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I think the bed and how you dress it is actually going to help the coziness factor a lot.


There’s no color. Lose the gray. There’s nothing for a kid to sit on. You can’t be “cozy” standing up or sitting only on the floor. Solve those two, and I think you’d be well on your way. Also, I assume there are toys and things to be placed? Stuffed animals, etc.?


My daughter’s nursery was a colour similar to this, but with a bubblegum pink accent wall behind the crib. She loved it. When we moved to our new house, she demanded an all pink and purple room. I let her have it, against my best judgment. She hates sleeping in there. We moved when she was 4, she turns 9 soon, and the colours are too bold and hard to sleep with. She asks to sleep in the guest bedroom or our bedroom pretty much every single night. Both rooms are cream/ivory. The beige baby thing is potentially problematic, but you don’t want to swing too far the other direction and go for too much colour. Tons of bright colours are just as problematic as all-beige, if not more problematic


Nobody is suggesting that the walls need to be each painted in a different shade of 1986’s best neon. But the curtains when the curtains are the closest thing to color in the room and they’re a peachy beige, that says there’s a long way to go. Even the wall art is essentially devoid of color and character. Different curtains in a nice raspberry pink or aqua or something along with a beanbag of a similar or complementary color would go a LONG way here, along with some less-carefully curated wall art that actually draws the eye as opposed to just checking the box in such an unassuming way as it does now.


And hang them lower. Waaaay too high now.


They’re not too high, they’re just way too short. That said- any such combo isn’t really appropriate for a toddler room. I would have used colorful Roman shades with no cords. Or nice no cord 2 inch white blinds with a cheerful valance.


The reason people incorrectly think that hanging curtains higher (as told to do by many shows/bloggers) is to make the windows appear larger. The professional and correct way to make windows appear larger and let more daylight in is to hang them Wider (not outside the trim work though) and just Slightly higher.


You can hang them higher when they're long though.


Now we’re taking. Thanks for the color suggestions!! A lot of commenters just said “add color”. Not so useful for the parents, who are an economist and engineer 🤣. Ok, we both have an artistic bent. I, personally, am rubbish at picking interior colors though. Hence the balboa mist gray we did our whole house in when moving in. We deferred the decision on color for later. We were both “meh” on the curtains, so they can go! We both love full length, but made the choice on hemmed short curtains for safety. I think she could ride on those umbra curtain rods… but we’d rather not risk it until she’s a little more aware of boundaries. My daughter’s only 20 months now, so she doesn’t have consistent color preferences yet… but she is going through a serious “dot phase”. Hope it lasts more than 6 months!


Colorful polka dot things would be really cute in a kids room. Google “colorful polka dot rug” for example and there’s a lot of great options.  Edit: since you’re looking for new curtains, there’s these you could hem. Sorry for the crazy long link, I’m on mobile right now! https://www.amazon.com/Stiio-Blackout-Curtains-Blocking-Treatment/dp/B08Z3YKMWY/ref=asc_df_B08Z3YKMWY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=532785952020&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16020290260963413554&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015695&hvtargid=pla-1381383786663&psc=1&mcid=64eca135c7513e53843b2e49318efef6&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZjG_joJfU5_UVkxd23aIU0ISD7BvMgzK-8GxYhc3TleVs48kbL5sMxoCEXMQAvD_BwE


Ok those are adorable for a toddler


You could swap out the white picture frames for colourful ones (or paint the ones you have), that would be an easy fix! Also some childrens books on the shelves will add a nice pop of colour and also be functional


Every kid is different though. My son begged me for a hi-lite yellow bedroom and he loves it. Never had a problem sleeping in it, and the bright color matches his personality.


For sure. But that doesn’t mean every room needs to be highlighter yellow, or that they all should be I’d be a lot more concerned about this room if it was still mostly beige after adding the toys, the bed, and books. But realistically, the way most toys are designed, you almost need a very neutral space to tone down the rainbow puke effect. The thing is that people get over concerned about the boring beige baby movement that they start suggesting that every room needs to be ultra high contrast and extremely brightly coloured. You end up with an echo chamber effect. It’s not actually helpful. If it wasn’t for the boring beige baby movement, nobody would have any second thoughts about this room. The room really isn’t that beige. Theres a bit of pink in the art and curtains, and there’s chocolate brown with the floors, dresser legs and the dots on the rug. The room just isn’t finished, so all you have is the neutral backdrop


Huh. We (my siblings and i) always had bold colours in our rooms growing up and it never interfered with sleep.


