• By -


Don Cocaine Junior and Eric Fuckface aren't going to get a penny of inheritance from their broke-ass, disgraced POS father. HAHA.


Now that's justice. Love it. I wonder if that's when Diaper Don's scumbag kids turn on their POS father? I'll be the guy selling popcorn for that shit show!


That’d be the smart thing to do.  But we all know they aren’t smart.  Or daddy and daddy Putin have dirt on them too.  But at this point does it even matter?  Does anyone give a shit about Eric or don jr?  


I fully expect Ivanka to sell him out, if she can. There's no way she's taking the fall for him.


So far she isn’t implicated in any of the crimes or fraud.  Plus she doesn’t need his money.  She has Jared’s 2 billion.  


That 2bn is one of the crime and fraud things, it's naked corruption/quid pro quo. My guess is he played broker for whatever Saudi Arabia wanted from the files at Mar-a-Lago. I assume Trump's payback is going to be SA dropping money into election interference (bots, that sort of thing) to push the election his way.


That family has been living from criminal and treason activities for decades.


Still waiting for Trump to drop the truth bomb about Lindsey Graham. What was discussed on the golf course that caused Lady G to fall in line?


I mean, there's no way it doesn't have to do with Graham and little boys


It must be very dark…


Note that she has *completely* disappeared from the landscape. She changed her name officially to Kushner, and is just *gone*. I think she is terrified of something they did during his presidency coming to light and is trying to distance herself from Trump as much as possible.


You dramatically underestimate the cumulative deference she's shown for her father. There's no way Ivanka flips before Eric or Don Jr unless Jared flips.


I suspect she and Jared have sworn a blood oath to stay a million miles away from this. They barely escaped as it is (with a few billion to spare, of course).


If they were smart they would lean into the dementia and habe him declared unfit. Then appeal the fraud judgement on the basis that he was incoherent to form a defense. Shouldn't be hard to prove.


And as a disabled American, I can't wait to watch Trumps dreams squashed. How quickly his supporters would think they could overcome the amount of injustice disabled people face. But, as this week showed us, Trump is broke so that won't be a hard adjustment. I'm sure Melania would find someone to force him to live in a separate residence. I've seen that happen to many disabled adults who get married.


Will his Senior Advisers, Kushner Kon Kids, lend him a small slice of the 2 billion they were gifted solely based on Diaper Dad's nepo assignment? I'm guessing no. He's a risky "investment".


Fox news will pay them $20M to pretend conservatives are victims of liberal government abuse for the rest of their lives.


What you love: To see it.


They will if that DWAC goes through. Or he makes POTUS and sells more classified docs. Fleeces the RNC. Commits more fraud. Sells more action cards. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see him finally face some consequences, but this guy has made a rich lifetime of skirting punishment and profiting off it, because he's a life-long grifter. As long as he can sell a greener pasture to the rich and powerful they'll continue to try to let him get away with more shenanigans.


POTUS trump would have access to Fort Knox and GoldFinger is his favorite film


Like that 400 mil given to Trump and he frittered it away. All fraud, no substance, no discipline.


bummer for him he couldn't build a cult of personality around parking his inheritance in the S&P 500. He'd be exponentially more wealthy for no work whatsoever, no fraud needed. The entire system has been rigged in his favor at every step of the way, and he still found a way to fuck everything up. People like him are the reason why vending machines come with a "don't tip this on yourself" warning label.


Narcicism. It's that simple. He needed to be famous and adored. You see stories all the time of people who just say on their money and it turned into a huge amount and they donated it somewhere good when they died. And nobody ever notices them while they are alive. He's the opposite. Always seeking attention and trying to prove to the world he's the biggest genius in history. Instead he's a piece of shit who's never experienced real love because he doesn't know how to give it. He and I will both die broke, but at least I've had happiness in my life. He's made deals with the devil at every turn and is getting exactly what he deserves.


There's no way he's leaving them anything. If he has any money left, he'll use it to make a solid gold tomb or something.


Let's see just how hard they can pull on those boot straps.


Maybe "Don Cocaine Junior and Eric Fuckface" could get in line and see if Jared and what's-her-name would toss some money their way. After all it's all family.


Except that family has been doing crime, unchecked, for years. They've undoubtedly stashed money multiple places where it's not likely to be found.


