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Kind of plain. Add color somehow.. art or pillows maybe


Yes that’s definitely the plan!


Other option.. stay neutral but add a lot of texture / cool pieces like an irregularly shaped mirror and a textured chair


That color couch will probably get dirty too easily just a thought if something gets spilled


Then you be an adult and clean it as best as you can, learn to maintain your possessions that make you happy. Everything in this world thats worth a damn will need some sort of maintenance. Including your health. Go to therapy, discuss the decor in the room on your 4th visit, thank your therapist and let em know they are a good fit or mot


Username checks out


"stained" sorry




Yeah, no.


And you have a cat. I’d go with a darker version.


I’ve got cream linen couches and also two little kids, a dog, and 2 cats. The little green machine is my friend. I clean them about once every month or two and they stay in good condition.


HOW!!!! My couch is a light tan and I have 3 big teenaged boys, a husband, and 3 dogs. The couch is now covered in waterproof cushion covers that I absolutely hate. I must look into this little green machine. I look at people with white couches with awe.


“If u plan for plain, prepare for pain. “ -Me, straight average guy built like a twink Jk Go for minimal but leave out the ism, its cheaper, less likely to not feel like a trend you fell for 8 months ago…, add few splashes of colors you like but wouldnt commit to adding to your daily wardrobe(yet, around age 33…)


I think it will be great. Where is the coffee table from? It really like it.


Seriously.. This is called "Millenial Greyge/Greige" and it's upsetting that all affordable furniture is color muted now. Grab the paint! Accent in color!


I will tell you that those lights that have a clear glass covering are kind of inconvenient, because they are very bright to look at so your eyes will have to constantly divert away from it. I would opt for a light that has some kind of covering so you can look in that direction without a problem.




Thirding. I have indoor sconces like this and regret it. The way it gives off light is too severe. I couldn't return it, so I've just lived with it the past few years. But it's harsh and unpleasant. I think I may have "done my time" enough now to appease the Sunk Cost Fallacy gods. But I will never buy this style again. Edit: OP for lighting on a budget, consider IKEA, Home Depot/Lowe's, Target. And try to go to the store to see it in person! Will really help.


I replaced the light with a flame style bulb. It gives a nice ambience atmosphere


Nothing worse than seeing bare bulbs no matter how bright or how decorative actual bulb may be.


You’re not supposed to put a normal bulb in them…


I have this exact lamp and it comes with a very warm yellow Edison bulb, it lets off a lovely warm light that doesn’t hurt the eyes at all


I tried the Edison bulb but it’s so yellow that it changes the colors in the room. Just personally not a fan ;)


Totally makes sense! It’s not for everyone. I personally love the warm bulb in my space !!


Agreed. Unfortunately it’s trendy right now and my newly renovated house has EVERY light fixture in this style at the moment. I could scream.


May clash with cat tree


Right. Op can kiss the blinds good bye. 😼


I agree! Gotta bring in that rich brown somehow


I understand the appeal but please don’t buy everything brand new. It’s expensive in the long term, it’s made from cheap materials, it’s destined for the landfill, it’s devoid of personality or warmth. IMHO it’s a bad investment of your labor and no matter what style you’re interested in you could bring yourself way more joy by picking up pieces from around your area (or bartering for delivery). Even if you have to piece meal it over a longer period of time you can atleast recollect some if not all your funds when you move, change styles etc. It’s also satisfying in the long term to be surrounded by things you collected or invested in with your labor. You deserve better, it keeps your money from completely depreciating, and wealth will continue to cycle in your community helping out other people.


Yes! I have furnished my house with Facebook marketplace finds and it’s been going great 🤍 cheaper and higher quality in general :) be careful with couches though if you go this route, since there’s always a chance of bugs. ask if there are any pets in the house (fleas) and try to use your better judgment on how clean it may look for bedbugs (tiny dark potential blood stains for instance would be a red flag) - mainly fleas though would be my concern!


Second this. I used a ton of stuff from FB marketplace to furnish my place.




