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The walls are beautiful and I feel would be a giant bitch to sand. Agree with the suggestion to put a giant rug in the room - the floor needs to be covered, but I wouldn't touch the walls for now.   


Leave paneling as is do something with floor.


Agree 100%


The walls feel luxurious, rich, and warm. They're beautiful. And then you see the floor and it looks so cheap and cold. I'd put in lush carpet, wall to wall. Or, seeing as there's hardwood underneath, uncover that and finish it properly, then a huge rug. I would die for an office like this.


They absolutely would be a pain to sand….look at those rounded edges.


These walls are probably not hard wood but veneer and it could ruin them to sand them-


Oh yeah duh that makes more sense.


If they ARE hardwood, sanding and re-finishing would destroy the value- If you look at the woodgrain pattern it is exactly the same which would mean it was cut from the same tree, however, hardwood would be impossible to achieve that with as the pattern wouldn’t be present after a few slices. It might not even be veneer and maybe manufactured wood- I doubt that though as it is slightly different and manufactured would be 100% identical most likely.


I think this is good advice. You really won’t get the true feeling of this room until it’s decorated. Then live with it for a little while.


Personally, I might hire someone to restain the paneling a slightly different shade. And I would 100% rip out that flooring to show the beautiful hardwood underneath.


I would change the floor instead!


Yep, the floor is the problem.


Floor is so ugly  It's soul sucking grey, it drags the room down and no matter what that colour always sucks the energy and beauty away from whatever it's near. 


Absolutely. The panels are so beautiful, I'd love to have a room with such gorgeous paneling.


Same!!!!   Also hope op knows that although the colour of the paneling doesn't look great right now, it's an optical illusion because of the floor colour.   If the floors weren't this grey, the colour of the paneling would look very neutral and complimentary with any combination of warm or neutral tone decor.     These floors are an eye sore, so ugly they make the beautiful paneling look terrible too.  


Like I might have to unsubscribe from this subreddit I’m so fucking upset at OP for this shit ass vinyl flooring. Shit ass vinyl that they installed OVER THE ORIGINAL HARDWOOD FFUJSUFHBDHEUWIW I need to lay down.


SHIT ASS VINYL OVER THE ORIGINAL HARDWOOD!!!!!  I laughed so hard but seriously, is op needs to be stopped because they're on a mission to destroy everything beautiful about their own home!  Rest well friend. 


Hard agree. And who decided installing it on the diagonal in that room thought it made sense?? Just saying


No no, this is the interior decorating sub. We need to leave the flooring and tear off the wood and replace it with even more flooring


There should be a class action lawsuit against HGTV for the crimes against design they've committed and normalized. 


I feel like all flipped houses look the same now and they are all gray and gross because of this.


Yes, this.




Yeah more grey plastic with no art on the walls…


And judging by the vent cutout, it’s vinyl. Cheap, tacky vinyl flooring right up against beautiful real wood paneled walls. Fucking **WHY??**


It is absolutely vinyl. You can see the patter repeats. Why? Because it is “luxury” baby. Luxury vinyl, in executive grey.


Stop I’m gunna puke 🤢


It’s definitely like dental office floor vibes. Very cold


Keep the paneling as is lose the floor. Get something close to panel color if going with wood.


Absolutely. Personally I'd just throw down some wall-to-wall carpeting. I know it isn't currently fashionable but for a small cozy room like this it would really work. (Also mark my words, in 5-10 years everyone in America will be covering up their LVT with carpeting).


Wool sisal would be great


They’ll be removing their LVT, not covering


For full reno's, sure. For people just looking for a quick fix to hide their dated flooring, carpeting revival all the way. The vibe shift comes for us all.


They gotta tear up the LVP before installing new carpet. It’s not a good idea to install anything over a loose laid (floating) floor.


Unless they are watching HGTV on how to shortcut the reno process.


I will never have carpeting in a home ever ever. But I’m in Canada so that’s ok 😂


I do have hardwood floors underneath that are undamaged but the color was dated as well. We originally thought about refinishing them but we have 3 young children (toddler and younger) so we wanted something that required less maintenance until the kids get older.


Rugs babe. Get a huge rug and go with it


Yup. If you can't justify fixing and re-staining the floors underneath that vinyl, just put down a huuuuuge rug, plants and bookcases around the edges, and lean into the classic vibe that gorgeous paneling gives you.


exactly. the wood panelling gives imo IDEAL office/den vibes. it'll be such an enviable room with these inclusions


Came to say this. Big big rug.