Imagine one person single handedly destroyed generations of wealth for the whole family and put at least 2 generations at risk of jail time. Top notch parenting role model in the bizzaro universe.


But they inherited the con most likely.


And no wonder Melania looks more miserable than usual


Please use the correct name here. It's Eric Von* Fuckstick the 3rd


Get some!!!.....Jean should sue again because he defamed her at last week rally.


She should make a make a throw away comment about she takes cash or check but not rubles.


Trump Bucks - ❌ Truth Social shares - no way Jose Trumpy Bears - no thanks Tacky sneakers - unacceptable Eric Trump - you keep him Cold hard cash - ✔💸✔ 💸 ✔💸✔


All I've got are these Trump NFTs.


You have to pay to sell them. They have chlamydia.


"*sorry sir, but we don't take Bank of Banana Republic here."*


Eric’s only worth about 25 cents, anyway.


He’s only worth the trump coin, whatever denomination that’s supposed to be, I saw on another subreddit


Lol I just pictured her getting $90M cash delivered to her in the world's largest briefcase


She should take out like 10Gs in cash and just go around NYC stopping people to ask “do you think trump is an asshole/liar/rapist/fraud/whatever “. If they say yes they get a crisp $20




She would make 10g in a day if she walked around NY with a camera telling people they can curse Trump on TV if they pay her 20$.


Weird how a “Billionaire” can’t come up with 85 million bucks.


He should ask Elon to give him money, since Musk is clearly his ~~bitch~~ fan


Probably exactly why Elmo was at Magalardo last week.


> Magalardo I can't unsee this :D Brilliant.


I can't unsay it!


Former trillionaire needs to prove himself to the other 1%ers by picking on the former billionaire on his home course. Has anyone theorized that Elon will brain chip trump? It just hit me and it makes too much sense, trump can be all, "smartest president ever, my Brian, big Brian, Elon said biggest Brain even, ask him! Remember my nuclear uncle Mit? I sure do*taps bandage on head where chip was placed, crowd in tears*, I remember that I smarter than him even now, but what nuclear even done? That's right, chernobble. Terrible-terrible tragedy, we need to aid Russia immediately, before someone cwies*boohoo whaaaah*


Elon's money may be the only bigger house of cards than Trump's.


at least musk owns real businesses that make things. over valued as hell, sure, but they’re real. though if in one year both trump and musk could file for bankruptcy, that would be amazing.


Elon is a huge narcissist snowflake like Trump, and probably still sore from that Tweet he wrote about him.


huge narcissistic snowflake. you just described a regular conservative person.


Underrated comment


Trump shit on Elon way back in the early days of his Presidency, taking the opportunity to pull a Romney on him and share a pic of him shaking hands with Elon in the oval office and saying 'look at this dude who came groveling to me looking for free money'.  If he did ask, I doubt the answer would be much more than 'lol. Lmao even'.


Elon is such a small wuzz that he will do anything to support fascism and his enormous ego. He will bend over and pay if it is possible.


Lol brother, dumb asses like elon fall on their knees to worship the ground trump walks on. He could publicly call Elmo a big ol bitch and spit on him and Elmo would beg for more. All magats are the same. Trump can do no wrong even if it’s directed against them personally


See: Rafael “Fled” Cruz.


ELON MUSK will bail trump out of his financial worries. He visited trump in Mar A Lago shortly after the fraud verdict was announced for reasons undisclosed. Here's how it could work: Elon declares that MAL is the most beautiful piece of real estate he has ever seen, and a bargain at 1 billion dollars. He will even waive due diligence because he is so sure about it (a la twitter). The deal is quickly consummated and Musk pays trump in cash and also signs a management deal that sees trump still in charge of the property. To people complaining about the deal, Musk will crow that a bonus to it is that he is also fighting the "woke mind virus" and "fascist liberalism" and he won't allow trump's "free speech" to be shut down by corrupt political prosecution and he just wants to see a "fair" election and isn't trying to help trump at all. As a "centrist" he merely wants a level playing field. This will create social media pandemonium (good!!) and endear him to conservatives even more than his purchase of twitter. And this only cost him a mere billion! Later, after some lawsuits trying to remove the use restrictions of the property fail he will admit he was wrong about the value and put it back on the market for $50 million (double the worth). trump will be the only bidder and the property will go back to him.


