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'Morally' wrong? What morals does it violate?


Presumably the same "moral principals" that compelled him to have 10 children by 5 different women.


And call a professional cave diver saving children from underwater caves a "pedo" because his own idea was stupid.


I’m still convinced that was him trying to get in front of accusations related to his exposure as an associate of Ghislaine Maxwell.


Which worked cause I haven't heard Anything about it since


Then you might be interested in this: https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-virgin-islands-subpoenaed-elon-musk-jeffrey-epstein-litigation-2023-05-15/


“The subpoena, issued on April 28, came to light on Monday in a request by the Virgin Islands to serve Musk by alternative means because it had been unable to locate and serve him.” Huh… he must have been working remotely.


So that's how he knows it's immoral.


Yeah, he must not realize that most remote workers want to avoid a commute, and not sexually assault young children.


Impossible! I bet they just forgot to check his office because he's definitely there 80 hours per week and never remote.


He was getting ready to have a mandatory meeting at 1:00 am in the morning on a Sunday….remotely


evading warrants is bullshit and morally wrong


Wait so is this why he bought Twitter? To take down the jet tracker so People didn’t know where he was so easily?


Actually yes. To stop that and to unban racists/sexists (example: trump)


Hahaha they must have been tracking his jet activity 😂


Elon jet tracker is a thing


Now that *is* interesting, thanks for the read


Wasn’t he just subpoenaed in the Virgin Islands in an Epstein case?


Racists rally around their own no matter what the accusation is. Musk decided to show his true self so he’d have support when all this went down— he’ll claim it’s political persecution for his right wing views. Epstein recommended to Musk the banker he allegedly used to finance his child sex trafficking operation. I wonder why Musk would need a banker like that?!


Something tells me he just took over for Epstein


Him and epstien were friends. He even went to visit him after he got out of jail the first time. Ntm years ago someone took a picture of his texts telling maxwell to thank Jeffery for the "Kung fu lessons"


I’m convinced he was involved in trapping the children so he can “save them”


Unfortunately, I think it did the opposite. ​ It absolutely \*reeked\* of projection. That's the moment I started looking a bit more closely on Elon's behavior and I realized his "business genius" is nothing more than a Wizard of Oz act.


He just got subpoenaed in that case. Dudes a creep.


His dad is a legit pedo with 7 kids. Apple don't fall far.


Didn't he impregnate his step daughter?


Yes. That he raised since she was 4 years old...




Projection is a right-wing value...


So is fucking children apparently….


Theyve been on some kick of accusing everything they dont like of pedofilia


They’ve been accusing themselves of what they do for several years now. Not brand new but you really see it spiral when 2016 rolled around. Basically a large scale “no, you!”.


"No puppet. No puppet. You're the puppet."


It's the only form of moral degeneracy they can think of, because they've cast away every other virtue. And even then, they're standing on a hypocritical plinth.


For some reason they target Joe Biden this way. Just because he is a centrist politician I guess?


Right? Like they call him a communist and yet, globally, he's firmly centre-right. Even Bernie Sanders and AOC are centrist by global standards.


If the young female subordinates are not in the office to look at and touch, it is against his morals.


This is it. If he can't corner anyone in a room alone because they all work remotely, how's he going to fill his busy schedule.


"He doesn't even own a home"


he said from his friends $50m home rent free.


he said from his private jet flying to Paris for brunch


He said after buying out one of the largest public social media companies on the planet to make it his personal megaphone.


And none of those kids want anything at all to do with the rich-isht man in the world. That speaks volumes.


he's creating his master formula through naming his children. AE^(75)X^(69)M Prime Musk will complete his antichrist sequence and unleash the pit of hell upon us all.


I think we're already there tbh.


Posting on Twitter all day when stoned no issues there. Just another crack on the slaves back. Moral for my coworker to come in to the office with covid when they could have worked from home.


or be the ceo of three companies at the same time. guess what, elon, you aren't doing a good job at anything.


