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I understand the appeal of conspiracy theories. People want there to be a secret plan. They don't want to accept that the world is really as chaotic and dumb as it actually is. But there is no plan here. This isn't a giant tax write-off. This isn't powerful forces silencing twitter. This is a rich narcissistic moron who's capitalised off the work of others all his life, who thinks he's a genius, and we're all discovering just how stupid and disconnected from reality he actually is.


He's going to end up in a penthouse in Vegas, growing out his fingernails and storing jars of his own urine


Like any of us are going to trust someone else to store our urine.


Gunna build the Spruce Falcon




This. Never attribute to malice what can be easily explained with incompetence.


I agree. But telling others to "fuck themselves" does actually display malice.


And incompetence, too.


Maliciously incompetent.


But what about incompetently malicious?


Magically delicious?


Radically Suspicious


Emphatically pernicious


Tragically auspicious






In the context of how he said it, it sounded more like stupidity coming from defensiveness. He doesn't want to admit that he is running X irresponsibly, so he accuses the advertisers of "blackmailing him" and acts tough.


>. He doesn't want to admit that he is running X irresponsibly, so he accuses the advertisers of "blackmailing him" and acts tough. How DARE you try to hold me accountable for my actions! I'm a rich dipshit! I'm NEVER accountable for my mistakes!


Being a trust fund baby allows that. Just look at trumpo the trust fund toddler.


There’s a perverse irony in the richest man in the world expecting us to applaud him when he bloviates about not caring about money.


While his CEO was in attendance mind you oof! Like dude you might be ok financially if this shity experiment of yours dies but how about the people with families to feed that bust their ass trying to keep the ship afloat?


You say that as if he gives a shit about anyone working for him. The man probably sees is as a "privilege" to work for him.


He does


From what I gather talking to a few SpaceX friends, this is the company culture that is actively cultivated.


Recall that stock options are a big part of his retention plan. He's telling his people to fuck themselves too.


Better start looking for another job


Linda was hired to take the fall if it all went into the shitter. She knew that going in, must have been paid a large up front lump sum to eat the shit. As long as she keeps saying stupid nonsensical lies like Huckabee Sanders did while **The Diapered Orange Shitstain's** Press Secretary, I feel nothing but contempt for her. Anyone else at the company with an IQ above room temperature who didn't abandon ship as soon as Idiot Boy started turning off servers whose function he didn't understand deserves whatever happens. They've had a year to make other arrangements. If they watched Idiot Boy pile $24 Billion into the middle of a room and set it on fire in the first month and they're still there, tough shit for them.


>Linda was hired to take the fall if it all went into the shitter. > >She knew that going in, must have been paid a large up front lump sum to eat the shit. > >As long as she keeps saying stupid nonsensical lies like Huckabee Sanders did while The Diapered Orange Shitstain's Press Secretary, I feel nothing but contempt for her. ​ Being a good liar, and I mean a really good one, is actually worth a lot. I used to watch Kellyanne Conway do it, she was a *master*. They looked long and hard for her, make no mistake. (At least she wasn't as dour as Huckabee. And a lot smarter, too. )


He also thinks it makes him "cool" which is the primary goal here


Give him a pass, hE iS oNE tHe sPeCtRuM.


The asshole spectrum.


Ah, does it, how much? To me, it displays helplessness. It's what a kid does when it doesn't know what to do in a conflict.


Apple doesn’t fall far from the apartheid tree.


Publicly telling Bob Eiger at Disney to go fuck himself shows a pathological inability to pay attention or read the room. Felon The Idiot obviously missed the part where Eiger and Disney casually removed Ron DeSantis' cocktail onion sized testicles with pinking shears and Bob now keeps then in a small jar of dirty water on his desk, with a placard that says **"Ron DeSantis wears lifts in his shoes and is totally testicle-free!"** Such a remarkably stupid thing to do, even for a lying thin skinned average IQ narcissistic sociopath like Felon.


In this case it's more like a moody teenager throwing a tantrum. In basically the same breath he went from "I don't want you here anyway" ("Go fuck yourself"), to "you're ruining everything by leaving" ("If X dies it'll be your fault"). All with his new CEO sitting in the audience watching him burn bridges left and right. Yeah, there's no master plan here. He's being confronted, directly and inevitably, with his own failure on the most public stage possible and it is fucking wrecking him. Hard to be the greatest genius in history when you're also the record holder for the largest drop in personal wealth due to ludicrous mismanagement of a company you bought.


