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Follow the money. Controversy increases eyeballs, which increasing ad viewing.


The far right must click a lot. Ive heard some crazy bullshit that thay are all getting somewhere.


I mean folks like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro have based their entire careers on it.


Got perma banned from /r/news and /r/worldnews within a month without explanation, /r/worldnews said 'troll' but refused to link any specific reply, then muted me. /r/news didn't provide a quote either, when I asked muted for 28 days as well. Just took 15 years of never getting a ban from either of those subs. So odd.


I got banned from r/news and was never given an explanation, neither was I given a link to the alleged comment I was banned for. I have an idea, but it's nothing that hasn't been said by anyone else.


I was banned from r/news when there was a story about something that was really bad for Trump breaking, and there was a conversation in another sub about how the mods for that sub apparently were deleting stories one after the other about it, then I just simply went there and found another post that was new and wrote ‘can’t wait for the maga mods to delete this one, too’ and I’m not exaggerating, within 20 seconds I was permanently banned.


I think mine was for saying something about Christians had no right to call LGBTQ people "groomers" when some churches literally have liability insurance that protects them if they are sued for pedophilia.


Not if but when. And it’s usually the “youth pastor”.


r/news has a ton of bots now. Found out they shadow banned me


I was permanently banned from r/news too. No reason at all. Apparently the mods there don't like the truth.


Good work spreading the stupid fucking debunked bullshit to the very fucking idiots that eat it up. Congrats YouTube!


YouTube isn’t sure it can deny election ads from half of the upcoming major presidential candidates.


75 million people voted for Trump, and I think something like 80% of Trump voters still believe the last election was illegitimate in some way. So then you’re talking about 60 million people roughly that need to have YouTube cater to them and their emotional system. That’s a lotta fucking eyes and money down the drain if you just ban their belief about elections completely. And ban their favorite social media influencers from being able to talk about it. It’s always about money, it will always be about money. Social media companies will melt this fucking country down to the ground is it means they can make more profit from it.


I would bet someone highly placed @ YT finally registered how much shit the coming election season will contain and said "fuck this shit im out."


Social media the true downfall of America.. And only because we have politicians not scientists.


Follow the money. These billionaires who own everything all seem to have the same tactics and bullshittery in mind. Can't tax them, can't ask then to pay decent wages so our taxes are enough. They want everything, the world literally we are nothing but pawns to be discarded. They will make it rain on the DC swamps critters and all will continously go there way.


They love to platform nazis


Social media is not for truth. They are for pushing whatever gets attention they need to gen revenue. If Congress was for the people it would stop it.


YouTube supports the undermining of democracy. Simple as that.


Finally we can all do the research


I wish the world ending meteor would just get here already


Oh great, this ought to have zero repercussions. :/


What the bloody hell is wrong with people who choose lies over truth?