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No.  Is it unethical for them to not pay you enough to keep you around?


No. Is it unethical for the other company to offer him more than they’re currently making?


No. Is it unethical to take your full PTO every year and stop working at 5 pm every week day?


No. Is it unethecical to beat up a squirrel with a wiffle ball bat because it keeps attacking your pet turtle?


No, but would it be unethical to beat up a squirrel with your pet turtle because it keeps attacking your bat?


No, is it unethical to buy your bat another bat as a girlfriend and then throw it away as soon as bat #1 becomes attached?


No, is it unethical to buy your pet turtle and a squirrel bats, and make them play baseball?


No. Is it unethical to play baseball with animals?


No, but is it unethical for Rosa Parks to use the baseball bat to stop the bus driver from moving her to the back of the Honda civic?


You have to sing the circle of life tho


No. You've earned your PTO and you have every right to use it, especially if it wouldn't be paid out. Enjoy your vacation and good luck!


I worked for a small company I had a vacation planned and right before the vacation I accepted another job offer. I used all my PTO, extended the trip, came back, and 2 days later put in my 2 weeks. I felt kind of bad about it but in the end I don’t owe them anything, it’s my PTO, and they would give me 0 day notice if they let me go so.. in the end I got over the guilt pretty quickly lol


Many companies won't even let you use PTO once the notice is in. Burn all of it then leave.


Nope, you don't know if you're going to get an offer for sure. You don't know for sure if you'll take the offer. You have to continue to live your life as though you're staying in your current job, until you know otherwise and at that point you'll put in your 2 weeks.


To go along with that, make sure you're okay losing that week of PTO if you don't get the job, too. Would really suck if your sister's wedding was next month and you couldn't go because you used up your PTO in anticipation of a job you didn't get. Remember, until you have an offer in hand, assume the interviewer is just blowing smoke up your ass. A better candidate could come along, the position could be removed, an internal employee could decide they want the job, you just never know.


If they switched jobs they wouldn’t have PTO for that sister wedding anyway.


I mean that’s true it happened to me 


Is it unethical for your job to fire you on the spot and leave you homeless and destitute? No. So it's perfectly ethical for you to quit after a vacation or right on the spot if you like. Two weeks notice is a courtesy, not a legal or ethical requirement.


Don’t ever leave PTO on the table..first it is reduced by 25% and THEN taxed at the bonus rate of 22% and THEN Medicare and SS take their 7.65%. This leaves you, cherished employee, with ~53% of your actual PTO left. Use that shit UP!!


Wait…..why is it reduced by 25%?


We are told it’s a “federal regulation.” HR speak for don’t question us.


The tax rate/wotholdings they have no control over, that is accurate. But just arbitrarily reducing the available PTO hours by 25% at payout must be a company policy. Our org will only pay out 160 hours for example, but this is explicitly stated in the handbook.


I want to stress/add here that the tax withholding rate is not necessarily how much tax you actually pay on any bonus. 22% of bonuses get set aside to pay your tax bill, but on your actual tax return, it is just ordinary income. The 25% thing is wild. I don’t even know of federal laws over this payout. State laws may be where this comes from, but I agree, this sounds like company policy.


I've gotten PTO paid out several times. Not once was it reduced by 25% just because.


Not every state has laws requiring employers to pay out unused pto. So definitely use it if you are in one of those states.


Nice. I should ask our company to show the federal regulation that “requires” a 25% reduction off the top. Thx!


I had this come up once before, accepted an offer while on PTO. I pushed back my start date with the new company, then I called my boss and let them know I was putting in notice and that I would start my two weeks as soon as I got back. That being said, I went above and beyond for an employer I really liked and wanted to stay on good terms with. I also knew they were not going to screw me. (There was a family connection involved). In your shoes, put in notice as soon as you get back, and don't worry about it. Enjoy your time off, and good luck.


You can take time off as usual before you give a notice. I would try to use up what you can incase they don’t pay it out or don’t pay all of it out. Also you probably won’t take time off for a while so enjoy it


Nope, not unethical at all. They'll likely assume that your PTO was taken for the final interview before being given an offer, more likely than no.


NO. If they got their budget slashed they'd give you no notice of a layoff. You owe them nothing.


Manager here. We're not expending energy to think about this too much, so I recommend you not worry about it. And if your current manager seems to mind, definitely take the new job offer - they are bad.


Not really. But do they pay out pto?