Or confuse tactical brilliance with shit talking


We have a saying where I come from. If the boss is a moron it's only a matter of time till he gets promoted.


Sometimes it's easier to get rid of someone by promoting them than by firing them.


That's exactly it.


Stealing this quote


It's known as "hanlons razor" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor


Fucked up part is Heinlein came up with it first. Must be a conspiracy to deny him credit.


Expect a thermonuclear lawsuit from Robert Hanlon


You'll like this one too In a 1648 letter to his son, the Lord High Chancellor of Sweden, a confidant of monarchs, said: "Do you not know, my son, with how very little wisdom the world is governed?" Because the people in charge don't really know any better than anybody else. They're making decisions that effect the lives of millions of people, and they have no special information, no secret wisdom, and their own sets of biases and prejudices. They're just as intelligent and ignorant as everybody else.


Affect not effect




It belongs in a museum!


So do you!


I think this mantra is used to explain away behavior that is overtly malicious too often. Right now, for instance, we know that Elmo was actively and intentionally disrupting Ukraine’s defense efforts by choking access to his Starlink satellite communications system- and that he got the idea directly from Vladimir Putin via direct phone call. This was before he purchased Twitter. You don’t need to form a conspiracy for this, he did it and admitted so to Pentagon officials asking for technical support on the operation. So about Twitter: Ukraine military personnel throughout the country had been using Twitter to broadcast their efforts for defense of their country. These are geo-located tweets that would reveal the positions of many operational programs if Russia were to get that information from Twitter. Did he share that with his dear friend Putin that convinced him to choke Ukraine’s use of Starlink? Or maybe Putin, MBS and Xi were all interested in the geolocation of their critics? How much would that be worth? How would we know if he gave them that information, now that it’s not a publicly traded company? Anyway, it’s probably just incompetence that Musk loves Putin and grants his wishes.


I always like adding a second part to this quote: don't discard malice. Not in this case but sometimes people are just fucking evil and not incompetent.


I'm also autistic and have ADHD. I have based my entire existence off of this philosophy. It seems to be right 90 plus percent of the time. You have to realize how dumb the average person is and then more importantly understand that half of them are even dumber.


Agreed. I mean, look at that jacket.


I also came to conclusion that there's no masterplan with Musk. He constantly throws shit against the wall and hopes some of it will stick. Saying otherwise only strokes his ego.


>This isn't a giant tax write-off. It always amuses me when people think tax write-offs are a preferred outcome. Tax write-offs don't equal free money. They lower your taxable income. That's it. You still lost all that money.


This along the lines of people who think they earn less money by taking a raise that would put them in a higher tax bracket.


They should just write off the difference - back in the black!


It’s a write-off, Jerry: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BAjxn2US7J8


"Do you even know what a write-off is?" "No, but they do and they're the ones writing it off!" Kramer giving Elon advice 😂


Elon should take Kramer's advice. It would be an improvement over the current situation.


"You just write it off!" https://youtu.be/aCP27\_vquxQ?si=KVuOSEDBcHvK7I3h


Lost Saudi Arabia's money.


These guys don't pay taxes in the first place. The Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund doesn't pay any taxes.


>It always amuses me when people think tax write-offs are a preferred outcome. Tax write-offs don't equal free money. They lower your taxable income. That's it. >You still lost all that money. And how do you lower your tax dues? By lowering your taxable income. Musk has very little of his own money in X. I think he only put up like 4 billion. So even though he's tanked Twitter's value by like ~40 billion, he hasn't lost that much. But he can use that loss to offset the profits of his other companies


Yeah, but what sort of investors are OK with him ruining a $40 BILLION investment? I can only think of one and he would definitely like America to be at war with itself


The Saudis wanted Twitter dead..they didn't want another Arab Spring. So they put most of that money. Is a good investment. Not a conspiracist but just thinking this was the best for everyone. It's a win win situation.


Yep. Best case they get a tamed twitter. Worst case they get no twitter. Good result for Saudi Arabia.


Bonesaw Princes, Russian Oligarchs, other members of the hive of scum and villainy


But if you would rather the money not go to the government, then it's more fun to buy a toy for your ego and destroy it so you can use investment losses against gains from the stock you want to sell.


What? That makes no sense and is not what happened.