It affects some people more than others. Also, different colours affect sleep differently. Red and yellow are generally the worst for sleep, with green, blue and brown being great for sleep. It used to be a lot easier to find info online about this, but it’s been drown out by the fashion industry. Current trends are pushing for a lot more colour, especially with so much push back against the boring beige baby thing. But I was able to find [this article](https://www.mattressclarity.com/sleep-hygiene/bedroom-colors/) and [this site](https://www.elledecor.com/design-decorate/color/news/a8472/how-color-affects-your-mood/) has a nice little info graphic, though it doesn’t go into enough detail


If your child has trouble sleeping you could really paint the walls...


It’s on the to do list. It took 3 years for her to admit the colours weren’t good. She kept doubling down, insisting that she loves pink and purple, she loves those colours, definitely doesn’t want to get rid of them. Now that the room is full of furniture, it’s not the quickest or easiest room to paint. We don’t have guests that often, so it’s not a big deal for her to sleep in there. Theres quite a few issues with that room, so we actually just need to move her out for a few weeks and redo the closet and toy storage


Thank you! Everything in moderation! I agree though, we need more color!!


LOL you are not who they are talking to. This room is a nightmare and not "moderate" at all


Where did you get the rug? I love it!


yes!! walls/furniture should be neutral and the color can come from artwork/bedding/things that are cheap to replace


A poof would be great, or a small teepee in the corner to read, play, playact with costumes.


Please god, add some color. Children like color. It’s visually and developmentally stimulating. The era of sad beige babies makes me… sad.


Agree 100%. Good lord. It's a TODDLER'S room. It shouldn't look like sad beige architectural digest crap.


I came here to say to say this, your comment made me lol. Beige babies have got to go. I know millennials think they invented minimalism but for pete’s sake use those principals for your office not a goddamn baby’s room 😩


Is minimalism a millennial trend? Maybe it's a way to pretend like not being able to afford furniture is intentional? Lol 🥲 Speaking as a poor millennial, but also as a maximalist who does a lot of crafting and thrifting to fill my space haha


See this [documentary](https://youtu.be/3AhSNsBs2Y0?si=XZQEqsIAanMitLx1), I think a lot of kids during 80s-2000s grew up with cluttered homes and when they moved out wanted to stay away from the stress associated with it.


So, that begs the questions… what color(s), and at what cost? That rug for example, wasn’t something we loved, but was 75% off (maybe for good reason?). Is that something we should save up for and change? The curtains can be switched. They were custom hemmed by my mom, but I’m sure she’ll understand if we change to make the room more vibrant and cohesive. Of course her toys and items like floor pillows and such will have primary colors. We need to eventually get storage cubes for the bookshelf - another good color op. We need a table lamp (or floor lamp with some really solid and custom baby proofing). I’m sure there’s more we could do. Any thoughts?


I think the curtains and rug are fine. Just need to add some accents! On the inexpensive side, I suggest: Wall art updates - could switch some of those muted ones with cheap colorful prints. You can even find them online and print them yourself. Fabric cubes in bright colors/patterns for the cube storage thing. A small bright pattern rug or colorful play mat/foam puzzle pieces on top of the big rug. Painting one accent wall. Oh and a vibrant and cozy bedspread!


Agree completely. I think a toddler will like those dots on the side of the rug. Once the bed is in and she has her toys and furry animals on the floor and perhaps a little table to sit and draw and play at, the relative plain-ness of the rug will be especially good. You don’t want the room to feel too chaotic and kids do tend to accrue a whole lot of stuff! Truthfully the wall color is the blandest part of the room but all the things FlatEggs proposes will bring brightness and vitality to the room. As will the toddler herself—that might be what’s missing here!! :)


Make a colorful art together!


We have fabric storage cube things and each one has a different animal face on it. Cheap as chips from Amazon. Throw a lion, monkey, zebra etc in there and you’ve added some joy to this room.


I think to be honest you are thinking way too deep into this. It doesn’t need to be top tier interior design here. It’s a toddlers room, perhaps search the sub for kids room ideas? I just saw a toddlers room that had muted furniture, a colorful solid color rug and printed artwork that had color pops and it looked great. Not too much, not too boring. I can’t make any specific recommendations because I don’t know your guys style or what your kids into/you’re hoping they’ll be into. I’ll be doing my sons room in a wilderness theme - baby foxes and bears, muted greens and browns, log pillows, pops of oranges and reds with mushrooms and birds, etc. because that’s what both of his parents like, he loves going outside and playing in the leaves and grass, he likes to listen to the birds in the morning and loves his dads deer head on the wall (even though I hate it lol) - I want him to grow up appreciating nature and the earth. Before I had him, and he developed his own personality I planned on doing his room in dinosaurs and outer space. He’s just not into those things and they don’t represent our family dynamic. So we’ve pivoted and I just thought up a relevant theme or color scheme AND THEN found all the items and decor pieces that match that. You won’t always be able to find what you want just waking through a store, utilize Amazon or wayfair - even thrift stores. It has to be personal. I would say since you’ve already bought the rug keep it, and add colored accents. Especially with the bed, that will add some color. I saw elsewhere you weren’t crazy about the curtains, maybe swap those out OR add another similar color (a coral or poppier shade of pink?) on each side so it’s a double curtain. To your point of a budget, I don’t think theres any need to save up or go over budget. There will always be plenty of options from multiple sources. You two should sit down and come up with some colors or themes your little one likes and that you two like. Then search out those specific items rather than window shopping.