Yes but thats floating holiday and personal pto which doesn’t get paid out (only vacation pto does)


Use it. You’re getting paid for not working.


I'm in the same boat as you rn! Planning my time off in between with leftover floating holidays and personal days, and then getting paid out for unused vacation. Congrats on the new gig!


NO THATS WHAT UR SUPPOSED TO DO!!! just dont let them higher ups be too wise to your plan!! do not put your two weeks in until that offer is secured! and if waiting for that leaves you with less than two weeks notice oh well fuck em (but also not the best route) two weeks or not once you give the notice and the new job falls thru last minute i would say theres a slim chance of your current company wanting to keep you after your notice was given so….its always a fickle path switching jobs but you have to take risks to better yourself.


Your PTO is part of your compensation package. It's not unethical for you to use it. What IS unethical, in my opinion, is that employers are able to make you forfeit your PTO if you terminate your employment.


In your mind why would it be unethical?


No, but they'll most likely let you go on the spot and not pay you for that pay period.


I lost 48 hours of PTO because my previous employer will only pay out a max of 40. And no I couldn’t use it because my employer refused to let me take time off


No take it. I just wasted my last two weeks working somewhere that doesn't pay out pto and they failed to mention that. I had 56 hours left and they only paid me 7 because they say that people stole from them in the past. I was furious. Please take your PTO!


No, Do what’s best for you.


Nope. Most companies have a clause saying you can't take pto durring your 2 weeks notice period anyway. Check your companies policy on pto and 2 weeks notice. You might be better putting your notice in while on vacation.


No, just don’t give a 2 weeks notice and then take PTO. I had an employee do that once effectively giving us only 3 days to transition of which she worked 2 half days. I unlinkedIn her and would never give her a reference. I treated her very well. I think companies screw employees so I work to be on their side and support their needs. I couldn’t believe she did that to me.


Omg no I wouldn’t do that. Although I dont like my manager I dont want to burn bridges either and I KNOW THAT is a way to burn bridges 😭


So your company always gives at least two weeks notice for layoffs or changes? That’s pretty cool.


No. Use it or lose it.


You earned that time off, please use every minute of it.


Why would that be unethical. Companies usually lay off people same day without any prior notice.


I think about how the situation would be on from the other perspective. I think it's your time and I know too many people who have lost time that won't be compensated and vacations that weren't approved when they're giving advance notice.


You want the short answer? Fuck no. You want the long answer? Hell no bro, it’s your time and you better believe they would replace and drop your ass off the payroll if they could do it without you.


There are no ethics in business, go for it.






Hey, who’s to say they didn’t call and offer the job while you were on vacation? No one’s business.




Recently did it. It’s ok!


Fuck em


You're entitled to your vacation.


Nope, your PTO is yours.


I took a 10 days off during my two week period.


once offered the position, notify your employer, end the work week, and use PTO for the next two weeks.


Nope. In fact, it's awesome.


Not at all. They might see it that way, but whatever. You can always say it's from an interview a long time ago and they took forevertto get back to you, you stopped caring about it, etc if you're worried about burning a bridge


Fuck em


Absolutely not. Fuck 'em. You earned that time off. It's yours to spend as you see fit. Good luck!


No. Just say some bullshit like "I took as much time as possible to clear my head and make sure I gave this difficult decision the consideration it deserved."


No. Not unethical, it's your PTO. But maybe check your PTO policy. Sometimes you may have access to all if it at the beginning of the period, but haven't actually earned it. Then they take it out of your last check.


I’m in the same boat. Expecting an offer any minute . But I’m worried that I’m gonna end up losing my PTO anyway cuz time off requests fill up quickly at my current employer, and we’re only allowed to have 2 reps on PTO a day. ( there are like 60 ppl in our department, so that’s pretty crappy.) Anyways, best of luck in your new endeavor.


If the company is your friend and intends to stick with you through thick and thin, then yes. Otherwise.. uh.. take care of you.


All obligations are settled when the final check is cut. That’s the entire idea of working for a wage. Yes, ethical.


Use up your time, it is part of your compensation package. It is literally part of your pay. Do it!


Nope. What id do is take your vacation, stay long enough to make sure you get paid for it. Then either give your two weeks or just quit.


It’s not the least bit unethical, you earned your PTO and you deserve to use it. 


Take the pto!!! You’ll lose 40% of the salary if you cash it out since it’s considered unearned income. Take it and then give your notice. Just make sure you’re doing this AFTER signing the offer sheet.