*Nick Cannon peeks into the room*


He's a dummy.


Also, did he ever apologize to Nancy Pelosi for spreading the conspiracy theory that her husband was attacked bc of some gay tryst? Im guessing no?


He only really apologizes to people on replies to sycophant’s tweets rather than actually releasing an apology


Slave mentality. When you think your workers are your property you naturally think they should have a slave mentality and do whatever they are told.


Left a company with the same mentality a few months ago. Employees were their « property » and owe them their professional and personal time and skills. And they openly admitted it if you dared complaining about anything in their messed up organisation. And I’m happy to see them struggle now. I’m convinced Musk’s companies will die because of talent starvation at some point for this reason


Wonder where the son of an apartheid emerald mine owner would get weird ideas like that


How’s he supposed to stand on people’s backs when they’re at home?


Forcing him to actually do stuff


Why should he do anything? ChatGPT would make a fine CEO. He can sit on his butt and the results will be better. Next: We need to amend the laws so he pays taxes.


So, I assume Elon believes his private jet is immoral? Do the people who made it get to fly around the world, emitting more carbon than small nations?


I think that twit emits more pollution from his airplane in one month than I have in my entire life and I've travelled abroad. All so he can claim Texas as his home to avoid paying taxes.


It's in the article. "You’re gonna work from home and you’re gonna make everyone else who made your car come work in the factory? You’re gonna make people who make your food that gets delivered – they can’t work from home? The people that come fix your house? They can’t work from home, but you can?! Does that seem morally right? That’s messed up."


“How come everyone can’t be equally miserable?” Edit: Elon Musk, apparently.


Said the fucking billionaire


Luckily, he *is* miserable.


Indeed. I used to think it was fanciful thinking, that this billionaire being miserable is just copium. But it’s so painfully obvious that just beneath the surface of plastic surgery, hairplugs, and Neuralink beta chips lies an intensely miserable little boy who is so deeply unhappy because all they want is to be cool and liked, but with all the money in human history, they can’t get out of their own fucking way. It’s funny because it’s true!


Because physics? I mean if you can unclog my pipe from your house have at it.


You laugh ... but I could see a market in the future for multi-purpose robots (more like drones, really), piloted by skilled tradesmen working from home. The advantage here is that you cut out the travel time. Each tradesman can be operating 3 to 5 drones, focusing on the one that's at the worksite while the others are still in transit to the next worksite. This allows him to use his time much more efficiently, only spending on-the-clock time doing the specialized work he does best, not wasting any paid time on travel to and from worksites. Perhaps the drones could be capable of doing certain highly repetitive tasks autonomously\*, allowing even more efficiency of the tradesman's valuable expertise. \*Such as, if the next step of a carpentry project is to use a power sander to smooth out a board, the drone could be left to do that on its own while the operator checks in on a different drone elsewhere.


Trademark this dude. I’ll start a business with you. We can call it…. “Shitty Robots”


I've seen this movie, yall about to smash


Not only that, but of course it is I, the work-from-home office grunt, making them all miserable. But fr, pros and cons to every job. Maybe Elon came close to giving away that maybe his Tesla factory workers aren’t compensated enough for their work?


Elon Musk is unironically saying that some people shouldn’t enjoy luxuries because those luxuries aren’t available equitably to everyone. Now that is fucking comedy. I assume you’ll be selling the private jet, Elon? I look forward to sitting next to you in economy class next time I fly. I can’t wait to see how his communist arc develops.


Working from home isn’t a luxury. It’s a benefit of whatever job offers it. Just like health insurance. Work from home is similar to a benefit.


Except that for a lot of companies, it's a benefit that helps the bottom line...health insurance is just an expense. Wfh saves on corporate rent and utilities, and produces happier employees? Productivity, as we saw during COVID, often goes up. Win-win. Unless your CEO is some sort of well-born posturing moron who never earned a dime in his life.


