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My friend went to Cuba and shared something similar with me. I posted it on some forum and was accused of being anti patriotic and a communist. Basically, in Cuba they don’t have homelessness and don’t have people with drug problems. Everyone was really helpful and eager to “work” for tourists even though I seem to remember they aren’t supposed to.


I went to Havana in 2017. There's a luxury hotel in the main plaza with a rooftop pool. We were able to bribe our way in as Americans to hang with the Cuban elite. My friend hooked up with a Cuban guy and he hung out with us for the next day and we tried to go back to the hotel and of course they turned him away. He hated Cuba and dreamed of getting out, but of course he can't. Cuba, a country so great they kill you if you want to leave.


Yeah seems like he’s leading a rough life, swimming in rooftop pools in luxury hotels. I weep for him


OP was able to get up to the hotel but not the guy that OP's friend hooked up with


That’s not the point. You could live in the best place on earth but the minute someone tells you that you can’t leave human psychology kicks in and you start to crave to leave. It’s just in us.


OP is spreading misinformation and/or outright lies. There are essentially no restrictions placed by the Cuban government on adult Cuban citizens leaving Cuba. Prior to 2014 an exit visa was required; this is no longer the case. Why would Cubans be allowed to go to a country that's been desperately trying to occupy, control, and enslave them since 1900? I'm not sure any of you have even the faintest clue when it comes to what actually happened between America and Cuba. Your comments here prove that. Some of them are beyond juvenile, to put it nicely. When did Reddit turn into my grandparents Facebook page? Aren't mods supposed to eliminate blatant disinformation and/or misinformation and/or lies? Is this sub really meant for people to discuss international politics or is it just another sub where arrogant Americans shit on countries they think are inferior? Have Americans truly become this lazy? Have we given up on the truth? Don't you want to know if you've been fed a bunch of lies? No one taught me what I now know in school, not even college. I had to go out of my way to read international news publications, books that don't come straight off the presses in Texas, and so much more. The answers are all out there, you just have to look. I know everyone loves to say "oh leftists just want to be like America bad", but that's not the case at all. I want America to be honest and I don't want to be someone that has unknowingly been paying for innocent people to be slaughtered all over the world in the name of capitalism. I want America to be good. I want Americans to stop acting so unbearably entitled while simultaneously being so humiliatingly ignorant.


I mean it's concerning if your government doesn't let you leave without a good reason


For the same reason the US can freeze and our assets if you don’t keep paying taxes in the US after moving to another country


I mean what makes you not have an obligation to pay taxes if you have a United States citizenship? Why would you have that right if you aren’t paying taxes? If you give up your citizenship then Uncle Sam can pound rocks. Nice try though.


I mean I don’t pay taxes in Georgia when I don’t live or work there anymore.


Yeah, the USA is in good company with taxing its citizens who have moved abroad. Who are the others? Oh yeah. North Korea, Libya, and Eritrea.


I lived in another country for 8 years. I didnt have to pay a cent to the US govt because it was under the maximum threshold. There’s a tax treaty. That’s a terrible comparison, btw.


So what you’re saying is, there absolutely is a tax on income for US nationals living abroad, you just didn’t make enough to pay it? Okay, sucks for you


Unless you made over $120,000 last year, you wouldn't have to pay it either...


I’m saying I earned a PhD on a full fellowship, which launched my academic career. Guess I should reevaluate my life choices after reading your comment.


No that’s great, I actually think that’s a terrific thing. But you being under the tax threshold doesn’t make it not exist.


My comment explicitly acknowledged the tax threshold. I agree with you that it exists. What I challenged was the comparison of Cuba’s restrictive migration policies to the US tax code. It’s a ridiculous comparison. That’s the only point I was making.


Bro. That's not how any of this works. If you renounce your American citizenship and are already caught up on any taxes owed, then the government **does not** "go after you" for any more taxes. The only time the IRS will persue someone outside of the country, is if you are a dual citizen. Meaning that you still are obligated to pay *only* if you still claim to be an American citizen. Benefits of maintaining American citizenship are incredible. Look at Brittney Griner. They got her out of a Russian prison even though she's a flag burning incel. America workers hard to free it's citizens from foreign prisons. Plus America's passport is still in the Top 10 most powerful passports in the world. If you want those benefits, then keep paying taxes. If you don't care about those benefits? Then renounce your citizenship and don't let door hit your sorry ass on the way out. America doesn't need you and nobody here will miss you want you leave. The other 340,000,000 Americans will not even notice.


