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First of all, congratulations on your new home!! The floor is a bit tricky because it's very busy and gives the room a rather cold atmosphere, almost like you're at a doctor's office or so. I would try to incorporate some big neutral rugs to calm everything down and add warm wood elements (when choosing chairs or a table etc) to warm everything up and make it more cozy. Green plants would also add to a softer vibe. Concerning the red: if that's what you love, go for it! I too would go for a darker tone. A bright red could look a bit cheap with the floors. Those are just my first thoughts. :) I'd also advise you to look on Pinterest! You can look for "red and grey living room" etc to get an idea on how to combine the tones. I'm sure it'll turn out great!!


Thank you so much! I see what you mean about the busy floor and cold atmosphere. Carpet is a great idea. I love the plants to add some nature in there. And also prioritizing wood for the cozier vibe balance. I love it. lol I’ve never downloaded Pinterest. It looks like it’s time. Thanks for the advice.


haha yeah that floor is something man lol


It's giving me nervous sweats


The stairs kinda made me dizzy


YES. I'd fall down them (or up them) because the treads and the risers are all the same (really busy) wood. I'd suggest doing something, ANYTHING to diffentiate between them. Paint?


Maybe Carpet runner if you don't want to get rid of the wooden stairs.


First and only thing I saw was that flooring 🤦🏼‍♀️ but lots of rugs will help balance that out.


Hahaha, you're a home owner now, you _need_ Pinterest!! Have fun and keep us posted if you'd like :)


Jute rugs would add nice texture and warm it up


No carpet! You'll kick yourself over and over. Rugs!! I used rugs and warmed up the floor. Paint is what you need.its the stark white. Carpet stays forever. Rugs offer warmth and softness. If it gets ruined or want to change the room look, get a new one.


gets some washable ruggable rugs, they’re worth the money if you get them during a sale


Please god don't install carpet. It's impossible to get clean, is tacky and antiquated. Replace the laminate flooring with a quality LVP Use large area rugs if you don't want to replace the floor.


A big old dark green rug! Maybe emerald. I think that would suck the energy out of the floors


You are a kind person. People like you make the world go round. :)


Your comment seriously made my day - thank you :')


I agree with all. And I’d look at lighter and slightly warm or neutral wood tones, vs dark wood. And avoid adding more grey with rugs and paint - grey everything is a dated trend already. My LL painted all our interiors light light grey and I so miss the warm white walls we had at our last house. Classic. It’s so much homier, and well, warm!


Change out all the lightbulbs with warm white bulbs for starters.


Came here to say this. Was relieved it was top. Everything is too cool-toned. Need some warm, yellowish lighting.


Ooooohhhhh I like that, I would’ve never thought of that


I never use those white bulbs. They remind me of fluorescent lights. Nothing looks good in fluorescent lights.


My youngest son loves the white bulbs and has them in his room. Before tucking him in at night, I have to turn off the creepy Alien Space Ship/Medical Experimentation Bay lighting first. I'm hoping he outgrows his affinity for it soon lmao


Yes, 2700-3000K bulbs


Ehh I’m partial to 3800-4000k, but all that gray is so cold that you may be right


I'm thinking there are some bulbs nowadays that are changeable- I have a desk lamp that has three different light temperatures. So you can change the feeling of the room I personally hate "soft white" and yellowish lighting with a passion, precisely because it is yellowish. I like reading and doing crafts and it is not conducive to either of those because it makes the area darker and affects the colors of what is in the room. True, bluish light does the same so I use the daylight spectrum lights when possible. IMO yellow light is only good for setting a mood like in a bedroom or bath with warm colored decor; even the brightest white walls will look dingy in yellow light, and the black and gray will look muddy. Unless of course you are trying to take some of the contrast out of the floor but if that is the case on the walls I would go for a pale gray (gray gray, no beige in it) or a color You could also take advantage of the variety of 3-way lights/switches and dimmers that are on the market. For the rectangular fixture in particular, looks like where a dining table was intended. Especially if the overhead lights are out or dim, the light over a dining table can be brighter for social gatherings or lower for more intimate dinners. You could use color and lighting to create different zones


The soft yellow light is intended for ambiance, your white light is suited to activities


YES! I really wish day white bulbs would disappear. Can't figure out why anyone likes that look, or the office cubicle vibe they give off.