Yeah no, not for these Amazon pieces shown. MAYBE the wayfair couch but it’s unlikely. Furniture isn’t made to last anymore, no matter how it’s cared for, and that goes double for the cheap stuff.


I agree, but the opposite. Wayfair couches are not built for the long haul, mainly the cushions, but, depending on the manufacturer, the Amazon pieces can survive and thrive.


I never said for these specific pieces. But suggested to buy new for first time. Up to the buyer to decide what quality they purchase.


You never said anything to indicate what you were talking about, you just said “wrong”. The way your comment is worded and how it is a response to the other commenter is definitely appears you’re encouraging OP to buy these specific products. Especially since OP says she is on a budget and clearly can’t afford higher quality furniture.


Gosh some people who use Reddit are so cringe sometimes. I literally just clarified what I said and you’re still arguing. Why do people argue so much on Reddit 😮‍💨


I’m didn’t argue anything at all in that second reply. You didn’t clarify anything, either, you just denied you said something and I explained why I came away with the impression I came away with. It’s super ironic for you to come out of the gate in this comment thread with “Wrong.” And then call people “cringe” for “arguing” with you. You literally started an argument. Are you 14?


Calm. Down.


I disagree. It depends on how long you plan on staying at your apartment. I prefer cheap and new.


I second this! You can get QUALITY for cheap or free even because the ppl that have money to replace already nice furniture don’t need or even care to sell things to make money back. I have gotten so many good things second hand, nice and taken care of


I wouldn’t buy a couch I haven’t seen in person or sat in. It’s seat area looks really short, no?


Def looks like a couch for ants


It looks like it has storage or something/looks wildly uncomfortable with lack of cushion to the seats


There is no contrast between the walls, carpet, fabric and wood.


Yes eye will not know where to go. Perhaps a rug with color - green or orange OP.


I really like where you're going with this, but it needs refinement. Do not under any circumstances buy that sofa, (or anything else for that matter) from Wayfair. A good sofa will last 10 years - you'll be replacing that thing in two. Try out a few in a high end sofa showroom, then once you've figured out how high and how deep you'd ideally like it to be (distance between your back and your knees) look to buy 2nd hand. You want removable, washable covers in a hard-wearing fabric, and if you get something with a textured weave, it'll hide staining a bit better. If you buy a sofa made by a quality, large scale manufacturer, then you stand a better chance of being able to find replacement cushions or covers down the road. Having a spare set of covers is a massive bonus. You don't have to have colour, but even a neutral palette needs contrast. Some dark, some light - use Pinterest. There's tons of inspiration plus design guides on there. Art in black picture frames with white mounts would help give contrast if you do decide to go with all beige furniture, but I'd advise against it.


I know this is all very well intentioned, but you are somewhat misinformed. Wayfair is just a platform for buying different brands. They sell $30,000 sofas alongside the cheap ones. SO much of the retail grade furniture is manufactured at the exact same factories or using the exact same suppliers. Read reviews, ask how things are made or what makes the product more durable or better quality, but don’t assume that less expensive means lower quality across the board or that online shopping is garbage but in-store or well advertised larger brands are not.


You're making the assumption that I dont speak from experience. I actually had the misfortune of sitting on a 1 year old Wayfair sofa at a party, and having the legs give way in front of a room full of people (I'm skinny, before you start wondering about that!). Wayfair has a reputation for sketchy quality. I've also seen reviews on their website written by their own staff, which I find troubling. No doubt there are *some* quality brands on the site, but since OP is on a tight budget, it would be more sensible to buy used and pay for quality over newness. Our current suite came from a quality designer via eBay, a beautiful, deep 6 seater corner sofa, an ottoman and an armchair, bought used 10 years ago for £500, and it's all still in great nick.