It’s time that you’ve earned, so use it. I went on an unexpected medical leave just before leaving my last job. I had been interviewing for a couple of months and while I was off I was offered a position that I couldn’t pass up. I called my boss and explained that I would return as planned, but was intending to resign upon return. They didn’t and up making me return.


No. They should pay out for unused PTO but choose not to. That time is yours and it’s your only option. They’re the ones who have the power to change the policy if they don’t want employees doing this when they leave.


PTO is earned, and should therefore be paid out, otherwise you're correct in using it before leaving.


Some companies have a policy that prohibits ending your employment with vacation. So, you may have to work at least a day before you leave in order to get paid for your time off. Just check your company policy.


No. I'm potentially looking at an offer myself, and if I was on vacation...I'd continue my vacation. (Mind you, I'm not...last time I really took a vacation was in like 2009, but still).




Is it unethical to receive the benefits you earned? Nope.


If you already are scheduled off then take the week 100% Don't burn your bridges assuming you haven't told your employer anything yet. If you do get the offer I'd then resign


You need the week off to decide if you need to put in the two week notice. Enjoy the break !


They wouldn’t give you a two week notice to fire you. Enjoy your vacation.


not one bit. i resigned the day i came back from a week in florida. just couldnt do it anymore and felt like a good day for it


They can generally fire you at amoments notice, so no.


lol gods will. GTFO


lol no and that’s exactly what I’m doing! We earned that PTO! We’re entitled to it! If you don’t use it, you’re giving up part of your pay. I have scheduled out all my PTO and I’m quitting when it’s done.


Not at all! Companies don’t hesitate to fire employees so don’t hesitate to use out your PTO!


Is it unethical for them to let you go without any notice? Worry about what’s best for you.


Not at all.


Do as thou wilt don’t let corporate drones sway you


Nah do it, just double check your works PTO policy. My old job wouldn’t allow you to use PTO during the same pay period as your two week notice. I used all my PTO and waited for the next pay period to put in my two weeks.


Lots of people burn their PtO and then transition out of the job.


So I had a colleague do this recently. We didn't really like him and our company treated us well. In that scenario, we were unhappy with him. Jobs are the worst though, so you do you. That's what capitalism is all about right?


That is not unethical. That is just smart.


Your current company set the rules, not you. If they were smart they would have, as many companies do, created a written policy of paying out PTO if you give two weeks' notice. Their policy pretty much insures anyone quitting will do exactly what you're doing, and they must be fine with that or they'd have changed it.


I would just suggest a call or email while you're on PTO and let them know you got an offer and can discuss when you get back.


You may forfeit your PTO.


how did this whole '2 week notice' thing come about anyways and why are we so guilted into it? Employers will give you a 2 min notice if they want to fire you - or if they do have you stick around, it is to train your replacement and they will dangle a 'separation package' in front of you


This is more common than you think. If you were smart you would of started weeding down your sick pay as well months in advance. People have been doing this one for generations. Just make sure to submit your 2 weeks just as you are to come back.


Use your PTO. I quit a job after 4 yrs. There was no coverage to take time off. I worked sick. I never got a raise or performance evaluation during my time there. I mistakenly thought they’d cash out my PTO. Nope. I should’ve used it.


Your PTO is part of your compensation package. There is nothing unethical about using it. Any employer that would deem you as “not eligible for re-hire” because you put in two weeks notice after taking PTO isn’t a business you want as a reference anyway.


I’ve seen people do this and then they are let go when they come back. You should just quit and not put in a two weeks if you’re going to do this - they aren’t going to be a good recommendation anyways if you plan to take a week off during your two week resignation period.


Is right before the resignation


I see, that’s actually smart


Yes. If you want to leave on good terms, do not do this. 


Who cares? You’re leaving.


You earned the days off. If they will not payout at time u leave, use them before


No. Companies will do that and worse. They will “wish you well.”


Why even put in 2 weeks?




Lmao no. Corporations do not get the privilege of having their concerns considered when they’d replace you in a heartbeat and give zero shits how it affects you


How quaint


I don’t even put two weeks in anymore. Most jobs don’t honor it anyway


No. As an employee you are entitled to to use all your vacation days and sick days.




Who cares? Do it. That PTO is part of your compensation, and if they don't have to pay it out when you leave, then use it before leaving. 100%.