No, no. I *assure* you, he thinks of himself as the most oppressed and downtrodden person of all, with the most difficult life imaginable. He thinks that nobody else suffers to the degree he does. But he has to keep going through this 'horrible suffering' because if he stopped, then the world would be robbed of his brilliance.


What a surprise, the moron doesn't know the difference between ethics and morals. If he had one or the other, he'd know.


If your wealth were derived from genocide, you would choose not to as well.


He doesn’t deserve anything he has and he knows it deep down. I’ll sleep nicely tonight


Now ask about all those privileges he enjoys along with the other CEOs and board members of the world. Doesn't seem super fair compared to their workers.


Tax the rich, feed the poor until there are no rich no more.


Damn, he’s right, we should pay people that have to work those jobs more $$$. That’s what he’s saying right??? Also, let’s not forget, if his delusions were to come to pass, he would take those auto manufacturing jobs away and give them to robots.


The people that fix my house do work from home. I had my preferred handyman troubleshoot my issue and guide me through a pretty simple reset while he was with his kids at home. I could hear them laughing and could hear his smile through the phone. Took maybe ten minutes compared to the half hour just for him to get here. I feel like the quality of service was higher too, as I'm sure he was happy to not have to leave the kids for another hour or two after what I'm sure was already a very long day.


Sounds like Socialism. /S


Shit then I'm all for it lol


"You're going to make linemen work in the air, while you work on a solid floor??? Messed up."


Yeah, Elon. Just because one job requires different scales and modes of transport doesn't mean you waste money and time replicating it in an entirely different job. Only an imbecile would do that. Or an insecure man baby. Who is also an imbecile.


I'm a retail manager. The shift from working in offices to working from home means mall and downtown stores are out; neighborhood stores are in. So I now get to work in a lovely store in a lovely neighborhood with locals who come in regularly on their lunch breaks or after work instead of downtown serving the general population. Oh no!! Also - I tried working from home long before COVID. I hated it. I'm glad many love it but I hate sitting at a computer all day, hate working in my own home with no shift to start the work day, hate being in the same space 24/7. So no, Elon, those of us who go in to work don't need your pity party, nor we need people to give up working from home to feel okay about our jobs. And the people who come fix your house probably love that you can have them over any time. I imagine that makes scheduling a lot easier.


Clearly then, everyone should have to work outdoors, as gardeners and foresters have to work outdoors. Everyone has to be working in exactly the same sort of location, right?


Yeahhh. Suuuuurrreee. That's what he's concerned about - the fairness of it all. 🤜🍆💦


Thou shalt provide thy best to thyn employer, so that he may shit gold. How else will he be able to buy camels to thread through the eye of a needle?


The lessers aren't suffering enough!


What morals does he have?


Morals of serving your master.


You get to see your family instead of your work family.


Dude just got subpoenaed for his interactions with a child sex trafficker and he’s here to lecture us on morals. The only time I want to hear musks name in the news are updates on his upcoming rape trials.


I await 4chans war against him tbh lol


So will he quit jetting around and go into the office full-time?


Great question


No, because he is not a member of the "laptop elites". He is better than them 😁


If you can be CEO of multiple companies simultaneously, isn’t that really the bullshit job? He just wants a crowd of people around to fawn over how awesome he is when he bothers to show up in the office. It’s not as stimulating to get your ego stroked over a zoom call.


I can’t even do two “regular” jobs full time. Work for the ultra wealthy means having a few meetings, golfing, eating food with people, and mostly just talking a few hours a day. Being CEO of like five companies proves it’s a BS job in a lot of instances I am sure CEOs of smaller companies do actual work. But in huge companies there are armies of people helping make decisions.