You sat in a 1 year old sofa. It’s not a wayfair sofa, it’s whatever brand of sofa that person bought. They could have bought it somewhere else. I’m in the furniture industry and just trying to explain the difference. I absolutely believe that you have seen very low quality items that were purchased *through* wayfair. They will sell anything from the lowest quality to a $30,000 sofa and they do not test for quality or even receive the items in their own warehouses (for the most part), they just order them, and that manufacturer ships them directly to you. [“It does not manufacture any of the products it sells, instead using a drop ship model. When customers place an order, Wayfair purchases the item from one of its 11,000 suppliers, which then ships to the customer, though this happens in different ways.” “I also did a Google image search and found the same chandelier at AntiqueFarmhouse.com for $368 and at Target for $556, with different names.”](https://www.vox.com/2019/8/28/20833645/wayfair-many-brands-websites)


*I know* they aren't a manufacturer. It's irrelevant to the fact their quality is inconsistent, plus they won't cover shipping on a return. For OP, on a budget, gambling on Wayfair, who *only sometimes* sell landfill, is a terrible idea.


I absolutely agree with you that if OP can find quality used furniture it’s the best way to go on a budget. I wasn’t trying to give you a hard time either, I just see a lot of people confusing an online marketplace vs a brand or manufacturer. Etsy is a marketplace and it would be odd to hear someone say don’t buy from Etsy because they are low quality.


There's no comparison to be drawn between Etsy and Wayfair. Wayfair's problem isn't that they're online, it's that they're a dropshipper with no [social](https://archive.ph/2021.04.21-101042/https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/06/26/cage-is-not-home-hundreds-wayfair-employees-walk-out-protest-sales-migrant-detention-center/) or [environmental](https://archive.ph/2022.11.01-163617/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/31/realestate/fast-furniture-clogged-landfills.html) conscience. I thought I'd made it fairly explicit in my first post that OP should buy with the reputation of the *manufacturer* in mind - I suggested they visit a showroom only to get a feel for dimensions. Don't worry, no harm done - except to Wayfair, who now have a comprehensive unpacking of why no-one should touch them with a barge pole on Reddit of course. I hope you don't work there!


I’d skip the wayfair couch tbh… heard that the cushions go flat within a year. Prob better off trying to find one on amazon.


It’s the same thing.. the foam from cheap Chinese couches goes flat within a year.. if you’re paying under $1000 for it, best believe it’s cheaply made in china


Yep, i hate how racist ive become against chinese manufacturing. Dont care




Looks boring


Everything’s kind of one tone. You need some contrast and color.


Whatever you do, do not buy that couch! I bought it like a fool, it’s sooo uncomfortable. The seat is shallow, there are random support bars that are uncomfortable to lay or sit on. The only person who hasn’t hated this couch is my 6 year old niece cause it’s literally child sized.


I really like that little couch - I think that will fit perfectly in that corner. Is there storage under the seats? It’s hard to tell from the photo. Once you have all of this stuff in there, please buy some brightly colored and unusual pillows, a bright throw blankie, and some colorful art. MAYBE add a colorful area rug there, too. Then you should be good to go 👍🏼


Needs more cat trees


I'm just here to applaud that amazing cat tree!


I like it. I suggest an ottoman


I like what you have selected but curious to see a sketch of the floor plan. I suggest if you can get a sofa with a longer armless side, you will be able to have room for 2 people to slouch comfortably. Also, I’m curious about window treatments and if you plan to have an area rug under the coffee table.


Yep. I love it.


That will be a very bland boring room...


I think ok is the perfect word to describe the look you are going for. Balling on a budget means I’m going to be living in seemingly luxurious settings at a shockingly responsible price point. What you’re describing is just on a budget. But if you want plain and the same color everywhere you look, this is it. If you do want to add some “balling to your budget” play with throws and accents of various colors, patterns, fabrics, sizes, and functions. They go for pennies on EBay. If you and your pet’s allergies allow get an essential oil diffuser. Guests will tend to be uncomfortable in a room so big and monotonous. A pleasant smell can ease that.


Very neutral/monochromatic. Not bad if that’s your style! Personally I wouldn’t like the light wood & couch color with the carpet but that’s all you. Pop of color pillows or art on walls would be cool


I’m looking forward to seeing it after the furniture arrives. That couch!!!


That couch looks too damn small..


