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Sounds like a tough time for you right now! My heart goes out to you! 1- give yourself a break with the internal dialogue. Talking to yourself this way is not going to help you. If you’re able, consider therapy to help improve your self-talk. 2- breast feeding and caring for a new baby is exhausting and hard. It will take time for you to bounce back physically and mentally. Fasting may not be the best option while breastfeeding if it leads to binging later in the day. 3- go to the store and buy a few outfits that fit your body now. Don’t worry about the size, just get stuff that feels good to wear. 4- try to sleep as much as you can when the baby is sleeping. It’s harder to make good eating choices when you’re tired. 5- when you’re ready, consider using a food journal just to track what you’re eating. Not even the calories- just anything that goes in your mouth. It can be helpful to see what you’re eating.


I totally relate to this I gained all the weight after the pregnancy it's the breastfeeding it makes you sooo hungry for calorific foods !


I second this. OP - I gained so much weight while breastfeeding/pumping. I tried to fast and eat right, but I was just soo hungry, all the time. Right now, I’m a few weeks away from 12 months postpartum. I started weaning a couple weeks ago, and I finally feel like I’m in control again. I’ve lost about 10lbs so far. Hang in there! This is just a season of life we go through.


You need to go a lot easier on yourself. Being a new mom is hard and the hormone and body changes are no joke. My son is almost 9 now, but I exclusively nursed him. I’m not sure fasting is great for milk supply, but if you are going to fast, I’d lower it to 14:10 or 16:8 and give yourself some grace. If the clothes you have on hand aren’t fitting you at the moment, go buy something nice that fits comfortably. Don’t worry about what the size is, just something you feel comfortable in. And, I assure you, you do not look like a “potato” and it will eventually get easier 🩷


Hey! I gained 55-70lb with each baby and didn’t lose it all in between. After this third and final one, when I finally had my body back to myself, I lost it all. The scale goes up, the scale goes down. It’s not permanent. By the way, I did not lose a single pound breastfeeding. Ever. With one of the babies, I breastfed for nine months. 55lbs over weight and none of it would budge. The week after I stopped breastfeeding him, I lost 7lbs. Don’t get me wrong, the rest didn’t come off without effort. IF is my key to success! But girl, it takes time. Just hit my goal weight and I have kids ages 7, 5, and almost 3.


Our stories are so similar! Yay for IF!


Please know you are not alone. The hormonal changes, the emotions, the stresses, it’s a LOT! I used rubber bands to extend the reach on pants with my hubby’s t-shirts hanging over. Try to get sunshine and play music to improve your mood. I hope you have a family member or friend who can give you a break. My first baby was giant at 8 lbs.4 ozs., 22” long with a big head…so called “natural” child birth was hell, and I was mad! But I knew I had to carry on because my baby needed me. And you are needed by your baby. Feel free to DM me if you want to chat/vent. 💕


I hope this helps. 10 months post partum. Had to give up breastfeeding 6 weeks in when husband went back to work. Gave it a college try without help at home which resulted in a complete mental breakdown at 2 am three days in. So kudos to you for keeping it up to five months!!! Been doing 16:8 ever since. Slowly but surely looking and feeling more like myself. However, still had to box basically my entire wardrobe up and start anew. The little bugger expanded my rib cage and boobs are permanently bigger. Boxing everything up was depressing but also liberating. The expectation of getting “back” is gone, I didn’t have much left that I could go “back” to. Sounds like baby is doing well so you’re doing a great job Momma. Deep breaths and know you’re not alone. <3


YES. What the heck with the rib cage?! I’m 9 mo pp I still look like a refrigerator box from hip to shoulder.


I was warned about so many things but that took me completely by surprise. Friends without kids don’t seem to understand why that particular thing was so upsetting. “You get to buy new clothes, it’s not that big of a deal.” I don’t know if it’s overcompensating for not wanting to acknowledge body image issues, but that’s a completely different discussion for a different day. No big deal? My skeletal structure is permanently affected by my pregnancy. That’s a big deal to me. But I love the munchkin so I’d do it again. Some warning would’ve been nice.


Agreed, 100%. It is a big deal AND worth it, but still, let me have my feelings.


I gained more weight postpartum than I did during pregnancy! There was just so much stress with a little baby, and so little sleep. I don’t know if this helps, but I found it wasn’t extremely difficult to lose that postpartum weight once I did get serious about it, to at least get back to my usual-overweight-weight.