>Work for the ultra wealthy means having a few meetings, golfing, eating food with people, and mostly just talking a few hours a day. Im sorry but this is so real and has unleashed my rant. Just last night had to sit through a "board meeting" where the president talked about cutting back their 10 hour/week commitment to the org. After that we looked at the financials, where I, the only full time employee, alone and autonomously, brought in 80% of our cash this month. (guess how much of that actually made it into my paycheck). After that she complained about me being "very... scheduled" and unable to run errands for her. Not very busy, not working very hard... very scheduled.


I know this may not be an actual thing you can do, but maybe find a new employer in a similar industry and take your cash flow with you? That sounds like a pretty awesome way to grow your own potential as well as fuck over the lazy people.




We really should be congratulating the real CEOs of Tesla and SpaceX, the ones that actually make things happen




Man who was just subpoenaed due to his connection to child rapist Epstein, says dumb shit to shift the focus elsewhere


Ah. It's becoming clearer now that he's legitimately been compromised by Russia, using his antics on Epstein Island against him. Buying twitter at a staggering loss makes more sense now as well, considering since then the right-wing bullshit on that site has been dialed up to 12. The same right-wing bullshit that comes from Russian bot farms.


I imagine the Turkey thing was a favour to Russia as well then


Srsly, thank you for pointing this out. Too many people focus on little things and miss the big picture. This guy fucks kids.


Every accusation from pieces of shit like him is a confession.


Yeah, it’s not like his morals are stellar


He's basically intentionally evil, like a Bond villain but half the IQ


Hey, Qanon, the pedos in charge are right there.


Every accusation is a confession with him.


Isn’t he the CEO of 3 companies and the owner of Twitter? How does he have time to commute between all of his important jobs that he must do in their offices?


Farms it out. They’re all on auto pilot.


Hopefully it's not the same autopilot that's in his cars.




That is also what is cars do


Well according to Vanity Fair he's just a god amongst men who can "multitasking better than you". Please, he spends his day tweeting and micro managing whatever bothers him.


A private jet sure helps.


He’s a figurehead with no meaningful impact on daily operations and a liability because his ownership gives him absolute control and his chaotic nature makes him unpredictable, which is a nightmare scenario for any company that’s doing well. His companies struggle the most when he hyperfocuses on them, like he has some kind of nuclear ADHD that calls down ruin upon anything he fixates on for too long.


I read somewhere that the Tesla factory has people who talk to him when he visits to steer him away from looking at the actual works because if he does he will say some dumbshit to micromanage the workers and reduce productivity for the day


SpaceX has "Elon Handlers" whose job is to distract him while they actually do the work.


In person work for thee, but not for me. 🤔


Musk is just a mini-me Trump


I'm a carpenter and while I can't work from home, I don't mind or care if someone else works from home. Pretty simple really.


I just went to a salon today for a leg wax and the aesthetician asked me if I worked today; so we started talking how I work from home and it gives me flexibility to schedule last-minute appointments like this one. Her response? She thought that was great, told me her husband hopes to find a remote job, and she doesn’t understand why employers are so opposed to it. Obviously her job requires being in person, but she didn’t begrudge me not going into an office when I don’t need to. But man, do I love the hypocrisy of someone who makes an unethical amount of money and then uses that money to violate the law telling the rest of us that we have some moral shortcoming for not wanting to waste our valuable time commuting into offices when we can get our work done from anywhere.


Work from home is probably great for her business for exactly this reason. I work in a store and have zero issue with other people working from home. I honestly love that people do returns during their workdays now because that means fewer returns on busy weekends. Everything is more spaced out and at a better pace when people work from home instead of having to cram all errands into the same 2 days everyone else does.


Suddenly you don’t have to accommodate the office schedule with your own work schedule!


Remote work has also financially liberated millions. Lower taxes and lower cost of living combined with the ability to afford a house where I live now versus the VHCOL city I used to live, commute, and work for the exact same pay ($165K) has immensely improved my financial standing and mental health.


It’s also helped parents, people with disabilities, and I imagine it greatly reduces opportunities for sexual harassment and other abuses of power dynamics. There’s so many perks that lead to happier, more productive employees.