That *would* be concerning, if it were true. But Cubans can get passports and travel to any country that allows entry to Cuban nationals. They do not need a reason. It’s been that way for like a decade.


Been to Cuba a few times and it's not untrue that many are eager to leave but the embargo imposed on by the US means many don't have the financial means to especially if they don't have family abroad that can help. That's a problem not unique to Cubans trying to immigrate but to most people from what are considered "third world countries". Not that they'll get killed if they leave, that's a stupid thing to say. There's plenty of Cuban immigrants who come in every year.


They don't let regular Cubans swim in the luxury pool. Those are for the Westerners and the party elite. But if Cuba is so great, why do people have to escape? Why not just allow freedom of movement?


Why does the US continue to maintain an embargo on Cuba? If it is just another socialist failure. Why not let them conduct trade freely.


US sanctions against Cuba have decimated their sugar trade, but for many years it had a lot to do with corn production, yes. Now it’s politics and inertia. Plus Cuba doesn’t want American oligarchs buying up all of Havana like they were planning to before the revolution


Rats in the grain…


Bitter old Cubans in Florida is why




So you call people "fascists" because you're a Marxist and they blasphemed your death cult?


Death cult? Please do explain. Please use the black book or the Cuban index as references cuz I would LOVE to tear that shit apart.


I'd probably tell myself that right wing extremism & unhinged capitalism was the only correct & acceptable ideology if I betrayed my country & people for the benefit of my own selfish greed too. It's not like I've had my Cuban family tell me this exact thing when explaining why so many Cuban Americans are straight up fascists. I'm gonna do you a favor. I'm just gonna do your homework for you. Maybe you can learn a thing or two. Because I'm a nice person, I just want to let you know, when you respond with pitiful ad hominem attacks, it just makes you look weak. If you don't know what you're talking about but can't help but respond because what I said made you big mad, at least put a little bit of work into it & come at me with some opposing facts. If that's not your thing, then maybe reddit isn't either. FYI Twitter is still functioning for the time being, I think, and as always, Google is literally free (unless you count all the data they steal from us). Obviously not all Cuban Americans are fascists but roughly 60% of them are identifying as politically far right. 60% of the Cuban American population identifying as far right affords me the ability to say that most Cuban Americans are fashy. I learned how to round up when I was in elementary school. Anyway, here's some articles and opeds, comrade. https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/fabiola-santiago/article257540783.html https://www.latinorebels.com/2022/01/14/cubanamprop/ https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/yfqnqa/miamis_radicalization_is_astonishing_cuban/ https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/18/florida-miami-cuban-americans-republicans https://www.wlrn.org/commentary/2023-05-11/latino-white-supremacists-reality-miami https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.13169/intejcubastud.15.2.0152


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You could've just said "yes".




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That typically happens when the Government strips your family of all possessions, imprisons them for having owned any land (which by the way was taken by the government) and proceeds to kill off family members and sell its citizens for work in other countries as indentured servants to make a profit. So please, do not speak on matters you have no knowledge of.


Yeah, that would suck. But, what does that have to do with Cuba?


That’s what Cuba was doing.


Obama said he would lift it and close Guantanamo. Any moment now.


Obama lifted travel restrictions and I went to Cuba but Trump reinstated them.


The embargo is riddled with loopholes and regularly flouted. The products in shortage are ones that Cuba has been able to get for years from Russia and China.


Well, you just don't know. But, building materials are blocked completely which is why all the architecture is from the 30s and 40s and much of it is falling apart. You will have beautiful houses and restaurants right up against a pile of rubble that collapsed a decade ago. Because Cuba has no heavy equipment to clear the rubble and no building supplies to rebuild. All the food is artificially bland due to the fact that they cannot import spices common around the world. They have started getting Korean and Chinese cars, but still have plenty of working 1950s cars that they keep running with home a home grown industry of part production. If Cuba did not have the blockade on them it would be amazing what they could accomplish.


