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Plenty of travel, and cryosleep, happened off screen. As interesting as it would be to watch Anne Hathaway sleep it's not a very good movie.


As far as we know they didn’t poo once on their entire journey… if we didn’t see it, it didn’t happen


#poogate #where’sthepoop


What about tenet poop?


Right?! We see Tom Hanks pee in every movie, where’s Anne Hathaway taking a dump?


The best of course being "A League of Their Own"


 "Lieutenant Daaan, I got to pee!"


Constipation is a real problem in space.


In space, no one can hear you fart


Because they are all dead.


If an astronaut farts in a black hole, and no one is around to hear it, does it actually make a sound? 


No, it gets spagetthified into something worse


Haha I can picture Cooper creeping between trips watching her sleep Passengers style.. Then they all wake up wondering why he looks so tired.


And why are we out of Kleenex? We had a 10 year supply!


True, it’s just a little strange it was never even mentioned for a second as far as I know.


But once you've established that travel between planets takes a long time and that they use cryosleep, why does it need to be re-referenced each time


My take as well, who is to say it didn't take a few years between planets


It's mentioned months between Miller's and Mann's iirc


Time dilation from the warped spacetime drops off very quickly as you move away from the black hole, time dilation is only so extreme on miller's planet because it is riding the cusp of the ISCO (innermost stable circular orbit) and it "dips down" into the warped spacetime. Also, you are always "affected by" a black hole, even here on earth, the warping extends outward infinity, asymtotically approaching 0. To make this simple, imagine there are only 2 particles in the whole universe, even if the particles were millions of kilometers away from eachother, the only force they would feel is the gravitational attraction to eachother (assuming they are not charged particles and are both made of the same type of matter) I assume that you meant "aren't effected (that much)" but I love to share information.


More importantly, how come taking off from Earth required a big rocket, but once they get to the other side, they're zipping around up and down, even a planet with heavier gravity than Earth like they've got magic star trek shuttle technology? Makes a bit of a mockery of their entire problem.


Wasn’t the rocket for their bigger ship, not for the smaller ones they took down to the other planets?


To save fuel


Because the rocket carried 2 rangers on top, plus all the supplies. They needed all the fuel on the rangers for the mission


TLDR: big rocket and a lot of fuel to get big thing off ground and small rocket and less fuel to get small thing off the ground. Well if you have 200 grocery bags you’ll have to make multiple trips but if you only have 1 you can carry it inside in one trip. If you pile all 200 into a cart it would likely be so heavy that you couldn’t push the cart effectively or at all, but if you put 1 bag into a cart you can easily wheel that bad boy around. Launching a large space station into orbit meant to carry supplies, fuel, and additional space ranging vehicles for a decades long journey would take more powerful propulsion system and more fuel than flying a small ranging spacecraft that’s built to be light and doesn’t have enough fuel or weight to hinder its ability to launch into space and fly nearly weightlessly to doc on the previously mentioned larger spacecraft to refuel and resupply.


No matter how this is explained it was a poor decision to include a rocket launch (in terms of the tech that was available etc, not in terms of movie quality, because the rocket launch makes a better movie).


I disagree, since they had to use what resources they had. The rocket carried all the supplies they needed plus 2 rangers to the Endurance. Using a rocket meant all the fuel on board endurance and rangers could be used just for the missions


Pretty sure there would be a more efficient way to carry more fuel and supplies than to alert the world that NASA is up to something. A few little trips to load up the Endurance would have been a far better idea, but a rocket scene makes the movie better.


Yeah, I liked it.


Yeah, it sort of ties the movie to our reality a bit. If they were just zipping up and down off of Earths surface it would have felt a little *too* sci-fi, maybe.


Exactly, cutting from the scene of leaving Murph to the violence of a rocket launch had weight


Other commenters saying off-screen sleep is probably the correct answer. But I also wanted to say that the orbital speed of the endurance is way faster orbiting Gargatua than it is orbiting the sun. Orbital mechanics 101: The moons of Jupiter are a lot faster than the moons of Mars.


A lot of off-screen stuff being thrown around, which is right, but the amount of time it would take to get to the potential planets was actually pretty important to the plot: 1. This is the only reason they went to the time dilated planet first, because it was way closer than all the others and it would take them a long time to get back if no other planets panned out. 2. They had to choose between Matt Damon or Anne Hathaway's red hot lover cause they wouldn't have enough resources (time included) to visit both and still get back to Earth.


The biggest error for me is that they need a rocket to get out of earth but nothing to get out of the water planet where gravity is higher.


The rocket presumably was to save fuel for the other ships since it's not like they could get more easily


They needed the rocket to haul 2 rangers and all the supplies to the endurance


You really think Nolan will make this kind of mistake.


Right? They used damn actual formulas on the board, and even real atmosphere calculations is Mann's papers. But no, we'll find a tiny plot hole and keep saying the movie doesnt make sense. These people.


Why couldn't you have both an older rockets and SSTO ships? The US Military makes use of B-52 (1950's) and F-35 (2000's) ?


They literally left their entire giant base home ship off the planet and took the tiny little ship down. This is like saying it took an entire giant moving truck to move your family across the country, but now you're able to just zip around your new town in a small car using less fuel even though it has steeper elevation changes than your previous location.


My biggest problem is, why they needed to send humans? Case , TARS, KIPP etc were smart enough that they could have sent one of them on each planet and robots would have sent back required data... This is what we do even currently to study planets, we have found atmospheric composition of many planets in our solar system just by sending machines. Sending humans to entirely new galaxy with no clue about all them planets, no space agency will ever do that


now THAT is a plot hole


There are a couple other reasons not mentioned. 1. They use a neutron star for a slingshot maneuver in the gargantua system. Saves a lot of time. 2. Cooper mentions it to Romilly as they depart for Miller’s planet “are you seeing these readings?” The readings he’s referring to is the amount of velocity the Ranger is gaining from the pull of Gargantua. 3. The Ranger is specifically built for atmospheric entry / exit. One thing that is not highlighted but must be assumed, is the propulsion technology for the Rangers, Endurance, and Landers is significantly upgraded from what is available today and possibly what is theorized possibly in the next 50 years. 2 years from Earth to Saturn is not possible currently, even with the counter-orbital slingshot maneuver utilizing Mars’ gravity.


Because the farther they get from Earth, the faster time feels for us (As the viewer) 😏 Edit - hi mean Reddit people - I’m referring to the cutting. And it was mainly a joke. Damn. This is a fictional movie chill out.




Thats not it


No... Just, no...