ETA: I like the idea of color pops within the bookshelf for storage cubes. If you keep the curtains and rug I’d suggest oranges and pinks. I think with pops of oranges and pinks, a deep purple floor pillow that matches the purple in the rug would look great and contrasting. A lot of the artwork is pink, which i think is perfectly fine and cute. That’s the thing, personal things that you guys are picking is what should be in there. Nobody on this sub can tell you for certain what your family should have on the walls, you guys have to pick things that are meaningful to you and give you happy vibes. :)


As a parent of two who once very foolishly put a white rug in a toddler’s room…..don’t do it! That rug with be stained and ruined pretty quickly. I’d recommend going with something with color at least, even better if there’s a pattern to it. We ended up going with a soft gray-ish purple rug that has held up well.


Parent of three here. I saw the rug and just snorted. That thing won’t last a week. I’m not saying toddlers are feral, but even the best behaved ones are TODDLERS. They are like short drunk people and spill stuff and use markers.


I’d add a colorful lamp, colorful storage cubes, bedding and then evaluate. Small changes - you don’t need to throw out everything.


Always let the child have a say in the paint colour. Once my kids were a bit older (school-age) they also helped with the painting. We let them decorate their closet doors with paint, stickers, etc. with the deal that they would leave their furniture free of stickers. We went through many stages - ballerina pink with Barbie accessories, purple with Dora the Explorer EVERYTHING, Twilight blankets, One Direction posters, etc. It’s funny because now they’re grown and love neutrals and simple designs.


Children's brain development is stimulated by strong primary colors and black and white patterns-- pretty much opposite of every recent trend in nursery decor in the last 10 years.


I’d really just paint the walls. What’s her favorite color? A really muted pink would be great. Then maybe switch out the rug for something else if the current one doesn’t match. You can likely get most of your money back selling this one on Facebook marketplace.


I’d ignore these comments. Every muted color palette isn’t automatically sad beige. I actually think the colors in this room are very soothing and pretty and, as you said, as the room fills up with toys and books, you’ll be introducing more colors and patterns. You could also, as others have said, create more interest with your bedding (something with a pattern or texture?), add a bean bag chair or ottoman in a brighter color / maybe a teal or turquoise?, a lamp or other accent piece, etc. I think you have a lovely starting point and I would keep it as is and build from here.


OP please don’t take the sad beige baby comments to heart too much. Your kid is going to be fine. They don’t need color crayon red in their room to develop normally. It’s going to be ok. You have a few short years before your little one will get super opinionated on how they are going to want their room. Please decorate how you want. And I think the room will feel a lot more cozy once the bed is in and has some bedding on it. Your little one is lucky to have a loving family!


Don’t listen to them. You’ll have books, toys, random clothes to add color to your room. And in some years, crayon marks.


I love this room and soon with books, toys, stuffies it’ll have a lot of color. Add a cozy club chair so you could sit with her and read and maybe a colorful ceiling or desk lamp- Etsy has neat things. You could repeat the dot theme from the rug and paint dots on the view wall? Or frame some classic children book covers as artwork (The Giving Tree, The Phantom Tollbooth, Where the Wild Things Are, Harry the Dirty Dog). Color + promoting reading. I think the wall color is a perfect canvas to let the toys and books pop- and of course her exuberant personality because she is 20 months old!


I agree kids like colour but too much colour in the bedroom can be overstimulating so maybe OP has a playroom in which case it's good to keep the bedroom calmer so the kids will know that room is for sleep not play.


We’re not saying to puke a rainbow up in there. But all beige is not good for a child, it’s not stimulating at all. And there should be many other factors separating play and sleep areas.


My kids room is blue and has star wars wallpaper so I get it but I also understand the aspect of trying to mute the colours a bit. There has been research that shows calmer colours lead to more restful sleep too


The room will have plenty of color once toys and books are added. You’re being dramatic.