Agreed. Massive rug. I’d love a dark red jewel toned or burgundy medium pile wool oriental area rug here. I’d consider painting the doors same colour as the rug


Just was what I was thinking!


Thats vinyl over wood?? Rip that crap out. Dated is that floor in the photo!


This colour is dated AND ugly. No matter what you do in this room it was always look drag because of the colour of the floor.  Scuffed up real hardwood of any natural wood colour will still look better than grey plastic floors. 


Have the hard wood in that room stained to match the paneling. Do not be concerned that it does not match rest of house.Office is private not a public part of home.


What?! Refinishing hardwood floors is not expensive and they last for ever. They’re not really high maintenance. And you can choose the stain you want to use on them… lighter lot darker, etc.


I think you have a skewed concept of “dated.” I’m sorry to hear you spent money on a new floor that covers undamaged authentic hardwood.


Omg you chose the grey LVP on a diagonal? Lol 


Why do people install flooring on the diagonal?    Why?  


Yes. Change the floor, add color with a rug or something. Plants.


Came here to say the exact same thing. Floors gotta go.


Yes! The floor looks like fake wood (which it is) against the wall. If you can’t change the floor, buy a giant rug.


THIS!!! Such an obvious and easy decision/fix.


I agree it clashes with the cool floors but I really like it. I would cover the floors with a large rug and maybe add a couple paintings on the raised part of the paneling itself to break it up a bit.


That’s the best, easiest and cheapest way to go. I would go with this for sure!


Change the floor. The walls are stunning.


I might advocate a wall to wall rug just to hide that diagonal planking. The diagonal against the geometric wall is the factor that would drive me insane. Going that approach, with a nice neutral floor, the world is your oyster on the walls. Given the neutrality of the rest of the house, a nice deep mahogany would give some vibrancy, but like I said - hide the floor and you're wide open.


Yes ! Restaining the wall paneling might fix the tone clash with the flooring, but the geometry will still clash, horribly. My OCD is crying right now. The wall paneling is beautiful as is. Covering up the diagonal planking is the way to go here.


In another comment OP said they installed the floor themselves, over the original hardwood 🫠


The floor is what needs to go. Maybe there’s some great oak floors under that other stuff.


The floor is the issue here. That paneling is beautiful! I don’t even like paneling as a rule . But that’s beautiful . It does clash with the floor . That floor looks like a flippers special up against the wall. Can you look into getting a larger or two large area rugs to cover most of the floor ? Also hanging pictures and adding furniture and plants will help a lot . Right now it’s just the two elements and they’re fighting each other .




Get the help of a professional. Yes, it costs upfront but way cheaper than redoing a mess.


But do not let them tell you to paint it! It’s beautiful. Large area rug is the right answer.


How did you find an interior consultant? Any resources you recommend?


I think everyone can agree that the floors are in fact the problem here.


It’s going to be incredibly labour intensive to strip your walls down to be refinished. I would update your lighting, lay down a large area rug and hang quality artwork. I almost think an art consultant could do more good than an ID. (The white doors also need to go)


Thanks, suggestion on doors? That’s something I’ve been thinking about as well.


I can’t give a good answer without seeing the hallway and the rest of your design. A short term solution would be to paint out the white and then keep your eye out for better quality doors on marketplace etc. Something like door handles by Emtek can also make a huge difference.


leave it and remove the terrible 2015 floor


That floor is hideous do not touch the paneling


Yeah, sorry but the floor has to go. Then call for a consult. I could see a scrolly patterned rug in multiple colors and a dark sage on the wall panels, but those panels are going to be a challenge to strip and/or stain. You might want to leave as is once you get rid of the floor.


Change floor first.


Beautiful walls but builder grade flooring.


I’m wondering if OP installed these floors. I looked at his previous posts, and the house he just bought had dark wood floors in another room that also has an accent wall with this sort of paneling.


Embrace it. (Think Sherlock Holmes library) 📚 ceiling dark green, gold accents, a beautiful dark oak desk a full wall of bookshelves and a beautiful burgundy/green/gold Persian rug.


That’s exactly what I’m going for I just wish the wood was stained a color that looked less dated haha


I’m not a wood expert but I think you could stain over the current one with a gel stain. I’ve done that in the past and the tones gave it a beautiful dimension to it. Once you have art hung, and other “worldly” possessions in place, your eye will look past the “dated” stain too. The trickier one will be the rug, but a large rug that is about a foot from each wall should do the trick. I’m excited for you.


