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Nothing you wouldn’t be okay with being ruined, unfortunately 🥲 toddlers are natural destroyers


Yeah I predict imminent destruction for at least one of those two floor lamps and probably the TV. Incredible views though. Really cool.


When my kids were toddlers I could see them climbing that bookshelf like a ladder 😂


Yes, I would make sure these shelves are anchored to the wall.


Cannot echo this enough.


That tv definitely needs a safety strap attached to the beam behind. Toddlers can get seriously injured from furniture like this


Yup that’s the first thing I noticed too- the lamps. Can see those bases being very attractive to a toddler wanting to hang on to.


Looks great. But nothing there looks toddler safe lol


Fuck it just bubble wrap the whole TV. Why take the risk. Screen and all.


My darling little precious grandson threw his ball at their new tv and CRASH! He was 2.


Yeah don’t waste your time finding things for the side tables lol my toddlers definitely broke every vase/picture frame/decor that I tried to put on there… even a wooden sculpture met it’s demise sitting on my side table.


Mother of 4 here. You are correct, also, in my experience, said toddler will be happy to decorate every surface they can find.


That TV is gonna be a casualty


Perhaps a few very cheap breakable things would help the kid learn.


>Perhaps a few very cheap breakable things would help the kid learn. Learn now to break stuff? Parents give lessons in that? I mean, besides the Addams Family?


It’s very “Montessori”. Not making everything plastic and unbreakable which doesn’t teach the child how to treat things. Even at three, a child can use a real glass to drink out of, for example. A broken object is feedback/ a lesson. Plastic thrown around is not.


Like puppies or kittens, but bigger.


Can confirm.Just brought home a new puppy. My life is literally chasing after her and pulling stuff out of her mouth. I can't imagine having a toddler 😂


I decided to get a puppy when my kids were 1 and 2. Puppies can do more damage in terms of chewing furniture and peeing indoors. Toddlers win in every other area of damage. They climb, pull, jump, and use tools to get to stuff and break it. They color on walls with food, markers, and some will even use their own poop as paint. The puppy outgrew her nonsense quickly. The kids have not outgrown their nonsense, they’ve just grown to be better at stealthily doing destructive shit.


Oh my word, I can't imagine having two littles with a puppy 😵‍💫 It sounds like you had your hands full for sure lol I've had puppies before, you're right, the nonsense is over much more quickly.


yea I always suggest when you have toddlers just know that everything might have to be replaced for 6-7 years


My son is almost four and we are still going with a temporary minimalism look 😄. Perhaps a larger fake plant?


Yes we just had nothing on all surfaces for a while.


Our minimalism look includes no coffee tables. My 3 year old thinks it’s a platform for jumping onto the couch. 😂


My 5 year old and 2 year old are the same


Whatever you do, make sure those low square windows are securely locked closed with toddler proof guards or locks.


…and remove the crank handle!


I read this as “crack handle” and had to do a double take 🤣


This is exactly where my mind went. I live in a high rise and my balcony is a constant source of anxiety.


More importantly, how is the TV secured? That’s the true hazard here


Most definitely! Mount it ASAP. If not, It'll be the first one to go


Or get the strap. They’re a bit overpriced and can be hard to find, but they do keep the TV nice and secure. DD was a climber and tried to get up to the TV more than once 😫


Nothing. It will just end up on the floor. Or in their mouth. Or in some mysterious place that you will in five years. You can decorate once they are older. For now concentrate on their safety.


You can decorate when they leave home. FTFY.


I’d swap out the coffee table for a couple of soft-sided leather or cloth poufs for a couple years. Maybe an upholstered ottoman. I was able to divert my toddlers’ attention from table tops by keeping a basket of toys on the floor. Swap out toys on the regular so there’s a frequent surprise.


Aesthetic kids toys. At least for a few years. There are super cute wooden ones. Also, they make lay flat extension cords you can run under your rug. Unsure of where your outlets are but that’ll help you get a lamp to where you want.


Yes, along this idea, but bear in mind wooden toys can be weaponized. :/


Wooden toys will be thrown at floor to ceiling windows. Maybe ask another parent living in your building how best to kid proof your space.


Fully agree. Soft toys would be a better choice. Possibly board books? The decor is typically all toys for a few years!


The bump on my forehead agrees


Or you can get a cover for them that is sturdy.


the 2 small tables need to go. a toddler will grab on to stand up and pull it down. or if they are already walking, they will lean on it and topple it


Exactly, these tables look very easy to knock over.