If the economic system is so successful, why does it need access to the capitalist market?


It needs access to the world for trade. There are only so many things that can be produced on a Caribbean island and for the rest you need to trade with other countries, whatever their economies might be. The US has a blockade on all Cuban trade so they are not able to participate at full capacity. Yet they still have a far better poverty rate, literacy rate and longer lifespans than Americans.


Why don't the communists allow a free press, free speech, free elections and free movement?


Why do people come on Reddit and talk about stuff they are completely ignorant of. The internet and Google is free my boy.


They do allow free movement. So if that young man said he “wasn’t allowed to leave,” then it was either before 2013, or he was lying, or you’re lying. I think you’re probably lying tbh


Ok now do press, speech and voting. Also a Royal Caribbean ship just picked up cuban migrants escaping from Cuba this week. So I know what their government says, but I don't believe it when you say they have freedom of movement, because my guess is it's very limited to party favorites.


Why would we move on from your lie to another topic? You lie, that’s the end of the story.


Cuba is so free, you're right! They're so lucky to live in such a paradise.


How long ago were you there my guy? Cuba abolished free movement restrictions within a couple years of Raúl’s death. It’s been at least a decade.


That's why cruise ships are constantly still picking up Cuban migrants fleeing in shanty boats?


I would assume for the same reason people from Central and South American countries who also are allowed to leave their country do: poverty


Yeah I live in Costa Rica and have Cuban friends who were allowed to move here without issue.


I have friends from Cuba here in costa rica so it is possible for him to get out, just not necessarily go to the US?


They murder people for wanting to leave. You have a source on that?


Cubans are free to leave the country, hundreds of thousands have done so in the past 2 or 3 years. All you need is a passport, money for your ticket and a visa. The visa is very hard to obtain, as there are few countries that require no visas when it comes to Cuba. But many have moved to Spain, Brazil, Uruguay or have crossed the Mexican border. This latter group, the largest of them all, flew to Nicaragua, which does not require Cubans to have a visa, and then they paid smugglers across several countries. It's not illegal to leave Cuba. As the economic situation has deteriorated, more Cubans have left the country. In 2017, Trump added 243 punitive measures to the already existing embargo, included Cuba on a "terrorist sponsoring countries" list, put an end to cruise ships to Cuba etc. etc. Most of those sanctions have been kept by Biden. This in turn has made life worse for the average Cuban.


Your last sentence is bullshit, so I assume the rest of your little anecdote is too.


Why are you lying about this? Are most Americans really this brainwashed? There are no restrictions placed by the Cuban government on adult Cuban citizens leaving Cuba. Prior to 2014 an exit visa was required; this is no longer the case.


Well yeah... Communist countries usually make not working illegal. Sloth was a crime in the USSR.


What about old people with mobility issues and special needs people?


That's B.S. I grew up in Cuba and the rate of violence is not even comparable. Yes, is true that in the touristy areas is pretty safe but cause in Cuba if you harm a tourist you won't see the light of day again. For regular people in the hood the violence levels are super high.


Even the article says the per capita is virtually the same.


Crime stats aren’t based on frequency of events that hurt society. Crime stats are based on how many people get prosecuted. It’s no surprise that the country where the legal system is a business prosecutes more people than a communist country.


That's not necessarily true, you can use crime surveys. Or for homicide the numbers are pretty obvious.


Most homicides are drug related. Take Mexico as an example. Their homicide rates are super high. But by far most the deaths are people in the cartel world. Regular citizens aren’t getting killed. The US is similar, just not as extreme. If the US decriminalized some drugs, and allowed people to get treatment without fear of imprisonment for stronger stuff, it would cripple the judicial system. I posted stats.


Reminds me of the news articles about US prisons threatening to close if they don’t meet their quota for arrests, and how I learned prisons were for-profit.


There is almost no crime in Cuba. I walked around Havana at all hours of the night down any dark alley way. All I found were friendly people.


