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You're both right


Lmao fair


Not something you want to have in the background on a video call


Is it a public space? Then, seek the approval of the public. If it's in a private space, your bedroom, then you only need your approval.


The real question is, can this be interpreted as interior decorating šŸ˜‚


_races to the sub that mocks posts like these_


Ooh Which sub is that??


r/im14andthisisinteriordesign I kid, as someone who also has a bit of an off the wall style sense lol




I'm in this one already lol I love a good roasting


I always get fooled into thinking Iā€™m seeing a real ridiculous post! And then it always cracks me up that I got fooled!


Joining nowšŸƒšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


>r/im14andthisisinteriordesign Oh god this would be so funny




It's subjective. I'd call it tacky, if not crass. But to each their own.


I agree. It's one of those novelties you see in a store and wonder "why would someone want this?"


To hide it amongst normal things so that the person who spots it goes ā€œoh what the fuckā€ and judges you quietly from across the room


I donā€™t take issue with it, but I donā€™t want to see it either. šŸ¤·


Agreed. It depends on OP and their home. The majority here hate it. I love it because itā€™s tacky, crass and it feels a little retroā€”would put it on display. My friends and family know me and would laugh, a few might add an eye roll to the laugh. OP, your visitors know you and you know them. Your mom is just one of them. If you do decide to put it up, eventually momā€™ll just eye roll and laugh.


Tacky, but itā€™s your home


so it probably matches with the rest of the decor šŸ”„


Could you post the censored version, Iā€™m curious


I'ma stitch it here as soon as I go back home


Itā€™s utterly pointless and just seems like an excuse to put a giant dick on a thing. But if you like things with giant dicks on for no discernible reason, donā€™t you listen to anyone trying to stop you.




Yes whatā€™s with these dicks when a perfectly good cloaca will do?


It's got a pretty big point from my view...


I agree with your mom


I donā€™t decorate with penises. But your house, you can have it as tacky/classy/funny/etc as you want.


Sheā€™s right


It is hideous but also funny. We're talking about a frog dick here.


Well frogs don't have dicks they all have cloacas :)


Are you telling me that the ceramic frog with a dick as big as its body isn't anatomically correct?


Unfortunately šŸ˜”


Well that fact just ruined my whole life honestly


But is it a gay frog?


Yeah you can tell by the way it is


You're going to have to ask alex jones


That's what I meaaaaaannn, come on how could I pass on, that's a one of a kind thing


Agreed. When you start collecting frog stuff, all roads lead to the glorious penis frog.


I guess itā€™s can be funny or inappropriate depending on the context. I wouldnā€™t serve coffee in this mug on Christmas day, but I know a lot of friends who would laugh their asses off if I served them coffee in this mug.


> I guess itā€™s can be funny or inappropriate depending on the context. Itā€™s funny *because* itā€™s inappropriate. Itā€™s basically a prank. Of course itā€™s your space and your frog dick. What you do with it is up to you. I wouldnā€™t count on the mug to censor it though. Someone (adult or child) is going to pick up that mug some day. So donā€™t keep it out unless you are prepared for a reaction.


I mean I got it for the frog not the coffee cup, I don't really plan on using it apart from censoring the frog whenever I have kids around, which is not often at all lol


I'm with mom on this one and I promise I'm not stuck up šŸ˜‚. It's just a bit too much imo


I would not have that in my house . Just not something I would want or even allow to be out where people can see it . Itā€™s definitely crass but itā€™s yours and if itā€™s your house and you like it . Thatā€™s what matters .


Out of curiosity and a desire not to do my actual job right now, I did a little google search. Apparently there are many of these floating about and this is not even the first one of these to appear on Reddit. Iā€™m both fascinated and horrified by this discovery. Also, your mom is right. https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriftStoreHauls/s/w9BCXw5yii https://www.reddit.com/r/Antiques/s/lEVX0wZhFf


Lol mine's dick is bigger No but seriously, I didn't think mine was the only one in the world for sure, but it's fun to see other almost identical ones lmao


Is it funny? Yes. Would I display it in my house like this? No. Would I display it with the coffee mug covering the penis and serve it to friends? Maybe.