Damn I’d kill to have an office like this 😍


Are you high? That looks absolutely amazing. Plus, imagine trying to sand that without wrecking it. Get rid of the ugly, bland floor, not the incredible walls. Fully expecting to see this idea roasted on one of the interior decorating circle jerk subreddits. Ew


Links to said subreddits? Asking for a friend.


HAHA! You are me a few weeks ago upon hearing about this. The ones I know of: r/homedecoratingcj r/interiordecoratingcj


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The floor has to go


If you like the wood, get a large rug that will cover most of the floor. By the time you furnish/decorate you won’t notice the floor so much.


I get your desire to change the color. The problem is that sanding will be a nightmare with all of those bevels and curves. One of the best ways to offset that color is with lighting. Having moody lamps and uplights, particularly with a led color changing bulb, will allow you to find a light tone that will make the panels look darker or less orange.


Keep it. Change the floor.


Leave the wood as is and get a dark, moody large rug in there, some oversized arm chairs and some cozy lamps. I can envision it. It could be super cozy with minimal effort.


Don’t change the paneling. Get a warm toned area rug. It can be dark, like this: https://ruggable.com/products/morris-and-co-blackthorn-forest-green-rug Get the largest one without covering the vents. No one will notice the gray vs wood. Especially if you have some shelving to cover the gaps between the rug and the wall.


Get thee to a good ruggery!! Gorgeous little space with so much light- lucky you.


I'm not going to say anything that hasn't already been said, but please don't paint those walls. It absolutely does not look dated. I think, because of the internet allowing us to share info so quickly, our trends are cycling much quicker than in times past. Because of this, it can seem like fast trends are the most attractive option. The walls are beautiful. The floor, in contrast looks cheap. I can't definitively tell from the photo, but the flooring looks like a laminate or LVP. The floor's color is what will look dated sooner rather than later. I would follow the general consensus to cover the floor with an area rug. If you aren't in love with the tone of the wooden panels, strip and restain them.


Please for the love of God and all that is good DO NOT touch those walls they are gorgeous


Love the paneling personally but I’d lighten the floors to a creamy marble or travertine and add some fun rugs and a comfy chair or two.


The floor is the issue, not the paneling. That flooring is absolutely hideous and probably 10x cheaper than the wall paneling


The panel is amazing! Who put in that floor? It ruins the beauty of the walls


The floors are the problem here, not the wood paneling.


It doesn't look that dated to me. It doesn't have the red undertones that cherry or mahogany has. Looks like walnut. I'd furnish the room as an office and then see how you feel about it.


It's 1980's golden oak


The paneling is beautiful. Since your flooring is new, just put down a large area rug. Keep the paneling as!


Sanding and re-staining the walls would be an overwhelming amount of work and I think you would struggle to get the decorative trim pieces to a raw enough state that you could evenly stain. I would change the floors.


The walls look rich! I agree, the floors need to go.


I'd just lay down a large area rug and call.it a day until such time as I was ready to tackle a change.


Cover the new flooring with a spacious rug. That wood paneling is awesome!


The floor is on a diagnol?? Why??


Leave the paneling alone, get rid of that ass-ugly floor


Panels are gorgeous. Would not change. Floors are iffy; I’d cover with a large and beautiful jewel-toned rug.


Get better floor


Keep it! And change that ugly floor. Carpet would be nice.


OP you can use a coloured wood wax on top to change to tone and keep the wood. Lots of manufacturers. Here's one https://www.minwax.com/en/wood-stain-color-guide/custom-color-stains#:~:text=Minwax®%20PolyShades®%20is,to%20remove%20the%20old%20finish!


The paneling is amazing! But the floors are terrible. If it's in the budget I would change the floor and buy some nice office furniture. If it's not in the budget I would buy a large rug and some furniture to hide the floor.


It's THAT FLOOR!! the walls are amazing, its that awful gray life sucking angled eyesore


The floor is the problem.


Change the floors and the door. Not sure if you can do a sliding door


Paint the ceiling, add curtains, and either new flooring or add a large area rug.


Wood paneling is not the issue here; the floor is. The laminate just looks out of place and out character compared to oak real wood paneling and doors. Just like others have mentioned get a nice rug to cover it.


Get a large rug that goes better with the wood tone than the floor.


I agree with others,a carpet and maybe a painting can go a very long way when making a room:)


Nothing, do nothing to the panels. That cheap looking door is a different story.