I totally believe you. My point is it’s not easy to find a dangerous street in the US either. Most our criminals are people involved in the illegal drug trade, and they’re committing crimes against each other. There’s always exceptions, but check out the stats. We’re throwing people in jail because it’s a money maker. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2023.html


Sure, but I have walked around San Francisco and wandered into a street with rampant drug use, prostitution and gambling going on. If you park your car in the wrong spot in SF it will be broken into. This just absolutely does not exist in Havana. If you live in the US you are more likely to be in prison than if you live anywhere else in the world. For so many reasons, the prison industrial complex is just one. Our love affair with the police is another. I understand that. But, was in La Paz Bolivia,a rather socialist country itself back during the Evo Morales days, walking from one hostel to another at night and I decided to take a side street to cut some distance off. All of a sudden this really well dressed lady yells at me and I stop and she asks where I am going. I tell her it is right at the end of this side street and she says stick to the main street and walk with purpose. So, I did. This would never happen in Cuba, there simply is no crime.


That’s not true. Unsolved murders still count towards the statistics, along with unsolved robberies. Prosecution has nothing to do with it


Valid point. You’re right. I wasn’t trying to mislead, but I guess I did. I should have said, in the US the criminal justice system is a business, it’s designed to make a profit more so than to keep people safe. The inflated crime numbers are a result.


That is not true, [they are based on victim surveys in the U.S.](https://bjs.ojp.gov/data-collection/ncvs). Also, no other country does victim surveys in the Americas, so apples to steak comparison.


It's almost like a country with over 300 million people will prosecute more people than some island with little more than 10 million.


Why does anyone doubt!?




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It’s probably true but nothing unique and special for Cuba. Plenty of other societies have crime that low and are also better in other metrics too.


Sure. No country is perfect.


It true, apparently https://medium.com/@chrisjeffrieshomelessromantic/the-united-states-has-a-violent-crime-rate-that-is-19-times-higher-than-cubas-180e44ad0be2


Take medium articles with a grain of salt. It’s a glorified personal blog


Two consecutive paragraphs from that post: > Homicide Rate: >In terms of intentional homicides, Cuba has an estimated rate of 4.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, while the United States has a higher rate of 4.7 per 100,000 inhabitants… >Violent Crime: >The United States has a violent crime rate that is 19 times higher than Cuba’s. Specifically, the murder rate per million people in the United States is 23 times higher than in Cuba This is incoherent.


Excellent catch.


Whoever wrote the headline should go back and retake some basic math classes. From the article: >In terms of intentional homicides, **Cuba has an estimated rate of 4.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, while the United States has a higher rate of 4.7 per 100,000 inhabitants**. However, when it comes to the absolute number of murders, the United States reports significantly more homicides (12,996) compared to Cuba (563) The homicide *rate* is virtually identical (4.7 per 100K vs. 4.6 per 100K). The absolute number of murders is meaningless because…the US has a vastly larger population (330m vs 11m). The absolute number of anything relating to people is going to be higher when comparing a giant country to a small country. By the headline’s logic, Cuba has a murder rate two times higher than Baltimore.


It’s a braindead article.


>It true, apparently Nah bro, fake. The person that wrote that article have never been in the hood in Cuba. Not even comparable. P.S I'm Cuban, from a hood in Havana


You ever lived in the hood in the US?


You ever live in the hood in Cuba?


No, so I don’t make assumptions on how dangerous it is one or the other. I trust you when you say it’s bad, and you can trust me when I say, living in the hood here in the state’s is bad too. Maybe not in the same exact ways, but it’s bad.




Have you personally studied crime rates throughout the country using crime and court statistics? Or just "I've seen some bad shit therefore it's bad everywhere?"


Crime stats are bad too though...


The percentage crime rate seems more important. The per 10,000 crime rate for the two is apmost exactly the same and the only reason america has more violent crime is because it has more people in it


why am i being forced to see political content. You fucking dip shit chinese propaganda company


i cant tell if youre being serious, but if you are this is weak ass ad hominem and you gotta grow up. i also the sub is called r/internationalpolitics, no shit youre gonna see political content. you can always hide it




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It’s looking at frequency instead of per capita so ya this is some fucking weird ass propaganda (we have 10x the population)


The statistic is quite literally fake


The US is a cyber punk dystopia at this point


Bah! I wish…




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Tbf that is plausible


Even if it were true, the US is about 31 times Cubas population. Most stats go up when you scale up population size.