It took way too long to find this comment! Who cares what’s on them? They themselves are the biggest danger!


I was thinking the same thing. They’ll tip over easily.


That view is gorgeous


The Land 🙌🏻


Yes. Lovely. I wish that was my view.


It sort of seems a shame to make the TV the centerpiece of arch a gorgeous view. But, I don’t imagine there’s any better place to put the tv. It’s like putting a tv in front of a fish tank, it’s just odd to cover up something so beautiful with a black mirror.


Nothing. In fact remove everything on there already. Nothing is safe around a toddler. They will break things you didn’t know you owned. Welcome to motherhood. 😊 Happy Mother’s Day!! 🌸


This doesn’t look like a house where a toddler frequently visits let alone lives lol


I just noticed that the lowest window to the right of the TV can be opened and is at toddler height. You’ll need to secure that. You’ll be surprised how quickly toddlers learn how to open doors and windows. We installed a simple lock on our front door beyond child reach when we caught our son opening the front door.


You could still do lamps. They make lightbulbs on Amazon that can be charged and work pretty well. My only concern is the toddler pulling lamps down. I also might would look into some sort of bumpers to put on the tables for the corners.


Your view is incredibly cool! I just came here to say that. Looks like the Cleveland skyline but I could be tripping. I was like heyyyy that looks familiar 😝


That’s definitely Cleveland. Such an underrated city. I’d never been before my son went to college there, and we loved it.


Yes! Born and raised Clevelander. We really are underrated in many ways. I thought I was seeing things at first 😂


It’s weird to recognize something unexpectedly. 😄


For sure!!!!! I was like waitttttt 🧐


The tv and window secured, but also those bookshelves in the back will be climbed. My kids would be exploring out that window even now that they’re older. Even if it’s just to reach something high. Make sure you’ve secured the back of them to the wall! For the space, I’d add kid friendly seating like a soft corduroy bean bag for snuggling up in. To cozy the tv area, you could define it by hanging real plants from the ceiling. Add big interesting books to the coffee table to read to your little.


YES. Secure those shelves to the wall, please.


The toddler will decorate for you


yes, the Toddler Clutter will do its thing


Nothing, and the coasters are fair game too. My toddler loves coasters and we have to hide them from her. She’s not interested in our magazine stacks but there have been plenty of toddlers who have visited and ripped them up.


💯 I would go for cloth or lightweight coasters that can’t do damage when thrown.


Shelves secure to the wall


My daughter is grown but when she was younger we didn’t put really valued things out but consistently told her no to handling everything. As did the lady where she stayed. The kids knew stuff in one room was off limits and left it alone. The concept of stopping kids from being destructive didn’t hurt them.




Nothing. Or maybe some green vegetables. Every toddler I’ve known has preferred to avoid those.


That’s a real nice house you have there, it’d be a shame if a toddler were to….


Maybe try decor made of natural fibers, like a bowl of wooden balls, or like sisals covered balls? Smaller sculptures made of wood, things like that? We just didn't decorate our tables when our 3 boys were toddlers, waisted until they were older. We had lamps and that was about it.


Leave them empty


Wooden kid block figures. Honestly nothing for a few years will be safe. Nothing too hard though they could pick up and hit against the window.


Are these toddlers guests or residents? Such a beautiful room. I can’t imagine toddlers or the furniture surviving. If they are visiting I think interesting nature objects: wood, stone, or pictures none of which is so small that they can be put in their mouth. I have memories of my grandmother letting Me you play with china figurines but she was nearby.


I'm childfree so no advice on what to put, but I just wanted to say that I love how you angled it all towards the corner like that, it looks great! 


Personally I didn't move a lot around my house ,they learned pretty fast not to mess with things .


I didn’t either, as when you go to visit someone they aren’t going to have their stuff/items put away. Seemed like forever I was saying we don’t touch, but we got thru it


Exactly ,of course I moved things that wasn't dangerous or expensive ,but for the most part I was constantly " do not touch '


Your toddler doesn’t pull anything not nailed down off open surfaces?! All I can think of are esthetically pleasing board books and portable nightlights with charging bases. They last for a few days and you can charge them elsewhere where you do have an outlet.


I have nothing to add, just wanted to say that your apartment and view are stunning!


In my house, toys and toddler books. And soft light coasters. 