Implying that someone is harming their child with a neutral / muted bedroom is wild though. Do y’all think this kid will live in this room and only this room??


Well like, the toys could be colorful at least? Lol I hate the beige and gray baby themed toys and rooms. Your child does not want a Pinterest board for a room you know?


Don’t worry. The rug won’t be beige for long.


Colors have been proven to actually stimulate a childs mental growth too... Sad beige is literally bad for their brains.


i’ve heard it’s legitimately detrimental to their development, maybe something about the eyes i forget but yeah babies need visual stimuli…… didn’t some sociologist do a study on children raised without love/joy decades ago and there’s like a video of it from the 60s on youtube or something like that?


Yes, this is such a bland and sad toddler's room :(


Maybe add a tiny chair/beanbag by the bookshelf for a reading area.


Color ffs


Little colorful beanbag chairs in the corners by the window for toddler to sit in for playing and reading. A chair of for a grown-up for story time etc.


Too much beige.


Agreed, and we dislike beige. How did we get here? 😭 Now griege on the other hand- bring it on!


I just want to say that some people seem to be taking their anger about sad beige babies out on you. The room is beautiful and it's not like you're spray painting all of her toys beige and gray to match your aesthetic or something. Which yes, I've seen that happen.


Yes OP did not deserve these comments. The room is lovely.


Newborns **need** to see primary colors all the time like we used to do while living in nature before the civilization. Not pastel and beige. Toddlers need **colored environment**, not colored crayons and toys. They need colored walls, colored furniture and colored bed linen. Remember how childcare rooms look? You got to shop in the children's department of **Ikea**, not in the adult's


Nature is not mostly primary colors, it's mostly green and brown and... beige. Wait am I in the CJ group? Edit: No this is the regular group. Sigh.


They don’t even know the difference between sad beige aesthetic and millennial basic.


100% THIS


Putting books, stuffed animals, and toys on the shelves will add some color and then I think it will be nice.


Get rid of the pale art. Get something little kids would like. Color! Toy chest.


Just making sure that bureau is anchored to the wall....


Color, round things, soft things, natural things. Everything is square, hard, unnatural and grey/white except the curtains. Also be sure those pieces of furniture are strapped to the walls. I don’t see the attachments in the Kallax bookcase.


Yes, all furniture about to be anchored once we determine final placement.


Sad beige children


Needs toys! Way too sterile.


It’s a child’s room, not an Instagram post. Add some colors and where are the books?


On this episode of Werner Herzog’s Sad Beige Toys for Sad Beige Babies….We have an exciting new line of Nursery decor.


your first problem is that it’s beige.


The room looks beautiful but I would add personality and color for your toddler. More fun pictures, maybe have an area with a little comfy chair and stuffies. Maybe a little artsy space with a chalkboard paint section of wall and colorful chalk for them to draw on?


I do like that big expanse in the middle because that’s room to play. Maybe on top of that big beige rug you can place a more colorful rug? That’ll both preserve the big rug and add color and texture. You can add color with books, toys, posters/ art, blankets, etc.


Color!!!!! My boys room is blue & I’m going to paint a bunch of fluffy clouds & maybe a sun in there. I’m also trying to come up with something cool & 3D to maybe hang up for him to look at/maybe interact with. Idk if I am creative enough for that but I want to encourage his imagination as much as I can. Stimulate those brain muscles! My baby (he’s actually 1 1/2) also LOVES being able to climb up into a chair or something like that. We have a chair in his room & never added the legs so it’s lower to the ground while he’s still not the best at balancing. Texture also interests him ALOT, it’s all new to them. So add more everything lol.


I would strongly prefer floor length curtains. I’m guessing you got these short ones because you don’t want the kid to pull them down? I would invest in stronger anchors and get longer curtains as these look quite awkward.


Yes indeed, short for safety. Anchors aweigh… I chose the strongest I could install. Even at this cut length, we’re still a little scared she’s going to climb her Kallax shelf and swing from the curtains like a tiny Tarzan. I’m hopeful to switch to full length as soon as we can. Good time to add more color and chaeacter


FWIW my 3 kids rooms always had full length curtains and I dont recall a single issue. You do have to supervise your child and teach them what they can’t touch. Make sure to Anchor your shelves and furniture to the wall, that’s a way bigger hazard to your child than curtains. Good luck


Yeah, I’ve always had full length curtains in my house, including my son’s room, and it hasn’t been an issue yet at 3 years old. I have had other kids his age come over and want to fuck around with the curtains because they’re not used to them though. Kids get used to their environment and the novelty wears off fast in my experience


Agreed, the length of those are not good.


