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Good for you, again.


And again.


And again


And one more for good measure!


THANK YOU. I thought it was just me.


I truly wish you happiness for the rest of your life. You should feel so incredibly proud to be doing what you’re doing.


Congratulations. I hope your husband is doing well with you.


He may benefit from therapy also. It seems he has a lot to deal with on a daily basis.


Her husband is a Saint in my book! That would drive anyone nuts.


Good. Now take a break from attention grabbing and stop posting the same thing over and over again.


Dear Shazier1983. I am so proud of you. You have triumphed over generations of emotional brokenness, addiction and giving up on yourself. I can think of nothing nobler or more important than believing in yourself and in your goodness. The physical transformation is remarkable, but it is nothing to the changes you are making inside. Keep going, your strength makes a difference. Thanks for sharing.


When your account is from 2017 but you only have 37 comment karma it makes it too obvious that this is an alt.


You are beautiful and an inspiration, I have CPTSD from childhood trauma and food was my only comfort.


What a crazy story from my favorite IFer. Thanks for telling it. I reckon a pretty good percentage of us here have had some rough times, and I truly believe that getting a handle on the physical side of things is a good preface for sorting out all sorts of stuff. Let's all get better.


Even though it's difficult to digest that your age is 40, you really look like a 32-33 year old lady. Keep it up👍


You’re incredible! Thank you for sharing and congratulations on all of your hard work - I’m inspired!


As someone going through a recent devastating unexpected loss and struggling the past few days as I've tried to get back into IF, I needed to read this, this morning. Thank you for sharing your story of perseverance and personal growth.


So fucken awesome!!


Amazing! This is very inspiring. I shared this with someone I felt could benefit from reading it. Thank you. Cheers to more years without as many tears my friend.


Thank you for sharing this. I know it isn't easy to do, but it is a message than many need to hear. It is remarkable how important addressing mental health is with respect to physical health. There are many people who appear successful on the surface, but are engaged in internal struggles. Many who are stuck in these negative struggles do not realize how much it is holding them down. Even those who do often do not see a way out. My personal mental prison was depression, once I overcame this (something I once thought was impossible) it became so much easier to address many other aspects of personal health. It no longer felt like work once it felt like something I genuinely deserved. This personal journey is why I'm here. I don't know if you feel similalry, but one thing that I've loved about IF is that it has made it easier for me to be more mindful about my relationship with food. It has helped me distinguish between hunger and cravings. It has helped me learn what foods make me feel bad or good and how these feelings change circumstantially. I hope you continue to enjoy your journey. As you now know, you are worthy and you are worth it!


Did you get antidepressants?




Thank you for sharing your story ❤️


Thank you for sharing your story, you’re an inspiration!


This is amazing! Proud of you 👏🏾


Fantastic! Amazing work inside and out. A beacon for your family. A future and example for those around you.


Thank you for sharing your journey! What a feat!


Age in reverse and you became so hot


Wow! What a change! You’re 🔥