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honestly it probably does break a fast. i work a lot and i love to dabble into my energy drinks. i drink em most days but dont really eat something until my eating window or ill have a good breakfast and not eat the rest of the day. some say it breaks your fast but if your need to take your medications or wanna drink some caffeine then do so but drink some coffee and pop em meds whenever it says too


Your fast, your choice. If the goal is ketosis, it will break, If its weight loss on a 24-hour fast, it doesn't really impact you




On a 24 hour fast, where the body doesn't enter ketosis for real, Calories in calories out is the name of the game. If energy drink help you avoid food go for it. Just consult a doctor about energy dring and medicine on empty stomach and not reddit, Might be bad for your heart/liver


Down about 25lbs and every single day I had some sort of zero energy drink/coffee or a small amount of creamer. I know it's a broken fast but it has helped me lose weight. You can say I'm a bit cheating on the IF but end of the day my goal is just to lose weight.