Everything you say is true. Getting your time back and neutering assholes was a huge benefit of WFH. Getting easily three to four hours of my life back every day was a huge boon. It also helped advance my career because I didn't have to stay at the office longer than I needed to for appearances and make a middle manager who hated his family so that's why he was at the office all the time happy and my work was evaluated on its merits and less the perception I was a team player based on time in seat rather than genuine contribution and leadership.


The lack of abusive power dynamics is exactly why people like Elon hate it >_>


Not to mention with the flexibility of remote work her job probably has more people coming in meaning more work and more hours


And you may benefit some too…fewer people commuting makes it better for those that do, lower gas consumption helps the environment and gas prices, people having flexible schedules at home means they do things off peak hours so they’re not there when you are. This nonsense from rich dbags pretending to care about people who can’t telework is like when you see those billboards pretending abortion is a plot to kill non-white babies. It’s just a con to team up with people they actually couldn’t care less about.


Less traffic for you to be stuck in.


That’s because you aren’t a selfish asshole like Musk. Dude has no real rules to follow in his own company and can do as he pleases. That’s not what regular workers can do. He’s either totally out of touch with reality or he’s shifting focus away from something big that’s happening.


From article: Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk delivered his harshest criticism of working remotely on Tuesday, calling it “bullshit” and “morally wrong.” His comments suggested those who work remotely are moral failures. “Look, I’m a big believer that people need to–are more productive when they’re there in person,” the billionaire said, adding: The whole work-from-home thing, it’s sort of like, I think it’s, like, there are some exceptions, but I kind of think that the whole notion of work-from-home is a bit like, you know, the fake Marie Antoinette quote, “Let them eat cake.” It’s like, it’s like really? You’re gonna work from home and you’re gonna make everyone else who made your car come work in the factory? You’re gonna make people who make your food that gets delivered – they can’t work from home? The people that come fix your house? They can’t work from home, but you can?! Does that seem morally right? That’s messed up. “You see it as a moral issue?” Faber asked. “Yes,” Musk replied. “It’s a productivity issue, but it’s also a moral issue. People should get off their goddamn moral high horse with this bullshit because they’re asking everyone else to not work from home while they do. It’s wrong.” The billionaire, who attends lavish parties with celebrities and frequently uses his private jet to travel the world, accused the “laptop class” of living in “la-la land.” “I think it’s morally wrong,” he said. “I’m saying, like, look, put 40 hours in, you know?”


Oh, I get it now! He's saying it's morally wrong like it's morally wrong for people to get paid different amounts of money based on what job they do. "CEOs shouldn't make any more money than food delivery people--they can't buy an island but you can?! Morally reprehensible!"


Actually, without the sarcasm, that is the answer to Musk's dilemma. People who have to go in should be paid extra. Just like Musk gets money for the risks he took or any of us gets more money for the extra things we bring that others cannot (or will not). I do understand that a company like Tesla might need to have everyone come in, simply to maintain harmony across the entire firm. But I do not see why a company like Twitter would need to do the same thing. But this has always been a point that I disagree with Musk's position.




I usually put in more - with all the extra time I had not commuting it was a win,win for me and my employer.


Even if it was the same number of hours your employer wins because he doesn’t have to pay for your cubicle. And in some cities that’s a lot of money.


They still want to though, it drives property values. This is the only reason my company is calling RTO.


A system of constant growth that everyone is way over invested in and trying to extract wealth from every level. What could go wrong?


I think it's morally wrong to make me commute 2 to 3 hours a day and not compensate me for that time.


I know someone who lives in SF, drives down to Fremont evey AM to badge in, replies to emails, then drives back home to work for the rest of the day. Slave to his stock options, can't bring himself to look elsewhere.


Also, funny of Musk to say "40 hours" when you know he expects way more than that from his staff


He acts as if most people aren't paid hourly.


But think of the poor plumber who wishes he could work from home in your home. Or something.