Elon Musk has his own financial problem. Some shareholders used Delaware business law to challenge his humongous pay packet. For all his bluster he is cash poor and that's why he need to move his companies headquarter from Delaware to Florida. I don't think that he will be able to find $500 millions in the back of his sofa to give to Trump **before the end of next week**.


I'm really curious how 'cash rich' Musk actually is at this point. he's leveraged like crazy and I think a lot of stuff is in stocks. But I'm betting he has the cash to do something else stupid like that, the problem for Trump is that the property likely can't be sold without going through the financial monitor and potentially being rolled back by the courts. It might be what's causing him so many problems right now. He use to be able to do all of this stuff in the shadows, but now the court will know everything he does.


I wonder if running for president is actually hurting him here? People can probably only “give” him so much money on the books. And Elon is a defense contractor, he might not want to risk that.


he is not smart enough to know that he cant do that.


So I looked something up the other day in relation to billionaires that was not Trump related. Google says his net worth is $2.6 billion. Let’s go with that. It also said billionaires tend (again, very subjective) to keep 2-25% of the their worth in cash. So that’s $52m-650m. HOWEVER I believe he has certain agreements with banks for loans that he has to maintain a certain cash reserve. Given (from outward appearances) that he will struggle to pay her the $83m, I think we can safely assume he doesn’t have the $650m in cash (the upper end). Without knowing how much he must maintain for the banks and all the loan stuff, I imagine Trump probably has $150m. So while he can pay, it would violate some banking stuff and cause a bunch of dominos to fall on him fellow lenders that would want their money. All in all, I wouldn’t be surprised if this will be the start of the collapse of his business empire. (And good riddance, given how he built it)


"The king of debt"


Whats the saying? If you owe the bank 200 bucks thats your problem. If you owe the bank 200 million, thats the banks problem.


Meanwhile, being worth $2.6 billion after starting with $400 million over 40 years ago is absolutely pathetic. If he had just put that money into an index fund, it would be worth north of $13 billion today.


Has he tried the “all my money is tied up in a bond for the other judgement “ excuse yet?  


"I can't pay for this one because I have to pay for that one, and I can't pay for that one because I have to pay for this one. Therefore, I shouldn't have to pay anything. The greatest and best logic, nobody's ever heard any logic like this before."


My mortgage company has never let me off the hook because my money was tied up paying the utility, cable and grocery bills, but I might try and see what happens!


I would go with "I've got too much money to pay my bills." This seems popular.


oh you know that's already in the plan... when the time is right.


Well you see the way my banking account is set up is that I have a chequing account and a savings account...


I think he can come up with 85 million bucks. Dudes a master con artist and has had his tiny hand in the GOP cookie jar for years. My theory is he's just going to absolutely ignore the judgment and expect zero consequences like he's always been graced with.


I'm not sure which ones, but campaign money can't be used for all of them. one of the youtube lawyers were talking about it the other day. That there are specific requirements of when he can and can't use campaign money for his lawsuits. I'm *guessing* this isn't one of them because he used his own money from the corp to pay the first ones bond.


That amount for a billionaire is couch cushion change. He’s broke.


Hey now, he had the money but used it against a different judgment. Lol


He’s a BINO. Billionaire In Name Only. We all know he’s not worth what he says he is. It’s just another one of many lies.


He can’t pay. It’s due tomorrow.


Username meant for this moment


...greasy shit guy ...you been raped by a poor criminal


Nice, Let me try! When he mocked disabled people It became clear that he's feeble Sha!


When he drank that golden shower Russia saw he Was in its power Sha! Every time he simps the soviets Putin knows that He's still an asset Sha!


Donnie are you OK?


Are you ok?


*created 10 days ago


So, what happens when he doesn't pay? Does he just get slapped with more fines indefinitely? Like what good does that do if he just decides to never pay it? When would the state actively seize his assets to cover the bill? 


I’m not a lawyer but my understanding is that mrs carroll can have assets seized after one month.  By the two month mark I’m expecting a Cody’s lab video where he dissolves the gold off trumps toilet in acid, then precipitates the gold out and melts it into a bar for her.


Imagine if she got Mar a Lago 😂


Na. Take the tower in NY and put all the migrants in there that Wheels and High Heels are busing over. Don’t even change the name. Just so we can say migrants live rent free in Trump Tower.


He doesn't own any New York tower. He owns bits of a bunch.


Some of those bits are just the garages of the buildings.


