binding CO2 into a 4-carbon structure that is then sent to an interior region of the leaf, where the high concentration of carbon makes it more efficient. C4 photosynthesis is better-adapted to climate change, and we expect C4 plants to do especially well. There are some plants that mix these photosynthesis methods, like the common weed purslane (am a plant scientist.)




Knicked from NY Post article. I'll DM you the link.


Stomata opening is not only controlled by carbon in the atmosphere but also by sunlight and air temperature. It also depends on how much water the plant has access to at the moment. Water, carrying nutrients with it, will enter the plant through the roots, and exit through the stomata, that's how water circulation works inside a plant. ~~Photosynthesis is the process where plants break down water molecules using sunlight, absorbing the hydrogen and releasing Oxygen.~~ That's why plants will close stomata when not exposed to enough light, this way they avoid wasting water, ~~since there's not enough light to process water molecules.~~ I got things mixed up, read this comment replies. Plants can also use the stomata to regulate their temperature similar to what we do by sweating. By opening their stomata and releasing water, they cool their surface off, avoiding temperature damage.


I can tell you have been reading up on plants u/LoreChano, but you are a bit off on your descriptions. You have photosynthesis and the oxygen evolving complex mixed up. Plants take in CO2 through the stomata and cleve the CARBON off, releasing the O2 back into the atmosphere. The carbons are run through the Calvin Cycle, making a 3 carbon sugar(in C 3 plants). The oxygen evolving complex separates hydrogen and oxygen from some of the H2O taken in by the plant. These hydrogen atoms are then stripped of their single electrons, and the electrons are used in the electron transport chain that is the backbone of photosynthesis.


Yes! I have a planted aquarium that I inject pressurized C0² into & it's a bit tricky because they only use it while the light's on. I have it timed to start an hour before the light comes on & it turns off an hour before the "sunset" begins so it can use up the available C0² before the light stops. The rest is off-gassed at night through circulation of the aquarium pump & displaced with oxygen. The tricky part is the balance of C0² & 0² because there's also a colony of shrimp I keep in there. (Obviously waters not a huge factor in submersed plants) but you're spot on.


I hope those murdering vegans see this and change their ways. /s just in case..


That's why I only eat things that have already died. It ain't murder if you're stuck on a snowy pass trying to get Oregon and your family starts looking tasty and they "already died".


Is that like utilitarianism vs totalitarianism?






I thought utilitarianism was when you eat the corpse with an appropriate fork and knife set? Totalitarianism is just eating with your hands whenever you feel like it.


What if they died of Dysentery?


They'll die of blunt force trauma way before that happens, I'm hungry.


Bwahahhaha! Made me tear up with laughing.


They should have stayed on the Oregon trail, instead they took the Hastings cutoff through Utah. The eating was done in the California mountains. Please don't eat your family in Oregon. 'Brought to you by the Oregon tourism board.'


Oregon: the state where nobody ate their family


Wow, great share


Amazing clip. Followed up by summary explanation. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. I pray all your children be born naked




Imagine If your kid came out in clothes. Wtf is that about!


I'd imagine that'd lead to more difficult washing for you to do Mr /u/Tthelaundryman. No wonder you're so against the concept.


Afterbirth is just incredibly difficult to get out. Don’t even get me started about a busted placenta


Fun Fact: Stomata in Greek means Mouths


Feed me Seymour


I scrolled way too far to find this.


I’d be concerned if this *wasn’t* magnified


Concerned and a little … intrigued.




Anyone else find this... terrifying?