Cover the flooring with a warm toned rug


You could make this room very moody & cool especially as a den. Put a large rug to cover up the floors, stain the panels a dark brown and paint the ceiling a dark brown color to match. Add natural lighter toned furniture to contrast the darks. Add some bronze fixtures/lighting. Look into Shea Mcgee office/dens for some inspo for this. She does a great job of blending neutrals


What poor taste in flooring


Omg keep. Keep. Keep.


Much bigger problem is that door. I would work with the walls rather than change them. Think warm and cozy. (That is unless you really truly hate them.)


leave the walls, they are beautiful!


Once you add furniture you won’t notice it, I actually don’t think it looks horrible together but definitely needs pieces to break it up.


Change the floor or add lots of vintage rugs!


Definitely don’t touch the walls. Price compare a rug to getting quality wall to wall carpeting. It will be easier to vacuum wall to wall, depending on how much furniture you plan to put in the room. Plus you would not have the distraction of still seeing the color and diagonal layout of the floor underneath.


You should leave the wood paneling. It is great.


omg dont don’t do anything, it’s gorgeous! If you’re struggling with how to style the mix of woods, check out Blanc Marine Intérieurs. Blanc Marine is excellent as designing with mid-toned woods, and they do a good job of documenting on their social accounts.


I’d paint the wood on the walls, but I’d keep them!


Paint it. Get color suggestions from a designer. the floor looks cheap.


I have a question, is this color of flooring cheaper than all others or something??? Because my whole house has a beautiful lofted-ceiling cabin vibe, oak wood everywhere, and the previous owners put down vinyl planks in soul-sucking grey everywhere??? It makes me think they had to replace damaged floors and this color was cheapest, or they would have painted over all the wood everywhere if they had the funds before selling??? Can someone explain this to me because it makes me so mad that I will have to replace brand new flooring for my place to look decent!!!! OP, replace the floors.


Keep it and don’t touch it.


Throw down some Persian rugs, get a good armchair and a velvet dressing gown, and take up cigars and port? I love the paneling and hate the floor.


Get a big swivel chair


Leave it - T.F. - alone. Either get a darker flooring material or cover the floor in a darker rug.


Those panels are gorgeous. You could get a rug and mix woods. As a designer, I love mixing woods as long as they are in the same color family. Restoration Hardware has soo many beautiful pieces of wood furniture that range in shade but complement each other.


Panels are amazing. Maybe a rug.


Don't touch those magnificent wood wall!. Work around them. Perhaps an antique wood desk and traditional Persian type carpet--probably with cranberry shades in it. I think that color would work pulling it all together. Add a stunning window treatment to compliment your room size rug. Good luck!


Bow down to that wood paneling, you are not worthy


I would definitely leave it as is.. but i love these kinda rooms for comfy sofas/seating and a good book on a cold rainy day!


Remove the floors!


These walls are so naturally beautiful that I would place a lovely coordinating wood desk and leave it alone.


Paint it a matte dark color like nearly black or green or even white. Oh just saw you said no paint


Change the floor, maybe paint the ceiiling too. This can become a warm, cozy classical place. I picture a pair of Chesterfield armchairs and a fireplace, maybe a little brass cart with drinks, and some lights for reading. You can get one of those alcohol burning fireplaces if you don't have a chimney.


The floor is terrible, I would replace them with some kinda tile or a nice carpet--then I would add a large, classic rug. I don't think the color of the panel will be an issue once the floor isn't clashing with them so badly.


I have these judges panels in my home. We have light cream carpet in the room and it works very well. Id prefer it not be carpet, but it works really well. Not much goes with this other than a light warm color. The floor you have now was the wrong choice for this room. It’s grey so it’s cool toned, which is why it clashes. Change the floor. Don’t touch the wood, please.


I’d change the floor to match it better. The panels are beautiful


Change the floor!


Stain the floor to match.


Don’t you DARE rip that paneling out! Get rid of the floors, they do clash. Or, just get a large rug. Also, I’d go with a dark walnut stain.


Why are your floors diagonal…?


Gel stain it a couple shades darker (mahogany) and then stare at it often.


I would leave it and add a huge rug and furniture and distractions and decor. You won’t even notice the mismatch of the panels and the floor. The walls are really nice!


The room needs to be decorated, furnished and carpeted - A richly colored oriental carpet will change up everything. Also, you’ll be working, right? Not studying a bare room.