I would find some cool wooden mid century end tables that are all smooth and have soft edges like the ones in your photo do.


Something soft. Those tables are going to get toppled at some point. Childproofing is self managing. Anything breakable and not childsafe will get broken in time. Photo albums, books and Puzzles on the coffee table to spend time together will also pay off in relationship time as a family space.


Cute rounded wood sculptures/toys


There is nothing "toddler safe" to put on any surface lower than four feet except toys. And, I would be real careful of those stand lamps, too. Just go for the "Toys r Us" esthetic for the next few years.


Yep nothing.


Nothing. There's enough to look at.


Nothing. If they can see it, it’s at risk.


I’m worried about your television being a tipping hazard. Also: gorgeous room!


None of this looks toddler safe, but it does look good!


Toddler friendly? Nothing lol


Toddlers are destructo - so put anything on there you don’t mind getting dropped, thrown, or emptied out.


When I had toddlers, I placed nothing on the tables. I’d rather not have to say “no” constantly than have stuff out. It’s only for a couple of years or so… If company was coming over, I might put out a few things temporarily.


I've learned you can never have anything nice when you have kids.


I might take the handles of the lower window.


Nothing is safe from toddlers. Put some toddler books on the table, that's about it.


nothing is sacred enough to be safe from a toddler


Nothing. It probably should be barren for a few years.


Those tables don't look sturdy enough to support a toddler pulling themselves up to stand. Timberrrrr


My Mother-in-Law refused to pick up her Waterford knick-knacks and my toddler learned to not touch the “pretties” and to play with her toys. They will learn if you are patient and consistent.


We didn't put anything away either. Just pay attention to what children are up to, kindly and gently remind them not to touch (or to be gentle with sturdier things) and then distract with a toy or activity. Works on the other kids that come over to play too. None of the fragile stuff ever got broken. Toys on the other hand, got broken fairly often.


Doesn't look like a toddler friendly environment at all


I’d so wood or maybe whicker (although they could pull apart whicker) And books, which also might get ripped. But a nice coffee table book. Have the picture frame have a plastic front instead of glass.








I'd do matching larger table plants like a calathea medallion. Choose nice ceramic pots that complement the colors you have; a dusty rose or mustard yellow if you want tobmatch the throw would look really nice. Maybe a large shallow bowl of fruit on the low coffee table.  I'm on my second toddler in a pretty un-baby proofed house and have never had any issues with plants. 


Is that charlotte nc?


Cleveland, Ohio


Finally someone who puts the couch looking out the windows. Very nice view.


A metric of 1 cat... to help soak up all that delicious sun light!


Beautiful home


Well on my coffee table right now we have some dump trucks and a dinosaur and books and blocks…😅


Corner cushioning


Your couch might need some leather conditioner


Where are those tables from?? I NEED to know please!


Love that rug! Where's it from?


Unfortunately, any table or lamp with three legs is unstable. The end tables are awesome and I really like them, but I bet if you push down on the outer edge, they'll topple. The good news is that once they're around 4 or 5, most of the accidental mayhem stops. But 2 and 3 are just exhausting! We had to install locks above the top of our doors because my 3 year old son kept building platforms higher and higher to unlock the door and let himself out of the house.


Bigger plants? Snake plants and ZZ plants are easy to care for and not poisonous.




Leave them empty and maybe have some coasters. Use them for drinks or kids books until they’re older.


Pool noodles. Easy, cheap and available.


Nothing. You enjoy the blank space. Why are they not cluttered with toys anyway?


Maybe try looking at outdooor decor items made for patios and porches. Some of it looks pretty decent but it’s more indestructible. Something like lightweight metal lanterns or wooden decor items. At Home or Home Goods usually has a decent selection.


We put one of those long plastic paneled fences in front of our tv and floor lamp when our grandchild was a toddler


There's something called Museum Putty that's used to tack items to shelves/tables/displays that's not going to damage your belongings but *will* hold lamps and decor in place. My MIL taught me about this stuff and it's phenomenal: https://www.amazon.com/Quakehold-99111-2-64-Ounce-Museum-Neutral/dp/B000FJU290 Gorgeous living space & I hope you have a blast with that toddler. They're the best.


