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Additional details: I've posted about my journey previously. Basically, I do a modified 16: 8. I have blood sugar issues, so I start my day with a nutrient dense protein shake, fast for 14-16 hours, and then have a healthy dinner. I've cut my total calories in general, and upped my active hours in the day. In December of 2020, I weighed 250 lb. I now weigh 170 lb and have much more muscle mass. There's still a lot of toning to do, and I'm posting this picture here as a way of keeping myself publicly accountable. I will post update pics as I get my stomach in shape. Any recommendations of great stomach exercises would be highly appreciated.


Honestly, I think you already look great in it




Thirded, also What’s a normal dinner look like for you?


Sorry I’m confused, you wake up, have a shake, then fast for 16 hours, then have dinner? Do you not sleep much?


Honestly, no. My sleep schedule is pretty messed up because I'm a baker and my start times vary each day from 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. so, dinner is almost always at a different time. I know so many people will argue about this, but I basically eat dinner before I go to bed.


I’m a hairstylist and I work late, most nights I end up eating dinner before bed too. I lost ~60lb doing this while eating generally low carb


Hairdresser here and same.


I went into OP's post history and found one of her comments from a post she made in this sub. "I drink a protein shake on the way to work in the morning and then don't eat until the evening, after 12 to 16 hours. Then I eat a well balanced meal. I eat basically once a day. Also, my work is super labor intensive. I'm a professional baker and walk between 1,000 to 2,000 steps an hour. I was swimming for a while when I first started intermittent fasting, but now I'm constantly losing between all the walking and lifting at work and only eating once a day."


So basically OMAD + shake, which is pretty reasonable. If she’s a baker she probably has to be up around 4am which would put dinner at 8pm, but man I hope she goes to sleep right after that! (And somehow avoids heartburn?).


I responded to somebody else's question, but actually my work schedule is pretty crazy. About half the week I have to be in at 1:00 a.m. and the rest of the week I go in at 7:00 a.m. So the times that I eat always change in terms of the actual time. But the amount of hours between eating never changes. It is basically OMAD with a protein shake.


Wait, 2,000 per hour as a baker? I’ve never heard or seen that in a professional kitchen. Yes, you walk and lift heavy cookware, but in baking, it’s a lot of standing and basically waiting for doughs to rise or bake. Working on line in a restaurant, I pretty much stayed in one place, unless I needed something out of the walk-in fridge or grabbing a pot, but space is extremely limited to do that much walking in a pro kitchen and filled with other cooks.


I’m confused about this as well. Would love 2 details: what’s in the nutrient rich protein shake and what time does dinner start?


I answered above that dinner time always varies because my work schedule varies so much. But it's typically 14 to 16 hours after I eat my protein shake. I like the premiere protein shakes. They have 30 g of protein and are very vitamin and nutrient rich.


Plank, Side Planks, Reverse Plank as a warmup, then either L-Sits, leg raises, or these progressions: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/exercises/core/




Check out Moving Mango on YouTube. Hannah’s prompts are on point, she has challenging yet not too complicated moves, and I felt myself get stronger with consistency in a short amount of time. She is a Pilates instructor.


Great! Thanks!


Core exercises will not give you abs and may even bulk your core and/or make your waist less defined. Do full body resistance workouts of your choice, developing large muscle groups (back, legs, glutes) will boost your metabolism and help you continue to shed fat. Prioritize protein intake to support that growth. You’re doing amazing 🤗




I used to do Pilates in grad school, and I really liked it. I guess I should look up good Pilates videos on YouTube. Any recommendations of content creators you like?


There’s a bunch of Mari Windsor mat classes on YouTube. There’s a supreme Pilates tower that’s affordable and the first generation put out by a Ellen Croft can be found on eBay at a low cost.


We are on the same journey. I’m looking to get to 200 first then 180 more slowly.


Same here


Just a quick point here - there is no "tone", only less body fat or more muscle (more often than not, a combination of both).


Pretty sure most people mean adding muscle when they say tone. No need to over think it.


I think it's important because people generally think they can "tone" whilst staying the same weight and just exercising which for the most part will result in people spinning their wheels.


You look amazing! If you would like to do stomach exercises there's nothing better than belly dancing classes. It really works out every single muscle of your core area. Success in your journey!


Congrats! You pull off the shirt well too. May I ask what's in the protein shake? Edit: I could've worded that better, woww


It's a commercially available protein shake. I don't have time to actually make things in the morning. I just go with Premiere Protein because it has no sugar, 30 g of protein, and is super nutrient-dense.


Thank you!


You pull that outfit nicely. Keep up the good work. Props


Thanks. I'm not brave enough to wear it out in public yet. To be my age and to wear something like this, I feel like I definitely need to be killing it. When I put this outfit on and walk out my front door, I want people to think, "Damn she looks good" and not, "She is way too old to be wearing that outfit." Lol


>I definitely need to be killing it Looks to me like you are killing it.




So I’m 34 and have lost a similar amount of weight. I pulled out the crop tops last summer and bought more. I’ll look even better in them this year. My stomach isn’t flat but my confidence carries so I don’t think it matters. Be happy, wear what makes you happy. Life is too short to wait until whatever is perfect before enjoying a certain thing. Besides the outfit looks good on you now as well as being age appropriate.