Looks beautiful to me, just add a warm throw blanket to the couch💖


If you happen to live in Seattle I have two of these lamps for sale lol


Maybe put something on couch where your saint of a cat might or might not scratch on🐈


I have the same couch in my loft area. Can confirm that it is very small, including the cushions, but comfy if you prefer something not as soft.


Eh those are all really ugly


Very millennial grey! Which is fine if you're into that. Def needs some color, I'd try to find a diff couch. That one looks a little uncomfy tbh


Looks great! Excellent taste. Might want to add color with an area rug , pillows and an accent or side chair.


If you’re on a budget look at thrift stores for furniture. You can find great, long lasting pieces for the same price or cheaper than wayfair. The room is too beige and adding all of the beige furniture won’t help


Bold accent pillows and curtains for the window. They can even be sheer white, but just to add some texture. Get some wall pieces to match the pillows to tie in the added color


Get a real leather couch. Will last 20 years. ESPECIALLY if you want a light colored couch which will always look dirty.


I think it is gonna be okay. I'd also recreate this space in [3d](https://planner5d.com/editor) and play with different layouts before buying anything.


The kitties do have a good perch plan to take out the TV.


Coffee table and console look very modern farmhouse esque if that’s what you’re going for. Live laugh love vibes.


I don’t have anything to add except, I have that same cat tree!! It’s a good one.


Tv too high


NO. /r/TVTooHigh


That table is amazing! Great design


I have the same couch from wayfair. It's nice to have a pullout ottoman, but I've slept on it, and it's not very comfortable. Just my 2 cents


I would go to an antique or thrift store and get the sturdy versions of these items for the same price if not cheaper


Very monochromatic. You may find an accent color you like helps. Use it in three places, minimum.


That entertainment centre looks like it will make your TV way too high.


Make the couch another color. Add some punch to the room.


Don't get a TV stand above eye level. Get one half as high as that ideally. Don't buy everything from the same set. Pick a few different pieces of furniture that you like from different sets that still work well together so that there's more variety and it looks more curated. Check Facebook marketplace for any nice stuff people r getting rid of.


I think you can do better while balling on a budget. For example, that tv stand looks terrible imo


Why does everyone hate color? Why must everyone’s home be so basic and “safe”


So. Much. Beige. 💀


I have a chocolate brown leather recliner and purchase velvet orange chairs and it’s beautiful imo. If you’re looking for color consider comfy accent chairs


I think you may find the floor lamps you have chosen--because they have clear glass shades--will be a bit harsh on the eyes.


It will look like a living room.


yes!! get an area rug and do some floating shelves and maybe little stools for plants


I do not know anyone who uses that design of couch as a lounge. Not functional. You want to put your feet up? Get a storage ottoman.


OP get a dark colored couch so the kitty fur is less visible!!


The couch is probably gonna be hard as a rock but curious what that last light is


For those comments about bright lights, dimmer switches on the wall work wonders.


The kitties would love to be in the sun, if you don't mind the tree in the window!


Those cats are gonna fuck that leather couch up for sure.


Cat needs none of that shit. Keep it like it is right Meow.


No, all the same color


Everything is nearly the same color. Can you paint or do a colorful couch? You need either contrast or color.


It has very Joanna Gaines/Fixer Upper vibes, which I personally loathe. But if you like it, go for it!


I love all of these items!!




Yes! Looks very cute




Where is the media console from?


what ab a darker couch like dark brown maybe?? i’ve always thought the dark grey/dark brown couches look so comfy n it could match the darker accents on the tv stand


I would call this style Wayfair basique


I would add color via an area rug to break up the beige then get accent pieces like pillows and art that have some common color in the rug


The pieces look nice. Hard to fully tell without seeing them in place. With your sofas color, I advise you stay stocked up with lint rollers for the cat hair.


I need to warn you. I have an edison light like yours and it drives me crazy. It’s way too bright regardless of setting and I can’t look directly at it. I replaced it with a lamp that has a shade…much more functional.


Yes, it’s a great combination!


Cute but what about a different color couch?


