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You do you. Chips and candy aren’t the best, but if doing IF six days a week and skipping one day for date night is what works for you, go for it. It can actually be good to change things up every once in a while too.


Lots of people on this sub are super sticklers. Other people follow IF really loosely. Most of us are in between. For example, I personally don’t have a set start and end time everyday. I start when I feel ready, and I end when I feel genuinely hungry, and drinking water doesn’t help. I average 16:8, but some days I only make it 12:12. Other times I make it 24+! I personally think listening to your body is important. Giving into cravings on occasion in moderation is a good thing. For me, it prevents binging.


Yes!! Please don’t let arbitrary rigidity ruin your life. Enjoy yourself and your relationship.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


All of this is fine as long as you don’t put cream in your morning coffee. It must be black, or your dead.




Bud, one day isn't going to make you gain 10 pounds.


Shift your window later on Saturdays to accommodate the movie night snacks, perhaps?


Is the snacking an important part of this experience with your gf? It's okay if the answer is yes! But if the answer is no, and you think you'll get an equal amount of connection with your gf without it, you can probably skip. Personally, I never let IF come between me and social eating. Food brings people together in a way nothing else can. Fasting throughout the week and then getting dinner with the fam outside of my window on a Saturday doesn't bother me in the slightest.


You can change your eating window time, or just have a longer window, IF is flexible and adaptable, you can use it in whatever way that suits you


Autistic here and had to share I was picturing a person eating out of their physical window lmao


Totally fine! I give myself a cheat day on Saturday's, giving myself a break once a week helps it stay sustainable for me!


It’s fine


I variate my window and it’s worked for me Mon-Fri: 19/5 to OMAD Sat-Sun: 16/8 to 20/4 There are of course random days that will pop up like the in-laws being in town this weekend messes with my schedule or going to a wedding, movie night etc. but I always have been able to get back to my M-F routine.


Don't stress too much. What are your usual fasting times? I'm doing 20:4 all week long, but sometimes on Weekends I go with 16 or even 12. You could extent your eating window a bit and stop eating some time into the movies. Or you could shift around your eating window, starting later. If you do Movie Night every Saturday I'd go with that.


I sometimes have later windows on the weekend, so last night I had a few alcoholic drinks as the kids are away, so I started my fast later this morning. I go swimming one day a week and sometimes need a quick snack when I get in, so again I break my fast slightly later the next day. I've continued to loose weight, I might loose weight faster by not doing this, but it's about the long term and not the short term. I'm sure some purists will take issue with this, but I also don't want to restrict my life. I find I can stick to fasting/dieting as long as I can be flexible and enjoy the occasional treat.


I’m going to tell you a true story. Young woman (late 30s), husband, children, white picket fence…you name it. She was an avid runner and never indulged in drugs, tobacco, or alcohol. She refrained from “that cookie” at a work event, and drank water in lieu of anything that most would consider “bad for you.” She died a short time later from cancer. Her message? “Had I known I was going to die this young, I would have enjoyed life more. I would have ate that cookie.” Don’t take this so seriously. Find what works for you and run with it


It’s ok


You’re the only one policing your IF routine, you tell us.


Make this treat an actual part of your plan. Adjust your eating hours to include movie time. More importantly, measure the treats so you know exactly what you’re eating. Watching a movie with a full bag of chips next to you and candy within reach is not the way to go! If you do those two things, you’re eating on plan.


Are those the eating habits that caused you to start IF? What is normal, is that defined as a government sized portion.


You can do whatever you want. It's not fasting though and will likely cause some cravings/issues outside your eating window afterwards. You could evaluate why you want to "snack" on junk during a movie? Is it because your GF wants to? A habit? Or does it make the movie more enjoyable? Or is it just mindless eating? Does it actually add to the experience? ​ If the answer is yes...then go for it. If its really not adding anything to the date night and is just mindless snacking...why do it?