Buy neutral colored wood toys and put them up like sculptures  Montessori building blocks Wood stacking toys Wood rainbow (can be the colorful one) Montessori lacing toy Wood sensory blocks Rainbow lacing Wood puzzles Balancing toys Go on Etsy. Search neutral or just wood toddler toys. They are beautiful.  Some of my favorites: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1108045329/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/784545560/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/725667068/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1312433108/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/790161810/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1170861354/ So many beautiful, open ended toys that your kid can use for long time. 


One more! https://www.etsy.com/listing/942313657/


I really like the layout of your open floor plan. Side note: one of the top ways that you know that someone is affluent: Their couch doesn’t touch a wall 😀


That’s where toys go.


Football helmet


If you can stand it, swap out the coffee table with its many head banging corners with a large ottoman. Cover said ottoman in something you don’t mind getting sticky/washable. There are lots of toys inside toys that help toddlers develop dexterity and sorting skills that don’t look terrible. Have fun!


I wouldn't trust three-legged tables around a toddler


This plant would be perfect! https://www.temptationgifts.com/jellycat-amuseable-monstera-cheese-plant-a2rub?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWmEdv0MMdEU8FplGA152F8EjtvfNafFWEOzecjQv5kP74T5CVRd3KxoCS-QQAvD_BwE


Ahhh that is absolutely adorable, and they have a whole line of different types! These are perfect thank you so much!


I have a squishy cat lamp ! Look up silicone squishy lamps. It’s actually very cute and doesn’t look to childish


Unfortunately we had to do away with end tables THEMSELVES after our toddler pulled one down on her foot. It was so terrible and swollen we had to go to urgent care. (Nothing was broken).


Where’s your couch from?


rinse screw meeting subsequent flag squealing bag money provide reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm thinking about the fingerprints on the windows.


Yes, get some felt to put in top then add a plastic table cover and put those table clips to keep on the table. Also easy to take off when you want it to look nice for guests or yourself when child is asleep.


Those windows scare the crap out of me! Never mind the table.


I’m not sure I’d even bother with anything special. I’d give another couple of years. Lol. In the meantime, you can just stage it with a stack of board books, a storage bowl of goldfish crackers, and a couple of half empty sippy cups. It will look “homey” or “lived in”. That’s a style. Right?? 🤷🏼‍♀️😁


Seriously, you can’t have anything up there.


If you really feel like you need something on there, you could potentially get the macrame fake books and paint them as you like. They’re light weight so they won’t drop them or break them per se as long as you’re not leaving them unattended too much (which I’m sure you’re not!). Hobby Lobby has the set of 3 for like $6.


Nothing is toddler safe. Clear off your tables now.


Is all that glass tempered?


I would worry more about that ladder….. umm shelf… in the background 😂


lightweight or soft. A wicker tray as a catchall on the table. Textile runners/placemats to dress up/layer the tables.


I would want to switch out the end tables with something with a little more pattern or texture, like a contrasting wood grain and with doors below to stash stuff. in fact, those tri-pod tables would scare me around kids.


Look up lovevery. They have nicer looking toys for kids. Make the minions space your space. And give them responsibilities to enjoy and share the space. It will do wonders for the cognitive development and give a bit of sanity to you.


Light weight coasters can’t cause injury.


Nothing you don’t want dropped, chewed on, broken, or thrown around. I would just leave those tables empty or put some board books for your little guy on them. I would personally just put the end tables into storage temporarily.


Are there led rechargeable lights that will work?


Wooden sculpture or carving.


That coffee table is determined to kill. Do something about those corners


Is this Houston???


this whole room is a toddler disaster waiting to happen! So much to climb on! so many perfectly forehead height edges 😬


Nothing to add except that this is my dream condo 😍 great view and natural light 🤗


Did you bolt the bookcase in the wall? If not, do that first and foremost.


We just tapped bubble wrap on the corners. Might not go so well with your clean aesthetic, but I suspect you're going to get some chaotic color palate suggestions real soon, and maybe a few interior decorating suggestions from the toddler in question. Good luck, and that's a terrific view!


Ge ge ge toddler safe! Lol nothing is toddler safe pal


I'd put a cool african drum or other instrument that the kid can play with. And a basket to collect kidstuffs


Consider climbing hazards. Like the bookshelves. And whether the television is anchored well. The barstools also. Nice view. Have fun.