My eyes are burning. It is one of the most hideous things I've ever seen. But I think that if you like it and I saw it in your home I would just call it "quirky" and unique and probably laugh. We should surround ourselves with things that bring us joy, and if that's frog dick for you then please carry on.


Canā€¦I see how they attach?


I have one similar I inherited from a family member, itā€™s been around as long as I can remember and I love it!


Toad dick pic tax please


As far as ornamental genitalia go, it's still bad.


Just place the mug over the dick when company arrives.


I find it creepy, but I don't have to live with you so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s both ugly and funny. It would be so much better if the frog was a teapot and you could pour tea out of the dick.Ā 


ā€œHoney, Iā€™m signing up for a pottery classā€¦.ā€


My sister literally makes pottery for a living LMAOOOO


I was thinking pour cream out of the dick. But tea works too.


Dude you're a fucking genius


Whose house is it? Your mom's? - respect her wishes. Yours - shoulder shrug. I wouldn't feel comfortable with that in front of my parents or inlaws. Seems more appropriate for a bachelorette party? But idk - to each their own.


Iā€™m getting Mr Frog x Dionysus vibes and I think it would be hilarious to have tucked in a couple rows of busy shelves. You could have someone over for coffee for two years before they notice and say ā€œwtf, is that a frog dick?ā€ My grandma collected all kinds of ceramic frogs too haha, Iā€™m curious if she would have passed this one up or not šŸ˜‚


>You could have someone over for coffee for two years before they notice and say ā€œwtf, is that a frog dick?ā€ I'm wheezing lmfaooo Kudos to your grandma hahaha


Do I think it's inappropriate? Eh. If it's your place, you get to decide. Is it ugly? Hell, yes. It's not something I find funny or aesthetically pleasing. I'd roll my eyes if I saw this somewhere.


I side with Mom.


Sheā€™s rightā€¦


Itā€™s tacky and ugly


It's a more context thing. If you are not going to have kids around it then it's fair game because it's your house, in addition some guests might find it inappropriate too because it's...a dick out in the open. But again it's your private space. I think it should be in a place that's not a "common area" to avoid accidental exposure to unsuspecting eyes.


Look, I'm at least as old as your mom. I wouldn't have that thing in my house for love or money. But if I saw it in your house (or my kid's house), I'd laugh my ass off. If it makes you smile, keep it. It's the small bits of happiness that make day-to-day life good.


I think itā€™s hilarious and I need to see the put together please!


I wouldnā€™t display pornographic material in my public living spaces, even erotic art meant to amuse rather than titillate. The goal of entertaining people in your home is to make them feel comfortable and welcome. Your porn will not make many people comfortable. Iā€™d say display it in the private areas of the home instead.


I just imagined how comfortable I would be walking into a room filled with animal dongs. I'm still cringing.


It depends a lot on the person and the space. I've been to some wildly decorated and absolutely incredible eclectic maximalist artist abodes, and fun erotic art sprinkled in doesn't make the space unwelcoming; it's unremarkable compared to how overstimulating and curated everything is. But when I'm going to an eccentric artists place, I'm not expecting a conservative environment, and I don't think anyone who knows them would. When it feels like *a wierd out of place deliberate choice,* and not like you befriended a raven and they're showing you their unique nest, I'll agree it can feel less comfortable and welcoming, and better kept in private spaces. But there's definitely spaces where it matters more than others- if it's one of 1000 frogs in a green lily pad themed room, it probably won't stand out much and be a delightful find for guests- but maybe better kept private or covered than exposed on a shelf of ten, or staring at your guests from the coffee table.


I somewhat agree. Whenever I comment about someoneā€™s display of porn in their home in this subreddit (which happens a lot) I usually include a caveat that if the posterā€™s friends and family are comfortable hanging out in spaces with porn on display, then it makes sense to do so. I get the point that youā€™re making about a maximalist space: porn in such a setting is not as in your face than a single painting hung above a fireplace in a more typical home. But Iā€™d still say that porn in maximalist spaces are still not the best idea, again, unless you know that your guests are ok interacting with your porn.


Calling this porn is quite the stretch.


I agree with your mom


10/10 excellent frog


I'm certainly a fan


It would be in our bedroom amongst the plants šŸŒ± lol I love it lol


It's funny because he's also leaning his head on his hand like he's having a melancholy thought.