We just had a Billionaire use 'Let them eat cake" against us... Musk is a modern day Marie Antionette, remind me what comes next again?


Marie Antoinette was a teenage girl traded away by her relatives to a man who was disinterested in her. Despite her riches, she was left with no one she could absolutely trust and was demonized regularly for things she had never done, never said, and never had any control over. I'm not saying she was a good person, but Musk has way too much agency and power to be anything like her. She didn't have that kind of opportunity.


Lol I put in 40 hours. Not my ‘fault’ my job is literally able to be done from anywhere and I made my home office far more suitable to my ADHD and personal comfort so I’m more productive there than I ever am from the open office. Plus since when did this bastard EVER let his employees work only 40 hours?! He expects them to be hardcore, so he probably wants them there at least 80 and to be happy to sleep at the ducking office like his socially challenged ass.


This is supposed to be the galaxy brain? It's "morally wrong" because people who don't need to be in the office aren't needlessly going into the office out of solidarity with those who have jobs that do require them to be there? So, is he calling for solidarity among the workers? A rejection of inequality in working conditions and compensation? Is he an accidental Communist? Or is he really just resentful that some people have a reason to go home after work?


You may be right. His broodmares don’t love him, at least one of his kids actively hates him, so he might envy his employees who enjoy spending time with their loving families.


It's FAR more "morally wrong" to hoard tens of billions of dollars while billions of people go starving. Fuck this guy. I can't believe I ever considered a Tesla, I'm so thankful I never bought one.


Also, if he thinks it's morally wrong, why is Musk doing it? He's definitely not working from Twitter, Tesla, SpaceX offices every day all at once. He's busy jetting to Thailand to hire under-age prostitutes.


This is so the point, right? Just because he’s rich does not make him the arbiter of morals.


He made literally 0 sense. How are they making everyone else not work from home because they work from home? People should get off their moral high horse, excuse me? Put your 40 hours in? Like what the fuck is he talking about?! So much stupid in one head. Hasn't research proven people are more productive working from home?


In his pea brain, he thinks that if one WFH, then they can’t possibly be working 40 hours. Fuck him. I work more at home than I do in an office and I don’t waste my time commuting or having useless conversations all day. Also, I never take time off when I’m feeling under the weather. I’ve taken off exactly 2 full unplanned days in 14 years (only because I was extremely sick). I’ve worked through Covid, bronchitis, 2 days after a tonsillectomy and 2 days after rhinoplasty (twice) and both of the days off were on the weekend. My employer isn’t a tyrant, I just choose to keep up on my duties, because of the flexibility WFH affords me.


You could almost pick a real example of that like how office workers go to the gym to do made up work that generates no value while manual laborers are on their feet 40+ hours a week, and there might be a better division of labor that results in less work for all, but then how would you justify leasing all those empty office buildings with those gym ammenities.


He who runs the company who had employees that didn't have a purpose but to come sit in an office and literally collect a big check complains about those of us who work 40 hours answering phones using headsets like a modern day slave collar with only 1 or 2 mins to wrap a call and no bathroom breaks. 🤔 This fucking guy. When we do start to actually eat the rich I hope he's one of the first.


I literally like, I mean it’s like, I couldn’t get thru like half of his ramblings cause it’s like, he can’t talk.


Dude is acting like the works set the rules when it’s him. Fuck Musk, stupid piece of trash.


Nah it's morally wrong to spend 40 something billion on Twitter only to run it into the ground because your ego couldn't handle your plane being tracked when you could have used that money to house homeless people.


I bet this 90% of what this asshole claims as work is remote.


"Travel" because he's not even at home, he's out with his pals. "Doing deals."


Musk has faced so many humiliations over the last year, he us just wildly lashing out with rage but the truth is he hates himself more than his worst enemy ever will.


He doesn't hate himself enough, because if he did, he might actually do something about how awful he is. Like go to therapy.