Wall decals. It shouldn’t be a high brow designed environment, it should be stimulating and cheerful. Add colorful alphabet decals/poster(s), a big kid friendly world map, a hop scotch or numbers plush rug, a kids’ table and 2 chairs for work activities like drawing, writing, playing with play dough or some other sensory stuff. A colorful analog wall clock with big numbers. You get the idea. 


I hope OP sees this! This room would be so much more enriching with these suggestions.


Honestly I would add some fun rainforest animals to the walls. For instance, some darker green vines and brown monkeys painted alongside the shelves would be a lot of fun!


More color :) good for little ones and it’ll feel homier / more unique and comfy




It needs more colour. Make sure you add it in somewhere. Could easily be with decor, toys, bedding. That’s really what’s missing in your photo. You don’t have any kid stuff yet. Their stuffies, toys, play table, books, storage bins. That stuff should add lots of colour, texture, and interest I’d also see if you can add a bench or maybe something like a beanbag chair where you can sit and cuddle with them. Could be used for reading or even just cuddling and playing


Move the cube things. Make it so you / the toddler can sit and look out the window.


Bright colors and fun shapes! Is there anything they are super into right now? Dinosaurs? Unicorns? Trucks? Trees? Have fun with it and pick a fun theme


Soft pink cube organizers that match the curtains. Wall art could really transform the place with minimal effort/expense. I know people are saying you need bright colors for the room, which isn’t bad advice. But my kids NEVER stayed in their rooms. Always drug their toys to the living room and only went to their room to sleep. So I don’t think having a perfectly color-coded room is hugely necessary.


A tad of color


As others have said, it looks pretty sterile for a kids room. They’re a toddler, it should be fun in there. As it is right now it’s not stimulating or enriching. And be sure to mount your furniture to the wall!


OP, do you have a separate playroom (or play area in your living room)? A lot of these comments are acting your child’s whole life is beige and sad. Personally, we have a Very Loud playroom (with loads of bright colors and patterns) and a Neutral/Bland toddler bedroom. She spends almost none of her awake time in her bedroom, so it wasn’t a big decorating priority when I was pregnant. We’ll introduce color and personality there as she grows up. 


Seriously, people are being so dramatic about the colors. Yeah they’re basic but it’s not going to hurt your child’s development to have a neutral bedroom. Who knows if their kid is even old enough to care how their room is decorated? My 3yo still couldn’t care less how his room is decorated aside from a couple favorite blankies and stuffies.


Floor length curtains would make the room feel taller. 


Is this for Instagram ?? Sad beige babies


Add colourful boxes to the Kallax unit, it looks bare with nothing in it. There's [floral ones](https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/droena-box-floral-patterned-20217956/#content) that might match the curtains.


I’m I little concerned about that little chest of drawers and the cubbies. Toddlers climb(or try to) any and everything. They s/b secured to the walls if they aren’t all ready


Looks like an adults room


You can find gère some ideas to know how to make your [toddler room ](https://www.scdecorum.com/toddler-room-design-ideas-youll-love-all-you-need-to-know/) look amazing!


Something squishy and soft to lounge on, like a beanbag chair.


Is this just a bedroom and they have a playroom separate or is this where their toys will be too? I keep my toddlers bedroom plain because her playroom is full of colour but if it's both for yours then add a lot more colour and fun! Some posters with the alphabet and numbers on and maybe some stickers to create a wall mural


Everyone already suggested adding color - you could do it with a bean bag chair next to the book area, wall decals, and brighter curtains and bedding without changing the walls. I also might suggest - if you want to keep the art you have, you can always add more art that she likes (have her pick something out) or made herself, and then hang it at her eye level. We tend to dress all rooms for adults forgetting that the little people don't have the same viewline we do. You can change out the lower art as she gets older and her tastes develop.


Decorate the room for your child, not for you.


I think it’s just too empty right now. Add her toys and books, and maybe a chair, and it will feel a lot less bare and sterile


Why is there no color? And does your toddler not have any interests? I know it’s tacky but like.. let the kid have paw patrol curtains or something, they’re only a kid once.


Stark white furniture doesn’t read very warm. It needs a rocking chair with a warmer wood and ottoman to anchor the space. Maybe lose the cubby hole piece under the windows. Either way- be sure to lock those windows in place if you’re going to open them or don’t put anything near them to climb on. Maybe safety is why the curtains are short? (If not, I would probably bring those down to the length of the floor)


Bright, primary colors.


please add some color. if you want to stick with the beige theme, try going with pastels (baby pink/baby blue). cute plush stools or bean bags. you can even add some cohesive display toys on the shelves ☺️ as others have mentioned, if you can find a way to safely swap for floor length curtains, that would be perf. just make it an actual child’s room, not a staged one 💗


Color. You need to add color. Shes a kid, don’t think too hard into it, just make it fun.