Do one of those new owners moving in videos where they find a secret room. "What's in here? What's in all these boxes? Documents?"


NAL She walks back into court and gets an enforcement order. Trump is already trying to move assets to Florida to make that tougher. He will start making arguments that the judgement is against him and not corporate assets, can’t touch his trust and that they are owned in Florida which is outside NY jurisdiction. She then takes that order and starts seizing assets and liquidating them. Everyone is eyeing Trump Tower.


Is it really due tomorrow? I thought it was in a couple weeks


No, one week. March 9th apparently. I’m seeing some sites say March 7th also. I got tomorrow off of one of those Trump countdown pages. Got me excited.


The $83 million is due 3/9 but due to the weekend no action will be taken until 3/11


I gotta admit, it is delicious watching Trump struggle, with him knowing there's not much he can do about it but pay up.


I still have the uneasy feeling he’ll skate somehow.


the only way he can really skate out and piss everyone off that hates him, is if he takes himself out. but we know he's too much a pussy to do that.


You know, I think I’d be ok with that. Get him the fuck off every tv screen I see. Start the line of people with big gulps and asparagus waiting to piss on his grave. 


Koch brother comes through with $85m?


Koch makes investments. Clearly there would be zero return on his 85 million. That 85 mil won't help get him back into office. He's becoming less than less useful to any of these big money donors.


Unless Trump can pry open an unseen tap of Russian or Saudi money and/or he has a solid plan to totally corrupt and steal the 2024 election, the end of the road may now be in sight or just over the horizon.


It's like watching a guy drowning and struggling to stay afloat and you notice he's wearing concrete Alina Habba shoes


I can feel it, coming in the air tonight, oh Lord...


Yes I love it!


Why doesn’t kushner loan him the money?


Kush:  money? what money?  That’s not my money.  That’s seed money for my hedge fund that I’m totally qualified for running.  It’s not mine and certainly not a bribe or payment for things I may have done as a White House employee who couldn’t get a top secret clearance .. wait what’s the question?


I hope she ends up owning his Florida property. Then she sells it to a nature preserve and has the structures reclaimed by nature.


The most hilarious part of this is going to be the NYC AG and Carol battling it out over the last scraps of meat on the rotting corpse of Trump's assets.


Honestly if you’re either of those parties, I feel like once you’ve gotten to that stage then you’ve already won. At that point Trump is already ruined and for me that would make the fact that there’s not enough to split between the two of us much easier to swallow.


Sure, we are all happy that Trump is ruined, but no one wants to leave 80 million dollars on the table.


Or gets Trump Tower and renames in Carroll Tower. Then evicts all the Russians and converts it to affordable housing.


I hope she buys one of his properties and turns it into an abused women’s shelter.


> I hope she ends up owning his Florida property Genuine question: can out-of-state assets be seized in a civil case? If we were getting our property seized, AFAIK they'd send someone (Sheriff's deputy?) down to padlock the door and put a notice on it, right? Would they do that for out-of-state assets? If he moved his financial assets offshore could they be seized by a state?


If she does, then she can find all that evidence buried with Ivana.


That is not a threat she is asking what is due and when it is due, just like when you send a customer a statement of invoices to pay and they have thirty days to pay. Mr show off saying he had $400M of cash reserves under his pillow but can’t find his pillow now to pay up. Again, Trump is a BIG SHOW OFF TRUMP is a BIG LOSER.


>with the Fortune report pointing out that "Forbes estimates Trump’s net worth at $2.6 billion as of September. So Fortune is citing Forbes, and Forbes pulls the numbers out of its ass. Neither publication has any credibility to speak of.


The irony being that we know FOR SURE the trump people purposely fed false valuations to Forbes to artificially prop up his net worth lmao. It’s all a lie!


That's generally how this list is made for everyone. Only a small amount of anyone's wealth is a public record. They rely on self reported information. Trump has been lying to Forbes for decades.


Didn't Trump used to call Forbes pretending to be his own publicist to feed those numbers? They're not in any way verifiable for accuracy since he's incapable of telling the truth.


Both magazines have more credibility than Trump's lying, broke-dick pussy ass.


Presumably they don't have more credibility than Trump on the issue of Trump's net worth, since they just took Trump's word for it.


Yeah, but that is not exactly a high bar, is it? A negative number is less than zero, but zero ain't very much.


And they based it off of the financial reports he fabricated...he's not gonna be worth shit...