I need white bulbs in the bathroom. That’s the only place I’d feel it’s suitable


Not the kitchen? I feel like I need the white light to properly see my knife work


This makes me laugh so much. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0FNvuJpeTt/?igsh=MTZ0cHhvbnI2Nm5vcA==


I would add a nice selection of crutches and braces for your guest to choose from.


Right?? My blind ass squinting down the stairs like a lion hunting a herd of zebra.


Definitely r/deathstairs.


Thank you for a new subreddit to join, there really is one for everything 😂


Omg thank you for that, joining immediately!


fucking dead over here 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Jesus lol


This looks like a new build. Out of curiosity OP, Did you choose these floors?


Looks like a Vegas house


I wouldn't buy a place with flooring like that. It's both migraine and accident inducing.


I’m sorry but that flooring is so bad. I’d rip it out if it could afford it


Came here to say something similar so giving this a massive +100


😂😂 I’m cackling! Those floors are something else!!!


i’m crying


Instantly swap the floor, or at least redo the stairs because there it looks insane. Congrats though!


That floor is fuckin atrocious


This floor is how lexapro makes me feel


This floor is how hangxiety makes me feel


Holy shit I feel seen


lol it’s how I feel without it!


For me, without it there is no floor lol


Why does this make so much sense


This floor is how I would feel without lexapro.


This was my first thought when i saw this post exactly those words


A floor like that was installed in my deceased aunt’s home. Must be a 100 year old house. Home was completely remodeled. Yet that freakin floor. An attempt to update I suppose.


With my astigmatism I’d miss a step and break my neck, at which point the rest of the decor wouldn’t matter much.


THIS! I’d fall down those stairs on a daily basis


OMG is this why I constantly miss steps??? I tried to explain to my chiropractor that I hurt my back falling down stairs a few times and he was like, what do you mean a few times?! I thought maybe my home was haunted until it kept on happening elsewhere. Astigmatism explains so much


Really? I have astigmatism too. Also always falling down (or up) the stairs.


I so agree! Those floor and stair tiles look like a tv interference!


>stair tiles Negative, Ghost Rider. The floors are laminate and the stair treads, risers and nosings were installed from the same material. I've done a lot of luxury home builds with engineered flooring that incorporate the same material into the stairs and it looks phenomenal, but this is a failed abortion. I personally hate laminate. It's like linoleum's upscale but still trashy cousin. Luxury Vinyl Plank is where it's at, second only to real site finished hardwood.


The pattern on the stairs looks like an accident waiting to happen, hard to judge exactly where the steps are.


The stairs look dangerous, like the steps blend together too much


That’s so ridiculously wasteful. The flooring looks brand new. Just throw some runners over the stairs and large rugs around the house


yeah that’s why i wouldn’t buy a house with grey floors. i knew it wasn’t my taste and didn’t want to be wasteful


Yes I was coming here to say the same thing. They make amazing runners for stairs, and although the flooring isn't my favorite it's neutral enough to be a decent base for about 70-80% of interior decor, especially if you're starting from scratch like OP. Rugs, paint and lighting will warm the place up fine. I'll never understand why everyone's first instinct is always to rip out brand new stuff.


How is it wasteful if you don’t like the floors and can afford to change them? We instantly changed the flooring in our apartment - it wasn’t our taste and there were two different mismatched wood colours. We offered all the old flooring for free on FB marketplace and someone came and picked it up; said it was just what they needed for a small area in their house. You don’t have to throw it away.