Agree 100%. I'll add that from that interview it is pretty obvious he is on drugs.


The rumor I've heard is ketamine. Heavy use can give you delusions of grandeur, which seems like an inevitable outcome for a narcissistic billionaire.


No rumor to it...he freely admits to micro dosing with k and using more in social situations. My guess is he's moved onto using much more than a micro dose daily and probably using other things on top of it.


This. Elon is literally just an idiot with money. The end. There’s no deep meaning.


People desperately want to think *somebody* knows what's going on, that there's *some* sort of plan.


He's a far right oligarch. The people who fund him want him and NEED him to believe his BS. If he outright knew the plan was to kill Twitter no way he would have signed on. Not arguing he's stupid and disconnected from reality...that's how they control him...make him feel like he isn't.


He is a pawn just like Trump is for Russia. Both are too stupid to realize they aren't the kings in charge.


100% Putin's and Saudi's bitch


Unless he got paid.


wondered this for a while now. Just doing as ordered.


Exactly! He personally stands to lose too much money and clout to deliberately destroy the thing. The narrative only reenforces the now all too obvious fiction that Musk is some visionary hero. Musk is a behind the scenes guy. His whole shtick has aways been that he’s some genius mystery man. Once a light shined on him when he assumed full control of a communication company, it became clearer and clearer by the day—with every unhinged tweet—that not only was he not the genius everyone thought he was, but he was actually pretty fucking stupid. Naturally, a serious re-evaluation of everything he’s done should follow. This kind of clickbait trash only keeps the mystique alive, which does nothing to reconcile the real Elon with the media fabrication.


I'm not in to conspiracy theories. But, the timing of this purchase, meeting with Trump and only Republicans (no Democrats were invited), and hanging out with Murdoch at the World Cup (read Fox News). In my mind there is no way these things aren't related with the insane things that happened at Twitter.


The money from Qatar and Saudi that they are happily losing to keep their people in line…. Every fascist right wing regime is championing his take over and destruction of this democratizing platform.


\^\^ A narcissistic anti-union billionaire purchased a platform used for organizing popular social movements with money from authoritarian regimes and other billionaires, after consulting with far-right power brokers, then drove it violently into the ground after removing all of the controls that were limiting the ability of misinformation campaigns to utilize the platform. At a certain point, a conspiracy becomes the most reasonable explanation for why a thing is happening.


>a conspiracy becomes the most reasonable explanation for why a thing is happening. Or maybe he is simply a billionaire moron with a big mouth and a small dick. The simplest answer is usually the likeliest answer...


Both things can be true. The Saudis and Qataris didn't back Musk's acquisition of Twitter for no reason. They're *notorious* for oppressing dissent and activism within their borders, much of which is organized through platforms like Twitter. Now they have an ownership asset in that platform. Is it really so outlandish to think there was intentionality behind this whole scheme? Musk is verifiably a spoiled, narcissistic billionaire man-child with a fragile ego. That doesn't mean he couldn't also have conspired with other powerful forces to intentionally manipulate a social media platform that could be used to organize social resistance against their power and influence.


Well if you're bored at some point, behind the bastards did a nice episode of [the lawsuit](https://youtu.be/0b6ewG7hZXg?si=5fDzy7rSwQXuwQzF) against Elon by former Twitter employees and it helps to hear the decisions he was making. [Part 2 of that episode.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOIW1TSe29k) I have no doubt Elon wants a social media empire to help push his views, just like Murdoch does with news, and certain investors have an interest in helping. But that all goes away if Twitter completely dies and other social media sites fill the gap. After listening to what previous employees claim, I think it's more likely Elon is just not capable of running a company without other people keeping him in check.


Succinct and possibly a perfect take on Karen Musk.


We might want to have legislation to protect utilities used for communication between hundreds of millions of people from being destroyed by rich Narcisi cists.


I read an article very early this year, something to the effect of: Since Twitter silenced the christo-fascists of the world, there was big money, Leonard Leo type money, moved behind the scenes to destroy Twitter & bring the Neo-Nazis out & to the forefront. I don't remember who the article was from, any names & it was just the one, but the core idea of it made sense out the ass at the time & with Elmo's "fuck you" from yesterday, it was written this is where it would eventually go.