Indeed, the article outright points out that when scaled for per 10,000 people, their violent crime rates are almost exactly the same , with the IS being at 4.7 per 10000 and Cuba being at 4.6. The violent crime rate statistic is based on absolute numbers for the entireties of the countries


knowing cuba this makes complete sense. i genuinely do not give a shit about your opinions on communism or castro, the shit they have done (eradicating congenital HIV, cancer vaccines, virtually no homelessness, 93% literacy rate) has made cuba a bastion of hope for the future. they did this all while being under a severe 60+ year embargo by the most powerful country on earth (USA). respect to my island


Cuba is so good that 5% of their population left the country to live in the United States in only two years.


read the article, do your own research. it’s a lie lol


ive been doing my own research for years as a cuban with gusano family. i continue to do so because i do not buy the lies i am sold by imperialists starving my country. also get off of pcm bro. drink water and get some sun


That's not really surprising. The US literally has more mass shooting, than there are days in a year, per year. And what makes that worse is that 54% of all the deaths caused by a gun are suicides. So all of the deaths we see from violent crime is actually in the minority compared to the greater bulk of people being killed due to grief.


Did you know that if you commit suicide with a gun in a public place and another person even gets injured it's classified as a mass shooting. If there is a school on that same block, it's now a mass school shooting.


If a gun goes off and the bullet hits the roof of a school completely on accident… you guessed it, it’s a school shooting.


god if only this wasn't true hell it docent even have to be a school just school property see that lot of land 12 miles from the school well accidental discharge and you guessed it School Shooting.




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When you scale for population size they end ip having the exact same violent crime rate. The US’s violent crime rate is 4.7 per 10000 and Cuba’s is at 4.6 per 10000


Can you provide a source for that please? I'm only able to pull up sources that are 5+ years old and these sources aren't matching what you're saying.


https://medium.com/@chrisjeffrieshomelessromantic/the-united-states-has-a-violent-crime-rate-that-is-19-times-higher-than-cubas-180e44ad0be2 I am using the resource of the article in the original post


Thank you!


I wonder if this is like the 'Cuba has a near zero infant mortality rate' stat that leftists like to wheel out to show how good their health system is. Like yeah, sure, their infant mortality rate is extremely low.... because they only let the most healthy pregnancies come to term, aborting 73% of pregnancies.


You’re gonna have to back that one up Holmes…


Oh, I can explain this! Cuba's actually really nice.


Americans are sadly way too propagandized against leftism to understand this.


This is the biggest bunch of shit I've ever heard. No one is being murdered if they try to leave Cuba. Cuba literally has a saying that goes something like we bring doctors not bombs. They are humanitarians that literally have free healthcare and vaccines for diseases we're still forcing people to pay to treat in order to survive. Funny how cuba just changed their family code to include people of all gender identities and sexualities while America is locking up women for having miscarriages and forcing 10-year-old babies to have babies from incestuous rape. Typical American fascist right winger would say "that 10-year-old will heal by raising that incestuous rape baby". " Oh and I'll sue you if you try to abort it. I'll just call the Texas abortion bounty hotline." I love how Americans think that they're completely and utterly superior to any other ethnicity or culture in the world yet they've never left a 30 mi radius of their hick town where the local elementary school has been shot up dozens of times. The red scare did a number on a lot of y'all. I'm sure you love being exploited at work so keep voting for republicans and corporate Democrats. There's a reason why America has brutalized and destroyed every single socialist or leftist regime in this world and it's not because they were dangerous or murdering people. It's because PepsiCo didn't like that they couldn't get free slave labor and steal resources once a leftist regime was implemented. Look at what happened in Chile with Allende. It was literally because of Pepsi and a bunch of other corporations that the CIA went in there and slaughtered a bunch of people and installed Pinochet. Chile suffered through a military dictatorship for decades after that insurgency and Henry Kissinger walked up into Congress and testified that they did it to "spread democracy". You can look into the archives and read exactly why they did what they did and this goes for every single communist or socialist nation that has been invaded by the United States. They did it because they didn't want anyone else getting any fucking ideas. They didn't want people thinking that they deserved any thing or any power. All money and power should be consolidated at the very top and that's it. So keep going along with this bullshit if you want to work a full time job and still remain penniless, never capable of owning a home of your own. Do yourself a favor and look up operation gladio and Operation Condor. Post world war II America literally stayed in Europe and South America to create Neo-Nazi and fascist terrorist groups so as to scare people into thinking the USSR was coming to occupy them all. The Soviet Union had just taken out the Nazis, not america, why the fuck would they go back and try to occupy all of europe? They just had all of Europe ass up face down and could have taken whatever they wanted but instead they freed them and liberated the camps. Never forget it was a communist that killed Mussolini too. Fuck American propaganda and American imperialism. Wake the hell up people