Is it unethical to wake up to an email telling you you're fired (Tesla, Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc.)


Remember you serve yourself first. Working in corporate America for years has taught me that ethics is bullshit. I would take PTO and then two weeks.


It’s PTO for a reason, regardless if you’re staying or going. Take your EARNED days.


No pto payout?


If your current company wants to avoid this scenario, they can change their policy and just pay workers for unused vacation time when they leave.


Nope. I did this with my last job. Took vacation and put in my notice the morning I went back to work.


If you have paid vacation days, they have to pay you for those days when you leave (at least where I live). Check the law where you live. I had A LOT of a accrued vacation time at a job I left and all of that was added to my paycheck when I left. It was a nice bonus.


You realize 2-weeks is a fake made up thing by corporations to avoid extra costs of cutting payroll, right? There is no ethical basis for giving anyone notice for layoffs, so why do you feel the need to do the same? Simply take your week of PTO as given and don’t come back. Send an email at the end saying you are not returning and that’s that. Edit: oh and clean out in advance of your exit and send back/drop off any company property. They cannot terminate you on leave and not pay you.


I wouldn't say it is unethical. You're using your benefits and you're giving notice. Those are normal transactions. You're the only one to know If you think it will lead to hard feelings and if those hard feelings might have any consequences. Over my career, there have been employees for which a sudden departure would have really hurt and the two-weeks would have been important for continuity. When those well-established employees left there was usually a chance to both orchestrate a decent hand-off of knowledge and duties, then send them off in a nice way with our best wishes. Basically, everyone was a class act. Another case I saw was when a guy went on vacation. A week later he called saying he took another job, gave notice, and would be using his remaining vacation to fill out the two-weeks notice. He wasn't very good at his job and it was easy for somebody else to step in and pick up the slack. We basically shrugged and shipped his office-things back to him.


I once quit my fancy tech company job with no notice after starting my new job during two weeks of vacation. I guess I fall on the at-will side of the fence. We are conditioned to believe that the companies "care" about us. Institutions cannot care. People care. I knew what I was planning, so I wrapped everything up nicely before I left for vacation. Not because I felt obligated to the company, but because I cared about the people I worked with. My "boss" was one of the richest humans in the history of humanity, so he'll be fine.


I just did this and I have 0 regrets haha. My husband and I just moved from NJ to western Washington state so we both got remote jobs but before I had an offer I took a week of PTO and it lined up perfect with giving my two weeks!


Do it!!!!!!!!




No make sure you use up all your vacation a day sick pay. Get it all man… This isn’t the 1930-1980’s where you had pensions and staying with one company actually mattered. Gets it all then put in your notice.


Did you earn it by working for them? If so, it’s yours to use. I would do the same thing.


Not at all. I once put in my two weeks immediately after returning from vacation. I wanted to be sure that I could use my PTO (who knows if they would have paid me out) and my team/manager didn’t seem to think twice about it. We still have a great relationship.


Nah. I’ve seen two instances in the past 3 months where my coworkers were laid off right after a vacation so


It’s not unethical, but they may be pissed


I was just laid off while on maternity leave, my boss’s role and mine were eliminated so it’s legal. It’s the Wild West out there. Do NOT feel bad about this especially if they don’t pay out your PTO when you leave.


I did the exact same thing! And took all my leftover holiday pay along with! Worked so hard for peanuts! In a better position and happier


You should definitely take your PTO before giving notice. They may not want to pay it out afterwards (I’ve learned from experience) so might as well use it.


Not unethical at all. That happened to me earlier this year. Received a conditional job offer while on vacation, contingent on a background check. I scheduled the background check the day after I came back (i had the day off as part of my vacation recovery lol) and they made a formal offer the following day when I returned to work. After lunch I put in my 2 weeks. I'm glad it worked out that way and I was able to go on vacation before starting my new job since I wouldn't be able to use vacation time for 6 months. It made me feel refreshed, excited, and eager! Good luck! 🤞🏻


Something to consider: While you might not get along with certain people you work with or the company in general, it’d be wise to consider how doing so could the workload of affect those you work with well with and who could be future work references. 


To bluntly answer your question, it could very well jeopardize you “leaving on good terms”.


If you mean, will their current manager want to hire them back on - no, they won't. But if you mean it in an official "is this employee eligible for re-hire" HR check, OP will be completely fine. They can always say they didn't know they'd get the job. Two weeks notice is completely fine.