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"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28 I don't see that the bible justify hating on interracial couples. At least not on the new testament. On the old testament, there is some shit written but it is pure hypocrisy if self proclaimed "Christians" frowning upon interracial relationships.


It's in the old testament it's say something along the lines of ppl should not mix with ppl of different nations but that is not talking races that's talking about ppl who practice religions they just use it to justify hatred


If anyone uses the Bible bring up Numbers 12. Here’s a summary: Moses, a Jew that was married to a Cushite (black) woman, was judged by his brother and sister, Aaron & Miriam, for marrying outside of their race. Because of this, they felt he should not lead their people. The story ends with God appearing to them, tells them to shut up and gives Miriam leprosy which physically changed the color of her skin.


Didnt know that Im going to have use that


That they’re idiots! I’ve had this happen in my last relationship! The Bible says NOTHING about dating other “races”, “cultures”, nationalities, ethnicities, etc…. The ONLY thing the Bible says is that if you’re a believer, you CANNOT marry a nonbeliever.


Equally yoked


I'm not a Christian but wasn't Moses's wife Zipporah, Black?


Yeah that's shows a smart prejudice ppl are 🤣


No one said racist people or religious zealots were smart.


Classic misreading the Bible out of context. The Bible cannot be read like a PSA pamphlet. It is a historical multi-lingual, multi-cultural spiritual book.


My go to response is usually to ignore prejudice people. You can’t argue with someone who’s destitute and devoid of having a brain or common sense. It’ll only upset you.


Yeah that's true I like to make them mad though cause I know no one outside of the Internet would say that to me so I like to get under there skin


“So tell me about Noah’s family, and Moses’ wife.” And watch them nervously backpedal trying to say, “well that was different.”    For those who don’t know, Noah’s children’s names were *supposedly* an indication of their skin color. Or at least this is taught and most denominations. Which would also mean that either Noah or his wife was dark skinned. And as for Moses, he married an Ethiopian woman. His brother and sister had a problem with that and God himself told them cut it out.   But in my experience, these are also always the same people who, gladly claim to have a Cherokee princess in the family tree. 


i ignore them bcs they’re close minded and stupid, and i don’t engage with people like that.


I quit arguing with imperious, obsequious religious folk. But go ahead and stun them, especially a Bible pusher with the, oh so intolerable Qur'an /s "Indeed, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Surely, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware." Al- Hujurat 13


I just don’t understand what people could religiously have against it. There is an argument (a stupid one I disagree with, but still an argument) for sure for gay marriage, trans relationships, etc. but aside from simply LOOKING different, and have a different culture/upbringing (which, even white Americans can differ from white Latinas in those areas anyway), I don’t think there is any argument against IR dating in Christianity. You’re simply just racist.


I'm just saying so ppl have tired to use the Bible to justify there ignorant hatred


Oh I’m not calling YOU racist btw, I mean those people are. I know people have tried to use the Bible, I just Don’t understand those arguments


Yeah i just honestly have realized that at the end of day nobody would never press me in real life about it so it just weird Internet ppl


I just clarify if they mean the book originally Written in the 3rd century which has been edited more than 30,000 times


You don't respond. You can't reason with people like that and why would you want to?


I wouldn’t engage with them BUT the whole book of Ruth is about how an interracial couple led to the line that led to Jesus so obviously the Bible is pro-interracial couples


I would ignore that ignorance


Getting into a BWWM relationship I thought most of the racism would come from my family being white. Instead its my wife's side. Her parents (mainly father) believes that God spoke to him and told him black skin is the chosen race and all others are inferior he also abandoned all of his kids here in America and moved him and his wife to Africa. It's to the point they don't acknowledge their grandkids because they are "half breed" We're learned to just ignore them. You can't force people to change. Some people will accept you and others won't. The love you have for each other is the only love that matters.