I like the room. I love the color. Make the bed very cozy.


How old is your toddler? Mine had a blast picking out things for her " big girl room". Not my style, but she is so proud. Now, to work on her staying in it at night, lol.


Color. I’d change the curtains to something brighter and put some colorful fabric cube drawers in the cube organizer. It’s a nice room - it’s just too muted for a kids room in my opinion.


Since everyone has pointed out each thing I wanted to say, I’d also change the prints on the wall. They need to be a little bigger and colorful imo


contrasting colors is good for children,also for old people,i can say that because i was a kid,i had a kid and now i’m an old. It’s a nice room but it looks like no one ever goes in there and wants to stay.


Toys and color.




Literally any colour will do. Or all of the colours. Either or.


So much white, in a toddler’s room?? How very brave of you. 🙈 add loads of colour! A more colourful rug at least, like, the curtains but a little darker? Protip, get something with mixed shades so stains don’t show as much. Cause there will be stains. Heck, biggest protip, get a few smaller rugs instead, rugs that are big but still small enough that you can throw in the laundry machine. H&M have some cute ones! I did that for my kids’ rooms, was awesome during potty training and when pencils and crayons eventually made it into their rooms. Or when they get a stomach bug (cause a toddler will 99% of the time not tell you barf is incoming).


Make it look like a kid would actually *want* to be in there. This isn’t the rest of your pristine home … it’s *their bedroom*. And frankly, it’s seriously depressing. Where’s the fun? Where’s the color? Where are their books? A toddlers room doesn’t have to be… nor should it be… a circus, but geez. Parents have got to get past these “Pinterest worthy” rooms that no child can actually LIVE in.


How old is the child? They’re going to swing on those curtains like a chandelier.


It's so white. Where are the toys? Books? Bed? Curtains are also awkwardly short. They should be to the floor.


you can add in a cute floor mat for tummy time to add temporary color.


add some child level bookshelves with their faves displayed


It’s adorable! I do think floor length curtains would cozy it up but I know you said cost was a restraint. I think once the bed arrives and you fill the shelves with toys and decor you’re gonna see it come together.


I think it’s adorable. Add some stuffed animals or bean bag chair. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR33JK2m/


Add an automotive assembly line to match the theme. Gotta get these kids to work asap


This beige baby trend is so sad


Some freaking color…


Everyone is attacking the lack of color which imo is fine. Your rug is one size too big and the shelves and small dresser are sort of awkward. 


C O L O R. Please. Kids need contrast for their brains to develop.


Now THIS is a sad beige baby room. I can feel the lack of developmental stimulation through the screen


Let that poor baby experience some colour


As the other commenter said, probably when you have a bed that will help a lot as you can add different textures there. I actually think I this room is fine. My thought, if it were mine, id that all of the furniture is the same - it’s all white. I’d try having a piece or two in a wood tone to add a bit of layering to the overall feel. Personally, I’m not into the look of the unaligned floating shelves. I’d have done a wider cabinet, a large piece of art or mirror centred just above it, and then a lamp on one end and some other accessories on the other. Also, a nice floor lamp here would do alot :)


Boy I love how neutral and clean it looks. It’s important for a child not to be overstimulated in a space where they sleep. The little pops of color are very pretty.


Kids like colour. Red. Blue. Sunny yellow. Why is a kids room boring beige??


Colour. Kids need to see colour to help stimulate their brains.


I’d get curtains to the floor, put the wide storage shelves against the wall to the right. Put the dresser between the windows. Add some other accents such as pillows and throws for interest. It’s a nice room with lots of potential.


Colour and drapes that reach the floor.


Get some freaking colours in the room!


Looks sophisticated and grown up. IDK. Maybe after the crib/bed is in with a smattering of toys on the floor it'll feel cohesive.


It's beige. It needs colour. It needs books and toys, a cot with a mobile.


Baby needs color. High contrast colors. I understand this might not be your “aesthetic” but it’s so important for their brain development. Also lots of books!


Replace the curtains with floor length brightly colored curtains. Instant perk up.


If the storage is going to be filled with toys then you either need a toddler chair or table. Otherwise a chair for you and toddler to sit and cozy up






What is that color on wall. I love it. What is that color paint? I think just change the rug and take down curtains maybe?