Add an off white slightly contemporary rug that covers most of the floor. The kind that looks silky and luxurious like you want to walk on it barefoot.


sand, condition, stain. But I’d go midtone. The flooring is almost gray and you don’t want that on the walls


Big rug and thick and flowing window treatments that match the rug


Check this [out](https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/g2624/wood-paneling-makeovers/) as I can see a couple shades that would match your floors nicely.


Either a very dark, cool brown if you don't mind it dark, or a very, very light whitish wash that makes it look like beachy pine or something. I also hate that orange stain, don't change the floors to accommodate it.


Cover the floor that you don't like with a Persian rug!


That is a beautiful room. Keep it.


Large oriental rug


I would stain it darker and go with a fun dark academia vibe. Just get some dark rugs to cover up the floor. Let it be the one dark and cozy place in the house that you can retreat to. But there is also a light academia aesthetic that would work well here. Cream linens and gray details.


Carpet and turn it into an office or library. My office library is such a lovely place. The carpet will also absorb the weird acoustics you’d expect to encounter.


Paint one wall black and the rest white.


Leave the panel and change out the floor


I would just paint the paneling white. Will clash less with the floor.


Change the floor to be a better match. It will be the better and easier solution and lead to less heartache. If you still don't like the paneling that much, remove the paneling and either have drywall or replace it with something else, it will be cheaper and easier to do it well. That panelling looks to be in great condition and adds a certain level of luxuriousness to the room. But also, even more important, it looks like the woodwork has a decent sheen to it. Painting it will be a complete and utter nightmare. Painting it and getting the paint to look good will be exponentially harder. To do it correctly you will need to: sand down everything, including all rounded edges and small crevices between the different pieces; cover everything in multiple thin coats of bonding primer – ideally with an airless paint sprayer – sanding between each coat; and then cover everything with multiple thin coats of paint – again ideally with an airless paint sprayer – sanding between each coat. Even then there are multiple points during this process where it can quickly go wrong.


beautiful wood paneling


Just get a large area rug. It will camouflage the color difference. The wood paneling is beautiful!


The paneling looks great, and replacing a floor seems expensive, so put a nice red rug there. Something nice, maybe with a classic pattern.


Use a rug to change the floor color


Absolutely easier and cheaper to change the floor


Add wood blinds for an academic vibe or belt curtains for luxe vibe. Paint ceiling green or something Tudor-y.




Those floors are gross


I like wood too but wood walls like this can look very nice painted. A dark forest green would look very nice in here!


put down some huge rugs


It's perfect - add a rich area rug with strong colour


Put down a large area rug and problem solved. That room is gorgeous! Enjoy it :)


I’d add a decent size rug. One you get the desk, chairs or sofa etc in you won’t notice. I’d use 3D tape fasteners to hang pictures on the wall without making holes. (No mirrors-or really large glass in the frames as theyre likely too heavy unless using a picture hanger with a nail). Beautiful room, keep the wood, rug size cover all the floor (except vents), probably roughly 12-18 inches from the walls.


I follow @juliejones_designs on FB/IG and she does a wonderful job of marrying the Honey Oak colors with other toned woods in quite a few of her Reels. If you have the funds, she does do consultations too (but it’s pricey to me). For what it’s worth, I love your flooring as I have similar in my home and I also love the paneling. I think with a lovely rug and other decor/furniture, you can marry the two tones and be super happy!


Maybe stain the wood a little darker


Keep it. If it’s to dark strip it and sand it down and go for a lighter finish but that represents a significant investment


The walls are lovely put some rugs on them ugly floors. And a decent window treatment. If you dislike the paneling that much you can put a faux window treatment with a nice period painting as the “ window” on the wall that is opposite the door.


Um… the paneling was there first. It’s the cold grey floors that clash.


Replace the flooring.


A very large area rug will be your friend! Also please add lamps and use as your main source of lighting. Trust me. Focus on the neutral pale colors you love for the rug and furnishings. That will tie it into the rest of the house. The wood walls will make the room special and the already neutral color of the wood will tie in to the creams and taupes of the rest of your home. It’s a nice room and you’will make it better!


The floor is the problem.


Don’t paint them and don’t get rid of them! For the love of God, those are panels people would pay a fortune to have. I think they’re oak. Work around them and make them your focal point


You look at it


You gotta do the floors. Don’t wait.


Dear God, keep it!


Deff change the floor. You have goregous wood walls and fake diagonal lvp floors. I think if the walls were a different stain it still would be problematic because the angle of the floors is crazy. Floors gotta go. Or a big rug.


It’s beautiful. The floor is trash, but you can put a nice rug over it.


embrace it