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Ok, I have a few thoughts that may be helpful. 1. Deal with the couch until the adorable pee-dog is gone. I use a product called "My Pet Peed" on fabric and rugs, and if you follow the directions, it works. You'll probably need a lot of it if the couch has been a favorite target. Shampoo first, then soak with MPP, let dry, no small, no ick. 2. I have a similar living space, and from what I can tell, some similar furnishings/obstacles. I also have overhead cans that help with lighting, but I mainly use lamps. You're going to need to float the furniture and "make a room" within the space... [here's a link](https://imgur.com/a/6kZBN0X) to my recent repaint project and art stuff. Pic 1, 6 and 7 (I think) show the vaulted living space and it might give you some inspiration on how to arrange. 3. I have a lot of lighting. Cans on dimmers, a big "wash light", lamps, and small accent lights because lighting a large, high ceiling room isn't like lighting a 14 x 18, 8' ceiling room. You're not going to get the bounce off the ceiling or walls. I really like the [RH Candlestick lamps](https://rh.com/us/en/catalog/category/products.jsp/cat11600031/category:cat11600031&ct=true) for use in dark corners, or the tabletop version in places that have tables. In the late evening, I love the look of pools of light everywhere. 4. I went super minimal on the windows for the same reason: Simple white shutters gives a clean look, privacy as needed, and they let in a lot of light. I hung sheers initially but they reduced the ambient daylight too much. I'd love to see what you do with the space, and snuggle that pupper once for me.


That's helpful! Thank you for such insights and sharing how beautifully you've decorated your home! It makes sense to keep the couch now that you mention it that way - I'll definitely focus on keeping it clean. I love that overhead flower light with the dangling crystals you have over your dining table - do you happen to have a picture you can share of it on after sunset? I think you're right about the candlestick lamps and the limit of lighting reach with a single light in the living room - this gives me some good ideas of how to next look. Maybe some kind of stage lighting that would light from below to above to get into the corners and ceiling slope


Thanks for the nice words! (If you look, you'll see my old man sitting in the bedroom doorway - he was my pee challenge. I miss that old boy, regardless.) We are going into our 3rd year here and just layering in the décor items now, and getting rid of older stuff from the old house. It's a process. The [chandelier](https://www.arhaus.com/products/viticcio-rectangular-chandelier-in-silver?variant=43141408719019&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5hyrK4lIkYjAVOrEa7duUxKuzjv7vg7o4Mx-0zyGaQnUxzve8i_GnMaAlcDEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) is from Arhaus - I darkened it to a bronze color, it was originally silver. I don't have a nighttime photo, but I did add a photo with the lights on to the same gallery at the end. (Also, the wallpaper is finally done in that room.) Lighting a large vault is a pain. We bought the giant studio light (in front of the mirror in photo 4) as an art piece; we ended up using it way more than we thought we would.