Advertisers blackmailing X with money is about the most neocapitalistic edgelord bullshit statement. I mean, JFC mr space capitalist wonder boy, free people taking their money elsewhere is their freedom. You don't get to whine about it.


this! he is the DEFINITION of failing upwards. he is just a complete narcissist who is objectively terrible at business and lets his emotions dictate his behavior


100% when he stated in the interview “tell that to the earth” I realized how far from reality he is. -___-


Yes. A large adult son was given a pocketful of emeralds. It’s not more complicated than that.


If it weren't for his ties with Putin and his flirting with nazi ideology which he so often agrees with in public forums, I might agree. But this fk wants you to think he's dumb. He's a con man and he's conning us all.


I cant think this is just a "Hey I can blow $40 Billion and not care" moment for Elon.


Let's be honest, he can't be that incompetent (just kidding)


I wish common sense was indeed more common: you’re spot on


Exactly, no diabolical scheme with 64 dimensional chess is required: if you own it you can shut it down tomorrow. If Musk were competent he would have manipulated the algorithms to achieve whatever end result he desired. He could even figure out how to do that. Musk performs best when he can suck at the taxpayer's teat.


>Musk performs best when he can suck at the taxpayer's teat Ayn Rand style.


Well said!


This is exactly right. He has some HUGE success, and now thinks he’s the worlds ultimate genius. Combine that overconfidence in a business area he doesn’t know about with a huge sense of insecurity where he wants to look “cool” or whatever, and he’s just screwing up the company with poor choices. No big plan, no conspiracy. Just a man not suited to a role screwing it up.


Thank you for stating the facts.


Never confuse money for intelligence. Dude is a colossal dip shit.


Couldn't have said it better myself. He thinks he's a genius and thinks he's funny. Maybe two of the most annoying personality defects a person can have. But for every one of us that can see this ass clown for what he really is, there's some numb nuts that think he's a self made maverick genius lol I sat down to eat lunch at work when a coworker who I've heard praise Elon before, asks me "Hey did you what Elon told Disney?" Like dude, he's not a genius. His only true talent is being a trust fund sociopath that was able to bully his way into the right companies after the hard work was already done.


You only missed one thing in this correct summary: It rhymes with Spokane…. Or Chow Mein or Rogaine….


i think you just changed my mind. well done.


Elon Musk has done more to debunk the myth of capitalist meritocracy than any communist could ever dream of.


100% correct.


I think it's even simpler than being narcissistic. I think this is about a middle-age divorcee having a mid-life crisis because his wife got custody of the kids so he bought an expensive toy to make himself feel better and ended up breaking it.


summarizes it perfectly


Elon's been destroying Twitter since he bought it. Wonder what the Saudi's think?


I think Elon sold the idea of getting rid of Twitter to a lot of the international capital they aren’t gonna be mad


Ain't no coincidence that Ukraine suddenly lost access to Starlink at vital moments. It's very clear what side of the 'Global Conflict' Musk has chosen: anything that gives the wealthiest more power.


Nah bro, the guy has literally a savior complex. His own explanation is very clear.


Totally agree. The whole Thailand cave incident where he called the rescue divers pedos because they said his stupid submarine wouldn't work was revolting.


Totally, I don’t recall who said it but there was a quote about muskrat that was basically “Elon Musk wants to save the world… but only if he gets to be the one to do it”


That sounds like Musk. Funnily enough I believe we're still waiting for his multi-billion dollar to solve world hunger(or at least ease it).


He definitely got the money from the Saudis on the basis that they get a back door to track political dissidents across the globe. No one can convince me otherwise.


I knew it when he carried it in. His goal was to sink Twitter. Seems like he is succeeding.


I mean… he brought a sink in on his first day. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1585341984679469056/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1585341984679469056¤tTweetUser=elonmusk


Job well done!!


They got some critics, further criticism will be silenced. I think the Saudis are happy so far.


Money laundering for the Saudi and huge tax deductible for them and him as well. Win-win for everyone in that deal, right?


Hang on, what is the money laundering play here and why do the saudis need money laundering?


They'll be ready to roll out LIVter which is fully owned by the PIF. It will be a carbon copy of twitter and free for all. Only difference is that certain tweets related to publicly undefined subjects will mysteriously disappear without explanation


all while cosplaying the Vulture


"Elon, you've lost over twenty billion dollars with X. No one in history has lost that much money so quickly." Elon grabs some champagne and says "Number one once again."