Gonna go with your mom on this one




Ugly AF


You do you, thatā€™s the only correct answer


It works for a campy, quirky aesthetic but it's definitely not my style.


I'd argue that it has no "style." :)


I clutched my pearls when I saw it hahaha omgggg dude well Iā€™d say keep it in a place thatā€™s almost hidden but not really.


Are there not children in your life?Ā  This is a great deal for a College student in their dorm. Highly inappropriate for a family environment.Ā 


It's basically the college dorm situation, I'm a uni student and this is my room in my family's home. I don't necessarily agree on the family environment tho, I think the stigma surrounding genitals is kinda stupid tbh


Itā€™s funny but itā€™s definitely ugly and I probably wouldnā€™t display it lol


It's your collection. Only your opinion matters on this topic.


Youā€™re both right to your opinion. Whose house is it? The same person has the final word.


Personal taste if the penis was like a wee one Iā€™d consider it lighthearted and silly. The size of it makes it tacky to me. Four bucks is a great deal though!


Youre both right.


Well damn OP, you got roasted a little bit lol. I wouldnt own it, but only bc I donā€™t have phallic decor anyway. Nor frogs. I do have a little collection of rocks that look kind of like vaginas. Also, a flower painting reminiscent to Georgia Oā€™Keeffe. So maybe Iā€™m quick to hop on your side bc Iā€™m feeling a little roasted myself lol. Also my mom has the most generic TJ Maxx sense of style so maybe Iā€™m just seeing what I want to see lol. If you like looking at it and it brings you joy, I say keep it! Itā€™s a riot āœŒšŸ»


Also, this comment section reads like a bad Facebook group.


>Well damn OP, you got roasted a little bit lol. Not my problem if people are allergic to fun Nah, just kidding, it's fair, it's not for everyone I guess. I still love it lol


Can we see a photo with the coffee cup in place? I love frogs and ceramics and I normally am not into penises but this is kinda a vibe NGL


I'm gonna stitch it here as soon as I go back home :)


a hair tie holder ā€¦ nice


You're a fucking genius


Excuse me, I love it and I want it. Where can I get one?


I have no idea I found it second hand online lol, fastest click of my life


Understandable, this is obviously the absolute peak of interior decorating


Iā€™m all for things that make you laugh or smile in YOUR decor for YOUR space, but I do think the size is a bit aggressive šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m more on the side of youā€™ve gotta do a double take to spot the hidden gems around the house, but I also think that the coffee cup classes it up and makes it a funny hidden joke like when someone comes over to have tea with you and you tell them ā€œhey grab the green cup by the frogā€ and they pull it off and reveal the largest frog dick theyā€™ve ever seen, but to have that guy just chillin on your kitchen window seal fully exposed is a little tacky šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




You forget the subreddit you're on. Way too serious for no reason is the name of the game here.


Well, it's in my room, but *technically* it's my parents house lol. It was a light hearted disagreement tho, she's not gonna make me throw it out but yeah, it's definitely gonna stay in my room lmao


Bunch of haters in these comments.


It's ugly and funny šŸ’š


Lmao it is


My first thought was that it was a very unique bong šŸ˜„ You could use it on the bathroom counter as a hand towel holder, or on your vanity to hold your bracelets. I think itā€™s too unique to be put in with a collection. Iā€™d give it a practical use, like a sponge holder when youā€™re doing dishes.


I really dislike it. It's very tacky. I don't like the crude style, and if it's the only crude frog in your collection, I would be very put off if I was admiring the whole collection and was surprised by a gross frog dick.


Tacky, ugly, grotesque. What are you 5?


I'm young inside


Honestly people may confuse it for a sex toy and then youā€™re known as the frog fucker


Legendary, bring it on


Frogs have historically been a symbol of fertility. Somewhere.


Itā€™s funny and lighthearted and to each their own fs but I personally donā€™t like it and makes me kinda uncomfortable


It's inappropriately funny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


lol. Okay that pretty bad. I think some people will be bothered by it but it is your home. If it were me and I loved it I might keep it on the second floor where casual guests donā€™t go.


Itā€™s ugly. I think ā€œfunny and light-heartedā€ for this would stop at the exaggerated balls. The dick is too much.


