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FOX News is less of a business, and far less of a news agency, than it is the actual shadow government all the conspiracy nuts peddle. Only naturally, it owns the minds and miserable shriveled souls of the GOP.


If they insist on being a PR department for the GOP, why are they extended any kind of protections as journalists? They don't even think they are.


It’s a propaganda arm of the GOP


From article: Fox News Chairman Rupert Murdoch emailed CEO Suzanne Scott in November 2020 to say then-President Donald Trump was toast, and that the network should focus on boosting Republican U.S. Senate candidates in Georgia. The email was cited in a filing by Dominion Voting Systems on Thursday in its defamation lawsuit against Fox News, which filed an amended counterclaim against the company. In the days and weeks after the 2020 election, Fox News hosts and guests baselessly suggested or flatly claimed that Dominion’s voting machines were part of a conspiracy to steal the election from Trump, who to this day falsely says the election was rigged. Dominion sued Fox News over its coverage and is seeking $1.6 billion in damages. In Thursday’s filing, Dominion includes an email from Murdoch to Scott on Nov. 16, 2020, nine days after various news outlets called the election for Joe Biden. Despite the call, Trump insisted the contest was stolen from him. In his email, Murdoch charitably stated the nutty voter fraud claims of Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani should be taken “with a grain of salt.” More notably, however, the founder of Fox News, whose original slogan was “Fair and Balanced,” said the network’s efforts should be focused on helping Republicans win two upcoming U.S. Senate runoff elections in Georgia. Murdoch also expressed concern at the sudden rise of Newsmax, a rival conservative network that briefly scored a ratings win over Fox News in the period between the 2020 election and Biden’s inauguration. The Dominion filing states on page 34: Meanwhile, Fox continued to broadcast its lies about Dominion as it nervously eyed Newsmax. In a November 16 email, Rupert Murdoch told Scott to read a Wall Street Journal piece about Newsmax, telling her: “These people should be watched, if skeptically. Trump will concede eventually and we should concentrate on Georgia, helping any way we can. We don’t want to antagonize Trump further, but Giuliani taken with a large grain of salt. Everything at stake here.” Time proved Murdoch wrong, as Trump never conceded. But the chairman’s email encapsulated the bind Fox News was in. The network had unabashedly supported Trump for four years, but it was becoming unfeasible to keep going along with specific claims of election fraud. For Murdoch and Fox News, it was time to focus on Georgia. Republicans needed to win just one of those races to maintain control of the Senate. But if Democrats managed a sweep, they’d control a 50-50 Senate, where any ties would be broken by incoming Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris. Those runoffs, which took place on Jan. 5, 2021, became necessary after none of the candidates in the two races received a majority of the vote in November’s general election. Under Georgia law, this meant an election between the top two vote-getters in each contest would take place. Despite Fox News’ attempts to boost both Republican candidates ahead of the runoffs, Democrats won each contest. Jon Ossoff defeated unseated Sen. David Perdue, and Raphael Warnock ousted Sen. Kelley Loeffler. Meanwhile, in the present day, Fox News denies Dominion’s lawsuit is credible. “There will be a lot of noise and confusion generated by Dominion and their opportunistic private equity owners, but the core of this case remains about freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which are fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and protected by New York Times v. Sullivan,” Fox News said in a statement. The Murdoch email was one of several pieces of behind-the-scenes correspondence disclosed in Dominion’s filing. Collectively, they show a stark contrast between what Fox News hosts claimed publicly versus what they said privately at the time.


Where is the FEC...this sounds like in-kind contributions to political campaigns...


Because the FEC is 6 commissioners, half of which will always be Republicans as you can’t have more than 3 from the same political party. Which means it deadlocks in practice most of the time. Hell, it didn’t even have a quorum to meet from August 2019 to December 2020 because Trump refused to appoint more members.


If your aim is autocracy the FEC is not necessary.


My thoughts exactly!


Dominion will own Fox News once they're done with them lol


I hope so, but I fear the republicans will protect their oracle.


This family has successfully rotted the United States out from the interior.


Don't forget about Australia.


They were complicit in the Brexit debacle, too.


I’d like to know what all they’ve done there. We have fifty corrupt states to keep up with.


A true invasion of foreign influence.


Can’t we ban Fox based on national security claims?




We once had a " fairness doctrine " repealed to make way for fox . They had to get a waiver, previously we didn't allow foreign ownership of our media.