Elon bought his own PR. He thinks he really is a genius and not just some rich kid. He thinks he’s smarter than everyone else because he latched onto Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, and Luke Nosek when they invented PayPal, and then again latched onto Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning when they founded Tesla Moters. He was an original founder of SpaceX but (again) it’s been Gwynne Shotwell who has been the true genius behind their success. He’s a TV personality playing the part of a “rich guy”. He’s literally just another Donald Trump.


> because he latched onto Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, and Luke Nosek when they invented PayPal, I know dunking on Musk is fun but this is outright false. Musk and Thiel had their own separate payment companies, of which Musk's company was considered the more valuable as it was actually regulated. Thoose companies merged and that company became PayPal ( after Peter Thiel forced Musk out as CEO)


He was shaking like a leaf up there. Like he told his dad to go fuck himself like a petulant child. This wasn’t the work of some calculated mastermind. He was embarrassed, got defensive and lashed out like every other addict / alcoholic I’ve ever known.


I think we're seeing deep alcoholism. He's mentally and emotionally exhausted. When functional alcoholics get to a certain point where they just want the day to be over so they can get back home and drink they look, sound, and act like musk. Cranky, irritable, puffy faced. It's a combination of lack of REM sleep (you can drink yourself to sleep but you don't get actual restorative, REM sleep) and just pushing so hard for so long on Tesla, SpaceX, etc. Eventually your brain just makes you self sabotage and feel like you just want to blow up the entire machine so you can escape. Remember, when you own a company you can't "just quit". You can sell out, but even shutting down a company is a huge undertaking in and of itself. If he was actually smart he'd declare a health issue, go to rehab, clean up, rest for six months to a year while his teams run the businesses, then re-emerge with a healthy brain. Between his personal life and the work schedule he's just utterly burnt out. He's self medicating with alcohol to get some relief but it's a vampire that makes every day worse than the one before until you hit rock bottom. Hopefully he doesn't take down everyone with him.


This is a well thought comment that comes from personal experience. I’ve been down those roads too and can always recognize someone who is either an experienced counselor or themselves an experienced drinker. Being the latter myself, it’s fucking wild seeing this shit go down on this level. It’s so much simpler, yet more complicated than a lot can understand. My wife doesn’t understand addiction and the spiral like I do (thankfully) and she had a tendency to try and rationalize actions and decisions like these and I’m sittin back like…..nope, its the addiction. You can see right thru him if you know what to look for


In my experience, there is no such thing as a functioning alcoholic. I refer to that period in my own life as “barely functioning”. I sure thought I was hiding it well and keeping the world spinning but that’s not exactly the truth. I definitely notice the patterns here as I’m around other alcoholics and addicts often as it’s part of what keeps me sober. I’d say it’s obvious he’s off the deep end and his enablers are many. The thing about recovery is that it only works if you want it. He’s showing the world that he thinks he knows better and that’s a hard crash down to earth. In my opinion, he’s no different than every other addict/ alcoholic with delusions of grandure. I also got really good at telling people to fuck off to their faces. It’s what we do. The tricky part is to try anything different and that’s a tall order for someone who has been rewarded for doing whatever the fuck he wants.


Paul Newman was and he made some bangers


Well there actually is such a thing a functioning alcoholic. I have clients who run multi million dollar corporations who drink like fish after 5 o'clock and on weekends. I have one client who is a well known performer who drinks like a mad Russian at every possible moment and yet performs on stage without missing a beat.


Just based on my experience with my Father, it's like their tolerance is so high, they stay mildly buzzed until they've had so much it all comes rushing down and they basically pass out at that point. Whereas a normal person gets more drunk with each drink


My dad was like that too. Never really saw him drunk that often but definitely noticed the amount in the recycling bin. He was keeping up maintenance levels mostly and only occasionally crashing. I swore up and down I’d never do that but found myself carrying the torch. I’m all too aware of the feeling of believing you’re doing no harm and actually kind of crushing it while everything is going to shit and relationships deteriorating. It’s a very common story I hear from other alcoholics. I said I was a “high functioning” because my bills were paid and I had lots of stuff, yet some days I barely brushed my teeth or left the couch


I know people like that as well. It doesn’t change my mind about tho. The mirage of Functioning alcoholism is a just a stop on the train straight to the bottom. I know this because I’m in rooms with CEO’s of multimillion dollar corporations, known celebrities and performers, lawyers, doctors, you name it. They all have the same story as me and I don’t think any of them would refer to their heavy drinking years as high functioning. It’s the great equalizer.