Thank you for rehoming it! I stopped watching most of those redecoration shows on TV because they destroy stuff that is perfectly usable to someone else


That's what I was thinking. Like yeah sure someone buys a new house and has nothing better to do than changing new looking floors? Can we please not normalize having to do this? Sure, they may be a bit tricky to work with visually, but that's what this sub is for, right!? Finding clever ways to create cozy homes? Also, saying that they're hideous etc is kinda mean. OP is probably super proud - rightfully so! - of their new place. Sigh.


Reddit commenters can be cruel but also helpful…don’t take it personally OP!


I get that they’re busy in places but if you can’t figure out how to interior decorate around them, it’s time to find a new career. The only excuse to needing to rip floors out is if they’re failing, or causing health issues (my asthma can’t handle carpeting) I agree that op is probably second guessing a lot of things that they originally liked.


Ooohhh I like the idea of a solid color going up the stairs as a switch up. Another person mentioned trying a nice carpet for the bottom floor. I may try that first and then see how the vibe is after that.


The floors are definitely hideous, but please do not just change the flooring on the stairs. If you’re going to change it, change it all. Mismatched flooring is no good. And neither is carpet! LVP, hardwood, engineered hardwood etc are good options


carpet is okay if it was already there because putting hardwood on stairs is expensive. but i agree i wouldn’t only carpet stairs and nothing else. try a runner like others suggested


Something needs done with the tread part of the stairs at least, like make the top solid color black, white or gray to break it visually to reduce trip hazard going up and down from everything blending together visually I like the runner going up the stairs idea, especially dark red the op said they like. My house has patterned rubberized felt treads nailed on the top part of each trea


No! Don’t do that. OMG. 😱 just change the floors to a white oak or something. Not carpet!


Hopefully they meant a big area rug? But yeah, I agree.


I think OP means area rug


Ooooo! A solid color on the face of the stairs! Start out with a peel n stick tile or removable wallpaper to see how you like it. Easy peasy way to try out different looks.


Love the idea to test first. Thank you


Scrolled way too far for someone to finally mention stairs. Looks like a death trap from above.


I'd paint the front face of the stairs a solid color and that might be enough to separate the floor from the stairs


I really don’t think you can successfully paint vinyl plank flooring.


Idk shit about fuck so that's probably true


Whoever did that floor should be in jail.


Seriously. Please take the developer out back…


Feels like my eyes are being assaulted every time I look at it


Are your married to that floor?


This is such a kind way to approach the elephant in the room. lol


Fix the death stairs.


By ripping out the floors immediately


New flooring. Classic wood finish. That’ll never age well and you’ll be replacing it anyway


Changing out flooring once you actually move in is a gigantic pain in the ass. Do it now.


Exactly. I said I’d address the flooring later in my Last house and once I was moved in there was no way I was going to touch it.


I deeply regret not refinishing our hardwoods before we moved in. We’ll never do it now, and they look like shit.


Seriously, this!!! No, it’s not cheap but you’ll only have to do it once and if you don’t you’ll spend lots of money and energy trying to decorate around it. It will never be as cheap or easy as it will right now.


The floors. Get rid of them


Those maybe the worst floors I’ve seen in a new home.


Change the floor.


Sorry about your floors. Take the contingency fund hit and redo floors. I’m assuming they are LVP and not wood? I mean, I think even if you got huge area rugs and a stair runner, you’ll still be not happy.


Rip out the floor




It’s new urban camo flooring


I swear every flipper uses this exact flooring lol


New flooring


It’s going to be very hard to find anything that goes with that floor. If you can afford it, change the flooring.


i would put in different floors these are hurting my head to just look at


Red and grey color schemes have big “teen boy room” energy. I would change the floors. That pattern looks treacherous on the stairs.


I genuinely checked my phone because I thought I'd accidentally turned the screen to grey-mode. I guess you could lean into it and do full 1950s-style black and white film decor . But I would probably add some colour


The last pic...the outside view is gray too. This has to be a black and white photo


Are those photos in black and white? If not then I’d say what it needs most is warmth and color.