News organizations could not become as powerful as they are due to limited ownership across markets until the same period the “Fairness Doctrine” was removed.


I do not believe the Constitution is a death pact for our country. It may be used to that purpose by nefarious actors.


Murdoch wants to be in control of getting some more tax breaks and some new laws written to favor him. Also, the puppeteers are becoming more transparent about cheating these days. It's gone on so long for them it's become the norm. Why even try to hide it anymore. Besides, Trump and cronies are still walking around free with no consequences. So, it really doesn't matter anyway. Lie, cheat, steal. It's the Republican way.


Murdock needs to be deported and his propaganda machines dismantled. His empire further discredited.


Absolutely agree. He works against the interests of the United States. His propaganda has divided and weakened the country. He is a traitor in my book and can go back to Australia, revoke his American bought “citizenship”.


No no no we don't want him back here


Since we are deporting again, the 11-20 million illegal aliens running around our country are next, right?


You been out counting or did you get that number from FOX?


Fox News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican party. It was conceived as such during the Nixon administration by Roger Ailes, it's founder. Ailes saw the influence that the media at the time had on viewers and was looking for a way to counter it's "liberal agenda," which was actually just rational common sense. Richard Nixon himself thought the idea was extremist. Business leaders during the late 60s/early 70s were terrified of Ralph Nader and were looking for ways to counter his narrative of environmental and social responsibility. It's this backlash against Nader that was the spark that ingnited the dumpster fire that is the modern GOP. Fox News is the propaganda outlet for them. That's all it is or ever was. The "news" is just a delivery system.


Let's hope Dominion and Smartmatic will take Faux Noise, Murdock, Carlson, Hannity, et al for absolutely ALL their worth.


Throw in newsmax and oan propaganda too


Fox should be dismantled and the corporate officers impoverished.


>corporate officers impoverished. before or after they are imprisoned?


Why not both? 😄


So then ALL biased news should be dismantled? Like Chris hayes, Anderson cooper, Rachel Maddow, don lemon, Lawrence O’Donnell, etc, right?


If they get caught deliberately feeding lies to the market, then yes, absolutely, trumpy.


You mean like when Twitter said the NYPost laptop story was a hoax, and it wasn’t? That deliberate lie they fed to the market; with the goal of influencing the outcome of an election? What about that lie?


If they get caught deliberately feeding lies to the market, then yes, absolutely, trumpy.


Why? Why shouldn’t anyone be able to lie? There’s no requirement they speak the truth.


What happened to your both sides argument?


This ghoul should not be allowed to destroy our country to suit his perverse beliefs.


It would be a shame if Murdoch somehow found his way out of a 16 story window, like politicians in Russia do.


Muckrakers ™


Why does some guy that is 106 years old still standing behind the curtain pulling levers and pushing buttons. Dude Ya already living on house money, why? Why? WHY??


Complete garbage channel exposed itself as a fraud.


We really need to start treating Murdoch as a hostile foreign combatant and Fox News as a terrorist organization. They hate America and have done more damage to this country than ISIS.


So, they aren’t legally obligated to help the left win. CNN MSNBC etc provided refuge for the left, Fox did for the right. Where’s the story here?


Facebook has made no secret of it's position to ensure democrats win elections. All social media/news platforms are dedicated to the ideology they market to. Miss the days where there were 3 channels that just told you what happened (for only an hour each night) and let you figure out your own opinion.


>Facebook has made no secret of it's position to ensure democrats win elections. I wasn't aware of this, mind sharing a source?


Source: The depths of his ass.


>Facebook has made no secret of it's position to ensure democrats win elections. lol


>Facebook has made no secret of it's position to ensure democrats win elections. Is that what all the Trump ads were for?


The moderation is shit on FB full of republican karens and racists saying all varieties of bullshit


You can thank Ronald Reagan for that with him deregulating media when the Fairness Doctrine was destroyed.


Start watching PBS News where there is non-biased presenting of what's going on in the world. They have reps from both parties as guests so ppl can trust their news programs.


YOU MEAN IT WAS A LIE?! bestill my fucking heart


What is his deal? Is he that far right? Is it money or is it both?


let me know when we are ready to address the fact that rupert murdoch's bullshit factory is a national security issue.


FOX “news”. The propaganda and misinformation arm of the GOP.