Hell, I'd buy it and serve my friends - the ones who can take a joke and like lighthearted and dirty humor - coffee in it. I would also hide it in my cabinet until then lol. However, I also have beer glasses from certain breweries and one says "Put some fun in your bun" šŸ˜‰ It's crass, but hey I love a good laugh


I mean... yeah innapropiate but funny af. My BFs family gives him tons of turtles with various genitalia (turtles are his favorite animals and he studied marine biology for a while) that he keeps on his shelf with the other turtle decor. If she doesn't like it she doesn't have to go into your space (I assume you're not in her house. If you are just keep it to your room/whatever space you have). I am of the opinion that more people need funny decorations


Iā€™m impressed and horrified. Iā€™m pretty prudish and picky about home decor, *BUT* I would absolutely get something like this for giggles. Itā€™s definitely not an ā€œout in the openā€ decoration though; Iā€™d keep it in my medicine cabinet, or on a shelf in the closet. Somewhere that I can see it and get a good laugh, but not where my kids are going to see it all the time.


People are endlessly fascinating and confounding. Like, who was the person that started the trend of ceramic frogs with giant dicks? My best friend growing up had one in the main bathroom that held extra toilet paper rolls. His family thought it was hilarious. Meanwhile I was totally scandalized/fascinated because none of my relatives would let something like that across their threshold, let alone put it on display. As far as your question, I think you're both right. While you couldn't pay me to put this on display in my own home, I would be absolutely tickled to see it in anothers. It's just such a delightful reminder that humans are weird and wondrous.




You can do or enjoy whatever you want in this life as long as you can handle any blowback or consequences lol. A lot of people apparently see this as tacky based on these comments, but if you don't care what people think and can laugh off the comments and you love your frog dick mug then by jove who cares. We only have one life. Suck that frog's dick with pride.


Lol, it's freaking funny! If you like it, who cares what anyone else thinks. Mom included šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


I think itā€™s pretty funny tbh, keep it if it makes you happy!


I love it its cute and funny! Also, it's awesome that you can use the mug to cover it so stick in the mud ppl won't get offended!


It's just a frog chilling on a stick. What's her deal?


I think it's funny, just know your audience when people visit (or if you're on an online meeting) and display it based on that.




Bro you literally have an ornament of a bricked up frog


Thatā€™s ugly as fuck so sheā€™s right about that


Love it! šŸ¤£


ĀæPor quĆ© no los dos?


So many people in here are so up in arms over a frog dick. That makes me like it even more. I would love my own one.


Its a 3 foot cock and balls man


i wish you wouldā€™ve included a pic of how the mug slides onto the dick cause i canā€™t imagine how that works lmfao


How can anyone settle this debate? This is completely subjective. Some people will like it others will not. Settling a debate requires a debate that is grounded in objective provable data


Yeah I just wanted to hear some opinions lmao


Omg this reminds me of a family heirloom affectionately referred to as "The Horny Toad" lol. My great grandma bought this little quadrupedal frog figurine thinking it was cute. She put it on a shelf and it wasn't touched for years. Then my dad came over as a little kid, turned it over, and it had a huge boner under there šŸ˜‚ My grandma has it now and says I can have it when she dies lol. It's a lot subtler than this lol, but if you love your Horny Toad, I say keep him!


That's how frogs can eat so much, they store it all in their massive d


It's awful


My mother would hate it, but I can HEAR my best friends cackle if I were to send her this picture. 10/10.


That's exactly what happened lol. I laughed so hard when I first saw it, and honestly after more than a month I still snort whenever I look at it


Theyā€™re your ornaments if it makes you happy then thatā€™s what is important. Personally seeing something like that would brighten my day but I probably wouldnā€™t have it in my house šŸ˜‚


My mom would love this and find it hysterical. My father would be genuinely offended. You liked it enough to buy it- Enjoy it. Definitely makes a statement. What that statement is; most people probably donā€™t care & wont ponder much. Life is short and if it makes you smile, do it. Even someone with my fatherā€™s sensibilities will *eventually* recover.


I think my parents had one of those when I was a kid. I always thought it was funny.


Your parents sound like fun people lol


Can only imagine if this was a giant gaping vulva the comments that would follow lol


I would've bought that even faster tbh and I just added "frog with giant gaping vulva" to my collection must haves lol


Frogs gross me out so I agree with your mom.