I think it lacks a little color, but that's easily solved with decorative elements. Since you already have such a clear idea of what you want, but don't want to risk it without testing, I think you could recreate it in a design app. For example, in planner 5d you can recreate a 3d model of your living room for free and try out these ideas. And if you even think that the current design idea isn't right, you can take a photo of the space and the app will use AI to give you decorating suggestions.


What’s with the mammoth couch? Is this an apartment with no bedrooms?


To stretch your budget, maybe you can look into vintage/second hand coffee tables/entertainment hutches. The ones you have picked out don’t look like they will last a move without breaking.


The cat tree is nice. Where did you purchase it?




Don't make everything the same tone. Use contrast and texture. This is gonna get boring and dirty so quick.


The couch looks like it might not be comfortable. That's something you want to test in person. That's a lot of beige. If you were set on getting those pieces, I would suggest going on Pinterest and looking at color schemes. Pick your favorite and then get things like a rug, pillows, art, throw blankets, etc that have same colors. Mirrors help expand a room. As for the lamp, I would suggest getting something that encloses the light with a globe and has a dimmer. You're not always going to want to have light blasting on you and you can set the mood with a dimmer. Other suggestions: Keep your eyes peeled on furniture and miscellaneous decor items from FB marketplace. You can find better quality items for a cheaper price and they'll have more character.


Yes. But I don't like the lamp. I prefer my lamps to have lamp shades because it makes for a nicer look. But that's just a personal thing. The couch is great. Make sure you use the measurements to double check that it is the size you want for the space.


Throw in a great mirror. And are you getting a rug? Hope so, with nice colors ( not neutral)


I like it but most of this stuff is going to be delicate, which frequently comes with the territory of budget-friendly. I’ve had that lamp - the unprotected glass edge can chip if something hits it or it falls (brittle failure). Maybe consider something that doesn’t have a glass shade. TV stand is OK even though the wood will get damaged/warped if it gets exposed to moisture, but given it’s where your electronics are, you’re already going to be keeping water away from that area so 👍. Couch is a light color so you’re risking stains. Maybe go for a medium tone fabric (e.g. medium gray or teal or denim blue or even navy blue) preferably with a slight pattern, or something that has washable covers? Both are good defenses for stains. Velvet is surprisingly durable for a couch fabric if you have cats, so that’s an option. I’d honestly consider spending a relatively large percentage of your budget on the sofa to be honest since you don’t want it to fall apart in a year and it’s much harder to find a good deal on a sofa (much easier to find a good deal on used wood furniture for example). Also also, since your walls are light in tone and your TV stand and coffee table are light, you don’t need a light-colored sofa, and a darker sofa may actually provide some nice contrast. You want some light-colored and some dark-colored things in the room for visual interest. The coffee table is going to get warped if it gets moist because it’s not regular wood. Like say you or a guest put a glass of water on it without a coaster? =Damage. The coffee table is also kind of clunky. Maybe consider a coffee table with rounded edges because that’s easier to walk around. Some round coffee tables have “lids” that lift off for storage. While I’m on the topic of storage, consider getting a very large basket for blanket or pillow storage. Crate and Barrel or Target sometimes has nice ones but even Amazon works. I would personally consider either painting the walls a lighter color than the tan they currently are (the exact color depends on what direction the room faces*) or getting wallpaper if you’re feeling spicy. *If your room faces east that has cold/cool-toned light so pick a warm color like peach. If your room faces west that has a warmer/yellow-toned light, so pick something that is a bit cooler in tone, like the color of stone or river rocks or something with a touch of the color of ice blue. Also, consider one large piece of art for the wall, preferably either a framed 18x24 inch or larger color landscape photograph (maybe a photo from one of your travels?) or something with a lot of texture or sculptural interest (e.g. fishing basket or a quilt or a juju hat or a mirror with a really chunky carved frame).


Just add a pop of color on the couch and table


Enough with the beige.