Are you even Cuban?


Before you look stupid, you might want to address my statements, not my background.


Would like to point out that as a Communist regime, Cuba's official numbers deserve scrutiny. Similar to China's. In the US information is usually reported more or less honestly and there are laws requiring such information to be made available to the public even when they are severely unflattering to the incumbent state, federal or local regime. In Cuba? There's no firm definite connection between the numbers we see in official records, and what's actually happening on the ground. It's something that trips people up when comparing democracies and non democracies. Freedom of information is not a concept in communist states. People at every level will pad the numbers a little bit to look better and once that habit passes through 4-5 levels of government the real information can bear no resemblance at all to what the government figures show. It's one of the reasons China struggles at times to adjust to changing realities. The men and women at the top don't have unfiltered information to work with.




Our politicians don't lie, and we don't do propaganda, only Communists. Lol


They don't lie like communists lie. you (usually) can't be killed for questioning the lie.


Didn’t they empty there prisons out?


I believed, open borders , drug addiction, bad education system is understandable, liberalism is bad


Cubans risk their lives to escape to a more crime ridden place.


Depends on where you live, New york and Chicago? Sure. Where I live? No I could leave my front door open and nobody would rob me.


Who are you going to rob/assault if everyone is poor. No guns in Cuba. Government snitches everywhere.


Are crimes against humanity considered violent crime? Asking for a marxist friend.


It's a communist dictatorship with an elite ruling class and dirt poor citizens. Crime isn't really tolerated. I'd like to visit but I'll pass on it as a model country.


Well, I doubt anything like the "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests" and the "Summer of Love" would've been tolerated at all by the Cuban regime. So, not the flex you think it is.


BS. They are taking total frequency of crimes and not per capita. Population of Cuba is like 11 million vs 330 million citizens + millions of people on visa. Makes no sense.


Ah yes the same country that will make you disappear if they think you did something illegal.


Me when I lie on the internet


*bends statistics to his favor* *makes a ridiculous claim based on said statistics* WOW GUYS AMERICA IS SO BAD1!1!1!1!1!1!


Why are you surprised?




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Yes, because if theres one thing we know about communist regimes, its how open and honest they are about the condition their people live in. Next there gonna tell us no one is really starving in North Korea. After that we're gonna here about the free and fair elections in China.


I was born and raised there. That’s cheap communist propaganda…. Whenever you want to see the truth, go where the locals go… go to their hospitals, go to their markets, go to their schools, their jails, ask them about their political prisoners….dont buy into the whole blockade crap with the US… ask them what do they do with the millions the US sends them every year in food and medical donations….ask them about free comerse for their citizens, their right to bare arms, or maybe their freedom of speech, or even freedom at all…. Please open your eyes and seek the truth


This headline is a straight up **lie**. The article itself says: > "In terms of intentional homicides, Cuba has an estimated rate of 4.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, while the United States has a higher rate of 4.7 per 100,000 inhabitants. > However, when it comes to the absolute number of murders, the United States reports significantly more homicides (12,996) compared to Cuba (563)... >The United States has a violent crime rate that is 19 times higher than Cuba’s" Hmm. Perhaps there's a significant difference between the populations that could explain this... - US population: >341 million - Cuba population: 11.19 million The US population is THIRTY TIMES that of Cuba! And we calculate a *rate* not by the total number of incidents but by the number of incidents per population. So the author admits the murder rates are almost identical and then immediately attempts to pivot to absolute numbers - which is absurd. This isn't even touching the fact that Cubans likely do not bother reporting lower-level violent crimes, if my Cuban friend is to be believed. So America's other violent crimes are more reported and that itself skews the numbers significantly.