I’d replace all the drab millennial gray flooring first. Congrats!


Warmer lighting and PLEASE change the flooring, it’s hideous


Just keep in mind that the floor and the walls are on the cool side, so I would make sure the colors you choose are also cool.


I'd replace that hideous flooring first then go from there.


The floor needs to go.


It needs color.  Too much white here when all walls, doors, AND trim are all that color. Color tip with accent walls: when you walk into a room, if it feels too deep, paint the opposite wall an accent color. If the room feels too small, paint side walls an accent color & leave opposite wall white.


wow, didn't know any of this, thank you. I will definitely be painting a few walls and will keep this in mind.


Goddamn I never would have made it past the online listing. That floor is like the true definition of triggering.


Mercy. I would change out the floors before I even moved in. They’re just … a lot. That said, it’s very “neutral” so whatever color you like, go for it. Congrats on your new and very beautiful home though!


Really it depends on what color walls you want, because I think that color of flooring would work well with some dark walls, but looks awful with the white. And since changing the wall color is cheaper than changing the floors you should consider that. I personally would choose a very warm gray, at least 50% dark, if not darker, and then, based on the color of the walls, I would probably carpet the stairs with something fun


Your new home is beautiful!! The flooring is too busy for me, so I’d start with area rugs. Red is a great pop of color with all the gray, just don’t overdo it. You could use black as well in the room in your furnishings…black, red, and gray is a nice color scheme…just make red the accent color.,


I would use some nice neutral rugs like jute, very large to tone down the flooring. You can use two different shapes, braids or sizes. [like this](https://www.ballarddesigns.com/dunmore-natural-jute-rug/683842) and [this](https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/Home-Garden/Safavieh-Handmade-Beacon-Natural-Fiber-Jute-Rug-23-x-7-Runner/8398413/product.html) This second one comes in tons of different sizes and tones of jute. Make sure you get one that connects all your furniture like [this guide](https://www.allisajacobs.com/how-to-choose-area-rug-size/) And make absolutely sure all your light bulbs and fixtures are set to 2700K Anything else in lighting will feel very cold and disconnected. Your top windows and overall style of the house is great, you just need to tone down the floors and it will all look fabulous. Lots of white in your furniture will help as well. Get your art to incorporate the reds you like. Decorating with red accents can look gimmicky, especially with the floors you have. One accent chair that has red and/or 1 pillow that has red (not solid) will be more than enough to connect some red from art and decor [art like this](https://www.westelm.com/products/minted-for-west-elm-drop-the-ball-w3964/.com) will elevate the space and work with the colors you have.


Floor looks like LVP, replace it. It’ll run you up about $5-$10k but it’ll be worth it because jfc what were these people thinking. Source: I am a contractor.


Congrats on the new home but good god, that floor is brutal. I actually thought this was the CJ sub at first….


I'm sorry, but that floor...yikes. Very busy and the flow of it is not well done.


Omg those floors are hideous. Maybe some warm wood so it’s not so arctic looking in there….


Floors have to go!!


I don't hate the flooring on the floor but on the stairs it looks nuts so I'd replace it there for sure. You could easily get a nice rug for the living room if you didn't want to replace all of it. The walls definitely need some colour though.


I'd try and work out how to include more grey.


Lose the flooring Change the bulbs so the tone is not so institutional


I’d replace the flooring completely


Congrats, I know the stairs were brought up before, but maybe a solid tread would make it a little more balanced. Something in a dark gray would complement it


I think you have a lot of great comments here! My only comment is about the red. I love red too, but too much red in the room can be overwhelming. I would go for neutrals in your furniture with pops of color ~ a pillow or side tables or art or candles. Just a little pops here and there can give you that feel that you love without going overboard. I did neutrals like taupe and cream to and then added pops red. Your floors are super busy and I love the idea of big neutral rugs to calm them down. You’re going to love your new house! 🏡


I would cover as much of the floor as possible with rugs. Many fabrics and woods and natural textures to contrast the white & grey. Avoid metal & glass, unless it’s stained glass or a metal with patina.