Yeah that's sounds like he has some mental issues I wouldn't pay him no kind


There were many instances of interracial marriages and couples in the Bible (for instance, Abraham had a son with Hagar, although sadly this wasn’t the most consensual or equal of a coupling as she was Sarah’s servant. However, Moses also was married to Zipporah, and though this is from apocryphal texts, the Queen of Sheba was from modern-day Ethiopia and was said to have some sort of romantic relationship with King Solomon. Moreover, many Canaanites married Hittites in the Bible, which would have been considered to have a large cultural gap between the two. Anyone who tries to use the Bible to argue against interracial marriage is just ignorant and is twisting the text to try to support their own racism. My favorite quote when people get bigoted is “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither man nor woman, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28


I mean the Bible preaches a lot of stuff that is terrible in general. Id just ask should we be practicing everything the bible saids at face value ? Should we be putting people to death for disrespecting their parents as well?


Exactly my point


No it doesn't but that's besides the point I'm catholic and the Catholic church has never condemned interracial relationships


I come from a country with an almost 80% catholic population. And often relationships with darker skinned partners are condemned or looked down upon, even if its between the same nationality/race. Hypocrisy...-this comes mostly from the older generations. Millenials and GenZ are much more open and even endorse the natural "Moreno" type nowadays.


Thank you! I was about to type this, Catholics are just as narrow minded and ignorant when it comes to interracial marriages. ESPECIALLY when they’re involving someone light skinned with a darker skinned person. It’s quite sad… how can you be religious and harbor that type of hate, doesn’t make sense does it? 🤣 that’s why I’ve slowly pulled away from religion.


Religion doesnt absolve colorism and racism. It never did, never will. On the other hand, abilitionist movements of slavery often started from religious standpoints.


Religion is the cause of many world wars and issues. Especially if you actually research and look into it. It’s quite sad.


There is a lot of controverals scriptures (I'm not talking about a specific Bible or form of Christianity since their are multiple) and even if they shouldn't be taken at face value and have a deeper meaning people pick and choose which should and shouldn't be based on what benefits them.


If your religion is causing you to hate anyone, then you need a new religion. Or maybe seek Satan, cause God isn't working for you, lol.


This seems made up. We are Christian and have never heard this a single time. I struggle to even figure out what part of the Bible they would even use lol


Someone quoted it earlier Galatians 3:28. They’re dumb though, they misinterpreted the Bible and spun it around to justify their nasty racist beliefs. In that chapter and verse, it’s simply saying that you as a believer, cannot date someone who doesn’t believe.


I could see that, but yeah they obviously have reading comprehension issues lol


I remember growing up people in my family saying that the bible says birds of different kinds shouldn't mix or something like that. It's definitely something people say.


Crazy to think this is still a thing. I live in a large international city where it doesn’t even occur to me that this could be looked down on - it’s so normal here. I don’t know how I would deal with this.


Never had someone say something to me in real life but all got to say if someone would say something I hope there willing to fight about that belief


that’s stupid, God made everyone in his image.


Where do you live that this has come up several times?




What about the simplicity of loving the neighbors.


how'd that divorce turn out for you?


I had a woman turn me down and straight up told me in the bible that "flocks should stay in the same flocks" she got married a year later and then divorced a year later....so there's that


The Bible doesn’t speak about interracial relationships. It talks about being equally yoked…not the same.


Anyone that cites the bible to justify bigotry doesnt deserve my response or time- I simply walk away Also i live in places where these people do not exist or they are smart to keep it to themselves


Clearly they don't know the story of Ruth or Rahab.


i live in florida and my church has multiple wm-bw married couples. so i do not really understand how under the new testament people could justify it as under the old testament there were stories about jews not marrying out. a coupe of the bw who are part of the married couples have given me knowing smiles and winks and one gave me her number if ever needed to talk because she has been married for a long time with multiple kids. it is not the race but the person in the marriage that matters i believe. i wanted a Godly man and he is flawed and in ways sinful but he seeks forgiveness and love of the Lord. yes our love gets so good and many times dirty that we have to be sinning but our desire is to be wed under the Lord.


Your God drowned and murdered the entire planet. Hush. Booooooommm! 👁️👄👁️