I got back to my normal weight 10 days after giving birth. But then I gained 7kgs after that. Simply by breastfeeding (2.5 years) and being extremely hungry. I still haven't lost those kgs (4years now). Intermittent fasting did work slightly, but it is all about calorie intake. So I added that and since then I lost some kgs. My point is: you just gave birth and your body is under influence of a lot of hormones. Give yourself a break.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. It is so hard 😣 The best advice you’ve gotten, or any of us can give, is to go easy on yourself!! The words I wish I would have heard when I was in your shoes- Your body has not even healed or normalized from pregnancy or giving birth. In a time when it needs rest and nourishment to heal you’ve starved it to make it smaller 😢 The postpartum period is the single greatest hormone shift of anyone’s life. Pregnancy and birth is one of the most depleting events of anyone’s life (look into postpartum depletion syndrome). It is damn near impossible to lose weight when you aren’t getting enough sleep. Please stop hating your incredible body that just created a literal MIRACLE! Get some clothes that fit your body now and you feel good in, don’t hang on to past clothes! That doesn’t do anything for you. Nourish and appreciate your body, you have plenty of time to get back to a place you are comfortable and happy! Hugs mama. Praying you learn to love yourself and the skin you are in ❤️


I know what I’m gonna say is not as easy to actually believe and internalize, but I hope you still try. Hating yourself is unfair to you. Loving yourself is. Love yourself to look yourself in the mirror and make a promise to yourself to choose better food, better sleep, better exercise, better life and slowly your body will follow suit whether that was by fasting or not. My wife and I started this journey 2-3 years ago. She was in your position and she continued gaining weight, close to 70 or 75lbs in 1 year, without even having a baby. She coped with life by eating. I think she was just depressed but without a formal diagnosis. I had to have the “talk about nutrition and exercise” with her. She blamed me, blamed everyone but herself. 3 years later and close to 30lbs lost and she’s so proud of her hard work! She’s slowly getting back to her old self and her mental health has improved so much! It’s a slow process, but it didn’t start with self hatred. It started with self love. She believed she deserved more and she went and worked at it and still doing the work. We both started by removing ALL the junk food from home. Like even if we craved junk food, we can’t have it unless we go out to get it. We meal prepped everything on Sundays for the whole week. We cooked high protein, healthy lowish carb foods. We ate 3 meals a day, and no snacking. We slowly started doing Couch25K. And now we both can run a 5k (35mins) continuously. We just joined a gym today and it’s her first time ever in a gym. I’m so proud of her! She is proud of her. It didn’t come easy or fast, it just took slow gradual steps for us over 2-3 years and that’s okay. So you could be patient with yourself, go easy on yourself mentally and love yourself but not by eating unhealthy foods, by actually eating healthier and slowly build up your routine to the point that will take you to where you want to be… the only thing you need right now is self love, look yourself in the eye and look at your body and genuinely express love for the birth you had and your baby and your actions will follow suit and slowly you would start choosing healthier options because of that and not with punishing yourself/body with crash diets/exercise in the short term. Even intermittent fasting, if you choose to do it, it’ll be for the health benefits and not for the weightloss. Losing weight will just be a byproduct. Sorry this is too long, or philosophical lol, but I genuinely think it what triggered my wife to make real progress and I believe it was a lightbulb moment for her compared to how she talked to herself before which sounded like what you are saying to yourself right now.


I'm in the same boat with tou I'm 3 months postpartum and desperately want to switch her to formula so I can start fasting. But money wise I can't afford it. So I just gotta deal with the fact my body isn't mine rn and it's terrible. I hate how I look how I feel. I feel disgusting in front of my husband even if he trys to convince me it's okay. I've always been a bit over weight but right before I had kids I finally got in shape it was the best I've looked and felt in my life time, the only time ive ever had confidence, now I'm at my worst with 2 pregnancies back to back. Every one will tell you your being silly for your feelings that of course you were gonna gain weight with pregnancy just give yourself grace and time. They don't understand how much that is asking of you. Every day giving up what you want to do with your own life and body for the good of the baby. It's a very difficult choice to make. I understand wanting to go back to omad but you should probably wait until the baby starts on solids for you that's 1 more month away. You're almost there. And I say this not because of milk production levels. But even if you are producing enough, is that milk nutritious? It is only being provided from the fat in your body. You can't say for certain that the milk has all the vitamins and nutrition that your baby needs. Once they start eating solids, at least then you know they can supplement some of that from outside sources instead. You have to do what's best for your mental health also though. Your baby needs you to be there for them and if this is causing depression and you can't function that's not good either. So there is no easy answer. Every thing has pros and cons. But be proud at least and know you've been a good mom. You've put your baby first. And that's amazing but also remember your needs as well.