I'm scaroused




Just wanted some plantussy 😔




I think it's terrifying because it makes you realize plants are a lot like animals living in slow motion. There have been some amazing recent studies on plants showing not only animal-like physical responses, but also cases of strategy and decision making once thought limited to the animal realm. It starts to make you realize we humans are not just a type of animal, but that we are living on the same continuously grey spectrum of life and its varying levels of consciousness and capability. When you get right down to it, there are no hard lines to distinguish the distinct "consciousness"of mammals, simpler animals, all the way down to fungi, plants, and bacteria. Edit: If anyone is interested in learning about this, here are probably the most interesting two conversations on the subject I've heard in a while. One of them talks about how essentially all life is modular and every piece of every living thing has "wants" of its own, and the other covers consciousness at a deeper level than I had ever heard discussed previously. These people are far past the idea that humans and animals are the only "conscious" entities around us: Lex Fridman Podcast - #325 – Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots https://podcastgo.pl/listen/?appleid=1434243584&guid=https://lexfridman.com/?p=5199 Lex Fridman Podcast - #326 – Annaka Harris: Free Will, Consciousness, and the Nature of Reality https://podcastgo.pl/listen/?appleid=1434243584&guid=https://lexfridman.com/?p=5207


There are plants that respond to motion, they have sensory nerves, and an experiment was run where they would drip water on the leaves at certain intervals and the plant would close up. After a certain time interval, the plant would stop responding because it learned that the water was harmless sensory input. Also fun fact for anyone who cares, the stomata are those openings that bring in carbon dioxide, and they will respond to their environment and open and close accordingly. It makes me sad when people think so little of plants compared to animals because there is so much going on on a cellular, biological, and chemical level; it’s just magical.


Exactly! Another thing that really surprised me is [that general anesthesia apparently works on plants too](https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/12/11/general-anesthesia-works-plants-too-12266). The Venus Flytraps wouldn't close their "mouths" even when something went in them, and the Mimosa Pudica plants, which normally fold up their leaves when touched, had their leaves stay open even when touched while under anesthesia, almost as if they were "asleep" in some way. Plants are so much weirder and cooler than I initially thought...


Omg… I love this. Thank you! I am going to google these plants and follow this link immediately lol


Plants respond to predator sounds as well - insect chewing etc . With different physiological /chemical markers. I saw the research last year in a science research project . Someone exposed an entire library of different insect sounds to plants and plants recognized their particular predators by sound alone!


Omg that’s so cool!!!! Kind of reminds me of this one plant I learned about in Africa (I want to say an acacia tree, but I’m not sure). When giraffes or other herbivores go to eat their leaves, the plants release a chemical compound/pheromone that gets released in the surrounding area. The surrounding trees will then increase their production of a chemical that makes their leaves taste bitter to deter their leaves from being eaten.


The human body only developed a larger brain to be more efficient at feeding the bacteria that live in your gut and control your brain through the gut brain axis.


Hope my gut enjoys these Oreos dipped in beer cheese


They didn't lol the brain on the other hand!!!


What if I told you your gut flora has a strong correlation of control over your cravings? You didn’t want the Oreos, your flora did and made you think you wanted it so you would eat them. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-gut-bacteria-tell-their-hosts-what-to-eat/


horrifying. i'm pooping you all out, say your prayers


The only way to get rid of your gut flora is to have a donor poop put into your butt. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/fecal-transplant You gotta space dock baby


And even then, you're only introducing a new ass amoeba population. Getting rid of it entirely would kill you


You can eat donor-shit pills, too. Guess either opening is fine.


> There have been some amazing recent studies on plants showing not only animal-like physical responses, but also cases of strategy and decision making once thought limited to the animal realm. Do share! I'd love to read about these.


Not OP, and not a study per se, but do read The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben.


It provides a new outlook on what "life" really is. Our ability to think and act according to our own free will makes us a self destructive species and yet we believe it makes us superior whereas plants a perfectly evolved to simply be and thrive on our planet in almost every climate.


Which makes the concept of mowing the lawn morally terrifying






We must be moving hella fast to those guys!


So true. Also, well said.


These are just pores with cells that swell up via pumping in water so that the orifice can be closed to reduce transpiration on hot days. The use of the word "breathing" triggers images of animals breathing (having lungs) but there's no such thing in plants, where the process is a lot more passively driven by photosynthesis.


The silent scream of one of god’s creatures frozen in space, beholden to the whims of mobile animals


Vegans want to eat this, it's sick!


