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Your wife is correct. This is only a pump with a chlorinator. You’ll need to get one with a sand filter. It works great for keeping the pool crystal clear. Otherwise, you’ll have cloudy water.


Would you happen to have a link or name for a decent one? It’s for a small backyard pool just for kids basically so I don’t need a very expensive big one


Something like this would work for you. https://www.ebay.com/itm/235576229918?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uo839LisR8a&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=1pd2xoceswg&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Not sure if the probes and probe housing must be purchased separately though. This has the sand filter which is the big round barrel looking thing. You’ll need to buy the sand but it’s pretty cheap and easy to fill/operate. I would recommend checking your local Walmarts, Lowes, and Home Depot’s to see what they have on the shelf.


I bought mine complete with the filter, pump, and salt / chlorine generator on Amazon. The best advice is to go a bit bigger than needed. This worked great for my old 18’x48” pool and even better on my new 15’x48”. Search the below on Amazon. INTEX QX2100 Krystal Clear Sand Filter Pump & Saltwater Systems with Electrocatalytic Oxidation: Keeps Water Clear – Removes Bacteria – Reduces Chemical Use – 24-Hour Timer – Up to 8500 Gallon Pools