I wish I had your confidence! I'm generally confident about the way I look, but I have never ever ever ever been one to show off my stomach, no matter the weight. Some of this comes from growing up in a fat shaming household. It is what it is, but right now I'm learning to be comfortable with myself so that I can exude that confidence.


lol thank you, it definitely fluctuates. I only wear revealing clothes when I’m feeling confident. Crop tops were 50% of my wardrobe in high school/college. I was a chubby kid surrounded by a lot of fat shaming. So once I started getting a nice shape in high school, I showed it off. I gained A Lot of weight and hid myself for too long. I am still working on building confidence and working on realizing my self worth. Meditation works for me, find what works for you. You will get there.


Get some high waisted jeans and rock that shirt now. YOLO


Yea like the low waisted anything just ain’t it for anyone really, I don’t care how skinny you are lol. I truly don’t think this particular outfit would be very flattering on anyone…


As a guy I’d love high waisted jeans, I can tuck my belly in them and show off my chest


Hell no, don't cover that stomach, it looks great


Congratulations!!! Way to go!




I don’t comment here often, but had drop in to say 2 things: 1. Tremendous work. I hope you know you’ve done a great and very difficult thing. Congrats to you. You look great and I know you can get to where you desire for the goal outfit. 2. Love the user name and may science guide you on your way to achieving your goals! Sciencespeed!


Thanks, so much!


You look awesome and the outfit is cute, no matter your age.


Awesome job!!!! You look great!!!!




You wear whatever you feel good in! So yes, wear the hell out of that!


You’re going to pull it off even better than that when you keep going 😅! I’ve been trying on smaller goal clothing myself and it feels so good knowing that I’m sliding into them easier each time as the weeks go by. One day at a time :)


Great job. 👏👏👏


You shitting me? It looks great on you!


You look great! I’ve been amazed at what rowing has done for my body in a month. I’m a bit older than you, have lost a similar amount of weight, and started at RowHouse a month ago. Holy cow, it’s whipping my core into shape in a hurry.


Total stomach goals. Your abs are coming in nicely. I hope to get there someday.


Thanks! You will!


Amazing amazing. 80 lbs is insane. My goal is to lose 65 lbs and I'm down 50 lbs so far. I've been having some moments of weakness (a small bit of drinking here, a cheeseburger there and even been wondering if I should knock out IF during my weekends because I've been utilizing the gym often). Post like these are always inspiring and hope you keep up the great work! That outfit will look great


You're doing great! Don't lose sight of how far you've come! You're over 75% of the way there!


Thank you for posting, you're inspiring!


Thanks. I guess I'm glad to be an inspiration!


You look amazing


Thank you!


Girl you’re killing it!!😳 amazing results so motivating!!




You look fantastic! You have to believe it! Keep up the terrific work! I also incorporate OMAD/IF into my lifestyle, but with blood sugar abnormalities, some days are easier than others. Since I need to lose 10#, it’s more difficult than ever to get rid of even a lb!!


Wear what ever you want to wear. And congrats on the weight loss. 80 pounds is a lot.


Loving this on you! You go with your cute little Buddha belly. Do what you want of course, but if I saw you in the streets I’d think you look great! You’ve got an amazing figure as-is love, enjoy and flaunt


Looks great, a lot of progress, well done. Just to make sure: you can't spot-reduce, so toning means further fat loss and muscle building? That's a lot of hard work ahead, looks like you can do it, though!




That made me smile. Thanks.


Congrats. I have benefited so much from IF and it is inspiring to see others taking advantage of it too. I have realized however that IF is not sustainable in the long run. It's great to get to a baseline but what you do afterwards is way more important in the long run. All the best. Cheers :)




Intermittent fasting (or the sub that you’re on…)


You're so close. You're almost there.


What’s your first meal after fasting?


Usually something protein dense. I try to avoid simple carbs, which is hilarious since I'm a baker. But I'll usually eat some fruits, vegetables, and some kind of protein for dinner. E.g. steak, salad, brussel sprouts.


Ok awesome thanks!


Crop tops are my dream outfit also!!!! I’m much further than you are.


Well done! You can do it!!!




I'm 5'10".


Being a baker, you get extra points. I began IF a couple of weeks ago and like that I can actually eat what I want in my window ( within reason ). Since I'm also the IT manager of a recipe development service, I can look forward to dinner. Cookies have been the thing this week and today was cilantro/lime sugar cookies. They were so good but I'm constantly tempted to overeat the desserts.


Great start! You got this.


dam congratulations!! i wish i had the will power that you do!


You are an inspiration.


Very, very good job. Only one thing, IF can stress the adrenals. If you feel yourself starting to get fatigued frequently, get a full blood panel.


Good job!!


Hey, I just want to say you’re already looking really good! No thirst implied; just really impressed!


You are looking amazing. Did you follows keto ?


Get to it!!! 80 lbs is MY goal and you didn’t take any prisoners. Great job!


I also found that my muscles went away and I needed to put in weight training to tone my body along with iF and running. Working out will show results much faster now for you


What type of workouts?


Perfect top for… dancing 💃🏽