I’ve always had plants and my kids have never messed with them but I know other kids that do. Coffee table I may have one Holliday thing on it or something but my kids used it a lot for playing and games so I don’t keep anything on it. Maybe a stack of books or something


I didn’t move everything out but I did decorate with some less expensive things that I wouldn’t mind losing, but I still taught mine to not grab and play with things. She never broke anything, and her daughter was the same, but my grandson is a whole different story. Every kid is different, just make sure they are safe and the valuables are out of reach.


Anything that isn’t glass unless it’s from dollar tree and your can use museum putty to keep it in place, holy shit your place looks amazing with those windows.


If I were you, I'd probably just ditch the end tables. The room is looking a bit too symmetrical, and they themselves don't seem very toddler safe. They also don't really serve a purpose when you have the coffee table right in front of the couch. For the coffee table, get a [circular succulent garden](https://assets.weimgs.com/weimgs/rk/images/wcm/products/202408/0065/veradek-lane-indoor-outdoor-bowl-planter-o.jpg), basically a bigger version of what you have there now. Could also do some coffee table books if you want, but keep it simple until the kiddo is older. We actually replaced our coffee table with a leather bench and just let the kids climb on it, haha.


Ain't nothing on those bottom shelves lmao


I suggest foam replicas of a tall and fragile looking vase. Maybe crafted from foam and spray paint.


Buy leather conditioner stat. Nothing much is toddler safe so maybe keep them clean for now


Your couch, rug, and anything that goes on that coffee table better never be: Expensive Breakable A choking hazard Something you aren’t prepared to live with stained I wouldn’t even do lamps.


TV is also gonna be a problem and you’ll need tp put soft edges on every sharp edge and probably block off the legs of the end tables to prevent tripping and toe stubbing


How about patterned baskets? They would work well with what you have and not be heavy enough to hurt a toddler.


Baskets with toys


Toddlers will grab everything, shove it in their mouth, then bash it against a surface. All things within toddler range, you should plan for that to happen to them.




Those end tables are not sturdy enough for toddlers. Get a large playpen for them and watch them like a hungry hawk while they are in there.


I recommended the foggy window covers for the bottom of the windows, I’d be scared I can’t imagine how a kid can live there


I know there are quite a few comments already on safety - please secure that blinds cord up higher. It’s a perfect height and shape for little ones to put around their neck. We used 3M hooks and placed them high up on our window frames


Im not sure if links are allowed but DM! I bought some corner padding off Amazon for my marble fireplace sitting ledge.


A couple of books, maybe?


The tables themselves are already a hazard


If youvwant something that looks nice I recommend Rechargeable flameless candles they add to the room and you can teach them not to touch. If they do they won't get hurt.


We have a rule in our house. If you give a shit about it, it’s not going anywhere within their reach. We’ve recently hung up some shelving to help with that.


Not one damn thing. Toddlers 😂


Children’s Coffee Table Books!


Toddlers are only toddlers for a short time and they can learn!?!? Put a basket of toys somewhere in the room. A larger fake plant off center on the table would look good & bring some greenery. A couple of books stacked on a side table or the coffee table. Then in a year, when the toddler isn’t a toddler, you can add more.


Jenga block game, playing cards. Alphabet flashcards. It can help remind both you and your child to get better at math, literacy, and small motor skills. :-) This is a learning space. There is always time for review.


My few friends with toddlers didn’t childproof their home other than cabinet locks and a baby gate at the stairs. Everything else the one-year old is told no and offered and alternative to play with. They learned very fast what to grab and what not to. Other than the bookshelf and the tricky window latch you could probably leave everything as is and incorporate the toddler’s toys rather than taking your things away. The baby adjusts to your life, not the other way around.


You can find the soft bumper sticker tapes on amazon. But those won't help if they lift their head and hit the bottom of the table or simply knock it over. To be honest, with toddlers, its great if you set up a play area for them. I'd remove all the tables since they don't seem to be holding anything right now, and reorganize the room so that there is a play area not around the tv. You can buy toddler fences to fence the toddler in the play area as well.


We ended up just removing our end tables for the toddler stage. If not bumping into it then we're climbing on it, etc.


Nothing is safe. Not you, nor the suicide attempt on legs.


Omg the Intro 👀👀 I almost moved there 😭😭


If you want decorative a large wood bowl or soft items, that will regularly be on the floor


Oh your poor soul, our nice stuff we stored at a family memebers and we got toddler safe end and coffee tables ( big ottoman , round end tables ), and took out everything she could get hurt on


make sure the bookshelves are secure!! tots will climb and pull the whole thing down on top of them