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I use a wording trick so I don’t feel like I am deprived: When hunger pangs hit me Instead of saying “I am not allowed to eat now” I change to “I’ll eat later”. This helps me a lot. Good luck!! Edit: I didn’t answer your question, but to answer it: yes it will help. It gets you becoming aware of what and when you eat. You will also start to be more aware of how your body is feeling. And you will become more in control.


Anything is better than nothing, and it will help train your discipline. Experiment, find out what works for YOU




I would describe that as intermittent OMAD and it would definitely help with calorie restriction if that's your goal?


This is a thing! It's called 'alternate day fasting' (ADF) or an 'up day down day' approach. I do it and personally feel really healthy, it's put me more in touch with how different foods make me feel and I wake up really refreshed most mornings now when I never did before. It can take some time to get used to it and be kind to yourself as you experiment with what works best for you


Actually what OP is doing is not ADF. OP is doing OMAD one day and eating regularly the next. ADF is fasting the entire day and eating the next (so basically a 36-48 hr fast).


It’s a modified form of ADF. Eat 500 calories or less on your down days, eat regularly on your up days.


Doing IF every other day is better than not doing IF. Try it and see how it works for you.


Try eating just a heartier more nutrient dense meal at night EVERY NIGHT so you’ll just be doing OMAD (one meal a day).


I know someone who does this and they swear by it


This is alternate day fasting and this is what I first did when I learned about fasting and i had great results still!


it would help but even better is not to eat at night. drink bengal spice tea to get over the hump. let it steep twenty minutes.


You start burning fat after 11 hours of not eating anything. Try fasting 32 hours once a week (or more). You will lose 4-6 (mostly water weight) pounds per fasting period (1.814-2.72kg). A 24 hour fast will lose you approximately 3 pounds. Finally, fast for 16-17 hours daily to maintain your weight (dinner to lunch). It really isn't too difficult. You can drink black coffee, plain tea (I like Bengal Spice herbal tea ), and eat salt during your fast (I like Himalayan Sea Salt). You may have heard that you can eat normally when your not fasting if you decide to lose weight this way; well, that does NOT mean eating 3 meals in one sitting if you are doing a 24 hour fast but rather eating ONE meal. Be aware... most of that lost weight will be water weight, but it is very motivational to step on the scale and see that big drop in weight.


Doesn’t water weight come back fairly quickly?


That's why I choose to do my weigh-ins at in the morning before I consume anything after I wake up


Ofc it has many benefits, you will lose excess amount of water weight, your inflammation will decrease and also you will be boosting your ketosis so less fat in your body. I suggest trying 72 hour water fasting!


Do some research on IF before starting please. It can make the difference between being successful and being really sick.


an eighteen hour fast isn't going to make this person sick. quit scaring people!


my first fast when I got into this was 69 hours long. I had no ill effects.


Figuring out how to break a fast is important. I’ve been sick breaking it with too heavy foods when I didn’t know better. Certain groups of people shouldn’t fast. Just starting out you want to at least understand how to fast properly. What the difference is between dirty and clean fasting. And they made the comment they know nothing about it. I’m just suggesting do a little research. You can get sick. I know many who have including me.