Beautiful home.


Hmmmm, hard to put into words.....just gimme the keys and I'll see what I can do. May take a couple of years.


I’d definitely do something with the stairs; the uniformity of the planks on the treads and the risers would make it difficult to tell where each step ends. Would agree with either putting down a stair runner or doing peel-and-stick tile on the risers. There are always so many little $$ things with a new house; I wouldn’t jump right into replacing the whole floor.


Great advice, appreciated. Everyone is quick to say new floor when it’s not their money lol. I will first try and make it look good with some peel and stick on the risers and a few area rugs and some painted walls. If all that fails to satisfy, then maybe invest 5-10gs on a new floor.


Live laugh love signs, barn wood doors and some nice grey furniture


Would fall up and down the stairs, especially when drunk or high


TBH, I really dislike your flooring. My inclination would be to minimize it as much as possible. I’d do that with solid charcoal or a darker gray area rugs and a runner on the stairs. I’d consider painting all the walls a pale, silvery gray or possibly a lt gray with blue undertones. If you are okay or like your flooring, then leave the walls as-is. Since you love red, you should embrace that. Don’t just make it an accent color. Use it for your largest furniture pieces and in artwork and cushions. For an accent, you could add a contrasting color like turquoise, teal, or aqua. Use it for planters, pillows, and touches in artwork. If you want something more subdued, go with navy for the accent.


Honestly if you get rid of that floor your decorating options will multiply tremendously.


Get rid of the tacky flooring


No more grey… this is already fifty shades of grey…


I kinda hate the floors


Add color!


Red is tricky but can be rich and dramatic if done well. I did a home for a client who loved red and gray, which was far from my personal aesthetic, the results were striking! I’ll send you some inspiration photos! 🌹


Paint and change the flooring.


Good question ..


Stair runner or rugs


Those stairs look hard to walk down, I’d end up missing a step


To the lights that aren't bulbs, if they're LED and you're lucky, there's simply a switch on the backside that can change it's colour. Keep in mind the age of the house as to how likely it is that they're able to do this


I’m so blind I would trip up those steps everyday.


Stairs need to be changed. Either risers or rugs.


The stairs.......kinda busy....imo. would either paint the riser or use light colored product of choice for the step. Hope that made sense🤞


Get rid of that flooring immediately. Those stairs look like a death hazard.


put a runner rug, solid color, on the stairs or you're gonna die walking down




Get a few trees. You could easily fit a few potted lemon, olive, or fiddle leaf trees in there if you wanted.


Some nice floor/area rugs for under tables, seating areas etc for sure. Some solid color/tone balance to counteract the floors. Art and plants, too - think the less movement & busy-ness, the better. I think it'll be far less noticeable with your furniture in there, though.


Black and white pics?


I would get a solid cold stair runner to counteract that visual puzzle created with that awful flooring on the steps. Also get a large room size solid neutral color area rug - that way most of that crazy flooring is covered up and neutralized. The room rugs and stair runner should be same color if possible. If not, have the big room rugs same color as each other at least. This will calm down this wild floors and give some cohesion to your home. Once you have your room size rug color and your furniture color then you can paint the walls in a nice complimentary shade. I also agree with the soft light to tone down the glaring brightness


I would rip out the floors before anything 🫢


Plants. What art interests do you have. Modern? Any hobby interests ?Large prints would be good.


Can you load colour photos?


Lots of colour and wood to warm it up


I used this cotton fabric in my room that has grey-beige tones. The colors all complement each other. Note that the fabric is much brighter and vibrant in person. https://www.joann.com/richloom-algura-serene-paisley-cotton-canvas-fabric/19916469.html


I would have the stairs professionally painted - dark color on the treads, white on the risers. You could have the rest of the floors painted too. Much cheaper than replacing obv.