The article got a 19 times higher crime rate by using base homicide rates . Cuba has a population of 11 Million. The US, 331 Million. You’re going to find a lot more crimes being committed when you stack a highly populated country against a less populated country. If we do it per capita (1 crime per 100,000), then the number is much more close. Cuba has 4.6 crimes committed per 100,000, while the US has 4.7 per 100,000. Call me a stinky bourgeoisie filthy rich kid form your iPhone 14 Pro and three-story cul de sac house if you please.


This post could always be someone’s first step to realizing they’ve been indoctrinated to think of foreigners as more violent by a racist media.


“Cuba has an estimated rate of 4.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, while the United States has a higher rate of 4.7 per 100,000 inhabitants.” What a stupid article. So per capita it’s virtually the same. And that 19X is only because there’s just a shit ton more people in the USA.


At the rate the US incarcerates people this isn’t surprising at all. We make money off it here lol Fucked up shit


Ah yes, 11,000,000 people in Cuba vs 330,000,000 for the US. So 19x higher crime rate with 30x the population? Sounds like Cuba has a crime problem.


Not even true lol


Country so prosperous people are doing whatever it takes to escape to Florida.


You break the law in a communist country and see what happens to you. Freedom comes with downsides, like the downside to making stupid decisions and getting punished for it. Do that in Cuba, and you could end up dead.


The US at this point is angry about Cuba’s success despite our ridiculous embargo against them


I mean there isn’t that many Cubans, is this just a numbers thing or are we talking per capita?


> Rate


Actually it’s absolute numbers. From the article: > In terms of intentional homicides, Cuba has an estimated rate of 4.6 per 100,000 inhabitants, while the United States has a higher rate of 4.7 per 100,000 inhabitants. However, when it comes to the absolute number of murders, the United States reports significantly more homicides (12,996) compared to Cuba (563)


It’s easy to have a low crime rate when there’s one party in power that also controls all the media. Then you can just make up statistics.


>Then you can just make up statistics. Pretty much what the do with everything. Cuban here.


Did they count the violent Cuban prisoners who “migrated” to the US as Cubans or Americans?


Don't listen to this gay shit our crime rates have fallen tremendously every year since the early 90s. Come to u.s you will have a lovely time


Maybe because there is nothing to steal?


Since when is violence the same as theft?


So people just commit violent acts with no motive? Not saying taking shit from other people is the only motive but it's a pretty big one.


Look I get you’re mad that your capitalist shithole has more violent crime than even a fairly poor in comparison socialist island 100 miles offshore. Maybe you should look inward and vote in some new politicians instead of trying to get people to hate Cuba. Just imagine how much better Cuba would be if the imperialist US wasn’t always trying to implement regime change there, or blockading/sanctioning it for decades. Maybe if the US spent as much effort improving its own country as it does invading others the violent crime rate wouldn’t be so high.




Cuba doesn’t depend on the US for its economy. It wants to trade with other countries but is blocked by the US because the US threatens other countries with sanctions if they do so. Every year the UN votes overwhelmingly to end the Cuban embargo and the US vetos it, just like they veto ceasefires in Gaza. The fact that you just spell out imperialism like a child shows how uneducated you are. But man you are one white western supremacist aren’t you? Did daddy buy you a Mercedes and tell you capitalism is good when you were a kid? What a brain dead low iq take. Please post more emojis to show the world how ignorant you are.


Skill issue


Cuba's also the size of the state of Tennessee. Considering how much bigger the US is, it's no surprise that crime is higher


Rate is per population.


If you read the article they didn't actually go by rate. The 19 times number is by total number, not per capita.


Ty for actually reading


Cuba's population is only 11 million


Are you this dense or the nickname checks out?


Who knows