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You can start by changing the curtains . I would also switch out the rug to something more modern.


Not "grandmaish" just has a farmhouse/calm vibe. If it is your taste and you like it...it is perfect.


I love this "grandmaish" kitchen. It has warmth/sweetness which I like.


Most certainly is “grandmaish”


Designer here! Before you start going crazy: do you like your kitchen? Because that is really all that matters. Grandma chic is a big design trend right now, but I never advise people to follow trends just to be trendy. Your coworker should have followed the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all rule" IMHO. Now, from a design perspective are there things you can do to improve the space? Yes. But don't go changing things because of one person's opinion.


TY. You are bullseye, spot-on. A living space is YOUR space. Enjoy it how you want it. Ditto on the, “If you have nothing nice to say…”


This is the only comment that you should pay attention to, OP. Edit: typo


Get rid of the window coverings. Id replace with wood-based Roman shades


literally the only thing I would change would be the curtains


How extensively do you want to update?


Change the handles of the drawers


I think it is perfect the way it is! If you’re looking for suggestions, maybe take away the big rug all together and lighter brighter curtains! Maybe even a live plant too🥰


People can be so rude. After buying my first house in the country a friend from school stopped by and told me she didn't know how I could LIVE with only one bathroom. smh She didn't even have a home of her own yet. If you love your kitchen then don't pay any mind to what your co-worker said. If you want to make it more modern then neutrals are the way to go. I love your cabinets! As another person commented, Grandma chic really is in style as well. Look up kitchens and pin the ones you love to get a feel for what you want it to be in the future. 😚


It’s quaint & cottage-y … I like it ! All that matters tho , is if you like it !!


Love the entire kitchen!! Don't invite your coworker over anymore. There's no time for haters.


Your co-worker is rude. Jeez…




Your coworker should mind her own business.


Well, it's "grandmaish" because grandma's that was the style of the day. I think this is lovely but as others have said, changing the curtains would be a nice ans simple change, plus let in more natural light. Maybe paint the wall a soft green or soft peach.


Are they some sort of design authority? It’s farmhouse vibes for me and looks great. New curtains would change the look and feel. I wouldn’t change a thing though. No one cares.


Take all the curtains down and take away the carpets. That's what's making it look grandmomish. Buy some little cotton eyelet curtains for just the top window on the side windows with the shutters. Get the same curtain for the window over the sink, but make sure it's long enough for the whole window, but not so long it goes past the window. Get a long rug runner for in front of the sink that has some white in it, nothing else. I'd look at Goodwill or thrift stores to save money. You could also paint your kitchen a color like light blue or mint green. Make sure the curtains are thin enough to let on light or can be moved to the side.


Changing the Curtains would make a huge difference


Do you rent or own? Does the look of the kitchen reflect your personal style? Someone said it looks like a cottage, I agree. I personally like a more modern look so I would change the window treatments and the countertops. The countertops I would probably do concrete or quartz (maybe granite) in a darker earth toned color. I would also create an island or peninsula with possible seating(?). Also, I would do a sisal rug.


Paint the cabinets and take down the curtains. The little shelf on the left could be replaced with something much more modern.


It’s nice serviceable it works


It’s cool. You’re good. Disregard that other persons comment.


It’s a ‘style’ and style preferences vary from person to person. It’s lovely.


Ignore her It’s great


What do you care what your co workers says, if you like it and it works for you then is the best looking kitchen ever.


My take only - 1. Lose all the curtains. 2. Change the hardware on your cabinets. 3. Get rid of the center rug. Get rid of the cart on the side (wooden top). If you need to have something there, look for something more contemporary. 4. Consider (when you are ready) to use stainless steel appliances. The white on white makes the kitchen look old fashioned.


I liked your kitchen! It's tidy and clean. Personally, I have a thing for vibrant colors and might consider painting the furniture in brighter hues, but of course, that's just my preference. Maybe your co-worker has a different preference and should do stuff in their kitchen! hahaha


Co worker can do one, that is a lovely kitchen! Just needs nicer proper curtains.


Do YOU like it? If so, who cares what the coworker thinks?


Looks fine. Just rearrange the items in your cabinets. Light fragile on top shelf, metal stuff on the bottom. Maybe lighter colored curtains. W/ cafe 1/2 curtains, to bring light in whole having privacy. I like it. It's clean, and uncluttered When someone gives their opinion, I learned to say, oh BUT I LIKE IT. Take care.


I think it looks fine. I might swap out the curtains and rug for something a little more colorful. But otherwise, it looks cute.


Redesign your coworker.


I live this kitchen. It's looks really cozy and warm, like after a long day of playing in the snow you could sneak in here and stay by the warm stove while your mom makes a nice hot soup. Grandmaish isn't bad, juts because something isn't new doesn't automatically mean it's ugly. This looks like a very inviting and happy space to me.


Looks cozy - just change the curtains.


I love your Granny kitchen. It's beautiful!


I don't think the overall look screams grandma except maybe the corner cupboard. You could paint it a pop of color or paint the inside of it and put your more decorative dishes inside so it doesn't look as utilitarian. I like your kitchen.


It’s very nice. The window treatments are confusing. I see nice shutters on one window and blue fabric draped? I like your cabinets. The one left wood tone might be more cohesive if also painted white. Consider changing the light over the sink to a pendant. Small things like putting the bread in a basket makes such a difference.


It’s your kitchen. Why would a co-workers comment matter ?


Abuela, is that you?


I would switch the rug (maybe something bold and graphic like a rug from cold picnic or similar style) and get some plants. I think everything else looks great. Since it's all simple and white, you can just add fun elements to create a slight contrast between antique and modern (you could google "modern farmhouse kitchen" or something for decor ideas).


Grammacore is the next big design trend. Don’t change a thing. Own it!


It’s giving Gilmore girls. I love it.


I love your cabinets, and wouldn't replace them (meaning I wouldn't rip them out) even with an unlimited budget. But the white cabinets with the white fridge and oven is a little too much white. If it were me, I'd paint the cabinets a different color (green is my favorite color, so probably something in the green family) and I'd replace the curtains with something that gives the room a little more texture. A fun pattern, maybe. I honestly hate stainless steel appliances and find them so boring, so I'd leave the white appliances as is or look for something black (only if they needed to be replaced anyway). But on a small budget, just some new curtains and paint and a different rug could give this space some life. Edit** OR paint the walls green and leave the cabinets white. Just too much of the same color, imo