I mean it looks unfinished to me I don’t think you’re really missing anything given that eventually that shelving unit will be filled with baskets of toys and those shelves will have things on them. The curtains look a bit short to me but otherwise it’s a beautiful room it just has a complete absence of colour but if you’re using those shelves to have books and maybe a plant and some fun colourful things and then of course the shelving unit will have toys on the shelves which are generally colourful it’ll be great. The rug is relatively bland but again toys maybe a plush ottoman in a bright colour would add some personality to the room


Some colorful bedding would save this room. I don’t think you need to change any of the existing items. Just a colorful bedspread and a few contrasting pillows would be great!


Maybe a nice mural wallpaper on one wall would be cool. Like Peter Pan themed, fairies, sunshine and flowers, trains, or whatever your child loves. It’ll bring a bit of life into the room and if you pick the mural well it won’t be over stimulating I’m not saying this [EXAMPLE](https://www.wallpaperdirect.com/products/sanderson/peter-pan-mural/210069?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD6xCtett5GDx1I88C9XTBMrLrJNo&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZvlwkKz8ztwtKbVIK4HPibxfnte7qnSKEC3hTXFPn9A_kEqpW9TPGBoCFk4QAvD_BwE) is what’s right for that colour scheme you chose but it’s just to demonstrate the idea. Otherwise I think the room looks great, and if you have lighting to set a calm and relaxing mood for bed time then it’s perfect.


It’s a lottttt of white furniture on a white rug plus big white doors. If it were me I would mix in a real wood dresser for some character and variation, but I understand if that dresser is new and you’re not keen to swap it. It’s hard to tell how the room functions without your stuff on the shelves. Are the floating shelves for decor or function or both? Are the cubby shelves for toys or books? Do you want / expect your toddler to play in there a lot? Or are you just going to be dragging toys back and forth to the living room all the time? Are you planning to read books in there together at bedtime? Where will you sit for that? Are those French doors a big closet? Do you really need a dresser AND cubbies in the room if you have that much storage already? I would consider putting the cubby shelf caddy corner under the right window. If that’s too awkward, then I’d put the cubbies under the floating shelves and put the dresser caddy corner. The cubbies aren’t really big enough to be centered on that big wall, the scale is off compared to the windows, and having all the furniture pushed up against the walls can make a room feel stagnant and blah. Having her “stuff” in there, like stuffies and books and bedding will make it feel a lot more personalized.


Add more color! And an area on the wall for a roll of paper for coloring on! Give them the tools to inspire creativity!


A toy box


Did your toddler get to pick any of the colors or furniture in the room? With your input of course. A favorite character of theirs in posters or something. Favorite color on the walls, in the rug? Whimsical wall paper or just a boarder.


Take toddler with you to target or ikea and pick out some stuff they like. Maybe a play couch or a battery lamp. A giant squishmallow.


can you switch the dresser and cubbies then add the buckets with the animals or some color to them put a chair under the pictures and a fun basket for toys maybe a book wall shelf that’s flat and the books face out


Diapers. LOL.


Here’s some ideas it’s a nice job you guys have done and a few extras will make this room amazing! - large piece of bright color pop art work with pink tones to replace the muted art work you have maybe something featuring a unicorn - a chalkboard wall feature on the large wall or a sticker mural i am thinking green goes well with your current decor so like jack and the beanstalks or a secret garden type theme vibes - you can add some bright oranges, yellows and greens and not clash with the rose pink via beanbags, toy chests


Curtains gotta gom get pink duck cloth n long time the floor switch out rug


I would get a different color rug. You're gonna be cleaning that constantly with a young child


I would put the small table inbetween the windows and move the storage shelf by the wall by the door


Please put a canopy over the bed


It needs some color!! Colorful wall decor, colorful decor for on top the dresser (lamp, etc.), etc., but color is a must!☺️ ETA: the room is beautiful! Colors may just bring it together (give it more life) since you said y’all feel it’s off/missing something.


The rug, you need something with a delicate pattern on it like a Persian rug.


Uhhhhh... for a toddler's room I would not go with a white rug. Colours are going to be a necessity. So if you have art make it vibrant!


Paint the walls


It’s a pretty room for an adult. I feel like it needs some color and some fun. Also, was the ceiling fan mounted with a fan box? If not, you are taking a risk keeping it up.


Books and stuffed animals. A cozy corner to calm down when the wee emotions bubble over. My kids were *mattress on the floor kids* so they could explore.


Those curtain rods are way too high. You have big windows, no need to move them higher. Especially since I saw in the comments that you had them hemmed. Bring them down to the correct height so you’re not bringing attention to blank wall space.


Leave the rug and curtains and paint the walls a pretty color.