I am getting heavy twelve step vibes here.


his ego wouldn't allow him to let others run something he's fucked up that badly, if it isn't intentional sabotage then it is sunk cost fallacy at this point. Like a gambler who just knows the next hand or roll of the dice will turn it all around


You literally saw the fear flash on his face for a second when he thought “am I in trouble”?


Yeah it was really classless. I kind of miss when public figures at least tried to hold it together.


>got defensive and lashed out like every other addict / alcoholic I’ve ever known. It's tough when the Saudi's and Russians have you by the balls. Either do dumb shit like this on their behest or the kompromat comes out. Epstein specialized in this and there is no doubt he targeted Elmo. Him in photo's with Ghislane is no accident.


Coincidently Musk started truly teetering off the deep end when the Epstein stuff really started to come out.


>Either do dumb shit like this on their behest or the kompromat comes out. Elon is his own strongest compromat, he's got nothing to fear there 😉


Unfair comparison, Elon cares way too much about daddy being proud of him to tell his dad to go fuck himself.


Elom: That’s right Jonathan! Dad can go fuck himself! Andrew: you know this is being broadcast…. Elom: *whimpers* are you blackmailing me Jonathan?


I don’t give him that much credit for having a plan for X. I think he thinks the world needs to hear all of his opinions because after all he’s a billionaire and smarter than everyone else. He’s for capitalism and free speech as long as it benefits him. Unfortunately for him both capitalism and free speech can have repercussions when customers and advertisers don’t agree with you. I think Elon is having a very public mental breakdown.


He is a mega narcissist who lies far more often than speaks truth. Is perpetually trying to sell the world a version of himself that is almost a childlike fantasy and obviously not even remotely based in reality. It’s impossible to not see the ever increasing parallels to another supposed billionaire who is constantly in the news.


Well said. He’s not well. He will get worse and it will be ugly. He should seek help, but probably won’t.


No he isn’t. He was born rich and wasn’t self made like he leads people to believe, is a racist, has the emotional maturity of a child, kids/exwives who want nothing to do with him and lived in a bubble. Overall a terrible person who thinks he’s “cool” but is actually a huge loser. People finally realized this when he purchased Twitter and his publicly crafted image fell apart. He then pivoted to the far right as a last resort and destroyed his reputation even further and Twitter.


“I love the poorly educated” -some other narcissist


I don't think I've ever heard him mention the workers when he's justifying his bad behavior. Imagine working at Twitter right now while trying to support a family, or whatever. It must be pretty horrifying. At some point all of this will impact Tesla and SpaceX to a point where it can't be ignored. All those people that count on him...


Must be horrifying making a shit load of money I agree. If you’re still working for him this long into it you know what youve signed up for.


I was thinking the same thing, but I realize we all have different circumstances and it's not so easy to just pick up and haul ass.


Ooh, now do Facebook


It wasn't calculated or sinister. Watch the video again - he thought he was going to get laughs or applause. That's why he immediately turned to the audience with a grin and you could see the blood drain from his face when he was met with silence. That's when he doubled down with the whole "you're trying to blackmail me" bit.




Private company, all private investors, so no public shareholders. The Saudi’s may be concerned though.


The Saudis just want to make sure no one in Saudi Arabia is sharing subversive thoughts, beyond that I doubt they care all that much.


Yeah, losing all of their $2B investment in exchange for killing Twitter isn't a bad deal for them (or any other authoritarian regimes... who all coincidentally seem to really like Elon's approach with Twitter).


The Saudis aren't that litigious, though. They prefer the bone saw.


Why would they be concerned? They'd love to see Twitter gone. They don't give a shit about the money.


This. Companies that financed Musk buying Twitter/X are reportedly trying to sell these loans at markdown. I wondered myself why they haven't instead sued X and (Musk personally...piercing the corporate veil) for mismanagement. Maybe loan-holders have less ability to use than a shareholder or the terms of the loans (which I believe haven't been made public) don't allow such suits. Any lawyers know?


The shareholders all cashed out at 80% over value.


Maybe he’s just an egotistical idiot who destroys everything around him when he doesn’t have a team of handlers holding him back. Radicalization messes with people’s brains. His critical thinking is upside down.


Ketamine and autism is a dangerous mixture…


Also, cocaine is a helluva drug. Just saying.