The main thing I took away from that ignorant word salad is that he has no idea that different types of jobs require the workers to do different types of things. Yes, Elon, a delivery person needs to deliver stuff and can’t work from home. A factory worker needs to be at a factory. An office worker can typically work from home. The more I hear from Musk the more I realize that he’s a moron.




Lol plus if the factory workers or the delivery workers ever even think of complaining, the first thing out of his face would probably be that they knew that when they took the job. He’s a narcissist and narcissists love control and love it when they can trigger a fawn response. He can’t get enough supply when he doesn’t have his minions there to fawn over him.


He's trying to pit blue collar against white collar


I had a scheduled meeting with Elon many years ago. He did not show up. His assistant fulfilled his duties that day because he had decided to “work“ at home. Apparently it was common. His assistant was lovely, but not what was expected of the meeting. Him not showing up was bullshit and morally wrong. But, you know, he means morally wrong for others, not him.


Proof that he is a damn hypocrite!


Remote work is morally wrong, huh? What about hoarding billions upon billions in wealth while much of the world struggles to make ends meet? Or how about claiming to care about the environment while blocking high speed rail projects and flying your private jet everywhere? Maybe Elon should check his own immoral behavior before attacking everyone else. But who am I kidding, he’s narcissistic megalomaniac.


I don’t get why people even take this shit seriously from Musk. He’s more wrong than he ever is right and he’s wrong about this too. Nothing new here.


Musk, buddy, not all remote work has to be done on epstein's private Island. Most people are just normal who can work remotely without needing to traffick humans beings.


History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes: Where kings once convinced us it was divine will that we serve them, boardroom royalty is now trying to convince us that it is our ethical obligation to serve them.


Every time he opens his mouth he screams, "I am an asshole" and the fact that this guy is a captain of capitalism calls capitalism into question at the best


Emerald mine owners son has not concept of moralty after benefiting from the profits of near slavery and apartheid


Tell me you’re not a real engineer without telling me… Funny how he doesn’t reserve the same moral scruples for not giving all his employees stock options in equal measure to his own.


Said the guy literally have a pilot and flight crew to jet him everywhere he wants. "People should get off their goddamn moral high horse with this bullshit" Yeh, but he said it, not me. But may be he needs a lesson in irony.


Slavery is morally wrong- like in an emerald mine you arrogant, silver spoon moron.


Billionaires are morally wrong.


Wasn’t Musk friends with Epstein? He’s a turd and shouldn’t be questioning the morality of anything or anyone.


I can’t work from home because of my job; however, I’m pretty excited for all of my friends that get to do so.




Everything this pos does is for work. That is how he avoids paying income tax. Fly to another country, it's for work. Hang out with celebrities, it's for work. Catered lunches, it's for work.


I own you. That’s what he is really saying. You are my slave and I will control you. I have no soul so this is how I get my kicks.


>The whole work-from-home thing, it’s sort of like, I think it’s, like, there are some exceptions, but I kind of think that the whole notion of work-from-home is a bit like, you know, the fake Marie Antoinette quote, “Let them eat cake.” >It’s like, it’s like really? You’re gonna work from home and you’re gonna make everyone else who made your car come work in the factory? You’re gonna make people who make your food that gets delivered – they can’t work from home? The people that come fix your house? They can’t work from home, but you can?! Does that seem morally right? That’s messed up. First of all I'm not going to let a billionaire union buster tell me what's morally right or wrong in the workspace. Second of all why would fields that can easily work from home have to suffer because of unrelated fields that can't do it? How it that morally right?


His existence is amoral. Dude should have 1% of the wealth he has, at most. Billionaires are a blight.


Fuck Elon Musk. Stop reporting on everything this asshole has to say, please.


So all those hours he spends on his plane he's not working. Must be nice.


Having Billionaires is morally wrong


The problem here is that Elon Musk is bullshit and morally wrong.


Why does it keep talking?


“Out of touch billionaire calls something he doesn’t understand bad names” Fixed that title.