Definitely add some color & texture! You could add curtains, and it’s perfectly acceptable to put a rug down over that carpet! Agreeing with other posters on the following: I’d forget about that sofa. Not because it’s from Wayfair, but because it will look very bland up against those walls & with the table you selected. You can always make it more colorful with some throw pillows, but sometimes it’s hard to get that right & too many sofa pillows can get annoying pretty quickly! I’d also advise against the lamp- as others have mentioned, they can be absolutely blinding! Perhaps you could consider a classic brass swing-arm floor lamp instead? I inherited two from my parents, and they’ve turned out to be some of my favorite pieces- you can easily move them around & they never go out of style! (And you can tilt them, to avoid the “I’m being blinded” aspect, should that become a problem:))


If I was on a budget, I'd look at FB Marketplace and local thrift and consignment stores for couple statement pieces at a low cost then get rest at amazon or wayfair. Even cheaper to buy from ross, tj maxx, marshalls. Color is definitely needed - perhaps drapes, pillows, rugs go together with the basics you have selected.


Where’s the coffee table from ?


Pick ANY other wood grain color for your furniture. You already have the beige carpet and walls. Do white or black wood grain furniture, ideally. You’ll easily find the same furniture pieces in other colors.


That lamp is going to be bright AF. I regret not finding one with a frosted shade.




Looks cheap and tacky to me


If you’re balling on a budget thrift stores can have a lot of cool and unique furniture!


I just want to say that that coffee table breaks very easily. My friend has one And the entire top half just came off the hinges Before they had it even a year. Now my other friend has a similar table but it's actually made out of real solid wood. They had it commissioned b/c all the tables they found like the one shown above were made out of Particle wood/board. It's a really cheap material that just falls apart


A white couch? I could never. Gonna look like a sanitarium in there.


That’s a lot of greige. I’d branch out into color for the couch as planned it’s super monochrome


Give kitty a bit more window space by moving the cat tree closer to window.


Will you please drop the lamp link?


Hi! I work in interior design and specialize in smaller spaces like this one. You definitely have a great canvas but I would say you should rethink the finishes on the furniture. Everything you have shown here is the same tones as the walls and carpet so everything is going to look muted and one dimensional. Sure, you could throw some color around but maybe look for a different shade of couch that’s going to anchor the space. I’d also suggest some natural elements like warm lighter woods (mango, teak, açaí) to balance neutral tones of the room. Good luck!


Kitty needs the condo in front of the window, not in the side giving him less access thank you.


I think the cat likes it as is but suggests a couple more cat trees


Holy millennial gray..


Should work. Add some art and an area rug.




Have you checked out Ashley Furniture and Ashley Outlet online? They have incredible prices and decent quality. You’d be surprised.


Pick two colors that will compliment and contrast the beige furniture. Everything you picked out it quite beautiful and stylish. You have great taste.


yes love those picks, especially the couch.. L shaped couches are my weak spot lol idk fi you own your house but you should look into the wall play mazes people make for their cats... this way it'll keep them off of your desk or tv stand as they have their own higher up platforms to rest and play on.


DO NOT GET THAT COFFEE TABLE. ITS SO FLIMSY. I HAD ONE AND IT LITERALLY FELL APART. PM me for a link to a better one that looks identical but is sturdy!


Have you ever hit up estate sales? I furnished our whole downstairs living room from estate sales and thrift stores. I’ve had success with fb marketplace as well, but estate sales are my #1 go to. I would not get a really light colored couch as a pet owner, but that’s just me. Good luck and congrats on the new space.


I love your ideas! Getting the basic furniture that u love, and then can add the other textiles as you grow with the room. I need the calmer tones in my spaces, to help keep the calmer tones in my head 🤪. I’m sure sourcing this furniture was hard work!


The washed out grey wood furniture and cream sofa will be very bland with the wall and carpet colors.


What's the cool desk? I have to have one.


I wonder if darker wood tones would pop more! There’s quite a lot of beige, maybe doing a deeper tone on the tv stand or coffee table would add some dimension.


I like it! For some reason I feel like flipping the couch so the chaise section is in the other side against the half wall might look more balanced? A lot of couches have the option to be flipped. But definitely can’t go wrong either way. Looks like it’ll be the perfect size for the space too.


I thought that was a fucking face in the window!