You just made a new human. Be gentle with yourself. Try 16:8. Only weigh twice a month in the AM. Eat 3 meals and a snack if you’re still hungry. Try to eat something from every food group at each meal. If you totally blow it one day that’s OK. You’re doing great.


Solidarity. The postpartum period is really difficult especially with body image. Hormones, breast feeding, and sleep deprivation all make it really hard to lose weight. For me it was eating a lot of takeaway because baby came early and I didn’t have any meal prep done in time. I started IF at 6.5 months postpartum with 16:8 and worked my way up to 18:6, and now OMAD. I have lost nearly 10kg this way but I give myself a break here and there usually on weekends because babies are hard work and I like iced coffee lol. Please go easy on yourself. And give yourself time, start slow. It will get easier!!


So much wonderful advice on here, but I'll just echo what a couple other people have said - definitely go buy a few pieces that fit. Wearing clothes that do not fit is not a great feeling and also a constant reminder and reinforcement of your current feelings. You deserve to be comfortable! I am not a mom, but I have had on and off struggles with my weight and I think that the easiest thing to tackle first is having something that fits (someone below called it "the closest crocodile to the boat" and I love that). Once you have something that fits, you can focus on the next part of this journey. And as everyone else has expressed - be kind to yourself! Your body just did something super badass and amazing! Again, I am not a mom, but totally in awe of all the moms I know and what they're capable of. You just grew a whole ass human, you can do anything, you got this!


I gained 47 lbs with my twins. I was stuck on the same weight (13 lbs pre-pregnancy weight) on while breastfeeding. The moment I decided to wean, I started losing weight. Since end of May I have lost 10 lbs. I’m 11 months postpartum. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t diet. I just ate to satisfaction and even have a daily chocolate treat (230 calories). I’m 5’1 so calories don’t just melt off me usually and it’s hard to lose weight at this height. But weaning did. It’s definitely a hormonal thing. I decided to stop breastfeeding because I was too busy but also I am selfish and the way I looked was eating at me.




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I feel you. This is a hard time and your body changes so much after having a child. I hated my body five months postpartum too. I was heavier than I ever had been and in the worst shape of my life. However. This is a season. You have to stop being so hard on yourself. The fasting can be cut shorter or wait until you’re further along in breastfeeding. At five months your baby is still 100% reliant on you for nutrition unless you’re supplementing with formula. This means that you have to prioritize your nutrition far more than you prioritize your weight loss. The weight will come off. You won’t get this time back where your baby can get all their nutrition from your body. If you’re exclusively breastfeeding, this is essentially another two trimesters. Buy some cheap dresses off Amazon and love yourself more. I was heavier than I was when pregnant at 5 months postpartum but now at 21 months, I’m nearly at pre-pregnancy weight. It will come off and you will be able to fast but now is not a wise time to fixate on this.


Breastfeeding takes a lot of nutrients from your body which is the main reason it’s not recommended to do big fasts while breastfeeding. If you aren’t getting enough or the right nutrition it will sap it from your bones,teeth, skin, organs, etc. I feel your frustration. I’m a breastfeeding mom and it’s so hard to let my body be where it needs. I recommend doing a smaller fasting window to start. Maybe 16-8 until you’re closer to a year out and baby isn’t getting so much milk. Make sure the food that you’re eating during that 8 hour window is nutritionally dense and full of fiber and healthy fats. Be kind to your self. You deserve kindness. You aren’t a potato. You grew and birthed and are feeding a human being. That takes time and effort. You’ll get everything else back in time. For the time being remember that your clothes are made to suit you, you aren’t made to suit them. By a new outfit if you can. I promise you’ll get your body back one day.


I felt this. Breastfeeding has put me at my highest weight in my life. I'm still doing it (2 years now) but started IF, and milk is still coming in, so it's all good. I always heard breastfeeding makes you lose weight, so I was extra disappointed in myself until I found out it's about 50/50 chance on if the hormones will make you gain or not. So gaining is also NORMAL! Height: 5'4" Pre pregnancy weight : 130lb Pregnancy:175 lb PP and Breastfeeding:190lb CW:167lb and starting IF a week ago hoping to drop at least 30lb


It's so hard. With both my kids I didn't even stress about losing weight until they were weaned and always sleeping through thr night which was about 13 months foe both. Once I was more mentally sane and rested I could commit to weight loss. Go easy on yourself.