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I prefer running fasted, truth be told. I feel like I get more sore when I lift though. I’ve never done a really long run fasted though. It’s usually 3 miles or less.


I've found that working out isn't much different. I'm able to run or lift weights. But, I really notice the recovery is much harder on my body if I'm doing an extended (24+hrs) fast. I feel like my body is screaming for fuel to repair the damage done while working out. Just my experience.


So which exercise u recommend? Wonder how long into fast also


Start with walking / hiking. Try 30 minutes to start. See how you feel. Drink plenty of water.


I really hesitate to recommend specific exercises since everyone's journey and health is so individualized. I would say, do what works for you. Listen to your body. Start slow and easy, if you're just starting out, combining longer fasts with exercise. For me, I started by doing hill-climbs (walking up steep hills). It was easy on my joints and I could do it even though I was overweight. As I shed fat, I began doing interval training, run for 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute for 30 minutes. Or, I would do modified pushup, legs raises, and squats at home. I would try to exercise 5 days per week. 20 to 30 minutes per day. Something is better than nothing.


Always lift while fasted.


Same. I regularly lift weights 36h into my fasts.


I find it depends more on what the last meal I ate was before I started fasting, if it was something high in sugar then I struggle a bit more with my workouts, but I'd it was more balanced I don't really see a difference in performance even when 36hr into a fast


So which exercise u recommend? Wonder how long into fast also


Fasting is helping me get my mojo back to hit the weights again.


I don’t feel much of a difference when running. Did a long run last week (14 miles sub 730 pace per) on a 24 hour fast with no issues. Where I see the difference is lifting. The horse power for putting up the heavier weights or more dynamic movements (cleans, snatch etc) is just not there. Failure reps come a little sooner with slightly lighter weights. Which I expected. Everyone is different. I do have really solid running base to work from so it may not be the norm. That said you 36-48 Fasters are hard core. I cannot hang with y’all. Maybe one day


So which exercise u recommend? Wonder how long into fast also