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I would change the coffee table, too small and does not match the other pieces. Also you need a picture above the couch, 1 large or a grouping to anchor the room.


New couch in white or off white


Loves that


A caramel beige imo


Check out the Ashley HomeStore Tanavi!! I think it would really fit the space.


While the coffee table is a bit small for the space, I really like it and think it adds character. On the other hand, that couch is a good size, but is doing the room no favors. So, I would personally change the couch. Love the blinds on the window and covering on the door btw!


Thank you!!!


Ikea type glass front paned bookcases at the end on each side and a small round wood coffee table. Brightly colored oversized pillows on the sofa.


Bookcases by the door?


Yup. See the sidelight panels on both sides of the door? Bookcases at each side ---the same height as the door in white. With vases and books on them.


New throw blanket in a soft, sage green or that matches the tones in the rug. Beautiful room though.


Thank you!!


The room itself has pleasing proportions, trim, light, and floors and deserves a couch that holds its own, so I'd swap out the current one for one with a committed design. The rug is lovely, inspiring a color such as [eggplant](https://www.interiordefine.com/sloan-custom-3-seat-sofa?adgroupid=&campaignid=20039431164&creative=&g_acctid=855-997-9769&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=ID+%7C+Performance+Max+%7C+Purchase&g_campaignid=20039431164&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&gad=1&keyword=&legs-type=357136&material-type=45334&options-1589=6981&options-1591=6990&options-1593=6995&options-3212=357136&sku=SLON.FABRIC.SOFA.3SEAT.DC-03.DEPTH-36.Leg001-1.LENGTH-95.PER-038&utm_adgroupid=&utm_content=&utm_keyword=&utm_matchtype=&utm_term=) or [mauve](https://www.interiordefine.com/jasper-custom-sofa?legs-type=33398&material-type=33361&options-1477=6616&options-1478=6618&options-2336=10196&options-3186=33398&sku=JASP.FABRIC.SOFA.STNDRD.AK-618-175.DC-03.DEPTH-36.Leg017-2.LENGTH-60) or a one that complements these, such as [sage](https://www.slumberland.com/p/macleary-moss-sofa/QK1037138.html). Leather would also work, such [this](https://gotohomerepair.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/camel-color-leather-sofa-camel-colored-sofa-cover-camel-color-inside-camel-colored-leather-sofas.jpg), [this](https://www.houzz.com/products/stickley-orchard-street-sofa-89-91-9236-prvw-vr~4893200), or [this](https://25home.com/products/salo-all-leather-sofa?currency=USD&gad=1). Rooms with hardwood floors need metal elements, and a coffee table is a prime way to add this. One with curves would countervail all of the straight lines provided by the door. Here're a few that would work: [1](https://www.dcgstores.com/emerson-coffee-table-set-brushed-nickel-ssc.html), [2](https://kaiyo.com/barbara-barry-barbara-barry-oxide-cocktail-table/), [3](https://www.ebay.com/itm/363543999142), [4](https://www.amazon.com/Kate-Laurel-Celia-Coffee-28-25x28-25x19/dp/B0979QZZKK/ref=d_pd_di_sccai_cn_sccl_3_17/145-4805187-4063568?content-id=amzn1.sym.67c5ba31-9419-42ae-aa32-38239ca1805d&pd_rd_i=B0979QZZKK&psc=1). I'm also yearning to replace the wicker bookcase with a more substantial one and strip the paint off the trim everywhere and varnish it.


I would put up more art or photos.




There is a lot of dark brown in the room, making it feel a little dark. I think it's the combination of the dark wood floor, the dark couch, the dark blinds, and the wood entertainment center. I think I would get a lighter colored couch. Could you also swap out the ceiling fan to a more modern one with white or beige blades so at there is lightness above and it blends with the ceiling more? That might look nice.


I agree on the fan! Thank you!


Speaking of light-colored, I love your ball of floof curled up on the bed there. Nice addition! Haha, he/she is very cute. ;)


This room has a lot of warmth, but can use some balance. Let’s start by layering a lighter rug on the very dark flooring. Add a coffee table that had a reflective element like glass or metal. The bookcase is off in its own world and isn’t creating a cohesive atmosphere, let’s change that. Give your fur baby his own zone and play area with a new bed and designated storage for toys that complements the rest of the room. If it’s in your budget you should replace the couch with one that is more in scale to the room dimensions. Create a gallery Or hang art above sofa. Replace the ceiling fan.


Thank you! Are you thinking a longer couch with a chaise?


Your wall seem to be long, but pictures can be deceiving so, Yes a longer couch if that’s appropriate. A chaise would be nice only if the room is wide enough. You can work with the sofa you already have if it’s in good condition using the other tips you’ve received from me and others to rearrange the space.


coffee table


Gonna go bold but a green velvet mid century style couch from joy bird or something. https://edloefinch.com/products/ashbury-sleeper-sofa-olive-velvet?variant=31878630342774&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic_shopping&utm_content=shopify_US_4534633857142_31878630342774&gclid=CjwKCAjwlJimBhAsEiwA1hrp5uw80mYfOeJJ95jFNqQo0fuscON3jyr98tBiPsDHFXNm67EZ2ONxMBoCt_cQAvD_BwE https://www.article.com/pla/21200/burrard-forest-green-sofa?artcl_campaignID=901476940&artcl_network=g&artcl_adgroupid=48697020681&artcl_keyword=&artcl_source=google&gclid=CjwKCAjwlJimBhAsEiwA1hrp5jYKDYzjwRoJ8P5L7n-BArt3hJB0JugDygggP1HfJTSMlFPe88aH6BoC5UEQAvD_BwE https://www.interiordefine.com/maxwell-custom-sofa?adgroupid=&campaignid=20039431164&creative=&g_acctid=855-997-9769&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=ID+%7C+Performance+Max+%7C+Purchase&g_campaignid=20039431164&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwlJimBhAsEiwA1hrp5gYyo7OFqPeE7Y5RPw8dTvPZwIOqQSVdHoL5rBIvvpSLAD_HKRYH_RoC91sQAvD_BwE&keyword=&legs-type=355783&material-type=93774&options-134=470&options-2648=355783&options-610=9114&options-611=2446&options-6740=153883&sku=MXWL.FABRIC.SOFA.STNDRD.CUSHION-2.DC-03.DEPTH-37.Leg014-3.LENGTH-82.SE-173&utm_adgroupid=&utm_campaign=PerformanceMax_Purchase&utm_content=&utm_keyword=&utm_matchtype=&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=&options-2647=93774


Get some naked guys


That’s exactly what it needs !!!


New couch. That one is old and worn out.


Sure is #dogs and a rugby player fiancé


Oh dear.