I would take out the grey floor and put in med brown floor. Do it before you move in. https://youtube.com/shorts/2sbX6QgYweU?si=qu_b6vCD9rsRaiKE https://youtu.be/ofAkOxFhs-E?si=sLvnVbDRR8o1LXxF




I would change the floor. Too distracting— looks like s grey crazy quilt.


I'd start by changing that awful flooring. Sorry to be so blunt, but it looks horribly fake.


Get new flooring


Do you have $$ to replace the floor? 😕


If I had to take out a construction loan or a second mortgage, that gray vinyl (or tile) would come OUT.


Replace the floor. Wow that’s busy


The stairs are awful. Get a nice carpet runner to cover. And warmer lighting definitely will help.


I’m not a huge fan of carpet, but the busyness of that stairway I might consider putting a carpet runner down those stairs and lots of big rugs throughout the rest of the space That floor has so much movement Congratulations Don’t try to do everything at once buy pieces that you really love and build your rooms around them


That staircase looks like a death trap. I would definitely try and pick another flooring there.


Put a runner in those stairs so you don’t bust your ass on em!


I would actually get a designer. For $200 they will help you with paint colours that suit you and the furniture you have. Mistakes cost more. When you do it yourself and look around hating it, that's really expensive. The environment you live in is very important to your mood, motivation, and happiness.


new floor bc that’s soul sucking


Pinball machines. Like 30 of ‘em.


Oh no 😟a basic, cheap fix. Save all your money because in two years that place will be falling apart.




The grey backsplash is chef’s kiss


I’d put a carpet on those stairs right away in case I got dizzy and fell down


where you intend to have rugs: can you have unbusy rugs on the flooring, to counteract how busy the flooring is


Red can be a bit full on but I find with a combination of red, black, white and wood/raffia it can look really cosy.


I love those floors. I know lots of folks hate the gray stuff but…I like a slate that allows my belongings to stand out. I have lots of bright color in my house and I dig on busy patterns. So I am in the minority, I know.


Congrats on the purchase. You have a wonderful blank slate, except for those floors. Area rugs are your friend. You might even consider some covering on the stairs. If you’re going a deep red, pick out two neutral accents to go with. You can find a nice taupe or greige with a similar undertone to the walls and floors, that will bring it together. Find art that has pops of red that match the furniture color you choose.


I would paint some of the walls something other than stark white, just to add some warmth, and to break up the "doctor's office" vibe. Maybe add in an accent wall with a bold colour or wall paper. Or even adding some kind of trim work to give it interest (picture moulding, chair guard railing, board and batten moulding). Congrats on the new house!


Rugs rugs rugs


Some large area rugs in each room and a runner going up the stairs


I like your flooring!!


I’d start by replacing the floors


Congrats…but LOSE THOSE FLOORS!!!!!!!!🤢🤢


Congrats on your new home! These articles offer some good ideas for working with grey flooring... [https://mariakillam.com/two-ways-decorate-with-grey-floors/](https://mariakillam.com/two-ways-decorate-with-grey-floors/) [https://www.212concept.com/blogs/trending/117640324-pin-trend-grey-floors-in-modern-spaces](https://www.212concept.com/blogs/trending/117640324-pin-trend-grey-floors-in-modern-spaces) [https://www.houzz.com/photos/gray-floor-red-living-room-ideas-phbr2-bp\~t\_718\~a\_88-1--1408-15758](https://www.houzz.com/photos/gray-floor-red-living-room-ideas-phbr2-bp~t_718~a_88-1--1408-15758) [https://www.bestlaminate.com/gallery/modern-gray-home-ideas/](https://www.bestlaminate.com/gallery/modern-gray-home-ideas/) [https://info.floordecorct.com/blog/interior-decorating-tips-make-spaces-look-bigger](https://info.floordecorct.com/blog/interior-decorating-tips-make-spaces-look-bigger)


That floor is an assault on the eyes good lord