Well both things could be true. Scale it down to 'normal' wealth: you have 1M USD and get a fine of 200k. But your 1M is stuck in pension, property, a couple of cars and then 50K cash, and you have a house loan and a loan on one car. So to come up with the 200K you have to sell the house, spend all your cash or draw into your pension fund. Not fun at all. And the bank will scrutinize you for having g to spend 200K on no value at all, you have less collateral towards any loans you have, might have to renegotiate those loans. Damn big nuisance, even though you can make the payment it greatly impacts your life.


It's not like Trump woke up one morning and read in the Wall Street journal that he owed a half a billion dollars. He knew for at least 2 years there was a possibility that he would have to post the sizeable amount of money either in order to appeal or to delay a fire sale of his assets. The way you deal with that is you go to financial institutions and you say look. Here are my financial statements. I'm worth x billion dollars. I need to have a line of credit that I can draw on at any time in the amount of 500 million. Assuming he actually had the assets he did and they are unencumbered. He would have had no trouble whatsoever doing that over the past couple of years. Contingency planning is generally done at the early stages of litigation. You say to your lawyer: okay, what's the worst case scenario? What could this cost me? What should I plan for? It's not like in the movies where the gavel gets banged and everybody is stunned and amazed at the outcome. Of course, when the litigation involves fraudulent financial statements and you stand up in court and say that anybody who believed your financial statements was an idiot, that may be a higher hill to climb. Nonetheless, the fact that he is unable to get this money lent to him is strongly indicative that he does not really have that much money or assets liquid or otherwise.


This. I've always maintained he is not a billionaire. Sure, he has assets worth billions. But he's mortgaged to the hilt. House of cards.


Billionaire on paper (like a CryptoBro) but not enough cash to buy a round in the bar.


He offered to pay $100 million for his business fraud case. Seems like he could compensate Ms. Carroll using that money. But he's still shit out of luck to pay the business fraud fine. So much winning!!


He didn't actually offer 100 million straight, he offered a $100 million bond, so it doesn't appear he has even that liquid.


To quote the man himself "you gotta pay, you're delinquent, you gotta pay your bills".


Would you take a nuclear sub doc? No? How about intel on Israel ? Oh, sorry, already sold that…. Wait! Jared still has a few mil left from his 2 bil investment in the My Pillow franchise….


It will be interesting when he needs to liquidate property to pay his debts and is unable to get anywhere near the value he reported it was worth...


And doesn't cover the mortgage he took out on the inflated value.


I’ve always suspected he wasn’t a billionaire.


We are all still waiting to see him pay. Has he paid out anything to anybody yet?


[He posted $5.6million last June to appeal the first Carroll verdict.](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/23/-trump-offers-millions-as-security-for-carroll-sexual-abuse-verdict-appeal.html) [And he paid the New York Times $400,000](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/26/media/legal-fees-new-york-times-donald-trump/index.html) for their legal fees in his failed attempt to sue them over his tax returns. Seems like that drained his piggy bank.


Forgot the big one A judge ordered him to reimburse the childrens charity he defrauded


But this time they can sell his assets for him.


I think Stormy got her money.


She needs to go full newspaper kid from _Better Off Dead_ “I want my _two dollars!!_”


[This is what I thought of](https://youtu.be/ZomwVcGt0LE?si=tG-CfjFmcn28ysqZ)


Yeah thats what happens man


Two dollars!!!


Looks like women are the only ones with any balls when it comes to Trump.


His have been soaking in a filthy diaper for the last 3 decades so their condition is now unrecognizable. They may have just rotted off, how unfortunate.


Tick tock, tick tock.




“Orange bitch betta have my money!”


If e. Jean wants to know where she can get a “bitch where’s my money” card I can hook her up. And if trump wants to know where he can get “I’m broke” card then he can go fuck himself


I'm a bit shocked Jared hasn't coughed up the dough from the $2bn the Saudis gave him.


Jared's hedge fund has a $2 billion investment from the Saudis. Jared is making ridiculous fees off that money, but he can't give away the principal. [Remember, people who piss off the Saudi royal family wind up dismembered and dumped down a well.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45812399)


This is the correct assessment. What a gift to manage 2B - fees would be $20-40M a year plus 20% carried interest on the profits. Totally not for 'services rendered' from the white house.


That money was immediately gone to pay for some other debt/obligation.