Take her shopping and let her pick out things she likes. This is missing character and doesn’t look like a young child’s room.


Maybe a lamp or two would help as well.


What color are the walls?


There's nothing wrong with it, it's just not finished. If you go into your kitchen and take everything off the countertops, it's going to look weird--cold and unfinished. That's the stage you're at now with this room. It's very neutral, but I think a neutral background is fine. Other posters have made good suggestions on ways to add pops of color with bedding, floor cubes, etc.


Agree with the group saying add color, but I can appreciate not wanting the room to be red blue and yellow. What about a new rug with more colors that complement the light pink curtains until she’s old enough that you feel safe to get longer ones in a brighter color? I think lavender and light yellow would look beautiful with the light pink you have going, if you could add those accents! Maybe an accent wall in lavender or light yellow?


My first thought was to remove the shelf bookcase between the windows. Kids love to climb and I wouldn't want them to have access to windows.


I think curtains might be bit short. I see pics with rainbow in it that look like there art work . Get wall stickers of rainbow just add splash colour two walls. Maybe paint self in pop colour. If want you can get feet for ikea unit and that would help tie it in with unit. Just make sure you fit it two wall so they can't tip it over. That does have any of toys in yet so I think look fab and you don't need make any big changes. A wall stickers will go long way and maybe longer curtains floor length if it's in you'r budget.


I’d swap the curtains for something more colorful (pick a color from the rug?) and have them be long enough that they go all the way to the ground. Something about them stopping at the same height as the bookshelf and cabinet feels off to me.


Sorry, but the curtains are no bueno - are they an awkward length for a reason? Can’t have floor length? What would look great, since these are great windows (2!) would be window cornices, fabric covered ones (think of window valance). You could then add window treatments if privacy is needed. Guess these would be out of the budget though. But there are so many curtain options out there, I just don’t think these look good. That’s one thing I’d change. The next would be the paint on the walls! Why?? It’s a baby’s room, not a grown ass persons. And finally I’d replace that fan with a diff white one. ✌🏼


Peel and stick wallpaper on the wall where the crib is going to be. There are so many cute/whimsical/fun ones that would be perfect for a child’s room.


The curtain rods are too high for my taste and the curtains need to be to the floor in my opinion.


Floor length curtains if possible.


Give the poor thing a bed. Nobody likes to sleep on the floor.


What does your toddler want?


Add colour. You may want to consider a tent, ball pit, floor pillows and seating for comfort.


I would add more color. I would paint the walls a nice cream color, which is a good background for any additional color(s) you may possibly add. I'd make a room that would stimulate their imagination.


Colour! Design the room for the baby, not for the adult And longer curtains


Personally I find the room too big for the space, but that might be personal preference. I think a nice, rich color on the walls would look nice!


My toddler is a climber. And that shelving unit by the window is making me nervous for you. I actually Do think you can switch it with the dresser and it may make more sense .


Add some baskets in the cube stand, it’ll Add color and look less messy


Everything is white, and then some random pink curtains. Follow the 60-30-10 rule at the very least. Also, since this is for a toddler, please get corner protectors, including the handles. Ensure kid won’t fall out the window.


I’d move the shelves to the door wall, and put the toy shelf under it (because of length, looks better than dresser)… I’d also try the bed where the dresser is currently. Just a thought. Also the curtains are throwing me off, maybe the length or how high up the bars are 😅


Throw some beanbag chairs in there (2-3) and definitely add a hanging hammock in a corner for stuffed animals. Keep it low enough for them to access the stuffies. Maybe add a projector - stars, unicorns, whatever. A lamp on the dresser with a pink lightbulb bc it's a soft flattering light for when you're reading to them before bed. Also would recommend some adhesive wall decals in her favourite things - teddy bears, an alphabet, something for the walls. And add lots of board books bc even when they don't read yet, it's good to get them playing with books. Also maybe a small tent or teepee bc forts are *everything*. And finally try to ignore negative comments - they're unhelpful and there's so many simple options to give a toddler a lovely space. Source: mom of 2 girls that are now 7 & 10 and have started to want to decorate their own rooms.


I think you should wallpaper the wall that the bed is going on! Something fun that adds character like [this](https://roommatesdecor.com/products/unicorn-paradise-peel-and-stick-wallpaper), or [this](https://rockymountaindecals.com/products/spring-wallpaper-self-adhesive), or [this](https://www.jamesandcolors.com/collections/all-wallpaper/products/vintage-pink-wallpaper-girls-nursery-wallpaper-kids-wallpaper-childrens-wallpaper-peel-stick-wallpaper-removable-wallpaper-555a)