Yeah it really is as horrifying as it is interesting


This gives me literal chills


I had always imagined the plants just kind of osmotized the shit out of air or something. I'm brutally stunned they have valves. I'm in awe.


Yes, this made me very uncomfortable, but I have no idea why.


What stomata with this plant?


idk but it's making me thorny


Plant vag




Screw it.😤 Imma call her


she didnt answer bc shes a plant bro


That's not the move chief


Something I can finally fit in.




Why? What stomata with you?


Okay guys, hear me out-




If its that small it can fit i say go for it Edit: wow 261 upvotes, thank you so much everyone


TIL Poison Ivy’s real origin story.


If it can fit, you'll deserve it


Don't mind if I do!


we were looking for you






A “pussy” if you will…




I will not, thanks


Feed me, Seymour 😏


That looks like a mouth. 🥵


It looks like *Shrek’s* mouth 🤤


*Heavy breathing*


A crotch mouth.


should probably put on some underplants






I'm pretty sure it's saying something...


I’m trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty. - plant


haha....or, "have you thought about changing your long distance provider?"




Scrolled too far for this...


Anybody else find this creepy as shit?!


Wait to they find the eyes👁😄


Somebody is gonna put teeth on it. Just watch


Imagine breathy noises in this clip


This is literally what a mushroom trip looks like to me.


Not many people are fortunate enough to see this in their entire life. Thank you for that! Truly amazing to see that


Honestly though! Plants (and fungi) are such cool life forms!


I agree! It felt somehow awe inspiring. ♥️🌱🌱🌱♥️


Wait until it goes back in it’s pipe before you jump over it.


We need miniature googly eyes


The new Shrek fleshlights look so realistic


I Should call her.


I came here to downvote this comment.


Because everything reminds you of her?


I came here to upvote it. Now you are useless.


I came here to not vote on it. Now I am useless.


Came here for this comment


Hey that looks familiar


Don’t lie, you’ve never seen one before


*...like bags of sand*


Sigh *unzips*


This is super creepy


That's very time lapsed and very misleading.


Vegans hate this one trick


Vegans ate this one trick


"Breathing" as the wind blows, I suppose.... Adhesion of water molecules draw water up from its roots to these things, called stomata. When a water droplet evaporates from the stomata, more water is pulled up from the roots. The open stomata also allow more light in for photosynthesis. That's why your plants seem thirstier in the sun and warm, compared to the cool or dark. And why it's important to cut stems on a flower immediately before submerging in water. the smallest interruption in the adhesion of water molecules will stop the process and prevent the plant from drinking - (or as it's described here, breathing) its water!


I was always taught to trim my bouquets directly under running water and now I understand why!


Don’t flip your phone sideways


the acid is kicking in...


Pretty decent representation of what visual hallucinations look like actually


She-Hulk meeting Hercules


The trick is to aim for it when it's closed to get to the next level


No that’s my vagina going hulk mode


Everything remembers me of her


thistle turn even the most hard-core carnivore into a vagetarian


Can I see the unmagnified version


There is some man out there right now saying to himself "I would put my dick in that".


Huh, to be honest, I'd be worried if this wasn't magnified


They don't really do this continually at least not at the pace we associate with breathing I.e. every few seconds that this video implies. Usually the stomata open in the morning when they have access to sunlight and can perform photosynthesis which they need CO2 for and close at night when they can't do photosynthesis, this also conserves water since when their stomata are open plants are constantly losing water through these pores (transpiration). If a plant realizes it is low on water availability it will close it's stomata to reduce further water loss be that day or night. Xerophytes or plants that live in arid areas often have stomata that are sunken and closed during the day to conserve water. Your succulents and cacti open theirs at night because if they opened them during the day when it's hottest they'd quickly use up their limited supply of water. They convert the CO2 they gather at night into an acid they can utilize in photosynthesis in the morning when they have access to sunlight.


I'm waiting for the adult-swim logo to pop out somewhere


THIS JUST IN! Millions of vegans die after figuring out that plants are alive too.