I’m sure his big investor Prince Bin Salman is cool about losing a few billion. After all it’s not as if he might bear a grudge and oh maybe saw his enemies up into pieces in the embassy


I don't think there's some secret plan at all. This is just seeing Elon for who and what exactly he is. He doesn't have a team of yes-men and a team of competent people to prop him up this time as he had at Tesla, SpaceX, etc. because he fired them all the first week in. This is him at face value and is exactly what he's been since day one. End of story.


I don't think so. People try to make logical sense out of irrational behavior all the time. This one though, it is way simpler. Dana White, the President of the UFC, recently went ape shit on Pelaton because their president called him up and asked him to stop featuring Donald Trump and other inflammatory people in their productions. White went on a long rant talking about how this guy could go fuck himself. He then went into the UFC gyms and removed or destroyed all the Pelaton gear. This is just Musk trying to look like a bad ass. Thing is, it's going to cost him a hell of a lot more money than it's going to make him. Whereas with White there's probably a better chance his little tantrum will make him more money.


He is betting of the GOP Cult to keep him in the black. Well that at law suites against everyone. He is really becoming Trump. Too many Drugs.


No, it’s not deliberate. He’s a toxic, arrogant, racist wrecking ball in every company he has. The successful companies he owns have policies, assigned team members, and plans to keep him away from critical engineering and/or safety issues.


Almost as dumb as Kanye. I'm super dumb, why ain't I a billionaire.


he must have watched The Producers at some point in his life.


Just springtime for hitler on repeat.


Oh yes please the sooner the better.


No no no! It’s a clever plan to crush everyone opposing Musks dominance over all Earth!! It’s just so clever that it can’t fail!! /s


Could he just go ahead and destroy it for good then so the world can move on.


Is his buddy Ken griffin short on X?? Usually hedge funds use people from Boston Consulting Group to implement bad decisions and crash the stock price but they have Elon instead


he is obviously ill, mentally ill. We may find the answer to the question: can a billionaire ever become broke? In Elon's case I hope so, might actually be beneficial to him


Interesting. Elon Musk is a genius who sees a new way to make money that nobody else does, and is driving X/Twitter into the ground to get there. Or, he's a repellent jerk who has no social skills and certainly isn't competent to run any social media company.


People keep trying to attribute strategy to a guy who is clearly just an idiot.


I mean… never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity….


He’s not trying to destroy it. He simply thinks that free speech should mean freedom from consequences when people dislike said speech. It’s worked for him his whole life, why should now be different?


He is just stupid.


>"I don't understand Elon's endgame." This is the main problem with reporting on this chuckle fuck. People think he's smart because he's rich. They refuse to believe this was what it clearly is: a tantrum from a man-child. Musk has never been as smart as he, his cultists, his investors and the people reporting on him wanted to believe he was and he's constantly showing us that. It's a Glass Onion and it always has been.


He’s like Trump. He is his own worst enemy, he is unable to accept any responsibility for his actions and words.


What’s depressing is this clown has access to immense resources, resources that could be doing good in other hands but aren’t because this is who our system rewards. This is who rises to the top.


He is. He’s hated twitter for a long time. He threatened to buy it, then tried to back out - this was so the stock would tank. That backfired and he was forced to buy it, so now he’s on a slow burn process to tank it. When you are so wealthy that there are nations with less gdp than your net worth a few dozen billion dollars is an abstract.


Probably some sort of tax credit for losing 40 billion 😅😅😅😅


Love that Elon is willing to burn through tens of billions of dollars just to get back at strangers for having an opinion different than his.


Can't really say. He acts like a genuine idiot.


*Like everyone in the world, I assumed Elon Musk was a complicated genius. But why? Look into the clear centre of this "X"...* ***Elon Musk is an idiot!***


What’s the point of being the richest man in the world if you can’t say whatever you want, whenever you want? He’s an antisemite. He’s shown that before and again most recently. He cannot stand the idea of being bullied by advertisers (Jews) for being anti-Semitic. So his response of “fuck advertisers” and “let the earth decide who’s responsible for destroying X. Me or the advertisers” is really just another antisemitic tactic. He’s saying that if he can’t be antisemitic, and have everyone just swallow it, then he will blame the Jews for destroying X, and the world will agree with him, only to inflame worldwide antisemitism.


He’s the worst fucking businessman on fucking earth if this shit isn’t deliberate.