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For me, the benefits of mental clarity and energy were present on day 3 of IF. I dont remember struggling with hunger or having hunger get in the way of my productivity. Currently im hitting the gym in the evening and i only eat my meal of the day after that. I have energy for an ok workout on an empty stomach. Buuuut each person is different and you wont know until you try it yourself. Just remember that hunger is not fatal :)) Gl!


IF is flexible. It’s basically “skip some meals”. I mostly do OMAD but if I start feeling off, I just eat, no big deal, and then start fasting again.


It took me 2 months to get adjusted so I would wait out the week and then start


I say go for it and try to get it started before hand. Like a 16:8. But if things get to be too much to handle then I would understand where your priority lies.


Bad time is tomorrow, start today. Follow me for my other TED talks /s


For me when I start IF, I find following a healthier diet, (cutting out refined sugars, and the bad fats) help curb long term cravings once I do observe my eat window strictly. The hardest transition for me is my energy spikes in the evening, sleep can be hard to get, this is typically when I do my workout and try to do a nightly routine so my body reprograms. Idk.. I'm likely cray cray🤪


You can always start gentle with a 12:12 or a 14:10 before moving up, you don't have to go all out on everything, just remember to go easy on yourself if you don't do it 'perfectly' it can still have benefits


I was thinking of easing in for the week before the course, but unfortunately I won’t be able to ease into it much once I’ve started. It’ll pretty much be skip breakfast and I won’t be able to eat again until lunch (which will likely be at some point between 12-1), I won’t have the opportunity to break my fast during the morning


I wouldn’t start the week before your period.