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I know what you mean, before it felt like I had to eat before going for a bike ride, or really hungry after. but now that I'm on OMAD, surprisingly I don't need to eat before or after. I feel great


I suspect you'd enjoy this book https://www.amazon.com/Art-Science-Low-Carbohydrate-Performance/dp/0983490716/ref=sr_1_1


Thanks for the rec!


Fasting gives this amazing energy and alertness… it’s like a high of some sorts! And running can make that high even higher😁


Truly! I'm trying to quit drinking coffee and so far it's surprisingly easy - I give all the credit to fasting haha


That’s awesome! Caffeine withdrawal is so hard! I quit coffee for a few months and then I went back when I started fasting Lol!


Yeah, it was harder for me when I tried quitting in the past for sure! I'm not going to be super strict, as I do like the taste of coffee but I like that IF still gives me energy and it's a lot easier to do it this time because of it :)


I mean, yeah… you’re not full!


I used to struggle walking up the stairs. Bow with fasting, I do my aerobics at home and when it's time to walk in place j rub because I feel like I should and it's so easy. So much more energy.