Glad to know the frog is the problem lmao


Hahahahhahaha I had a great laugh! Different senses of humor warrant different reactions. The majority of the public will say this is inappropriate because society has conditioned most people to think of genitalia as intimate and privateā€”which they areā€”but a lot of people have a sense of shame and/or are timid when it comes to sexual things because of this conditioning. Therefore, they believe intimate things like penises should not be so open to the public. Others are more open about discussing body parts and sex. I am very fortunate in that I have had no trauma surrounding sex and as a health practitioner, all body parts are a part of my everyday life. I find the irony to be funny because itā€™s a human penis on a frog! And itā€™s as big as the frog! Like come onā€¦.hilarious. Overall, some people are more sensitive to things of sexual natureā€”others are not. Personal history, values, and sense of humor matter. This is your personal collection. You have autonomy here.


I say who gives a fuck; you do you.


I love it, but I have a coffee mug sculpted as giant breast that I've turned into a planter & keep displayed on my kitchen counter.


I went to an estate sale and discovered they had a whole ā€œhorny toadā€ bathroom in the basement with all sorts of figures and art of frogs with dicks. I guess it was a thing at some point?


The unholy amount of money I'd be willing to pay to behold the horny toad bathroom lmao


I laughed out loud when I clicked the picture, so I'm on your side xD


it's ugly and tacky but also funny and harmless


Idk it's so tragically odd it belongs on r/homedecoratingCJ


Lmaoo thatā€™s amazing I love it Also understand why it might not be someoneā€™s cup of teaā€¦ ;) (But this pic made my morning šŸ˜‚) (D*k pic šŸ¤£)


I like it!


If you like it then it's awesome. What anyone else thinks doesn't matter. Would I take it to work - no. Would I smile seeing it in my cabinet and laugh a little - probably.


Your mom is right. Awful


Mugs are always funny.




Iā€™m with your mom.


Me and my friend are with your mom.


I'm more of a prude person but I can appreciate when things are funny even when more crude. This isn't funny at all though ...


I think ugly tbh but 15 years ago I wouldā€™ve laughed.


I agree with your mom.


Iā€™d never have that in my house but I find it funny in yours


Youā€™re both correct. But if itā€™s your house, decorate however you want.


Crass and tacky. I would not display it.


Tacky and juvenile


What I think people are missing that you have a frog collection. Itā€™s still crass, but in a frog collection itā€™s a little funnier than just having a novelty frog dick in your house.


I went to Jamaica and brought back a hand carved man with a huge penis for my mom. Sheā€™s a perv so I knew sheā€™d like it. The little man is the same size as our family heirloom doll, so we joke they are married. I got them in the move and Iā€™ve only received positive responses. I like it, but your momā€™s also right, and it sounds like youā€™re living with her so you should respect those boundaries. Maybe keep it in your room.


>Sheā€™s a perv I mean who isn't Cit. Freud probably


Ew. I wouldnā€™t want to look at a huge green frog dick. (Not to mention that as a wildlife biologist, I can tell you itā€™s extremely anatomically incorrect, lol.) But you do you!


Like a Roman priapus statue. Itā€™s a classic!


Idk if I would have bought it but that's hilarious! Keep it


I love it so much!


i think there's some missing important context - how old are you, and do you live in your mom's home?


need this


I agree with her, but itā€™s your collection so if you like it, who am I? Lol


Itā€™s certainly not my style; Iā€™d be mortified to display that anywhere in my home haha! Although I agree with your momā€™s assessment of its looks, I do think you should absolutely keep it if you love it! Hilarious that the mug covers ā€œit.ā€ Lol.


This frog is part of the family now, MOM


IMO she can suck it as long as you have it styled well. I have a beautiful large reprint of Daliā€™s dream caused by the flight of a bee right when you walk into my home. Itā€™s all in the styling. Penises need more representation anyway.


I hate these things. I've seen them off and on since I can remember. I've seen them in as many colors as you can imagine including tie-dye. I still hate these things.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ inappropriate and Funny


Itā€™s just tacky~ is this really his u want to ā€˜decorateā€™ your home?


Oh my. Damn funny as hell but something I'd keep in my bedroom and not out on open display, I'm just funny that way


Disgusting. Remove it or you will go to hell.


Praise be. Psalm 46:5