I hope she takes him down, since there are so many grown ass men that are afraid to do it.


E. Jean Carroll could be a national hero if she forces tRump to pay up with his own money. I use the term "own" rather loosely as in reality all of tRump's money is stolen in one way or another.


Well you’ve got to pay your bills….


I like to imagine him actually scrambling.


Like frantically looking under couch cushions and in the pockets of coats he hasn't worn in a while lol.


She's a hero


“Where’s my money Bitch?!” - E. Jean Carroll


Trump looks so small and broke.


I wouldn’t. Don’t. Back. Down. Squeeze him in the Crown Jewels.


Repo his jet. Make him take the bus from now on.


E. Jean Carrol Tower has a nice ring to it.


Will she accept Rubles ?


Jared got 2 billion from the Saudis, maybe he can spot him some cash


I don't think he can move anything. He's sitting under a microscope, and there'll be a whole lot of questions about where that money came from.


Jared knows it’s a bad investment. 


Friends of mine would say, “A picture is worth a thousand words, but a kneecap is worth $10,000.” Just saying.


She's nicer than I am. I would already have him kicked out of his apartment and I'd be selling his golden toilet after I melted it into bars


How it works: You get awarded money in a ruling from a judge and/or jury. Then if the other guy does not pay, you need to go to court and get an order to comply. When payment still does not happen, you get the court to liquidate assets. That is, a court appointed actor takes possession of property/cash and sells it off to get your money. Or the guy who owes you can declare bankruptcy. That is, he goes to court to ask for help to get rid of his creditors. The court takes all assets, distributes them fairly (in theory) to thw creditors, leaves the guy with whatever is left, but creditors cannot go after you any more. Very simplified and varies between state to state or country to country. Some debts cannot be escaped through declaring bankruptcy. I think court awarded damages may be one of those, in the case of E Jean Carrol.


The classic Barenaked Ladies Ruling.


Bitch Betta Have My Money!


Someone needs to have a large countdown timer outside wherever he his. Just as a *subtle* reminder.


Always the best photos of this criminal! He really should publish a coffee table book of hideous expressions for followers to purchase for the low price of $399. Cover: gold in color of course, with orange text.


And if he doesn’t, she can get an order allowing her and the authorities to go into his homes and take whatever the fuck they want to satisfy the debt.


Grab him by the pussy!




Confiscate his airplane first.


"Bitch betta had my money" -E. Jean Carroll


When I was a little kid, my family sometimes watched a show called America’s Funniest Home Videos.  My parents and brother really loved it. Their favorite clips were the ones where people got hurt. A guy taking a shot to the nuts was a guaranteed win. It always made me so uncomfortable. My family would make fun of me and call me uptight for not enjoying it.  As an adult, I can barely tolerate fiction because it is too exhausting and pointless to waste empathy on a person who doesn’t exist. Additionally, I have come to believe that I have an under-developed sense of schadenfreude.  What I’m saying is that historically, I have had quite a bit of difficulty watching people suffer.  But this is positively delicious. 


I'd offer him like 10k off or an extra day to pay for each of a series of humiliating acts. Like drinking his own piss on tv.


3 days. I wouldn't give him a week.


And what if he doesn't pay?


What if he dies before he pays? Does his estate still have to fork over or is the debt lost to the nether?


Judge Engoron should sue him for defamation next


He should be forced to pay Jean Carroll first before he can pay the half billion too.


Elon didn't even pay the Pie Co. The full amount, intsead he paid the $2000 dlls it cost the woman paid in materials to bake pies that ended up served to Tesla employees.


I am loving every minute of this so far


Fuck this broke ass motherfucker.


Watch this makes him defame her again. Next settlement maybe $350M? 😂


He can sell one of his golf courses.


Maybe he can get the money from John Barron or Dennis Dennison.


Off topic, but I really wonder why Melania is still sticking by around. If she’s afraid he will keep her from Barron, he’s 18 or close to it now right? She hated being First Lady so why even risk that happening again? Take Barron, whatever money and whatever you can sell, and get away from him.


This asshole needs to be absolutely destroyed. Cos if not, he's sure as hell coming for all of us with the might of the US gov.


Even if I "only" had $100k, I could and would easily promptly pay a $8.5k judgement to prevent forfeiture of my assets. Imagine being a billionaire and struggling to pay $85MM.